CATEGORY: Business & Finances
phara martin
I dont know what I have to do or who I have to talk to.. but.. You have taken money out my checking account and I do not want this service or know that you were going to take this money out my account.. because of this you have caused 3 checks to bounce in my account.. I am asking that you close this account at once and refund the money that you took out of my bank.
This web site is very differcult.. I am not a dummy and this is hard for me to figure out, heck I dont know if I am in the right place to send this request.
Thank you for your time on this matter... Phara Martin read full review »
Acai Berry & Price Savers
I ordered a sample of Acai Berry pills and nothing else. I have no idea what Price Savers is and have never heard of them until they started billing my credit card. I only received the sample bottle and they continue to charge my credit card. I want it stopped now! read full review »
Grant $ For You Now by LISA FITZGERALD
This started out as $1.99 billing to my credit card then it shows up as $11.99 and they also charged me $94.89 for something called a grant guide which they NEVER said was extra, they will not refund my money.
I think they owe me my money back for misleading me and there site was also misleading .
Feel free to contact me any time on my company cell phone @ 315.528.9418
Thank You
Michael S. Ferguson
Mike's Mechanical read full review »
Received one of these cards in the mail, have received them before but never do activate them because I know they are a scam. But when a company starts sending these worthless cards to a six year old they really need to be stopped. Yes, my six year old daughter got one of these cards in the mail. Tried calling the number provided but could not get a live person. Can anyone help me get the correct contact information? read full review »
I did not give you permission to take any money out of my checking account.You better put my money back are I will sue you. read full review »
FWM Labortories
I ordered a free trail Acai Berry Detox for the cost of $3.95 total. I have been charged on my charge card at this point $3.95 twice. I have also been charged $87.13 three times for Lipaphen . I did not order any of this lipaphen and I have never received any of this product. But my charge card has been charged for all of the products.
I have called the telepone number 1-866-870-0692 many times and finally talked to a Yen and she canceled my account but I am not sure if that has taken place. I was given a cancelation number. I explained... read full review »
Jamal Baldwin
Jamal Baldwin was great to work with in the atlanta area...
Brenda Boone read full review »
Student Financial Aid Services, Inc. is absolutely NOT a hoax or a scam. It is a government-approved fee-based alternative to preparing the FAFSA alone and submitting it for free on the Dept of ED Web site.
In fact, the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 reaffirmed that by law professional, fee-based FAFSA preparers are an alternative to doing the FAFSA by yourself for free on the Dept. of Education Web site.
We are transparent and unbiased. Every page of our Web site clearly states is NOT the Dept of ED Web site.
Some people... read full review »
International Clearing House
I am about to receive a wire transfer of 18.5 Million US$ via Citibank NY Message Input
Reference 2645897319untbtgtgaxxx0811183515.
I have been contacted by International Clearing House, London, no address known, personel. Jerry Goldman (Position not known) and Maureen Zhang, Client Service Manager.
Frankly something doesn't small right about this company. Their email to me reads "The International Clearing House London is prudential and responsible for all outgoing wires from the UK to other Countries"
Would you be... read full review »
Reg.Net/ Bromalite/ FitFac/Etc.
Contact the Arizona State Attorney General at for information on the lawsuit filed regarding these companies and other company names that all seem to be linked. File complaint forms !!! read full review »
MCM Collections LLC
I asked for a free trial to Acai Xl and Cologenix from the Oprah site and was charged for shipping and handling on January 16, 2009 and never recieved the product. On February 4, 2009 my bank account was charged for $87.13 for each product totalling $174.26. I cannot reach the company for a refund on the product that I did not recieve and I am having to close my account due to this. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS!!! THIS IS A SCAM!!! Shame on Oprah, ABC, CNN and other companies allowing them to advertise on their websites. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!!! Can anyone help with info on how to contact the companies????? [email protected] read full review »
Michael Leghorn
Dish Network is the worst company I have ever dealt with. The customer service sucks big time. I choose Dish Network because I thought they were cheaperbut they turned out to cost me a whole lot more money. I ordered my service off line and they did not honor any of the specials they had. I cannot wait until my 18 months are over and I will go back to Direct TV. read full review »
Gas Cards
I have sent in gas receipts for 3 months and have not received 1 gas card. November 2008, December 2008 & January 2009
Gasaoline Redemption Center
14100 Washington Road
Suite 36 # 12
Largo, FL 33774
1-800-514-0366 read full review »
Paypal Plus Credit Card
I mailed a payment in January that for some reason they did not receive or did not process. On my next bill I noticed a late payment notice, a jump in my interest rate from 9.99% to 28.99% and excessive finance charges as a result. I immediately called after seeing the payment didn't process through my bank.
When I spoke with someone I was told I'd have to write a letter to a seperate office in TX to have them review my account and see if they could do anything about the charges and increased interest. When I asked to speak to... read full review »
debt eater Salt Lake City, UT
unauthorized charge to capital one acct no phone # or web site to contact to dispute i want charge removed and assured of no further charges read full review »
unknown charges to my checking
Complaint Rating:
I was going over me statement of my checking account and realize that I had an overdraft charge on my checking account when I look into it it was created by a charge of $ 38.26, created by Pay-Card ( 6616219188 KN) I do not know this company nor do I know what the charges are for . Then I look at my last month statement and there it is another $ 38.26 charge to my checking from the same place and all the same info . I want it stop and I want a refund of my money and overdraft charges . I would like an answer back to my email address
Thank YOu
Kevin Bowman read full review »
Symantec UK Norton
My key products VVPFW63WvWvWk42JTYTVTVFVYJ7
Account number : 845196283
They are Swindler or crook, and very stupid and crazy : I’ve cancelled and have not been using all your products since 2007, because Norton doesn’t give me satisfaction, Norton being unable to eradicate every virus that enters into my computer.
They stoled me, taxed me about EUR 30, 12 on February 2008, so that I sent them a confirmation of my cancellation.
They sent me the following mail ... read full review »
Mortgage Modification Service
We were contacted by National Home Loan Assistance Company in July of 2008. It started off as a telemarketing call where they indicated that we were already pre-qualified for a loan modification. They said that they worked closely with our bank and that we could skip the next two months payments while they modified our home. We did our research on the company and they seemed to be a solid service. The fee we paid was $2, 495. We were told that all of the negotiating would take place from their Minnesota. Thi... read full review »
cg services listed themselfs on my credit reports as the oly negative I did not ow them money and the had no det colection for enney other companey i called then and they did not remove it i wrote them and they did not remove it i charged them 100 dolers a day if they did not remove it and the still did not remove it no they owe me money and i finaly force the credit companey to remove them but damge has alreddy ben done to my credit score for over 6 months how do i make them pay? read full review »
SB service awards
I was charged 9.95 on my debit card, they said it was through JC Penny's. read full review »
Richard M Hersch
Ponzi Scheme straight a simple. read full review »
This company is filled with individuals that are straight CROOKS! They are trying to tell me that I have a balance on an account that does not exist. I disputed the information. They NEVER responded to my dispute. Never provided me with verification that it was valid and placed the information on my credit report. They also never included my dispute information with the report. I contacted them several times about the validity of the information that they have and they gave me the run around each time. Telling me just pay it, you know... read full review »
OAN Services, Inc+
I have these charges on my bill that I did not authorize. I have e-mail and long distance thru AT&T. When I called they gave me the run around. Then I called another company(charges on same bill) by the name of ILD Teleservices @1-800433-4518 and 1-800-917-9469. THE SAME PERSON ANSWERED ALL 3 LINES. THE TOTAL AMOUNT THEY ARE TRYING TO CHARGE ME IN: 13.79 and 34.70, a total of $48.19.
All they give you is the run-a-round. How do you stop these money scammers?? read full review »
ACA or whatever name they choose to show up on my caller ID - with what LOOKS like a local # [probably cell phones] starting to call more than once a day. Here we go again. I have been through this before. I have no outstanding or late payments. This is just for ACA to get personal information. This is sick and I hope everyone is smart enough not to fall for this crap! read full review »
Hometown Realty
I rented a house from Hometown Realty. When I moved out they charged me for damages to the property that were there when I moved in. I wrote the things were wrong on the move in/out sheet when I first rented it. During my lease they were charging me for any repairs needed in the house. They also refused to exterminate.Hometown Realty did not even go through the movein move out sheet with me so they could add whatever charges they felt like later on. Almost 6 months after we moved out a credit agency sends me a notice that I willhave bad credit... read full review »
would really like my money back plus over draft charge / 31.85 +34.00 thank you read full review »
Bella Vista Apartments
I got one for you. After one year at this property, my lease ended. After the leasing office agreed to lock my rent in for another year, I resigned the new lease. Before doing so, I read over the lease, it was almost exactly the same wordage (new concession was made as market rent increased, so that rent stayed the same).
I figured that instead of seeking counsel to ensure my protection before signing the lease, I would go see the company representatives in the leasing office. I spoke with a young African-American lady, who went over the... read full review »
Deborah Taylor
Man I put in an application with them than they lied and said that they call my place of work house number and cell and they didn't and they deined me and still put stuff on my account read full review »
Mortgage lender
From: Comikia Price
3936 N. 40th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53216
Re: 3606 N. 38th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53216
Account number: 7441784907
I have two accounts with Homecoming Financial and was in an ARM loan once I refi both of my home with them. On July 16, 2008 I received a letter stating a rate change and I inquired about a loan modification, due to the value of my home being to low at this time. The loan modification was approved for both accounts. One of the accounts is my primary resident which wa... read full review »
Nicole Casey
Oredered a CD for $1.98, to my dismay charged $69.95 two weeks later to my checking account for a subscription I was not aware of! This is a complete scam! They do not let you get refunded or let you speak to a manager. Wonder why! I thought I was only ordering a CD but apparently you only get the CD as a back up if you do not have internet acess they told me. read full review »
Mary Schadel
I opened a AE credit card jsut to get a discount right before Christmas. I never received the credit card or statement in the mail. I honeslty forgot about it until I received a phone call from a collection agency stating I was past due on my AE bill. I called AE... they sent a new credit card and bill.. fine but now I have ading on my credit report.
Needless to say I am closing the AE card, they no longer deserve my business. The things I bought from there was a gift.. so I will no longer shop there. read full review »
i did not authorize any charges on my card for rhapsody music and they charged anyways.i would like to get my money back asap because i need it for real life not music. read full review »
tred micro
On October 18, 2008 I placed an order for a DRI Trend Micro, I made a payment with my credit card for the amount of 72.85. Yhe order was placed and I was advised that I can go ahead and doanload the program.. After several attempts, my computer was not suitable for the program therefore, it was not downloaded. Immediately I cancell the order. Few minutes later, I received an e-mail wiht cancellation and confirmation number and that my credit card was going to be credited for like 68.00... Until this day, I dont have the credit on my card and I... read full review »
malli, if you have any personal stuff, please check with the people that you have. giving wrong information on a company like hanceinc, you are ending up in no where. read full review »
Health Care Credit Union Association
Unfortunately my husband and I were placed in the position where we had to search for health insurance. We are both diabetics and when my husband retired because of bad health I came home too. We worked together at our former place of employment. I am being crippled with rheumatoid arthritis and just managed to work until we could be home. We could not afford our insurance from our job and most companies will not even talk to you if you have any condition beyond perfect health.
I made the fatal error of signing on with Health Care Credit... read full review » credit report monitoring svc
Just got charged on my card 12.95 for a credit monitoring service I never applied for. I saw a MNI credit monitoring svc on my statement and didn't even know I applied for that service. I'm going to file a complaint with the Pennsylvania state attornery generals office ASAP and put a stop payment on my card so they can't take any more money from me. We all need to do something to put these scumbags out of business. read full review »
CSG Mail Program
I've been laied off from work for 5 Months and can't collect unemployment because of Fisk, and and other union jobs. have family to support. and saw an advertisement about work at home for $5.00 an mail, I went for it in need of money Two days later, their web site was no longer there. I called the number, no answer. They took My $50 and ran off. read full review »
I keep getting charged on my checking acct. I have not asked for this service and have not recived any thing from them. read full review »
Acai Berry and Cologenix Scam
You may see a website that show's Kelsey's Weight Loss program that has a nice story about a local resident that loses weight from some AMAZING products such as Acai Berry and Cologenix. There is a 14-day trial offer imbedded in the story for both Acai Berry Detox and Cologenix. If you didn't dig into the website to read the crazy and unethical terms and conditions, you might have thought that you were getting an opportunity to trial the product for 14 days RISK FREE with an easy way to cancel your order from the AUTO-BILLING to... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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