CATEGORY: Business & Finances

DRI Kaspersky Lab
padev August 19, 2009
Our Visa debit card number was used twice on 8/14/09 for $9.95 and $49.95. We don't know how they got the number! Our credit union said they are listed as some kind of virus protection service. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
jlv August 19, 2009
What a bunch of rip-offs, take your money and run. $19.63 for something I am not even aware of. These people and like them should all be shut down. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
resveratrol extract
Finn Cecelia August 19, 2009
A month ago, I ordered Resveratrol Extract capsules from Viv3, as they happened to be running a special Free Trial Offer through one of the advertising boards on hotmail. The Trial Offer consisted of a supply of 30 capsules at a total cost of USD $5.93 for postage & packaging. The product arrived with a very basic invoice confirming that I had been charged. I was checking my bank balances online and noticed a charge to my credit card on the 2nd of August for USD $118.63 by Natureberry, I had no idea what this was for so I contacted... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Ireland
freedom customer service
grapes August 19, 2009
these people have made an authorized debit from my account in the amount of $49.95. I have no idea who they are and each time I call the telephone number I am on hold for amount 15 minutes and then the phone disconnects. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Abbey's Housekeeping Inc
Marzieh Senecal August 19, 2009
I worked for Abbeys housekeeping for two months. When you call her to get information about a job or ask about your pay check she cusses you out, and tells you to stop wasting her time. I got ripped off also. I got 2 checks one for $95 and 1 for $9, she told me she still owed me 16 dollars and it would be in my next check. It has been 2 Months and I have sought legal advice to recoup the wages she owes me. In the mean time she has moved and has returned letters with sign receipt, her lack of response to my letters only confirms this is a rip-off business. My lawyer’s are now talking up the issue. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
[email protected]
Pepsi.freak August 19, 2009
Hello, I don't know any other way to find answers to my concerns and thought I would give this a try. I was for a short while operating a successful mail order video store, based from my own home, from advertising on various fan sites until a person named Quinn refused to allow me to advertise on his/her website, This website is a fan site of the actor, Geraint Wyn Davies. <br /> <br /> I told Quinn that I had some of Geraint Wyn Davies's movies on dvd for sale and politely asked his permission to... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
buywatch August 19, 2009
We offer you the most secure buying experience available! Buying replica watch from our store is not only a real bargain but also SSL2 encrypted. Our suppliers copy watch from Swiss one so precisely, you'll be thrilled by resemblance. Swiss replica watches from our store are perfect clones of the expensive Swiss watches, so you can impress your relatives and colleagues without spending so much money. Best watches are available in our store 24 hours a day, so get yourself Swiss replica to feel yourself the part of the select few. Afford... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: China
beneficial claims
manaois August 19, 2009
this company had just collected an amount of money from my credit card without any transaction made whatsoever. Please help me in returning my money back. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Honda Aviator
Prabhukumar August 19, 2009
I purchased a honda aviaot couple of weeks back and it fails to start now. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
rn realnetworks
brenda bracken August 19, 2009
i have found out this week tyhat i wa having unauthorised transactions from rn real networks. i have spoken to my bank and also your customer services who have agreed to refund 1 £8.50 and was told to contact real networks on remainder 3 months. still no 1st £8.50 yet got a transaction number also. these transactions were carried out unknown to me i have never used this service. i want all previous transactions from 23/04/2009 which bearing in mind is the only email i have received from them. i have read other complaints and thi... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Power Ball Information
powerballlottery August 19, 2009
lottery games, Looking for Powerball lottery information - look no further. If you in need for powerball tips and advice you've come to the right place - read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Fedreal Loan Modification Law Center, LLP
yle August 19, 2009
Contacted their office last January 2009 and paid 3, 495.00 promised to have my house modified. They were not able to do their promised so I requested a refund last April and they promised to send my refund last July 15th but until now I didnt received anything. Try to call their office almost everyday but all the phones are disconnected. Already reported to BBB and FTC. BBB closed my complain because FEDMOD did not respond to them. Is there anybody who can help me recover my money. If you know an attorney please let me know so I can sue them. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
freelotto,PlasmaNet, Inc, P O Box4562
masia August 19, 2009
Hi, I live far away from you. Will you, please, help me. I'm a cancer sick patient, I used to sit at home and played games on my computer. Recently I got the message from freelotto that I won. They asked me to send additional details in order to recieve this prize. I sent them and I they didn't answer. They told me they have legitimacy and indeed very real. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Israel
ragub9ib6 August 19, 2009
i want to cancel and i couldnt read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
nigerian united nation
Dr. Aftab Ahmed Soomro August 19, 2009
UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATION Official Head Office, Abuja. Nigeria PLOT 4, BLOCK 23, GARKI, ABUJA &#8211; NIGERIA Congratulations Beneficiary, We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual final draws of United Nations Organization Trust Funds. United Nations Organization draws was conducted from an exclusive list of 47, 000, 000 e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer ballot search from the internet as part of our... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Nigeria
pinjaman kereta
intandarleena roslan August 19, 2009
Sy adalah org kedua pd onwer kereta.. Pd 31/7/09 seorang perempuan telah call sy dan mempekanalkan diri sebagai SulehaAbdullah dari CIMB BANk, waktu panggilan dibuat dalam pukul 1235thg. .Beliau meminta untuk sy membuat penambahan bayaran sebanyak rm 300. sebelum pukul 1.00ptg.Saya cuma berkata saya cuba krn sy dalam waktu keje .(Waktu mkn sy bergantung pd keje yg harus disiapkan megikut pelanggang).Malang nya waktu sy pg bank pandan indah dalam pukul1.05 untuk keluarkan duit dari account ank sy tapi pihak bank cuma bg tahu sy boleh keluar... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Malaysia
sh100 August 19, 2009
I have never signed up for this service. They do not have my permission to withdraw funds from my account. It is also very difficult to get in touch with them. This is fruad and for no betterword, theft. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Greatest Kept Secrets
Mary Long August 19, 2009
I recieved this bogus scam letter in the mail. If there are really people who fall for something like this, I feel sorry for them. It started out by telling me that I am more special than they imagined, and that I posess some very rare, hidden traits, and that I am like celebrities on TV...blah...blah...blah. Come on...Who or what do they think people are? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out within a few minutes that this is DEFINITELY a scam letter. It went into my'circular file' IMMEDIATELY. There should be a way to shut companies like this down! Mary Long Frankfort, KS read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
nasam of malaysia
steven henry August 19, 2009
very slow recovery after one and a half years physiotherapy exercise.What do u think is the cause of this very slow recovery. Yours truly steven henry read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Malaysia
Kumaran August 19, 2009
Dear Customer Care, I am getting a message from 64611020 as "Thanks for using (Subscriptions, Text Based Services) Subscription service on Airtel WAP. You've been charged Rs.20. Enjoy" I want to UNSUBSCRIBE this service. Please do this as quickly as possible. My cell no. is 9789991705 please... Thanks & Regards, Kumaran read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
ozone communication
o2 megamillion promotion offer August 19, 2009
my name is jayesh butti . they told me u won one million GBP. so i send him my ele voting card & licence. Greenwich Peninsular London London SE10 0BB REF. NUMBER:MMP/WIN/008/05/10/MA BATCH NUMBER:74/44319/JPMM PIN NUMBER:*089L9* Dear Lucky Winner, 02 (OZONE TELECOMMUNICATION) Mega Millions Promotions happily announces to you the Draw of the just concluded sweepstakes(JULY/AUGUST 2009). Your Telephone Number won a total sum of £1, 000, 000.00 GBP Sterling, from O2 JACK POT MEGA MILLION PROMOTIONS INC... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
pushkarumajagi August 19, 2009
please unsubscribe my TextBaseedServices on Airtel WAP my cell number is 9860266664 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Top Notch Managment Service Inc
upthecreek August 19, 2009
BEWARE of BAD service and Terrible Property Managers from Top Notch Management Service Inc. of Torrance California, Los angeles County " Serious service and billing discrepancies during our four year relationship with Top Notch Management Inc. of Torrance, California, exposed our HOA to MAJOR liability issues. Additionally numerous billing add-ons caused us to terminate our relationship. Look into the list of lost clients before signing up for services with this firm. Our HOA Power and water services were turned off TWICE due to... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
M/s R.P.G. Electrade Pvt. Ltd. a swindler dealer
manishrkp August 19, 2009
We (erroneously) purchased a Samsung 1 ton Crystal Silver Split air conditioner on 18th July 2009 (Saturday) from (swindler) M/s RPG Electrade Pvt. Ltd., D-50, Mohan Singh Market, Sect-VI, RK Puram, New Delhi - 22. As they are master of altering the air conditioner parts at their own e.g. the indoor unit sent us was packed in the box of some other unit as model and serial nos. were different on both, that was not all the unit seems very old as front SILVER panel was badly scratched and having a bulge in it. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Intelluis or valu max
unhappy with intellius August 18, 2009
I used the Intelluis service and they have a pop up box that even if you check no they start charging you 19.95 a month. I eamiled them to stop and they gave a phone number nobody answers. I asked my Bank SEFCU to stop it and they said its my problem. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Americas Serving Company/ASC
Tencha2008 August 18, 2009
I have been trying since Oct of 2008 to have this company modifty my loan I went thru a divorce in 1/2007 and then 11/2007 the construction company I worked for closed its doors and went out of business. I am 62 years old and I am now working part-time for walmart I collect social securty and retirement money I have about 2000 a month come in and I have turned in paperwork 4 times with the exact same information everytime and I get deined for help everytime. I have a sale date on my home that I am living in right now for Sept.3rd 2009 however... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
[email protected] August 18, 2009
The advertisement on the internet promised a free trial, but my credit card number was required for the $3.95 postage and handling. It also promised that I could make further "requests" and that they would send me additional orders at $39.95 each. But when the free sample arrived, the order receipt informed me that I would "receive a monthly treatment shipped each month...price of $79.95 (+5.95 shipping and handling ." Then, "The fastest, easiest way to to visit and click on the Customer... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
white teeth /axis wellness
jimmyorlando August 18, 2009
BUYER BEWARE: this is a mega scam, look at all of the whitening ads about some fictitious m0m who figured out how to make her teeth really white... the mom is some deceiving marketing piece of dung who figured out how to screw hard working people out of their money. Here's the catch, even thought you pay the shipping AND then discontinue the service, which cost another 19.99 by the way, (or you could send it all back for no charge.. allegedly) a 9.99 charge appears out of the blue from a company called AXiS Wellness Portal... I called... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
phyllis romo August 18, 2009
Us Grants has been taking money out of my account for three monts i have never received service from this company this is a scam to take money every month from my acct 5761 to be exact i would lik a refund of all my monwy read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Lucky Earnings
Piercy August 18, 2009
I signed up for the one time cost to login to this site. Then a month later I was charged again by the same company. However in order to stop this you need to contact the company. When you go online to lucky earnings there is absolutely no contact information and none can be found. The only way for me to get these charges stopped is to contact the company directly so I am desperatly looking for contact infoormation so that I can request these payments be stopped. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
First National Collection Bureau, LLC
Maggie August 18, 2009
I received a letter from this company offering a settlement for a debt that was suppose tobe my husbands. I requested the original contract and the date it was open but they did not seem to want to send that to me. Tonight A call came intomy home from someone named Manual and my daughter got the call. She took a message and this Manual gave her the information that he was from a collection agency and he had the info I was requesting andleft a number to call him back. I called him back and beleive it or not he was not available to talk to me... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
critter lover August 18, 2009
checking my debit account noticed a debit from a DriDigitalRiver- and or www.myord.comm for 109.98. I do not know how or where they managed to get my account number and charge my account, I do not even know what supposedly they charged me for? Something needs done to stop these thieves from accessing accounts and deducting monies from someone who did not authorize it. I am a elderly man on a fixed income and this is wrong for them to do this. Someone needs to find out how this is done and STOP IT! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Ben Lopez August 18, 2009
I have been charge an outrageous amount of 499.00 gbecause my previuos bill have "not been paid" there is a mistake you guys are making becayuse if you look at my bill with the phione nunmber 201-840-764- youll see I don';t owe you what you say I do!@ you are teklling mr that you are going to "discontinue" my service for non payment of my bill!!! look at the phone number 201-840-7640 all ther payments have been going to that account and not the new account you guys set up for me without my authorization!!! I will contact... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
award payment data release div.
tamber benjamin August 18, 2009
they continue to send me these letter, and i don't think it alright .Can anybody do something about these this? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Rebecca Robbins
Rebecca Robbins August 18, 2009
I was not told that I was going to be charge 57.61 to my crited card . I want my money refund back to my account read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
NuAge Resveratrol
jcb1943 August 18, 2009
I ordered the "Free Trial" which was a 1 month supply. This ad said try it free pay only shipping and handling. I received it approx 1 week after ordering it. I then noticed a charge on my bank card for 89.67 and immediately called to find out what that was for. They informed me that I only had 14 days to try the product and cancel if I didn't want to keep the product. I told them I was not aware of this stipulation, I thought I had 30 days to try it. I told them I didn't receive any paperwork with the product informing me I... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Uthi Health Products
Paul Schmich August 18, 2009
I was on a website which promised free two week trials of two products, all you had to do is pay the shipping, I recieved a call that was recorded so they said, to confirm my order for the 30 day trial I told the man mine was for a free week trial do not charge me I only want the trial he assured me that wouldn't be an issue. one was $4.95 which I was charged for and recieved. The other was $0.99 I was also charged, but never received this product. Today I recieved a bottle from this company and my account was charged $86 i'm unemployed and cannot afford this please someone help!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
bestmodificaitoncompanies August 18, 2009
Best Loan Modification Companies - How to Stop Foreclosure Countrywide consumers have many question right now concerning Loan Modification Companies and the legitimacy of loan modification programs. However, it has been proven that Loan Modifications are a reality and that it is possible to stop foreclosure proceedings through them. According to Hector Milla editor of the “Best Loan Modification Companies” website -- -- through a loan mod those facing a foreclose proceeding are able... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
asdffffffrtv August 18, 2009
Looking at all of your complaints on this charge it appears that this is connected to Norton users. I don't use Norton. I use CA. Not nice having odd anonyninja charges plugged into your account. Funny they have access to my account, but I have no idea who they are. Only information on my acct is DRI*DIGITALRIVER.C WWW.MYORD.COMMNUS. Bank couldn't tell me anything right off hand, and I have to wait to contest the charge until it clears. Shouldn't somebody be getting arrested for this? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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