LOCATION: United Kingdom

Robert from London September 4, 2009
At the beginning of July 2009 I booked 2 rooms in Spain with Roomsnet. One day before flying to Spain (end of August 2009) I called the hotel to confirm the reservation and, to my surprise, found out that my reservation had been cancelled by my agent 1 week ago. I tried to call Roomsnet but, needless to say, Roomsnet was uncontactable on their both lines. Fortunately my flight was in the evening, so I went to their address indicated on their Voucher. At 45 Craven Road, London W2 3XB, there is no such company as RoomsNet, but... a... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
arriva bus company telford
demirose September 4, 2009
my daughter went to get on the number 11 bus at 7.30pmthursday evening ask the driver for half fare and was asked for her birth details which she gave he said no way are you 15 you have to pay full fare well my daughter did not have enough money for full fare so could not get on the bus my daughter does not look sixteen she is only small does not wear make up and is usually taken for a 13yr old the bus stop at telford is not the best of places to be at in the day let alone at night she phoned me in tears i had to walk down and fetch her then... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
BRENT BUSKELL September 4, 2009
I bought a 3 year membership to a Spyware program for £33.86 & a similar 3 year membership to an Antivirus program, for my Laptop. The Antivirus was bought online on 12th July 2009 & the Spyware remover on 23rd July 2009. The billing showed a charge by MBDETAILS.COM & the Merchant System Order number is; 28817452 for the Antivirus, & 29039253 for the Spyware Remover (Spybot) (£25.86). I have not been able to get a phone no. or an address to contact them and the only e-mail address I have just prompts an automated reply & gets me nowhere! I am getting frustrated! Can you help? Many thanks, Brent Buskell read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
Yahoo / Gmail. Windows Live and Beta
Lynne Keppler September 4, 2009
I have been contact by ''Yahoo'' and these people have advised me that I have won 320, 000.00 GBP...Is this legitimate or a scam???? find below the documents that I received. Yahoo Awards Center From The Desk Of The Promotions Manager International Promotions/Yahoo Award Center 124 Stockport Road, Long sight, Manchester M60 2DB - United Kingdom This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of Three Hundred, Twenty Thousand Pounds(£320, 000, 00.) for the month of... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
focuscleanse cyprus
kate frith September 4, 2009
I ordered a trail of detox tablets (fool that I am) and have now discovered that this company have taken £71.73 from my account without authorisation! I'm angry with myself and these lowlifes who have no morals read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
MD-TWORLD September 4, 2009
I have received a SMS today morning from MD-TWORLD. There was an information for me "congratulation.your phone has won GBP550, 000.00 pounds IN THE 2009 T-World Nokia draws in UK, To claim, send details to E-mail: [email protected] .Is that information true or not.if not, please take needful... send needful information to my id. my email id: [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Accai Pure Natureberry
Eileen Smithyman September 4, 2009
These scammers said it was a sample and only pay shipping, they then took £30.76 from my bank account, it looks as if they are making a mint doing this. They won't get another penny from my bank account !! The trading standards and police are being involved. BE Warned. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Viv 3 Labs complaints
Scammed Scotland September 3, 2009
Viv3 Labs Complaints - How to get a refund from VIv3 Labs How to get a refund from VIv3 Labs I ordered supplies of the products Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse in July and had the following email on 27th July 2009 Thank you for your purchase of the following product(s): Life Cleanse It can take approximately one working week, for an order to be processed and delivered (for some areas and in exceptional cases it might take up to 10 working days). You will be notified separately about the shipment of your product. Your... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Spec savers
billwizz September 3, 2009
I booked a eye test all was well I told the girl that I was due to go on holiday in 10 days, I was told all would be ok so I chose some glasses .I was told they would be a week. I phoned 10 days after I was told they where not ready, I told them I had been told it would take a week.which I was told it wasnt there fault, it was a couriers fault. So I suggested they take my glasses 3 miles to the other specsavers 3 miles away and get the lens tinted there, the manager refused but assured me they would be ready in two days. So I left it... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
tompty September 3, 2009
i tryed a 30 day free trail of the acia elite product. it didn't arrive for 2 weeks and when it did they had already taken £50 from my account along with the £19 postage and packing. i don't know how to contact the company as my comuter along with all contct details is now not working.my bank will not help me on this mater so i am forced to close my account wich will cause many problems. how can i cancel with no contact detail. help. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Be Wiser Insurance
denisemargaret September 3, 2009
I took out my car insurance last September 09 with Bewiser insurance. I advised them that I could not complete details on line as my particular car didnt show, I have a BMW SMG M3 ac schnitzer. They didnt know what a ac Schnitzer was so I explained that they modify cars all mine had was alloy wheels and a tail pipe no mechanical or body modifications. I had an accident 18th July 2009 no other car I hit a slippery patch of diesel on road and it threw me into the curb and hedge damaging the rear sub frame and other parts. Firstly they offered me... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United Kingdom
[email protected] September 3, 2009
WoW Gold On-line Shop at www.fesgame.com www.fesgame.com have the cheapest golds for you all the time. 10000G=76 Euro + 20% extra free Golds now.and Register now get the coupons free! read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
PWW*Online 800-4974988 US 79.90USD
Biatch September 3, 2009
I have just received my bank staement and to my horror there is a re-occuring debit card payment set up by this company. When I clicked on this site it was supoposed to be a one off payment of around £1.50 to tell me houw to set up a small internet business from home to earn extra cash... what it failed to say is MAKING THEM EXTRA CASH! Having searched this company on goole it led me to this complaints site and it would appear there are hundreds of other people who have fallen foul to this scam. I am now desperatly trying to cancel any... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Lise61 September 3, 2009
I was cold called by this company in May, and agreed to take out a trial pack of their Omega-3 multi vitamins. Basically when they called I was still in bed and agreed to get them off the phone. The trial pack never arrived so I never gave it a second thought. During the month of July I was away in Turkey and on my return unfortunately my marriage broke down so was taken out of work by the doctor with depression. At the start August I noticed a package from Flinndal which was obviously bigger than just a trial pack so I returned it to them... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
viv3 natureberry
EM89 September 3, 2009
i found out about this scam and tried to prevent them from withdrawing cash from my credit account. i cancelled the account yet they still withdrew money. as they are situated in UK no official body will take responsibility to assist me in closing the authorisation on them. they have no contact information for me to request ceasing transaction. Aust OFT and ACC say its out of their power!! HELP! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Shopper discounts.com/Crazy Discount
Val Sz September 2, 2009
Shopper discount.com has taken £40 from my bank account since Jun 10th 09, at £10 per transaction. I did not to my knowledge sign up to this. The only thing I can relate it to was when I went online to book a flight to USA with united airlines, and was directed to a page not related to the flight - I had completed the details thinking it was something obligatory to do with the flight booking. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
elaine mcglynn September 2, 2009
applied for filling envelopes at home 2 years come october sent 30 pounds for guaranteed work which never arrived. contacted them continuosly by phone and letters to no avail. discovered they are now operating under www.mailingortyping.co.uk advertising in my local paper the sun datedmonday22ndjune 2009.this is a scam still awating my refund and plan to take this further. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Acai Berry/ Life Cleanse (colon cleanser)
ArrrrGGGhhh!! September 2, 2009
What a sucker, fell for this scam hook, line, and sinker!! Took out free 14 day trial, , , now checked bank 2 find 4 x £75 taken from my debit card. Have called bank 2 put in dispute, and cancel my card. But still out of pocket for £300, with a family to feed and mortgage to pay. This cannot be legal, , some-one has 2 lock em up!! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
NicP74 September 2, 2009
I sent off $19.00 for a reading that didn't even come to pass. I have been trying to contact her through email about my money on numerous of occasions. I have yet to hear back from her. She is a liar and needs to be expose. If anybody decides to use a physic please do your research in dept before just giving away your money. Her name is Tara at tara AT tara-medium.com! PLEASE DO NOT USE HER SHE WILL TAKE YOUR MONEY AND YOU WILL NEVER GET IT BACK! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
peugeot v clic
christine launceston September 2, 2009
bought the scooter last november and theres been nothing but problems with the bike very unreliable for getting me to work as i work some distance from where i live . I have listed all problems with scooter i.e. battery failing to recharge when in use .speedometer cable breaking, headlight not working on full & half beam . plastic disc surrounding ignition broken away and bike is only 10 months old it has also been serviced twice as this is for the run in period on the miliage. all i need to know am i entitled for a replacement of this product. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United Kingdom
bmw automobilelottery
dilip sonera September 2, 2009
I got email that i won bmw car & cash by sweepstake email add. lottery on 08-08-2009 till i not got any prize i mailed all my info as per email by bmw.then again i got email that my prize is delivered to royal security.then i contected to RSC .the deplomat from RSC called me to pay 39200 Rs for my prize.But i am not able to pay the amount. if BMW most prominent company really wanted to give me prize than why they are not paying me and want money from my side? why these type of mail send to us if company don't want to pay? read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Gladedale Housing Association
laurageddes September 2, 2009
We purchased our new build property December 2006. The bathroom did not contain a shower however on discussions with the sales rep and workman on site we were advised that this could be fitted easily. A few months later we arranged for a private plumber to fit the shower and tiled the walls and floor. Early this year we noticed the tiles were starting to lift, on further inspection we noticed that this was due to a leak from the bath. On reporting this to gladedale a plumber was visited the house he confirmed that the leak was coming from the... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United Kingdom
EHarvey September 2, 2009
Im very unhappy as i was following a site under googles name saying about working for google and all i had to pay was £1.80 for a starter kit to be sent, so i gave my bank details, which then lead to the site www.yourprofitgateway.com which in a small print said they will be charging me a monthly fee of $79.90 for use of their website which is something i was not made aware of before entering my bank details. I am deeply upset from this as google being a trusted name has led me to the worry of $79.90 being taken out of my bank account. I... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
IBIT Store (ibitstore.com)
Paulbid September 2, 2009
I ordered 10 x Wiebetech hard drive boxes from IBIT Store back in June 2009 and have received nothing. (writing this in Sep 2009). When I telephoned chasing the order in mid-August the lady (who appeared to be in a foreign country) said that they weren't going to be getting any stock and that she would refund my £46.81. To date I have received nothing. Further emails from me are just being ignored and the phone is no longer being answered. There is a message on the IBIT Store website stating that they were taken over by SMH... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
Healthmember & VH ACCESS
Mrs Berry September 2, 2009
A company called whitesmile/dazzlewhite defrauded my bank account with 3 transactions & illegally provided my bank card details to Healthmember & VH ACCESs . I phoned Whitesmile and they have since re-imbursed me the money they took, however they say it is my responsibilty to cancel future withdrawals with Healthmember & VH ACCESS. I do not know who these companies are or how to contact them. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
bt freelance xd7500
jean m ash September 2, 2009
i have just purchased from you a bt freelance xd7500 phone set. there is a vital component missing - mains poewr adaptor item code 040367. what can you do about it j m ashb6c6a read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
Natureberry Cyprus
Melanie Brown September 2, 2009
I ordered a FREE sample of ACAI BERRY tablets and gave my debit card details because it said i had to pay £3.95 for post and packing. However they have taken two payments form my account, one for £72.40 and the next for £74.09 within the last two weeks. I have cancelled my card with my bank but they have informed me that this will make no difference, they can still take the money. How can i stop this!? It's outragous that this company are allowed to steal money from people without consent. Please help. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Acai berry colon flush Vitality clean
Katrina Burgess September 2, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
pampers simply dry
zoejennings September 2, 2009
i brought a pack of pampers simply dry from my local morrisons store, every one of these nappies i have put on my daughter has split the minute its got wet and all the cilicone inside has leaked out of them. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United Kingdom
victoria bown September 2, 2009
never stoped at bus stop for us at hartlewpol general to trimdon station and it was rainin and at to wait another hour and add kids to pk up plz ring me thank you arriva bussescouches read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
craigslist Macbook Pro using TNT service
zanchelm September 1, 2009
Internet fraud using craiglist and fake TNT shipping service. This has been reported elsewhere and they're still at it. Note the web page looks pretty legit but check it out carefully; note no depot in "Wolverhampton" and if you simply go to www.europetnt.com, you will be redirected to the real site of TNT shipping. The craigslist posting was for a Macbook Pro - too good to be true. Hope this helps others to avoid making an expensive mistake. Email correspondence follows. -- From: Arianna Meyerson... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
laptop/mobile broadband
Selephi Lungah September 1, 2009
On Monday 10th of AUGUST i was offered a free laptop with broadband for £5 per month, later on i decided to call the campany to double check if this was real, it turns out i was mislead with wrong information.I feel deeply unhappy coz i tricked into this, now t.mobile are saying i can not back out otherwise i have to pay a lot ot money for terminating the contract early.This is awful, everytime i call the campany i get different stories from defferent people.i would appriciate if you could look into this matter, i believe there are people like me who have been tricked by t.mobile. read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
URGENT READ September 1, 2009
I wrote in your complaints OH NO... URGENT READING FOR CONCERNED PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN RIPPED OFF BY THIS COMPANY. I phoned the company today which is called TRADING PLANET LTD and cancelled subscription, they gave me a cancellation number - their phone number is for England (0044) 203 139 9027. The company address in the United Kingdom is:- Trading Planet Ltd, 56 Thorton Close, PELTON Chester Le Street Co. Durham - DH2 1QH United Kingdom Apparently when you order your FREE SAMPLE they give you 15 days to AGREE... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
tara physic medium
ken coates September 1, 2009
I contact TARA PHYSIC, MEDUM BECAUSE i WAS TOLD SHE COULD HELP ME . She offered me a free reading as I explained it was worry about debt and finances also destiny I got a free reading that said I was going to come into a lsot of money which would eleviate my problems but she said I had a lopt of bad vibdes around me whhich needed removing and she coud do this for a fee of £99 I hafe tried to contact her to explain this is one of my problems I have no money but she keeps saying she has not received my e mails ? HOW DO I CHECK HER OUT... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
acai Berrydetox/life cleanse
astro_skate September 1, 2009
To whom it may concern, I ordered a free 14 risk free trial of effective cleanse antioxidant consisting of 1 bottle of Life cleanse and 1 bottle of Acai Berry detox from "Trading Planet Ltd" and I understood the terms and conditions to be that I would be automatically entered into monthly plan billed to my submitted credit card UNLESS I cancelled within the 14 days specified for the free trial offer. It seemed straight forward so I ordered online. Then I read the fine print on the confirmation e-mail I received and... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Viv3 Labs Acai Berry Capsules
Emma13374 September 1, 2009
I have just checked my emails and I placed my order for the FREE TRIAL of Acai Berry Detox and Life Cleanse on 27th July 2009 (that is the date of the confirmation email I received). Like everyone else I paid the 2 lots of £3.95 P+P (by debit card) thinking that was that. I always look out for those '15 day cooling off period' clauses and if I see it I don't order because being so busy things like that can get forgotten about - but I couldn't see anything like that and I thought I could trust it as it was a huge... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
mukesh chandiwal September 1, 2009
hello sir my mobile resive message for win 7000000 pounds on the 24 agu 2009 by irish promoand contect person is Dr. david so how to collaceted my money so please replay me my id is [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
dgj August 31, 2009
I ordered on June 24th 2009 a diet product, Para-X extract, for the sum of 39, 20 pounds which was debited from my account. Today, september 1st, 2009, I still haven't received my order! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
nike total 90 astroturf trainers
Hugh kelly August 31, 2009
i received a pair of total ninety astro turf trainers as a present which i was really chuffed about, but after wearing them for four games only i cant use them any more as the smell of what can only be described as strong cat pee has made them unbearable and unusable. I am very dissapointed as i have played football at an amateur level since i was ten years old i am now thirty three years old and have always used nike boots or trainers, and have always reccomended your products to all my friends and team mates. I would be very gratefull if you... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Turning Point
Chris Ashworth August 31, 2009
I was contacted by a guy called Justin who gave me his operator no as 3934 saying that i had won a holiday for 4 people at Universal Studies to be taken within a year. I was given the confirmation code and told that it would cost $7 to register. As they had my e-mail address and phone no i thought they were genuine. Then when i typed in their website address which is www.5staruniversal.com i was confronted by others telling me they were a scam. I have phoned my bank to tell them what has happened and also the police. They also... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom


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