CATEGORY: Business & Finances

epay help
Hugh S Fergusson April 20, 2009
I am being deducted USD 38.12 per month be epay and I have not authorised this. I am also being deducted USD 39.97 by LEL ONLINE SYSTEMS and I have not authorised this. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
cmrandall April 20, 2009
I have never had an outstanding balance with my ATT service, however I checked my credit report today and found that I had been turned over to collections for a high balance of $66. I want to know how and why this company is claiming to be connected to ATT when ATT never notified me. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Angus April 20, 2009
These clowns are billing me for services that i do not use. I have never given them permission to charge for a service that i wouldnt use, I am going to get my Cr card provider to cancel my card and get them to chase up the money which has been billed to my card. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Australia
Google Success Kit????????
Annette Falkingham April 20, 2009
I too seem to have been SHAFTED! I'm extremely angry about this. I authorised a trial kit from this mob, for $1.00 ONE DOLLAR and have been charged that plus some Fraud crap and also the full price of US$39.95 Plus the same Fraud crap. What the hell is going on? WHY have I been charged for a kit that firstly I've not received, and secondly for a FULL kit which I NEVER asked for nor authorised? Who the hell does this? And who do I TALK to about it? We are so very badly in debt right now, and I wanted to TRY this thing... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Australia
Main Choice/Ball Enterprise
Angry Mommy April 20, 2009
Well I had a check for 4550.00 on the letter it said that I won 250000.00 on a lottery winnings and that before I did anything with the check I had to call them so I did when I called them everything that they said to me sounded so real that I thought that it was true. Well a week after I take out the money and send it to them in a money order I asked my bank a couple of times if this check was good they said yes so I trusted the bank the next day when I check my bank account my account was overdrawn for 4550.00 because the check didnt have... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Citi Bank Visa
John1944 April 19, 2009
Approximately 6 months ago I entered into an agreement with Consumer Credit Counselors to close and pay off several credit cards, one of which was issued by Citibank. During the second month I began to get collection calls from Citi. When asked how this could be, they said the agreement had been canceled and would have to be renewed. This happened again after the fourth month and the sixth month (about every other month of the agreement). It has not happened with any of the other creditor accounts. I have made my payments on... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
I have extended Interest that other People have complaints against Alarm Companies. Alarmed Companies are all alike Nothing but lies. and Complaints, one is held on the phone for ever. Alarm Companies can't wait to get you as their Customer, when it comes to Complaints, they take their sweet old time. I had this alarm company before I finally move, 2 year contract. well, okay these jerks will get their notice when the contract is up. finally the day came when I move and wanted to cancel being their customer. Well, I... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
American Express/Credit Secure
Catco April 19, 2009
I've been a member of American Express since 2007, and have never defaulted. In fact in quite a number of times, I even made payments twice a month during the billing period. I noticed that after I joined American Express/Credit Secure, my two American express accounts were cancelled without any forwarning. I find this disconcerting since this arbitary cancellation will affect my credit standing. I had other non-American Express credit cards with high balances, and I always paid them on time. No one at American express has given me a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
grant one day cd
I would like my money placed back in my account for this scam on the 3rd of March they took $1.99, then on the 10th of March they took $94.89. Then on the 8th of April they took out another $94.89. And I would like this money put back as soon as you receive this message.Send me a message to my email address letting me know that you receive this message and that my money will soon be back in my account'Email address is [email protected] my name is Jennifer Williams at 266 Green Road Aiken S.C 29803 and you got my other information please put my funds back you all are scams!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Barton Publishing - Welwatch
Helen Kerr April 19, 2009
Like so many others around the world, I have had a decuction of $41.69 taken from my credit card by Welwatch, knowing I had not purchased anything from this company, I went into the internet to find they are linked with Barton Publishing, whom I had purchased a publication last year worth $29.99. I will be visiting my bank this morning to issue an unauthorised payment and will be cancelling my card, to ensure Welwatch cannot access my account for future. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Australia
Premier Mortgage Services
Harrietta Stone April 19, 2009
He ripped us off for an upfront fee, we filed a report on him thru as well, BUYERS BEWARE! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Bright Teeth
J. S. April 19, 2009
Website offers a "RISK FREE" teeth whitening trial kit for FREE -- you only pay $6.99 for shipping/handling. No mention is made of a 14 day trial period, after which they bill you an additional $78.93 for the "free kit." Additionally, they do not inform you up-front that you are automatically enrolled in an auto-shipment every 30 days thereafter @ the cost of $85.92. According to their customer service rep. you agree to this simply by visiting their website site. All additional charges are made to your credit/debit card without... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
us bank trust div
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Loans on Line
Jan April 19, 2009
Despite the fact that my wife has built up a debt of over $100, 000 and she has been frequently late with payments to credit cards and collection agencies, this company saw fit to loan her money. It seems that this company operates without checking credit records and doesn't report to any agencies and charges usary interest rates. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Warner Properties
corbettw April 19, 2009
It has been horrible for my son during his 1st year at ODU in dealing with these landlords. The neighborhood appears as if low rental but the cost is high. There is lighting attached to the building but it does not work . There is a security system that does not work. Someone broke my son's lock to his outside door. The landlords replaced the entire door and door frame and billed him for the entire job. He attached a late fee and court cost to the original astronomical charge in less than 10 days after they mailed out the charge. They continue to make frivolous charges and defer any questions to a busy lawyer. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
ASI / [email protected]
LunaChx April 19, 2009
I received an email stating Company: ASI Reference Number: Subtotal: $141.00 Tax: $0.00 Shipping: $0.00 Total: $141.00 When I called my bank to find out what this was they said is was for educational supplies and that I could place a dispute against it...It has been in the "pending" on my bank-on-line for 3 days now.. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Sandra Morton April 19, 2009
I joined this online dating service and only hours after that I canceled it but they continue to take out unauthorized charges to my credit card. I want it stopped and I want my money put back on my card. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
IPR -Investment Portfolio Review
BlueHendu April 19, 2009
Eric Rubin, the sole con artist in this scam operation promotes a fake service. For a fee ( $1200-$2400) Eric Rubin promises to deliver quality mortgage and annuity leads around the country to brokers and Insurance agents. When asked for references, Eric Rubin provides the name (with hesitation) of an agent out west that he gave leads to at some point in the past. Once he cashes your check the game is over and you are just another sucker. There were calls, emails more calls and promises. Nothing becomes of your efforts to get your money... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
1st Convienant Bank
jmzhbz April 19, 2009
Wednesday of last week I had a balance of $86.58 in my bank account. My wife went and got $10.00 gas at Murphy's USA and spent $11.42 at Brookshires Grocery Store. Since Murphy's did a preauthorization on her debit card in the amount of $75.00, my account showed a negative amount after her initial purchase of $10.00. Murphy's system immediately credited back the preauthorization fees minus the $10.00 fuel purchase. However, the bank still charged me overdraft fees even though my account was not overdrawn. Upon... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Barcleys Juniper
clw022 April 19, 2009
I took advantage of the their low 8.9% apr & transferred my high balance cards to this. I also signed up for emails as to when payments were due and if I was approaching my limit. This is where they get you. In a 7 day period I lost $350 in available credit and I didn't even use the card. When I contacted them they said it was because of f/c's. BS this is a scam where they get you to go over your credit limit and then up your rate to 27.9%. Not only am I paying more than the minimum due but my payment has gone up by $25 each... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Greendot Corp
Simon April 19, 2009
I am getting spam from them virtually every day. It reads: FRM Green Dot SUB: Your visa card ending 5501 MSG: As of 04/19 5 AM PT you have $19.00 remaining. Make it a Green Dot day!= read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Select Portfolio Loan Service
Rihana April 19, 2009
An 85-year old lung cancer victim, and her disabled daughter are seeking an attorney who may be considering stepping into their case against Select portfolio Loan service, who is now officially considered to be in default by the San Diego Superior court. civil case 37-2008-00095207-CU-OR-CTL, is a fraud, and breach fiduciary responsibility; law suite. The company stonewalled the loan consumer and totally ignored their valid notice or rescission made in February of 2007. We hope to create some responsibility for breaches in fiduciary... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Anastacia April 19, 2009
To date there may be nothing wrong with this company 4-19-09 They are touting themselves as mortgage loss mitigators and helping with the potential stopping of foreclosures. Here is the deal. It has become known around the web and the news that you DO NOT give money up front to have a company do such work.. WRONG, WRONG, you can not get an attorney to not get a RETAINER before he moves forward! you will not get a company to do this type of work either. The problem is that in most states and especially in MN where I'm from the fund... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
EMillionaire Company
Andrew April 19, 2009
Emillionaire Google Money System Brock Felt Emillio Naire Unauthorized withdrawals from my bank account in the amounts of $47.00 and $47.38 in the last 48 hours Internet *NOTICE..!! this ripoff has nothing to do with Google search engine - many rip-off businesses use the Google name to fool consumers. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
van_nar April 19, 2009
I have been charged $11.11 for what I am not sure, however I believe it is for a Nortons product. If this is the case I have uninstalled their product and cancelled the subcription. Therefore the payment is not authorised. Please reverse this payment. POC: [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Australia
betty crawhorn April 19, 2009
this company was suppose to setup a adult store website, the website could not be found. my customers from ebay could not access my website. this company will scam money from you, i do not recommend them at all. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Google Treasure ChestCD
Disappointed April 18, 2009
This runs a ad that says you can get a CD to make money from home all you pay is shipping&handling fee of $1.97.I should have known better but i decided to try this.On April 18, 2009 i call to get my balance to get suprise that $72.21 had been taken out without my permission.I will call and put a stop to this and i hope this company gets what they deserves, JAIL TIME. P.J.D. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
harv0321 April 18, 2009
Was to be billed $1.00 for membership into this website, however I was billed $9.95. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Adipose RX/ Carallumma Extreme
JPhillips April 18, 2009
I noticed charges in Feb 09 on our joint credit card account. I called the company and demanded that they reverse the charges. The man on the line said that I should have received the products and I explained to him that we did not order the item nor have we received the item. He agreed to refund our money. I recieved our statement today and there the charges were again. One to Adipose RX and another to Carallulmma Extreme. I tried calling to talk to someone and got the voice mail service with an address to write. I was unable to leave a message and I could not navigate to the email address. This company needs shut down immidiately! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Sandra Villa
Sandra Villa April 18, 2009
I received a $29.95 charge on my check card which I did not authorize and I want it refunded and the charges stopped immediately. my email is [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc., Acai Pure & Colopure
charlene roldan April 18, 2009
Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc. enrolled me into a monthly program (scam) that I did not authorize. they have been making unauthorized charges to my credit card and now they want to charge me to send it back!!! I'm contacting the Better Business Bureau, what a rip off! charlene roldan read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Sandra Carter April 18, 2009
I called assetcare, inc and made payment arrangements with them, which I used my Visa to pay them off. More than a week later they begin to send me letters saying I still owed them. When I called them they said the letter would be in the mail the next day stating I had a zero balance. Instead I got another letter which arrived on Saturday, stating that I still owed them, which had to be mailed out after I called them that Tuesday. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
christina April 18, 2009
This is a complete fraud and I don't want to be charge for any thing to do with them. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
American Credit Services-The Crime Division
valerie1972 April 18, 2009
Oh my goodness, after reading everyone else's complaints, it is like reliving my own experience over and over. I received my first call this past Thursday night. A woman left a message. This woman was extremely hard to understand. There was noise in the background, it almost sounded like an airport or bus terminal. I tried to call this number back and was informed by recording that the Verizon number was not a working number. This number rings out of Sarasota, Florida. I disregarded this call as I could not understand what the woman wa... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
cmi financial group
Frances Mixon April 18, 2009
received final notification of lottery winning with a check from huntington national bank in columbia, ohio for 3900.00 for taxes on my winnings of 39, 000.00. To contact Rose Adams or David Bell read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
One Day Grants
John Sprotti April 18, 2009
I paid for the info on a cd for shipping charge only of $1.99 and subsequently was charged twice in the amount of $94.89. I am contacting company now for full refund. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
ricky horton
ricky horton April 18, 2009
going in my bank account three time do/not want it . refund thank you read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Gold Star Funding
Toni Rogers April 18, 2009
Charging Account using debit with out authorization. Called number listed on account 951-413-1704 asking that this charge of $14.97 on 4/16/2009 be refunded. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
GMAC/Car Loan
Antania Nash April 18, 2009
I was admitted into the hospital on January 27th, 2009 for preeclampsia which is a deadly condition in pregnant woemn. This caused me to be off of work which means I had know income coming in. I did explain and give GMAC my information to the hospital and proof that I was in there. So on I had to have an emergency c-section on March 2nd due to the fact my body was shutting down with the pregnancy and I began to bleed internally which means me and my unborn child at the time was dieing. So I was rushed into surgery to get the baby out and even... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Sgt. Perry Rice
Joan Parrish April 18, 2009
This needs to be addressed ASAP. There are many people that love and respect our soldiers and would consider doing something like this if they did not know better. See below: My name is Sgt. Perry Rice, of the Multinational Division Baghdad with the Task Force XII PAO JOINT BASE BALAD, Iraq. We have some amount of funds that we want to move out of the Iraq. Since we are working for the government we cannot keep these funds, and we will soon be pull out of Iraq. That is why we want to transfer and move the funds to you, so that you can keep... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Iraq


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