LOCATION: United States

DITROIAJHN January 20, 2010
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
mark t. keller January 20, 2010
Purchased complete series of HBO "The Wire" (5 seasons) from Hotbox Sets. They were represented as legitimate HBO product. Shipment arrived from China, in obvious counterfeit packages, ludicrous mis-spellings of English everywhere on the package, inferior resolution and sound. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Sentry Insurance
Mike Janicki January 20, 2010
I have had Sentry Insurance for over 10 years and all they do is continue to raise my rates and tell me they will not pay for claims. Ruid customer service reps and constant agent turn over. Very out spoken managent. Check aroud there are way BETTER companies out there! DO NOT GET SCREW LIKE WE DID!!! read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Datel/action replay for psp
Platt78 January 20, 2010
I bought action replay for psp from them over a month ago the product does not work as described. They keep running me in circles and refuse to give a refund or acknowledge the problem. I have the backlog of emails sent to and from showing how they avoid the problem. Have you downloaded the latest version of the software / codelist that was released last week?   To update your PSP Action Replay: Connect the PSP to the PC and put the PSP into UMD Mode Open the “Action Replay for PSP Installer” Install the... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Parallels 5.0
Parallels NO MORE January 20, 2010
I filed a complaint online with the Better Business Bureau about Parallels HORRIBLE customer service and problems running the download. The next day Parallels emailed me to tell me that they were crediting back my credit card. We will see if it actually comes through. I write this just to encourage you to contact the BBB online and file your formal complaint so that this lunacy from Parallels will stop. Shame on them for the wasted HOURS of my life (our lives) waiting on them to deliver services promised that never come to pass. Below i... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Adrenal Fatigue/Cylapril
bapkp January 20, 2010
I ordered the Cylapril sample. After taking it for a couple of weeks I began feeling sick. I went to the doctor and my blood pressure and sugar was off the wall. We decided that Cylapril was the only thing different. She suggested I stop it for a while. My blood pressure and sugars went down.I called to cancel the automatic shipment of three bottles, but was told it was shipped. I made arrangements to send it back . They gave me the cancellation # and return auth. #. I wrote them right on the bill as they were given to me. I sent all the info... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Total PC Defender
Donald Ira Pendleton January 20, 2010
This software would not let me accesss the internet until I purchased it, then when I got a virus it would not do anything and I had to purchase another software to clean up my harddrive. I really expect a refund of the $79.95... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
The Spa LLC
Rita L.. January 20, 2010
My Fiance purchased a gift certificate last night for a couples spa package. The next morning we realized that it was no where near our area in Florida and not possible for us to visit it in the 4 days we would be there from Michigan. When we called and spoke to the horribly rude Spa Manager Andy whom was eating while on the phone said that it was not refundable and did not expire. I however noticed on this site there was another issue with a previous customer and gift certificate expiration issue. So here is my concern we just purchased thi... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Freedom Health Grievances Dept.
K Dora Lerch January 20, 2010
Hello, On Jan.15 2010 received a backdated to Dec.31 2009 'refusal' without any signature from the Grievance Dept. The refusal to pay 70 % for a urine and stool tests and the doctor visit which I claimed. It was an out from network service which I needed being in sink, many times disabled through the 'symptons' treatment which was restricted different steroid pill and injections. Due this treatment I faced with side effect like ulcer and later on 'lupus' shown by my bloodtest. Because the treatment was hopele... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Blue Scape Timeshares
fedup55 January 20, 2010
I received an unsolicited call indicating they had a buyer for my two timeshares (not listed for sale). All I needed to do was send them $3, 100 to open an escrow account. Of course, I would get that back after the sale. They would not put any in writing because "that would be illegal." I did a lot of research and then questioned the company. Needless to say, I caught them in MANY lies. They were unable to provide a business ID number, they operate from a mailbox (even though they insisted they are physically located at that... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Info.FreeCreditReport.infoFCR.com Ca
Dominador Bona January 20, 2010
info.FreeCreditReport.infoFCR.com Ca keeps charging my credit card with reference number 75309560016580449603170. Request refunds from said company. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Family & Cosmetic Gentle Dentistry LTD
stillinpain January 20, 2010
I went to FAMILY COSMETIC GENTLE DENTISTRY LTD in COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA and was seen by DR BREYNNE FORDAHL for 2 absessing teeth. I requested a prognosis, a treatment plan and a weeks worth of antbiotics so i would have time to see a endodontist and determine a plan of action. She refused service, told me to take Ibuprofen for pain and go find a specialist to take care of the problem. She offered no referral to any doctor and honestly did not care about me in any way shape or form. She told me she would not provide me with rx for... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
AnnWantsHerShoes January 20, 2010
HERBERT MAGGIO III at KM 17 Enterprises is totally trying to rip me off. He took my money a month ago for shoes that i ordered and he refuses to ship them out. In his emails to me, he has told me that i am an "Angry Person" and referred me to some anger management book. He also has called me a "Bitch". Then when i demanded a tracking number, he gave me a FAKE tracking number to some place in some other state. i am working with my bank and a fraud department to get my money back. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Jeremy Butler January 20, 2010
to whom this may concern, I signed up for a trial offer for eyepothesis I was very disappointed that the company withdrew over $78 from my account, without my permission. This lead to an overdraft in my account and subsequent overdraft fees. In such difficult economic times, it seems the struggling man continues to be kicked while he is down. I am currently attending college classes and raising two children. The money the company took from me is not a substantial amount but it effects my family. I think the eyepothesis people should be... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
MikeATL January 20, 2010
They offer a free book, just pay shipping. WATCH OUT. If you order it they charge the shipping charge and then start this 19.95 a month charge for a tiny newsletter. They saidIi agreed to that! The say they will cancel future charges but wont go back and refund their unauthorized billings they made. I went back to website www.losethebackpain.com refilled in an order and it didnt say anything about agreeing to this charge.<br /> <br /> They also go by LIVE PAIN FREE, the title of newsletter and webiste is www.losethebackpain.com<br /> <br /> CAREFUL...RUN! Just yet another scam. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
e.alexander January 20, 2010
These MOTHER FUCKER'S ripped me off for $79.95!!I was stupid and did a "trial" offer of one of their products, which I didn't even use.I sent it back within the deadline and was debited for the above amount.I then called their customer service dept.and told them what happened.They said, "okay, we will credit your account back, $79.95."I was happy.then I checked my account continously with no fuckin credit there yet!so I called them, yet again, and they said that the credit was made when it wasn't!Now I'm out almost $80 fuckin bucks!!! read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
doctz January 20, 2010
Generic Viagra, low price viagra, Erectile Dysfunction, Cheap viagra, impotence, real viagra, buying viagra online, best price viagra read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
what company
chris1114 January 20, 2010
i mailed this company 90.00 dollars to start some kind of home business. i have yet to hear from anyone why they are making a excuse to take my money and not own up to there promise. it is a fraud if you ask me. i was told to e-mail at unparalleledmarketing.mesages4.com and it come up with nothing. you really need to explain yourself and contact me soon. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Agage Auto Warranties
Huan Tran January 20, 2010
Greeting, If you need extended auto warranty, Agage is not the place for you. I paid $3, 868.00 for 60 months or 100, 000 miles. After about 9 months in to the contract, my vehicle broke down. It took them 4 days to authorize for the service. They only authorize for part of the service they warranty for. They don't cover for transmission fluid, fan mechanism for the seat. Worst than that, they never pay for any service. I called, the shop called, we even email to them. No response what so ever. To top that, now... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
karen and kenny hudson
Kenny Hudson January 20, 2010
I submitted money for what I thought was a virus scan for my computer and it turned out now to be a scam! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
www.levick.com scam
averyy January 20, 2010
I have contracted with www.levick.com to help remove some false accusations about my company and levis stood me up. No emails are returned and no one will refund my money so I will use some one else, I am in a bad situation and In the future I hope I can avoid companies like levick.com. I have also posted to the better business bureau. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Francis Henry January 20, 2010
unauthorized charge to credit card of 39.95 read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Sofas Ektop Series
mencar January 20, 2010
I bought some sofas from Ikea for my living room beginning of December. They charged me about 20% of the cost of the merchandise for delivery fees………. They took three weeks to arrive (they were suppose to take 7 to 10 days), of course they forgot to include the sofa covers. I called to complain and they nicely told me that they would take care of it …..the next day……. I called the next day and then I was told that first they had to call the delivery company to make sure that indeed the sofa cover... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Apply Knowledge Institute & Internet Auction Academy
bbecky January 20, 2010
The salesman: Devin Leonard w/Internet Auction Academy. The trainer/product: Apply Knowlege Institute, multiple coaches. Charges: $8220.00 for training in setting up a web ebay business. Failed to disclose that there would be some really HIGH PRESSURE sales associates calling me and charging on my credit card additional fees and telling me that it was required by Applyki.com. I filed a dispute w/my credit card company, which told me not to talk to Applyki.com. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
linfons January 20, 2010
Do not order from this company, will not take returns, states that the shoes they are selling are authentic, they are not. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
kamaaamal January 20, 2010
In maduravoyal banu gas agency is only a barath gas distributor in maduravoyal.if u ever get a cylinder in any agency.because we are a giant and a dare. you are zero for everand ever . Ha Ha Ha ... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Experian Direct
84Ti79 January 20, 2010
We were robbed of several thousand dollars worth of merchandise during a burgurly of a storage unit in Monument, Colorado. We felt some or perhaps all of our personal information may have compromised. We contacted Experian to report this and to get our "free" credit report. This situation has gotten out of hand. We do not need a monthly report. We do not want any more funds taken from my wife or myself. Her name is Dorothy Tiry and my name is Dale L. Tiry. We called the Ent Federal Credit Union and requested that no more requests for... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
whdowdy January 20, 2010
unathoritze withdrawel i notice in my bank account that this company had charge my accont with 19.95 i did no authroitze this no do iwant their service read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Cleanwhites/Dental whitening
ppddss January 20, 2010
In October 2009 I responded to an add for a trial offer of teeth whitening paste. I used my debit card to pay for the shipping charges. I received the trial offer and did not intend to buy the product, I only wanted the trial offer. Since then Cleanwhites has charged a total of $255.42 to my debit card in 4 separate payments, sometimes $79.95, sometimes $83.90. I phoned them on January 8, 2010, when I realized they were charging my debit card, and told them to stop. I also asked for my money back and offered to return the product. I haven' t used any of the products they sent. Cleanwhites refuses to accept the returns or refund my money. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Verde Woodland Hills Apts
danielusmx January 20, 2010
for the ;ast three months i have tried to get my water/waste water charges fixed, in october, November and Dicember my bill was for $98 dlls, the bills showed i had used 6680 gallons of water and the same for waste water the manerger never gave me a reason or information on them fixing the problem the only thing they did was to adjust the bill for half the price in october and for Nov and Dic $30 dlls per month. A couple of days ago they send me a copy of an e-mail from the contractor they hiered to send the charges to the renters and it... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Theresa Gareau January 20, 2010
I was billed by Netflix on my Mastercard for a video that I did not rent. I wish to be reimbursed by Netflix for the error. $5.30, dated 01/01/2010 reference # 55432860001000822687750 read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Revlon hair styler
gabluck January 20, 2010
I got this hair styler as a gift for christmas. I liked it so much and I used it the next weekend to do my hair, and it worked perfectly. Then I used it two more times on the next weekends and it worked right, but last weekend when I plugged it, it didn't turn on; like dead, I tried on four different outlets but got no response and it's until like that, dead. There is no signs of heat. As I don't have the receipt because I got it as a gift, well the store doesn't want to change it for another one. How can i do to return this one and get a new one? Sincerely yours: Karina Perez read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
cvs 3000 heights road aliquippa pa 15001
sdmihalic January 20, 2010
I have been waiting for my prescription of Advodart for three days, each day for the past three, they would call and ask if i can wait till tomorrow, serivice as always been good, until now. I hate to leave cvs, convince me that I should stay with csv read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
American Home Sheild
Ashley in Alabama January 20, 2010
I called AHS on Sunday to file a service request on our hot water heater. I heard back from them on Monday as it was a weekend. A plumber looked at the heater on Tuesday and verified it needed to be replaced but moved over a few feet to be up to code. Of course this move was not covered and was double what it was to install the unit. I called AHS back and asked how much cash they would give so I could switch to a tankless heater and not have to move the pipe. They failed to inform me that a cash request would take up to two days in the... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Galaxia Communications, Seoul, Korea
D. Schmidt January 20, 2010
This company withdrew the sum of $128.42 from my account with my permission on 29 December, 2009. I want to find a way to contact this company to resolve this matter ASAP. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
1970 Scott January 20, 2010
We were sold a Ramsond generator when it came the battery was dead. We were told it would run well in the bay of our bus by the customer service at Ramsomd as long as it was vented. It was vented but it burnt up after only 4hrs of running. We called and ask for a part and they told us it would cost us. If you are thinking of buying this product burn your money instead at least you will get heat out of it. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Chase Auto Finance..
chase sucks yes they do January 20, 2010
Let me start by saying we wil NEVER bank with Chase every again.. They are the Worst company and I hope they go out of business... Just like other Large companies that got bailed out. who dont give a crap about there customers. Chase is horrible... I do not suggest any of my family or freinds to bank with them. My husband lost his job and we were down to one income. they would not work with us till we got caught up. they said they would help us and then when it came down to skipping a payment the basically LIED. They have the most... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
save my home /steal my money
Save My Home USA/is a enemy of the USA' robbing hard working, backbreaking, tax payers who just need help and certainty, not a hand out. I have 5 kids and a wife who depend on me, i needed them and they jacked me out of money i could have used to pay my mortgage. I was not late on my mortgage at the timei filled out app. I was on disability at the time, and trying to plan ahead for the ruff road that i saw ahead of my life, my mortgage went up to 1800.00 a month, I was receiving a little less than 70% of my pay. On workers comp for 8... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Prize Information Bureau: State of Washington Commissioners of Registration
ldcmd January 20, 2010
sent me this letter saying I won $3, 276, 450.00. However I have to send them $20, hmmm why couldn't they just take the $20 out of the prize money? Because none of it is real read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Money & Prize Notification
truth finder January 20, 2010
I received a notification in the mail stating my identification as recipient for reported cash award entitlements totaling over $2, 500, 000.00 and that the information is real and actual; based on results from a recent participation in a National Promotion in which my subsequent identification is now affirmed and announced, and now waiting to expedite delivery to me of proprietary Money and Prize Notification Documents pending on my response. An ID # was issused and all I was to do is respond befor the dead line Jan. 29, 2010 by sending in... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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