CATEGORY: Family & Pets
checkers July 5, 2010
Do not be fooled by the airplane fancy ads. This company,, will say anything to get your money and will not deliver the services and quality they sell. Their staff is highly unprofessional and rude, once you voice your dissatisfaction with their service and will ignore all types of communication with you once you have paid in full, which they require upon membership. I have read hundred of complains on this company from women saying the exact same thing, unfortunately I should have done this before. I encourage... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
masinrtb July 4, 2010
sombody is using my sisters web addy to send sex cams to sisters web addy is [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: South Africa
tara-medium astral reading
Bonnie Gorman July 4, 2010
I visited the web site and read the information about recieving a astral reading that was personalized for me. The cost was $58.95 and was completly guaranteed. I ordered the reading and found that is was NOT what was promised for the payment. The information was vague and only led me to another purchase for more information!!! As promised on the site I responded by asking for a refund, only to learn that the web site given for contact is BOGUS.([email protected]) Now what do I do to get my money refunded ???????? read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
every one
BMW_e36 July 3, 2010
f*ck you all read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Jake E July 3, 2010
Gayle Justice is a dog thief. She stole my dog! She was to take the dog for 6-8 weeks and train for $1500 (boarding included). She did not respond to emails or phone calls month after month when I attempted to get my dog back. After more than a year I told her I was getting the police involved and amazingly I heard from her. She then proceeded to tell me I owed her over a years worth of boarding at $300 a month plus $2000 for training. I have all correspondence proving she is a criminal plus I have the dogs papers, but at this point... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Mikeslape2010 July 3, 2010
The took out another months payment when I only subscriber to on month. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
[email protected]
jwbush54 July 2, 2010
Dear Consumer, Beware of people claiming to be giving free Bulldogs for adoption. It's a scam! I was almost had by a person claming to be a missionary in Spain who claimed he could not sell his dog. But instead would give his dog up for adoption to a loving family. He claimed he was ligit and was a christian. Don't believe him when he says that he is and would not sell his soul to the devil for money! He is a scam artist. He claimed that all I need was to pay $100.00 to change ownership papers so that he could book him a flight. I... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Gaurav Gupta Gwalior July 2, 2010
Hi, I booked the flower to Shivpuri and paid the same amount. Order Number is HIFN-27201020016. Later I received the call that you have to pay extra amount as Shivpuri is far from Gwalior. In the term & condition, nothing is mentioned like this. When I called them, they are saying that if you want delivery then you have pay money.Else will refund money with detection. I assume they are here for cheating to customer. Gaurav read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: India
Bark Off
PAUL L GIUNTA July 1, 2010
I orders 2 bark off standard model fro $10 and was to receive 2 more with extra s& h. THe phone computer would not let you close out the sale after you give them your Credit card info. It keep going on and on. After finally hanging up in 3 days I get the Platinum model for $80 for 4. I called them and the best they would do was to give me $15 refund. AND THE THINGS DON'T WORK. I have been to other sites and you will find many bate and switch complaints. You can return them and loose your $20 shipping. DON'T BUY IT read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Kubrine July 1, 2010
LinkedIn disabled my account because they claimed i visited several thousand profiles a day. So instead of contacting me the disable my account, they could have looked and seen that i have been a member for 3+ yrs with no issues. Contacted support and tooks about 2 weeks for them to get back to me. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Child Protective Services/Taylor Texas
youyou July 1, 2010
On October 18, 2009 CPS became involved in our home, the investigator Betsy Williamson came into our home and treated all of us like criminals she made my daughter and I do drug test right in my living room, we were negative, she told my daughter that she could not attend beauty school while cps was involved that she only had to do what cps is required and nothing else, she was very rude, i made a complaint with her supervisor and when she discussed it with Betsy, Betsy denied saying that, she lied, she had told my daughter twice that she... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
chatterie la mer d'Andaman bengal
sherakan June 30, 2010
Nous voulons informer les gens de prendre garde à Blandine Uvaldo de la chatterie la mer d'andaban bengal, cette personne nous as contacté pour acheter un chaton et juste quelques heures avant que son chaton ne prenne l'avion pour aller dans sa chatterie elle annulait tous les paiements qu'elle avait envoyé, nous avons donc immédiatement annuler le vol du chaton vers sa chatterie...encore une chamce car elle nous volait un chaton, et lorsque nous lui avons écrit pour lui dire... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: France
Latrice Harper
LatriceHarperisaScammer June 30, 2010
This woman said she had English Bulldog puppies for sale. I called her everything looked great! She had parent pics and everything. She sent me a pic of my puppy. She asked me to Moneygram her a deposit and I did (which I'll admit was silly). Everything seemed great she sent me her address where I could pick up the puppy. When I got home I googled her name and found another RipOff report and dug deeper and found more and more! She has been scam since at least 2007. Also she bred dachshunds and sold them knowing they had parvo. Thi... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Tara Tara Medium
katrinna38 June 30, 2010
My credit Card was charged $13.00. I want my money back ASAP!!! I never given these people any authority to do this!!! That is sad and PATHETIC!!! I never even poblish my CC#., or gave them the assumption thaat i would even do this!! I am a single parent and i know this is only $13.00, but it was/is mine and I want it back!!! If whoever U R i bet U did'nt know U had this amny complaints!!! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Albania
zoosk complaint
laura d lee June 30, 2010
I was not able to reply to anyone interested in me. I had to pick a payment option first. There was nothing free about this site. I found the payment page to be obscure. There were no total amounts for picking the 3 month; all I saw was 19.99 for three months so I picked that option. Then I received a call from my banks fraud department asking me if 58.95 was a valid charge. I was surprised but then figured out my error. I asked Zoosk to credit back my account and their response was to, 'enjoy my subscription." Then I find out they... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Gurpreet singh 193 June 30, 2010
i was cheated of my money by so called astrologer mukesh k from chennai. people plz plz plz beware of this man. he is a fake & a con. he will tell you that he is doing an astrology report for you, but in the end what you get is a computer generated list of do's & dont's. you then email the man & ask him the specific questions which you want answered but he avoids it & will not give you an answer. instead he will just suggest some remedies that you do. & these remedies he will say that he will carry them out on... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Wedding Gifts
UpsetClient June 29, 2010
Please do not waste your time and order with them! I have been going back and forth over 2 months with this company. Nobody responds to your emails and the phone number on the website is out of service. This is definitely a SCAM!!! I sure hope they are not under new management, because that doesn't seem to be working very well. Someone needs to do something about this company ASAP before they continue to take more and more of peoples money and time!!! Very upset client... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Crif Dogs
Looki June 29, 2010
Not a fan - dirty dogs & surly service. The only time to go is when you are drunk and won't notice how dirty the place is and that the wasted cashier girl likes to sit on the counter to make sure her ass touches where your food will be. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
gail_thommo June 29, 2010
Campaustalia is over charging and is not puting in the appropate hours as they have charged me for 1 extra hour for when school finishes at 2.30pm and i have been charged from1.30 pm to 6pm i have been sent out two diffrent statements were one will say one is less than the other and has for me giving them my crorect bsb number and they clamed its was invaled which it is not.and also they can not make up thire minds about if my child is full or casule time read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Australia
teeter81 June 28, 2010
I purchased ever pet scoopable cat liter. It is a good clumping cat liter unlike most, however it says it has odor control. the first time my cat ever used the liter it immediatly gave the room the worst lingering odor. I have never used a cat liter that did this. I clean the liter box several times a day and the odor just lingers. I was using scoop away witch has very good odor control, I thought I would try this to save a little money. I guess you get what you pay for. I also have been feeding my cats this same brand cat food, after reading... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Marshell's Pet Styling
Gistas June 28, 2010
If you value and love your pets, I do NOT recommend bringing them here. I am disgusted with happened a few months back, when I had brought my little dog in there for a grooming, and when I brought her home, I noticed days later, that she had a cut on her back by her neck, because it had been irritating her..Well why wouldn't they have mentioned "oh by the way, we accidentally cut her while we were grooming her"?!? so when I had gone back to this place to confront them, the daughter had admitted doing it saying... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Star Baby Float
Yuan Jiang June 27, 2010
I bought a baby swimming float (Star Baby Float) for my 9-month old son, and it turned out it has a small hole on it. As the result, the float was unusable. I went to Toys R Us to return the item. A black lady served me, and asked me: "Why do I want to return the item?" I told her that the item is defective because it has a hole on it. She asked me to hold on for a second, then came back and told me that I must have poked a hole on it myself, and she wouldn't refund me the money. I started arguing with the black lady, then several... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Downtown Childen's Center ( PACCC )
babysitter54 June 25, 2010
Hey moms, (Child) and I were playing in the sand at Johnson Park on May 13th when a little girl came to join us. She was part of a (PACCC) Palo Alto Community Child Care daycare group so there were lots of little 3-4 year olds there. We must have interacted for at least 7 minutes before one of the daycare attendants noticed and said, "it looks like you found a friend, " to the little girl. Then she asked me if I knew her and I said, "no." The attendant just let her play with us. About 5 minutes later, time another girl... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Belle Mere
mdee June 24, 2010
Don't get scammed!!! I had always dreamed of having my wedding at Belle Mer until I really looked at the numbers. When I met with the coordinator she made it seem like I would have this beautiful wedding with everything I would need flowers, cake, photographer etc. for an amazing price. That is a load of bull! Here's how it works. They have an event minimum of 40k (Friday pricing Saturday would be 55k and 10 k for linens etc) which right off the top they take 9K for use of facility, tables, linens, etc. So you are left with 31K... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Kleiber's Kanines/Dog
Sltcope June 23, 2010
Buyer Beware! Kleiber's Kanines sold me a puppy claiming to have AKC papers and the dog did not. They claim to be breeders and along with the purchase of my dog I was so posed to receive a health guarantee and AKC papers. I have not receive the papers and it has been six months since the purchase! Denise Kleiber and her daughters one of them named Kait or Kaitlyn run the operation and they both have given me many excuses along with lying to me over and over again about getting me the AKC papers. All I have gotten is excuses or lies about... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Seasons Gold Goldens
Josh June 23, 2010
Please look at how many dogs this breeder has. Really, can your family take care of 23 dogs that are listed on this website and give each dog and puppy the attention that they need & deserve? Why are people just that stupid? I got a puppy from this breeder and it died which I should have known better by what I had seen out at her place. You may not want to support this puppy mill breeder. All you innocent people are doing is buying her more dogs and horses and putting them all through hell. Dont lose your money or support it. Buy from... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
The RagdollBreeder.Com
Curt Gehm June 23, 2010
"The beautiful Mink Ragdoll is bred through only a handful of breeders around the world who wish to continue with these rare old lines of Solids and Minks." Mink and Sepias were never an established color within the Ragdoll Breed.These "Variant" colors you claim you are continuing were derived from outcrossing Ragdolls to the RagaMuffin Breed. The Ragdoll Breed is a Colorpointed and Blue-Eyed Breed. Please stop misleading people into believing these Variants you are current producing are from unoutcrossed Breed... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Little Tikes Inside/Outside Cook 'n Grill Kitchen
Divaamj02 June 23, 2010
I was searching for replacement parts for the Little Tikes Inside/Outside Cook 'n Grill Kitchen. I only need the fridge and cabinet doors. They only sell 3 different packages of replacement parts and they want $68.00 for what I need. I am outraged at the price considering I spent $150.00 for this Kitchen...Little Tikes is a huge company and I can't believe that I can't just buy 2 parts for this kitchen and that I have to spend an extra $68.00 over the $150.00 I have already spent. I hope that someone from this company can look into this problem and help me out with this situation. Thank-you. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
DATUK.DEVIL June 23, 2010
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Malaysia
Judy Hubener June 22, 2010
I recieved a female Persian cat in a trade deal from Renee Livingston. At the time of the trade I stated The cat I recieved would be pure Persian(not CPC) and it would be PKD neg. I found out it was a CPC and Renee lied and said she didn't know. Now I have found out that it is PKD positive. Either the copies of the DNA test that I received were falsified or the cat was not out of the sire and dam stated on her papers. I just wanted to warn others about my dealings with Renee Livingston of #1 Cattitude cattery. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
kathy mcclelland June 22, 2010
I have a handicap brother, Who became the property of the ARC he's confined and restricted to be with famliy and friends, the system filed him twenty years ago and no one can help give him his freedom from this life sentence. Will someone out there in the USA, help me fight for his rights and give him his freedom to spend the time with his family that he needs an so deserves. Please here his cries for HELP! before he dies in Stepheine Graica prision under her CONTROL! Can I sue them? read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Anonymous123456789101112 June 21, 2010
We contacted Mathew Miller of Parrotlet Birds on March 18th requesting a blue female parrotlet. We had a pleasant, in-depth conversation and were told we could place a deposit for $25 that would be non-refundable after 48 hours, and that that very evening he would post photos of all of his available blue parrotlets, as well as advertising a 50% off discount to our airport should anyone local want to order to save us some money. In fact, those changes to the website were not done for five days. However, we decided we would stick with the... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Rex Schardein
Rex Schardein June 21, 2010
I didnt recieve the information you advertised, I would. And all your information is so old I cant even use any of it . I want my refund or my information up to date. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
luckt June 21, 2010
good afternoon sir, i am beniwal, from village chadiwal, dist sirsa, haryana, i have one reqeust to you that in today morning one ox will be killed in my village but there is not any action from police or villager my help me... I cannot open my name read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: India
Animal Medical & Surgical Hospital
Katy2010 June 21, 2010
I had an appt at 8:30 a.m. I arrived about 8:10 a.m. No one ever came out to greet me or acknowledge I was there. I sat and waited. In the meantime, two more customers (without appts) arrived after me about 8:25 a.m. Someone finally came from the back and immediately started helping the people who came in AFTER me. I stood there a while and they never apologized or offered to "be right with me". Instead, one lady said, "go get --- to help out in front." The girl came back and said, "can't find her." The first lady... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Vet Services
Katy2010 June 21, 2010
I had an appt at 8:30 a.m. I arrived about 8:10 a.m. No one ever came out to greet me or acknowledge I was there. I sat and waited. In the meantime, two more customers (without appts) arrived after me about 8:25 a.m. Someone finally came from the back and immediately started helping the people who came in AFTER me. I stood there a while and they never apologized or offered to "be right with me". Instead, one lady said, "go get --- to help out in front." The girl came back and said, "can't find her." The first lady... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
MikeRules June 20, 2010
I have been a member for a few years and decided to upgrade...Big Mistake! I saw the $5.95 a month charge but was charged for $73.54 for a year! I disputed it on pof billing and they said I violated there terms and agreements and deleted my account! So now they have my money and I have Jack! I wish i could round up enough people that's willing to file a lawsuit against this site! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Ronnie B Productions
T Money June 19, 2010
I was hired to DJ RonnieB Productions to DJ a wedding in Southern, Ohio. DJ RonnieB Productions contacted me thru Craigslist abot 2 weeks before the event. Before the event, he was extremely easy to contact and get a response. I asked him how I was going to be paid, his response was "by check or paypal, whichever you prefer". On the day of the wedding, we were met by the groom who was unhappy with DJ RonnieB. DJ RonnieB Productions had taken their money, but failed to contact them until just before the wedding. He also tried to... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Kathy Chasteen of Someday Isle Kennels
MdlnMdln June 18, 2010
I contacted Kathy Chasteen about purchasing one of her German Shepherd puppies and after a couple of emails back and forth, she asked for a deposit of $50 to hold a spot for my pick of the litter. I asked her before agreeing to mail the deposit if the puppies had any health clearances and she quickly responded like she did with every single one of her emails, within ten minutes, that they had a two year health and temperament guarantee from her. While that didn't sound very comforting, I trusted her word as she reassured me she'd... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
madras vegetarian restaurant
k praveen kumar June 18, 2010
sir, this is praveen kumar.i am an indian. i work for the company "New Madras restaurant", which is closed now .the restaurant was located at Al ittihad road, al khan sharjah. It was closed now from 29 of may 2010. From that day i was been tortured mentally by the company staffs and the management. Till now i have got my settlement. I have been tourchered sexually in food . for that case i havent gone for job from 7 of june. Once i have been caught by the sharjah police too at Al tawoon 5 at 11th floor... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: India


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