LOCATION: United Kingdom

Edna Macleod October 6, 2009
ordered a free sample of dietary supplements, paying p&p...2 months later my card was debited with a total£154..goods distributed by VIV3 Ltd, Unit 5, Mill Rd Industrial Estate, Linlithgow, West Lothian Eh49 7QY, UK.AS a pensioner I can ill afford this as its more than 50% of my monthly pension read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
T.Cooper October 5, 2009
New to rapid bargains I mistakenly thought it was like eBay. It is nothing like eBay. You pay to make bids on items that you have next to no chance of winning. Yes, if you don't win the item then your bids are credited back to you, only to be credited to another item after you spend even more money on more bids so you can bid on items in the hope that you win and don’t lose all your money. Oh and if you don’t win anything in 30 days you lose your credits, hence, the money spent on bidding. I sat by the computer for 12 hour... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Thermoslim Plus
LarissaStaley October 5, 2009
I have oredered the Thermoslimplus.com and found out that i have these charges on my card. I have rang the number which is 1-310-359-1213 if your from the UK use 00 at the start of it. This should get ypu through. I would talk to them even though they were very rude, as i emailed them and it was slow and i wasnt getting anywhere. The webiste i got mine from was Thermoslimplus.com. Dont use it. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
crystal clear
terry/fwitt October 5, 2009
making a sealed double glazed unit into just 2 peices of glass stood in a rebate that have been drilled into could still be called a double pane unit, but it will never be sealed, if you introduce valves and air flow into a dgu it will never be a sealed unit for the rest of its time in that rebate.i think if you were to place a thermometer on the inner pane of a normally functioning dgu, and a crystal clear one you will find a large variation between the two, the second one would read cooler than the first, thus having less insulation properties.why not give it a whirl and see if the "U" value has changed read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United Kingdom
Shimmering White
demiran October 5, 2009
Its the usual scum - sign for a free trial of teeth whitening, then get charged for it 60 pounds: "When you order today you'll be signed up as a member of our exclusive Whiter Smile Program. You will be billed $4.95 for the shipping of your 14-day day trial, then once you choose to continue whitening with the Shimmering White System the low member price of only $82.40 per month for every month. (Shipped as a fresh supply monthly.) And remember, there's never any obligation - you can cancel your membership at any time by... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
BBArker October 5, 2009
I am in the process of reporting this company to law enforcement. I foolishly places an order with them 3-4 months ago. No such item was delivered and no contact was made to reassure me whatsoever. No emailed replied to. No questions answered. AVOID AT ALL COSTS. Legal action will be taken in due course. According to hpnet M-99 is involved in phising (stealing infomation for financial gain). read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
dezzi October 5, 2009
Can anyone advice us on how to stop this nature berry scam, I too have been a victim of the free trial of which I paid the shipping and since been charged £76.50 for what they call on ongoing membership of which I did noy request, I spoke to my bank and they give me a number to contact them by it is 08082389891 or email [email protected]. Can someone please stop these people, they also seem to be working under several different company names. Be very careful read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Dolphin appliances care ltd
Tanock October 5, 2009
Engineers don't know the products, unable to repair or find the fault. Arrive with incorrect tools for the job. Do not carry the full set of required tools. Leave the appliance with hinges half tight and job incomplete. Do not trust DOLPHIN ENGINEERS They are incompetent and will not repair your appliance, although the engineer will inform you that the job is complete. Beware Cowboy Engineers. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United Kingdom
Amana/Maytag UK
Tanock October 5, 2009
Amana Fridge freezers, highly inflated prices for substandard appliances. They have more breakdown calls. Their engineers don't appear to know the product, they ar unable find the faults. Poor standard product backed with poor standard of repair team. Avoid Amana products, these products are not worth the price tag. A cheaper option will save you a lot of hassle. I am stuck with their fridge freezer, but I will never reccommend Amana, Maytag. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United Kingdom
Tara<[email protected]>complaints
siily girl October 5, 2009
TARA, TARA-MEDIUM.COM PLEASE ADVISE EVERYONE THAT TARA-MEDIUM WHO OFFERS FREE READING IS A FAKE, A FRAUD, THE LOWEST FORM OF SCUM!! People who are desperate for help in times of need will not get it from this disgusting person, her site should be shut down. Please do not give her any of your hard earned money, she will try and scare you into believing there is an evil presence at work, the ONLY EVIL PRESENCE IS TARA-MEDIUM. Trust in yourself and believe we all make our own fate even in hard times. Good luck and best wishes to everyone who... read full review »
Filled under: Society & Culture Location: United Kingdom
mags-colin October 5, 2009
I have just been charged £51.09 for nothing. been onto the bank there's nothing they can do there is supposedly small print saying to cancel before 14 days but didn't see it when i ordered the items. here's a contact number for for you that i got from the bank to cancel the bank withdrawals phone 08082389891 hope this helps others that this scam has got PS there's nothing on the mane page to tell you to cancel before the end of the trial read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
The legal System
Mandy21 October 5, 2009
WHO, if any, is actively doing anything about the poor people of this country who are denied legal assistance for litigation? I is a fact that if you are poor you cannot get help with legal issues unless they are about Asylum, immigration or Race. They talk of free legal sites and the citizens advice but they are not willing to help in litigation. If anyone knows of anywhere or any law firm that actually helps with this IO would be interested to know. read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United Kingdom
silly moo October 5, 2009
Do not put your tickets up for sale with Seatwave, you may never get paid. They are a scam, they previously traded at On line ticket exchange, where I fell for their tricks and supposedly sold two tickets for Take that, I was due to get paid when the gig had happened, although I sent the tickets off I have never received my money, I tried ringing them times, phone was answered once by a man who said he couldn't help me and to ring back. No one ever answered again, or my emails. I know that Seatwave are the same company so don't buy or sell with these sharks. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
the byron hotel
habeebzibran October 5, 2009
please clear my doubts, i receive an appointment letter that (you are selected member in interview) via email id [email protected]. and he provide me website of this hotel is the byronhotel.com so, i want to confirm that this website is the right website of this hotel (the byron london, queens borough, terrace, London ) or not. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
focus cleanse/acia berry
sugurbabe October 4, 2009
This company has taken up to now 309 pounds from my bank account in 6 days which i can ill afford they have caused me to go overdrawn in my bank account.There is no phone number for them to contanct them could you please help me i am at my wits end as i cannot replace the money they have taken.I have been to my bank and the money seems to be transfered to singapore. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Acaiberry Detox/Life cleanse
tajrox October 4, 2009
My story the same as others.I sent for free sample and paid postage with my credit card details(stupid!)I looked thoroughly for small print about ongoing deductions but there were none so I thought this was a ligit site.After several weeks I have just discovered that my bank acc. has been debited today with 2 lots of $141.15 AUD. dated 28.09.09. My bank acc. is now in the red.Please tell me how I can get my money back from these scammers as it is equivalent to a full week's pension. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Vitality Clean Cypus
Nicola Claire Packwood October 3, 2009
I am absolutely infuriated and angry, I have had 73.64 pence talken from my account without permission, I agreed for a free trial which they claimed to be £1.98. I am so cross, I am a freelance journalist and if my money is not returned a.s.a.p, I will bring this company to a clousure. I have proof on my bank statement and it seems to me I am not the only one being scammed by this company, everyone need s to know ABOUT THIS AND IF MY MONEY IS NOT RETURNED, I will sue thier company and take them to court, noone has the right to take money from people's account without permission. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
varmi llc
doreen minors October 3, 2009
Why are varmi llc taking money out of my bank account? I want this stopped immediately and refunds of miney already taken read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
life cleanse colon cleanse
t d clarke October 3, 2009
i don't require these tablets, and i wish the direct debit cancelled. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
bill from t mobile
joseph kwarten October 3, 2009
please T-mobile has been sending me a huge bill for the last three months when i contested about it they told me i have been sending text massage to your company which i have no idea about. i rather have been receiving text massagegs which i always ignore. could you please chech your system and contact me so that i will bee able to sort this out. my mobile is 07944042459, also could someone contact me and let me know what is happening because i am shocked about this. please advice your people to stopped sending me any massage and to cancell my number from their list. read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United Kingdom
VIV 3, Acai Berry, Life Cleance
Feliciaam October 2, 2009
The company promised free trial products of Acai Berry and Life Cleanse provided you paid for the shipping cost, which I did. No strings attached, no future subscription. I got the free trial products and found they were not worth while so I did not order any more. I now find that the company is withdrawing huge amounts of money from my account, that I have not authorised. They cant even claim that this i some kind of subscription since no more products has been sent to me. Kerstin Amnerth Skåne Sweden read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Nippon Auto Spares Ltd
captbacon October 2, 2009
Bought an exhaust off these clowns which didn't fit even though I checked the car registration, etc. After many phone calls they agreed to organise a courier to pick it up and give me a partial refund (i cover the cost of the pick-up). On the day a courier was supposed to arrive nothing happened. Phoned them up and they said they would arrange it the following day. Again, no courier so I phoned Interlink who had no record of Nippon Autospares Ltd booking a courier at all. Rang them up again and finally a courier turned up. Then i had to... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United Kingdom
colo cleanse plus
joyce loftus October 2, 2009
I was under the understanding this product was only £3.99 and they took out £52.36 plus because of them i incured a debt with my bank for £38 ... I am totally pissed off because im now having to find this extra money to pay the bank because they took money not belonging to them. how do i get this back from them? please help. thank you joyce loftus read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
natureberry A vitacleanse
cardlady October 2, 2009
I applied for a 14 day trail, only to discover this company had taken payments from my account. I have attempted to contact this outfit but to no avail read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Deepdale October 2, 2009
I once had the misfortune to deal, rather naively. with Dazzlewhite. (I eventually got a refund from them by using a recorded delivery complaint to a UK address), but they seem to be associated with a number of other scam companies, all charging in US Dollars and providing NOTHING in return. They are regularly taking small monthly amounts from my bank account (One of them being "ULTIMATEFITPARTNER). I have never signed up with any of them or received anything at all for the payments, They seem to breed like maggots from the one brush with... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Date Safeguard
joseph haddow October 1, 2009
i was sent emails from a young lady who had advertised to go on dates, ithen emailed back to her and then was put onto website to sign up and get details of young lady example her phone number, after i did that the web site did nothing and the young ladies email adress was not accepting emails or texts.the web site doesnt exist and its annoying read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United Kingdom
Ron Dales October 1, 2009
Following an offer for teeth whitening by Healthsmile, I was charged £9.45 plus £1.00 for a free offer. This company then passed my details on to other companies, ie Pristinehlth, Ultifreshwell & (todate) Wellbhealth. Each of these have taken money from my account. This is contravining the Data protection Act. It is also a Scam to obtain money for nothing. I have contacted my bank and they have stopped this transaction but, it will take 14 days to take effect. Meanwhile I am loosing money I can not afford. As an 80 year old... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
jcatt47 October 1, 2009
Been with G3 for years, May this year 2009 upgrade due loads of calls from many companys they all seem to be named phones4you or words to that effect, in the post comes 3 new phones from diffrent companys all returned paid for at the post office with reciepts in total £16 now the problem i am constantly getting bills and threats of leagal action due to a unpaid bill for a phone i do not have. on a bank statement from June G3 have taken out of my bank £90 for 3 different mobile phones, on a number of complaints i was told i could... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
Trading Planet Ltd/VIV3 Ltd
Julie Gr October 1, 2009
I applied online for a free trial of Acai Berry Detox Pills on 7/8/09 which I just had to pay £3.95 for postage which I paid by Credit Card. On the bottle it states they are distributed by VIV3 Ltd, Unit 5 Mill Road Ind Est, west Lothian EH49 7QY. I received the pills a couple of weeks later with a FOC invoice. After reading the leaflet on side effects I decided not to take them. on 8/8/09 was charged with 89p by FOCUSCLEANSE on 25/8/09 my credit card was charged with £75.66 by FOCUSCLEANSE again, on 29/8/09 i was charged again... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
amature match .com
nakedyorky October 1, 2009
This site is still taking money out of my account in uk and i stopped using it in july of this year so now they owe me 3 months money they have taken from me as this is fraud i want it back as im on a pension read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United Kingdom
quick credit score.co.uk
bantsvishal October 1, 2009
I have tried to check my free credit score from this companies website before few months and since then they are keep taking amount of £14.95 from my account every month i tried to send them email to stop this but every time the message bounced back. I tried to contact the number listed above but noone taking calls i also send the messages from their own websites contact us form but still they taking money from my account. So i would like to complain about this company that first they offer free credit score and by this they collect your account details and after that they taking very large amount of around £15 everymonths. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
janethec October 1, 2009
The capsules don't look right, it came in a gold colour, when split open it's a gold colour powder, not right it suppose to look deep purple inside out. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
yahoo microsoft lottery
raj hire October 1, 2009
I RECEIVE FOLLOWING MAIL 8I JUST KNOW IS IT FAKE OR NOT. PLEASE REPLY. Msn/Yahoo Corporation Headquarters: 60 Merriman Road Blackheath London SE3 8RS UNITED KINGDOM Ref: UK/9420X2/70 Batch: UY 09102DY MSN/YAHOO AWARD WINNER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER : {PARCEL/NUM/2040} Dear Winner: RAHUL AHIRE, Congratulations once again on behalf of the Msn/Yahoo Lottery Board. We do believe that your winnings will be put into good use for community, educational and business development. I am in receipt of your e-mail... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Allsbeenhad October 1, 2009
QuickCreditScore invites you get a FREE credit rating, but carefully avoids a clear statement that there will be a charge on your card after ten days. After giving your credit card number the charge - 29.95 - is then deducted from your card, without notifying you, and unless you are aware of the charge they refuse to refund the money. This is a disgusting racket that uses Hotmail Email site to eject money from innocent and ignorant computer users, and in my opinion it should be outlawed, and prosecuted for completely misleading the public. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Frontierdelivery services limited
Habibur Rahman October 1, 2009
Received sms on mobile no: 09733186406 that you have won 350, 000, 00 GBP for the month of september 2009 lottery promotion which was organized by uk lottery Department... whuch was said that it is mobile draw promo its identification numbers are: Batch no: YM 09102XN; Reff no: YM3544XN; Winning no: YM09788... I have send them all my details in this address Email id:[email protected] via Mr. paul and now Mr. paul is saying that you have to pay 420 or 35, 000 INR into the account which will be send to me by the diplomat for clearing of... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Kaotic October 1, 2009
Do not purchace this product!! Con!!! They take unauthorised payments off your credit card without your permission. Ive had a credit card bill come over £200. Robbing wankers!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Greenfields Hydroponics
Mr T October 1, 2009
Payed for items but never recived them> Have phoned 30 times writen 4 emails but I get no reply. Avoid these scammers at all costs!!! read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
Nature Berry/Focus Cleanse
CJC55 September 30, 2009
Ordered a free sample and have since had 2 unauthorised payments of £75.28 taken off my credit card and cannot get hold of the company to see why. Have since cancelled my credit card to insure no more payments can be deducted. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Misteex September 30, 2009
September 2008 I changed my Gas and Electric powercard meter to paper billing. From then I received and paid for my bills quarterly, the only time we received a Scottish Gas person to read our meter was this month - 1 year after we changed our meter. Up until now we always thought our payments were fine up until I received my recent bill for nearly 700 pounds for the gas (thats supposed to be the quarterly bill) and nearly (300 for the electricity) I was extremely shocked and stressed by this so decided to contact Scottish Gas to inform them... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United Kingdom
pww biz united states
Tina Noble September 30, 2009
I have been completley ripped off by these fraudulant people who have now taken two payments from my bank account that are unuathorised. I have today been into my bank to cancel any further actions but I don t want anyone else to fall pray to these crooks. I was contacted by the company by phone to ask how I was getting on with there internet site and I informed them then on the phone that I did not wish to continue with there services as it was very long winded and not what I was looking for. I expected that I had made a one off payment to... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom


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