CATEGORY: Business & Finances

lucid September 12, 2009
This company is a nightmare to work with. They undercut people's pay routinely, and intentionally, hoping they will eventually get fed up with the run-around and just let it go. "Fake checks" isn't the way to put it, but it was the closest thing that was fitting. They don't even OFFER checks as an option. You need to choose either direct deposit or have the money put on a "Skylight" card... either option will end up with the same result, the money not getting into your account, either at all, or less of it than... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
TCN September 12, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
neetu k saini September 12, 2009
On Sep 12, 2009 a transaction comes to my credit card account for the amount of $80.90. I'v never heard of this company and have never authorized any payment. When i try calling the number provided, no live representative is there to listen to my complaint. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Kathy9 September 12, 2009 website has many options they ask for personal infomation and a password before they let to get any infomationat all . Last June I was browsing for a site to sell on so I went into google and put my info in BUT WHEN I SAW HOW EXPENSIVE IT WAS I GOT OUT OF THE SITE FAST AND NEVER RETUNED AGAIN. nEVER HEARD FROM THE COMPANY EITHER. I live on social security alone and have mega medical bills I cant afford to the point I go without filling prescriptions and do not go to office visits because of lack for money . On 9/10 I noticed I... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
canara bank, indira nagar, lucknow
surendra kumar gautam September 12, 2009
ATM Card of Union bank of India Complaints - No cash withdrawl, but A/c. debited by Rs.200/- I have used my DEBIT Card / ATM Card No. 4213685722003004 of Union Bank of India, balrampur Branch, balrampur in canara Bank Atm situated at indira nagar, lucknow, on 31.08.2009 for withdrawl of Rs.200/- unfortunately, No cash delivred by ATM, but my A/c. No. 572202010000926 was debited by same amount. Kindly credit my Above mentioned A/c. urgently & oblige. Rergards, surendra kumar gautam read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Trenitalia vendita
widiyanto September 12, 2009
Dear Sir, i was shocked when i was called by my Citibank that someone has been used my Credit Card to do transaction with Trenitalia Vendita with amount Euro 123.90. Actually i have been Fraudulent 3 transaction such Vola Gratis ( Bravo Fly ) with Amount Euro 324.09, Planet Sport with amount Euro 345.65 and Trenitalia vendita with Euro 123.90. This is a Big Amount for Indonesian People and Me. Please Help me to Cancel This Transaction that i didnt do it. Please Check The Transaction that used Credit Card Number 5401-8401-1270-0748 on 04... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Indonesia
danica_atasha September 12, 2009
RODWAY SHIPPING COMPANY LONDON ... Thursday, September 10, 2009 9:33:22 PM From: RODWAY SHIPPING CO UK. <[email protected]> [Chat now] ... Add to Contacts To: [email protected] HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT RODWAY SHIPPING COMPANY LONDON. 1312 HILL SIDE AVENUE YORKSHIRE-LONDON ME16 78 JE Tel: +44702409587 Fax: 1895 425982 RODWAY SHIPPING COMPANY LONDON. (UK)is interested in talented individuals who excel in their area of expertise, make superior business contributions, demonstrate strong... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Philippines
Tidewater Credit Services
CJF September 12, 2009
Tidewater Credit Services is a big scam. I purchased furniture from Rooms to Go, and agreed to have a same balance financed through Tidewater. I agreed to 90 days same as cash. I paid my balance in full withing 90 days of receiving the 1st bill, however if you do not pay 90 within the delivery date, I was charged 21% interest on the total amount charged. Not 21% on the balanced owed, but the total amount that was charged. Maybe this is okay for some people, but I know if you try to do the right thing and make payments on time, then you shouldn't be penalized so heavily. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
tcf minnsota
track September 12, 2009
TCF has been misreporting on my online account. Charging me for Pending transactions, then again after they post. They sem to let my items pend and subtract the amount from my account so i no howmuch i have left and thats fine but when i go back to check after they post theres a NSF fee. This a Ripoff Cause when i buy the item the funds are in my account. I have started watch my account allthe time but im scared to look at it cause there could bae another NSF FEE for a 1 $35 for a pending $1 door fee or a online banking fee or a none... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
business cards
franklinghosh September 12, 2009
Popular flyers are the business cards, Leaflets became popular during the 1980s and 1990s. They are constantly evolving and a lot of creativity is coming into play. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
elena solano September 12, 2009
i dids not subscribe they aredebitfrom my account every month £29.95plkease return all my money you will have aa your karma.i never realise they are debiting for 6 months read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
elena solano September 12, 2009
i did not subscroibe.theyare taking money frm my debit card worth£23.79every month read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
JenniferS3335 September 12, 2009
I have several complaints against Quest. I was b eing charged for 8 months for a voicemail box service for someone else - the charge was under "billing services" so I never questioned it until I went to reduce my services. I also continued to have my bill increase even though I wasn't doing anything different. I was told that I was on a contract so when I changed my phone options they increased my internet bill. Most recent my service has been temporarily shutoff and it's friday and I can't find out why. I am NEVER late... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
elena solano September 12, 2009
i did not subscribe worth £20.00 every monththey are getting money from my account s, , £20, oo read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
elena solano September 12, 2009
i did not subscribe they are getting money from my account worth £23.40 every monthplease return my money. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
elena solano September 12, 2009
i did not subscribe they are debiting from my account worth£22.58everymonth.please i am bakkrupt i need my money back. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
elena solano September 12, 2009
i did not subscribe thet are debiting from my debit card woth £6.99every month for six month.please return my money. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
elena solano September 12, 2009
i did not subscribe for this they debited money from my debit card every month for £29.95 not only every month but every week thats why i dont have money to buy food for my children.why like that .they must return my money.. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
iphone 3 G
TO the [email protected] m/s india times online shopping DEAR SIRS AS I PURCHASED TWO MOBLIE PHONES IPHONE 3G THROGH ONLINE USERID <thyparambil_g> 1.ORDER NO 11155884 dated march 7th 2009 2. ORDER NO. 111568385 dated 14th march 2009 the both phones delivered by M/S JAISON ELECTRONICS MUMBAI.416, DAULAT BHAVAN, KALBHADEVI. MUMBAI 400002. the first phone from m/s technix bill dated 13/3/2009 worrking ok and iam using it personnolly now the second iphone from m/s teknix bill dated 17/3/2009 i... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Geo Holiday Club/Jockey Club Las Vegas, NV
Sh67 September 12, 2009
This is a huge scam.. Geo sales representatives do NOT fully disclose all details.. PLEASE READ ALL DOCUMENTS INCLUDING (THE PUBLIC OFFERING STATEMENT) BEFORE SIGNING ANYTHING!! Sales reps told me not to worry about reading all the info "We don't expect you to read all this info now, you can read it later and let us know if you have any questions". You DO have 5 days from the signing date to revoke/back out.. Make sure you read everything! It's all in writing, but sales reps are very careful to deter you from seeing/reading key information. Don't be another victim. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
MAMTA SINGH September 12, 2009
Dear Sir, My credit card no. 4317515074464687 has invalid, but new card issue inmeditally. Thanks with regards MAMTA SINGH 9871773731 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
pack 350/-
imsandy5 September 12, 2009
Dear Sir/Madam, my self Sandip Kumar Verma I am using Internet connection of Spectra Smart form last 6 month.most time connection is not working properly when I am calling to service provider then it is working for 1 or 2 hour after that again same thing happening and 2nd thing he take in cannection time 450/- and now increase the rate of cannection 500/-, So am not satisfied this kind of service. my address 37-A, Panchvati, near Rakesh-Marg Gaziabad 201001 my mob no: 9911717515 My Area service provider no is 120(4101080) Thanks & Regards Sandip Kumar Verma read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Whitning Brites / Dazzle White Max
kkarrenbrock September 12, 2009
I would Like to give a warning to all future potential victims of this company. I had ordered the free trial of Whitening Brites and canceled in the time frame allowed both (written e-mail and phone). To make sure it was canceled...Whitening Brites sent me e-mail confirmation the Membership was cancelled, which I saved and the Phone confirmation said all was canceled even though I declined other offers at the Trial Time. All was done so to speak. Going over My bank statements with my banker turn out to be very interesting to say the least!!... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
HealthMember/ VH Access/ Memberships/ OnV-Weightloss
kkarrenbrock September 12, 2009
I would Like to give a warning to all future potential victims of this company. I had ordered the free trial of Whitening Brites and canceled in the time frame allowed both (written e-mail and phone). To make sure it was canceled...Whitening Brites sent me e-mail confirmation the Membership was cancelled, which I saved and the Phone confirmation said all was canceled even though I declined other offers at the Trial Time. All was done so to speak. Going over My bank statements with my banker turn out to be very interesting to say the least!!... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Countrywide/Bank of America
janet atkin September 11, 2009
Bank of America recently bought out Countrywide and refuse to honor an existing Modification Agreement I have in place. They have refused to accept anymore of my Payments in accordance w/my Modification Agreement and have turned my Home of 20 years over to a Third Party Law Firm who is filing Foreclosure on my property. This Bank is all about theft of property while their executives have been given millions by Obama Administration for the stimulas plan, however; no one internally knows how is works yet! I have hired a Lawyer to go after this white collar fraudulant company who all hold titles of Vice President. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
cbdc AKA Coastal Credit Solutions
SoldiersHoney September 11, 2009
this company and its affiliates are beyond scammers I don't even know where to begin.. I contacted this company about 3 years ago, and out of all of the companies they seemed the most legit, I went through BBB they even suggested to me to locate them under BBB and to google the companies name, yea thats because under coastal credit solutions there aren't any bad reviews and there wasn't a bad grade...but now people are finally starting to put the two together...once I talked through almost two hours of details I electronically... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Blasingwords September 11, 2009
domenic chancellor email domenicchancellor)[email protected] sent out a debt collection notice in email with NO DETAIL whatsoever about an account as an a attachement saying to pay a $99 dollar debt in a form letter manner which looks intimidatong to the hapless. claimed company was NDC and no further info. neither company nor his mail link show up on google. DO NOT PAY without proper confirmation in writing. in fact, I can't send in the form letter without DOWNLOADING IT . illegal "collection" practice. please investigate. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
GHS or /and GCS Solutions!!!!
Sagey September 11, 2009
These guys were to help my husband and I avoid bankruptcy and follow a plan to help us pay our debts. Husband lost his job, but we were trodding along making our payments on time...but realized it was very difficult. This scam company set up a payument plan...450. out of our acct. instead of the 900. a month we were paying on our debt. They were to set upayment with each creditor, minus the interest for 5 years, then the interest that they PROMISED would NOT incrue after THEY took over. We paid our bills until Feb.09, and after final signing... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
online creditor...whatsoever
ulalia September 11, 2009
my name is Sammy, and I want to refund my $99.00 dollars back...I have no idea what was it for, i didnt sign up or apply for anything.I am residing in hawaii, and i would like to cancel everything that charges or applies to me within your company. Here is the company number that withdraw money from my account 818-255-9978.Please i have plenty bills to pay with that money, and i need it ASAP. Sammy read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Jim Hart September 11, 2009
I hav been charged 3 times in august for 14.95 for this. I called my credit card co. and complained, was told to call creditreports, and was held for 21 minutes on hold. Finally, they said they woud cr edit my account and gave me a confirmation no. NOW, they have charged another 14.95 to my account, 83 without crediting the account. This card has been expired since June 2009. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Overland Lending Solutions
Vengeance is mine September 11, 2009
Patrick Mullins, account rep. contacted me via email and telephone and attempted to get me to send him 975.00 to secure a loan for $10, 000.00, I have not seen any reports on these guys but if you go to this website and read it all, you will see that legitimate lenders will not do this. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Lanphier Associates
Angry Daddy! September 11, 2009
This shyster called my business, and threatened my daughter/secretary with a lawsuit saying the she had obtained a loan from a Payday Loan company, (which she didn't), and had not repayed the loan, and that their firm was going to start collection proceedings against her. She became very upset and asked if they would call back later, which to my surprise, they did! I got on the phone with a Mr. David Clark, who sounded more like a Haji to me, I asked him for his firm's name who he identified as Lanphier Associates, (I asked him to... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Victoria Cowlishaw
jacaranda September 11, 2009
!2th September, 2009, I hit the "Submit my Secure Payment" for the $97 on my Visa Credit Card and then didn't receive any confirmation emails and when I tried to reply to Emily Thomas's original email it jsut bounced back at me. No wonder she has become rich you submit payment for her ebay/auction listing jobs scam and then see no more. I have not had confirmation giving me instructions or a username etc! This website claims double your money back in 90 days well its been 1 and i want a refund!!! Please contact me immedicately and refund my $97 to my credit card, thank you. regards, Victoria read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Australia
shoopers advantage
mochalatte September 11, 2009
You people are crazy what happens is ppl dont jus take things out of your account without knowledge u are cashing and depositin the checks they send to your house or after u order items they are attached with the company u buy from they are sales reps that talks to u and ask if u want something free for tryin the service u say yes or tell or even say yes by pressing one when ordering over the phone. There is no way the company jus gets your account out of no where come one u hear a good deal they offer u like walmart gc or 50 american expre... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Prospexx Integrated Capital & Barrett Capital Exchange
Bemused September 11, 2009
These two Companies Prospexx Integrated Capital and Barrett Capital Exchange Principals Tom Mckenzie and Michalea Barrett Take fees from companies on giving them what appear to be worthless paper work.They then string them along for varying periods but produce no funds .Under the premise they are undertaking Due Diligence but they produce nothing and never have. They pray on companies and Brokers that are looking for non main stream funding by claiming they have a group of high net worth of investors and then hide behind non disclosure as a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Mortgage Loans - Ohio
Mimster777 September 11, 2009
I am a borrower and a consumer who have paid AmTrust an appraisal fee of $340 to have my home appraised. I was not happy with the pricing I got with my broker so I decided to go with another broker. My new broker saved me some money using another bank and the new lender will accept the appraisal ordered by AmTrust but Amtrust is refusing to release the appraisal to my new lender. I talked to a loan officer at AmTrust and he refused help me with my request due to company policy. When asked to talk to policy maker he refused to transfer me to... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
[email protected] September 11, 2009
Andrea Poling of Prudential LandMark Realty Of Champaign Ill. Calls me on the phone tells me she is authorized to give me a check for $2000.00 dollars if my wife and I moved out of the foreclosed Home by the end of the month. My wife and I moved out one week before the end of the month. She comes out takes her photo's of the inside of the place, say's it looks good had to sign these W9's she took the key's and the W9's and said she does not have the check. Cyprex does she say's she has no way of getting a hold of... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Afni Collections, Inc.
micTinKC September 11, 2009
I not only received a false bill from afni, but now that I am applying for a home loan, I have discovered that this false bill is on my credit report. They claim that I owe AT&T Mobility $364.04, when I have never had mobile service with AT&T, nor do I even have a current mobile phone. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
dont work for a secret garden flowersinc September 11, 2009
I answered an ad off of craigslist for work. I was told it would be 8 dollars per delivery and could start work right away. I went there, was hired and told it was 7 per delivery. I needed work, so I accepted. No reimbursement for gas and or tolls or mileage-and deliveries were 158 miles on my car. literally a ring around the Orlando area from Poinciana to Ocoee to Avalon Park to the Airport area. I gracefully explained after expenses and mileage on the car, it wasn't worth it to me. I have copies of my deliveries with signatures. He had... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
APEC Holdings
JacD51 September 11, 2009
I was ripped off by Kent Lessman for $500, 000.00. He is disreputable and can not be trusted. There are a number of other folks he has ripped off. I suggest you do not give this man any money as you will never see it again!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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