CATEGORY: Business & Finances
LisainMA November 18, 2009
I received a fax from offering "free submission to". The fine print says that the agreement is for $89 a month for 2 years ($2136.00 !!!) and will automatically renew for 1 year unless the contract is terminated in writing at least 3 months prior to the renewal date. The web site doesn't exist. A web search of the sender, Yellow Publishing Ltd, brings up listing of the same scam in other states (YellowPage-Colorado, YellowPage-Michigan, etc.). read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
the horizon outlet store
waitin4u2b November 18, 2009
misleading ad lead me to believe I was paying a processing fee for a national credit card not a restricted one to a specific internet outlet. I don't need this type of card. Can anyone who has had this same situration happen to them tell me how to get a refund? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
lenore_i November 18, 2009
My husband went to apply for a quick cash loan and got denied but that didn't stop them from charging our bank account $33.98 for some identity protection... Not only did they take my money unauthorized.. they also overdrew my account... They should have to pay the overdraft fees also... I spoke with a representative and she said to go to this website and put in this cancellation number and I will be refunded.. But the site actually states that it will only submit it for an approval and let you know in 72 hours whether you've been approved or not.. If they deny me then I'll be getting a lawyer.. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Xmas Draws
sandeep.g.p November 18, 2009
i got a message like i have won and i give my full details of mine but now they are scaring me they took my account number also i have full details of it ====BARCLAYS BANK PLC===== Address- Atlas House 1-7 Kings Street London EC2V8AU Tel: - +448712456324 Fax: +448712456324 Department- Accounts Department Head Of Department- Mr.Gilbert Kings Date - 14/11-2009 ======================================================================== MAIL FROM BARCLAYS BANK PLC Dear Valued Customer BENEFACTOR Thi... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
sue2711 November 18, 2009
Ordered free trial of whitening gel advert says only pay for postage so authorised £4.95 to my credit card. Just rang my card company and they have taken an additional £30.30 and £7.37 all on the same day within a few hours of each transaction. Have cancelled my card to stop further amounts being taken, judging by the other complaints I got off light but still need people to beware as it is a SCAM... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
joni curry November 18, 2009
being charged on my credit card for something I never ordered, called they credited my account and on the same day charged me again under a different business. First one was mvqshopessplus then mvqbizmax read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
A+ Engine Builder Specialist LLC
FanK56 November 18, 2009
I bought a remanufactured engine for a Dodge 2002 Stratus, and was sent a peice of junk engine. Parts that should have been attached to engine were not, cam gears were pitted and useless. My mechanic had never seen such a peice of junk for $2, 000.00. Tryed to sent it back, was told "No Returns". On top of that the engine was shipped and was at least 5 weeks late in deliverly, with no explainations as to why, when I would call. I have put in $1, 200.00 extra to fix the problems with it, and will not be reimbust one penney by... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Dele November 18, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Business Consulting Service
MihW45 November 18, 2009
Unfairness, sconful, hatred and false accusation. The unit manager always single me out for any other things that the other employ does. What is normal for other is not normal for me. Always watch over what I do to get my terminated. No peace at the place of work. My manager plan to fraustrate me to resign from job because I have master in Nursing (MSN)graduate degree while she have an Associate degree from 2 years college. She always accused me that I want to be a leader but I forget that " a leader have to be a servant first before becoming a leader." She make feel that I am a treat to her job. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Albert Justo
Zqk54 November 18, 2009
I live in NY and recently purchased an apt with Alberto Justo, plenty of buyers buy properties without even traveling down to see them, I made that same mistake. He found me the apt, the numbers made sense, he sent me pictures which he claimed he took of the place with his digital camera. I agreed to proceed with the purchase. A week after the closing I came down to FL to look at the property, the property was damaged, there were no floors, holes in the wall, etc... I found out the pics he sent me were of another apt in the building. He scammed me just so he can make a quick buck, i will never work with him again. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
pww, internet biz
PaulDavid November 18, 2009
I was on google, Ad words which I subscribed to, next thing i know I have 50 pounds deducted from my Bank Account. which I want back.. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
livingmedia India today
T LAKSHMANA MURTHY November 18, 2009
Booked Kodak camera through phone through credit card for R. 5698 on 12 10 09, But as on date I have not recieved the consignment. My mob no is 09372970061, . Please look in to the matter and settle the issue. My Email id is [email protected] My billing transaction ID is 7770062285 dated 12/10/2009 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
aqua reviva
Leaking water purifier... Aqua Guard Rev November 18, 2009
Leaking water purifier... Aqua Guard Reviva, unit serial no 8003231, costomer code no 1510003294 I bought above mentioned Eureka Forbes water purifier about 3 year ago, After one year it started leaking as unit was under annual service maintanance conract of authorised service centre, contract receipt no.AG 96B 10184796 M/S.Mayuri Enterprises at Ichalkaranji, dist Kolhapur (m.s) I logged a complaint but the local service person could not repair and he told me an expert technical person will come from kolhapur or pune to repair water... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Ewing Bros.
Kira K. November 18, 2009
We did not authorize or agree to any fees incurred. Car was stolen, towing yard Police authorized to tow the car charges hundeds of dollars of fees and demands only cash payment for a relationship that we did not choose to establish - as the victims of a theift crime. FEEL FREE TO USE THIS REAL LIFE LETTER SENT TO EWING BROS. AS A TEMPLATE FOR YOUR OWN COMPLAINTS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Ewing Bros: On approx. November 2, 2009 you towed my... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
at and t wireless
playdizzy06 November 18, 2009
In one of my bill summaries my amount due was different by $10. I noticed right away being that I always stay under my minutes used and do not use any extra services other then what i have signed on the contract! I was charged by a company saying that I downloaded something from them. (They dont even say if it was music, a picture, a ringtone, etc.!!!) They are completey crazy! I just saw my bill 12 minutes ago! and texted STOP to a 73288 number listed on my billing summary!!! It is too late to call my mobile company but I will first thing... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
DMV California, Concord Office
Ikenna November 18, 2009
I bought a car, and the guy I bought the from told me he will be going to the dmv to take care of the papers, and never mentioned that the renewal was pass due, when I took the papers to dmv to change the ownership, the dmv told me that I must pay the pastdue that was in the car before I bought the car, and my question is why will dmv force me to pay for money that is owned them by another person. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Kathryn Stapp November 18, 2009
Nov 17, 2009 ... DRI has placed 2 unauthorized charges on my account in the amount of $89.90 each . I made no such transactions. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Doug Carney
Terrorized November 17, 2009
I found hidden cameras and radio transmitters in the home I rented from Doug Carney. I believe he got them from the Deputy who owns the house next door since there was a buried phone cable found in the yard with paint that is the same color as the Deputy's house. I moved out of state, because ANY type of business I tried to do was 'tampered' and we started to get threatening phone calls dyring the night. Of course they have ALL personal information, and have electronically followed us to our new state, further causing mental stress, and slander. WHAT can you do when the cop is the crook?? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
aoc lcd November 17, 2009
Dear sir, we have hdfc credit card running seven branch at madurai in tamil nadu. but all branch hdfc bank credic card machine not properly running well. Note : Disturb our sales sir/madam. pls consider this complaint. regards j.thilagar 9786400027 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
LB Envision acaiberry & life cleanse
Leca Horii November 17, 2009
I have also fallen in this trap. I am from Brazil and when I heard about it I thought it was good for my health but it has gotten me sick, literaly. Not only I have had problems with my blood pressure after using it, but also I am in a shit load of trouble with my debt due to the unauthorized charges that this company has been doing. I have been charged over 700 dollars and my credit card said that they can not despute the charges. I can not get a hold of the company, there are no email addresses, no physical address nor a phone where I can... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
A&S Collections
Laurel Summit November 17, 2009
I contracted with A&S to collect monies totaling $233, 966.12 from past due accounts of 8 total parties. I signed contracts and and paid them $2, 999.00 on April 27, 2005 to collect the above totals. To date I have not recieved anything but complete lies that they are working on the accounts for me. They have a written Guarantee that if they don't provide collection of at least the initial process fee of $2, 999.00 in 12 months the would make a refund of the difference of collects and the process fee. I have requested my initial... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Fitness Hub/ My Trainer
adl November 17, 2009
Back in July I ordered a supplement from Recently while looking over my bank statements I saw that I have been charged $29.95 for four months in a row. I called the company and explained that I never authorized these charges. The customer service representiative told me that when I ordered I was signed up for a free trial and I would not have been charged if I would of cancelled the trial within the first 7 days. If I would of known there was a free trial then I would of cancelled it but I never recieved the confirmation email... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
poster pass. com
damnmikey November 17, 2009
iv'e never heard of this biz..until they stole my money 79$ read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
swifty rewards discount buying club
cheryl swanson November 17, 2009
I saw an add by Google, I thought to make extra money and sent for the kit which high jacked my credit card number when I agreed to use their coupon. I now realize after seeing all the complaints on line that this has happened to thousands of people and needs to be stopped. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Chevy Chase Bank / Chevy Chase Online Access
M. R. Smith Jr. November 17, 2009
Chevy Chase Bank has the worst Treasury Mangement customer service department. Recently I got locked out of my Chevy Chase Online Access account and called the Treasury Management helpdesk. I left a message at around 8:00 in the morning. I called back at half hour intervals until 3 p.m. and never had any luck with getting a live person on the line. I would estimate I made a total of 15 plus calls to the helpdesk (240-497-7828) and left atleast 5 messages. This is not a one time experience with Chevy Chase Bank. In fact things have... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
vibrant beauty 11
Amy Doran November 17, 2009
stop taken money from my account or else u will b hearing from my lawyer read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: New Zealand
Oak N Spruce Silverleaf
U Know who I am November 17, 2009
Michael Morrell is the new General Manager of this property. he comes from Texas with a reputation of making sales, regardless of the cost. He has stepped on so many toes, he had to take the new spot in Mass. because he had to look over his shoulder everywhere he went in Texas. He's quickly off to a similar beginning with his bullying, threatening and abusive tactics. He cares nothing about the property he manages, and even less about the "suckers" that are the victim of aggressive sales tactics. Do yourself, and your... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Bartecla LLC NY
galpalsal November 17, 2009
I also have a strange transaction on my Visa bill from Bartecla LLC, on 10/29. I am notifying my credit card company. The amount is only $9.72, but this may be a test transaction. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
mjmrn November 17, 2009
Again, I feel like I have been raped all over. I have cancelled my subscription/charges/contract with both of these companies. I have emails with authorized return numbers per their policies so that I would not be charge by my credit card company ORCHARD BANK HSBC. I retuned the products with the nu, mbers include and even sent them certified by USPS so there would be no delay in getting these products back to their rightful owners. I still have DOUBLE charges on my credit card from PRISTINE and ONE FROM TOTAL WHITE. How are we to be protected... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Martin BioChem Inc. November 17, 2009
I have an unauthorized charge of $44.95 charged to my credit card on October 21, 2009 with the notation: DRI*TREND MICRO ORDERFIND.COM MN When I entered the e-mail address it brought up the Complaints Board. Did Complaints Board charge me without authorization the $44.95? If so I want that charge reversed and an explanation given with an e-mail to me at [email protected] explaining the situation and its resolvement. Please do this immediately. Ken Martin read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Dazzle white/Dzzle smile
anonymous24 November 17, 2009
Dazzle white or dazzle smile which comes up beutyclub on credit card statements withdraws money from your credit card after the trial period ends (14 days after) you sign up for the trial. Make sure you cancell before the 14 day period ends or u will be charged and if you are charged make sure you cancel not long after as they have got a payment which u can not recover from them, so call the number that shows on your credit card statement. I was tricked along with many others who may not have read the fine print in the terms and agreement... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
greatfun card
brendaacloud November 17, 2009
they took 15.99 out of my account for membership of this coupon discount site . but i never recieved the card nor andy thing about it two months ago i signed up for 250.00 worth of free food at walmart .never got that in the mail nor the 40.00 gas coupon .but they seen to charge my account for something i never got. brenda read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
champan executive suties
pulsor sybils November 17, 2009
i had an office with this guy cary hes the worst good thing i lef in time left all my offices i cant stand this guy. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Windham Resorts
Jamo November 17, 2009
I made the biggest mistake of my life a year or so ago by buying in to a Trend West or now called Windham Resorts timeshare. Not only do they pressure you to buy as if you're being attacked by the mob, but then after you're an owner you start discovering all the lies and hidden fees involved in owning a timeshare. Besides the $200.00 per month you have to pay for the basic credit package of 6000 there are monthly association dues of nearly $50.00 and housekeeping charges that cost as much as a nice hotel room at the Best Western! Now... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
V&V Online Inc,
Dave's November 17, 2009
$12.99 unauthorized charge on American Express charge card. No details, no contact information. phone number obtained online defaults to fax tone. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
dominion masonry (now changed to 5 star masonry)
ticked customer November 17, 2009
this company practices taking peoples money and giving very bad workmanship. no licenses. this company owner changes their name and number every few months so to erase their paper trail. they travel around offering work with a 5 yr warranty and have never stuck to that. total robbery job. ask to see the business license- doesn't exist. People need to stick together and get rid of these "rake and rob" businesses. they do not answer their complaints, or honor their warranties. Their work vehicle is full of alcohol all day long-... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Michah Ferry
LaNurse November 17, 2009
Michah Ferry does not have permission to use this debit card that ends in 6940 to pay for his phone minutes or however his phone works. I may of given him permission one time which was September 29, 2009, and now money has been removed on Oct. 30, 2009 and Nov. 13, 2009. I do not want to see any come out in December or I will dispute it at which time you will not get your money. Your help in this matter would be appreciated. Thank You Loris Ferry You may contact me at [email protected]. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
xm brands cancun
12suthernbelle12 November 17, 2009
There was a 79.97 charge to my credit card and we dont even know who this company is!!! Never ordered anything online! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Corporate Capital Team Inc.
sewsewsew72 November 17, 2009
Corporate Capital Team, Inc. is a FRAUD, promising to obtain non-refundable business/personal grants. They say they also provide business loans, corporate structuring, business plans and power point presentations, and NON-REPAYABLE BUSINESS GRANTS. Their total fee is $6, 000, of which $2, 400. is required up front to start the process and if you want them to create a business plan for you, it's a mere $2, 500 on top of their "Total fee". They promise to provide the services of foundation research, letter writing, grant... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
UL Servicesonline
Arrakis November 17, 2009
This company said they would give me a 5000 loan that would cost 149 a month to pay back but that i have to give them a 641 collateral payment first. I decided that before I send them any money I wanted to know more about them so started pulling up info on the computer and LO and BEHOLD!! All these complaints on Complaints Board. I emailed company and ask them to send me ALL documents and can you believe they said... "There is no more long contracts these days" and said it wasnt necessarry for them to send me documents or for me to... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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