LOCATION: United States

Ultimate Health/Colon pro Cleanse
Nancy D. Ritchie September 20, 2009
I initially ordered the colon Pro Cleanse from an internet advertisement. I only ordered a trial sample and attempted to cancel my order. Each time I telephoned I was told A confirmation number would be E-Mailed to me and a return shipping address for the trial bottle I had. On 08/31/09 a debit appeared on my bank statement for $80.59. I again called this company to cancel. On 09/16/09 another charge of $100.70 was deducted from my bank for this same product. I have not received any products except the trial bottle and these charges were... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
First National Merchant Solutions-Omaha, Nebraska
Timeless Seeds Inc. September 20, 2009
Our bank switched to using First National Merchant Solutions as the credit card processor for businesses. They lied about the fees we would be charged, charged us monthly fees before we even installed their equipment, and then charged us $250.00 when we canceled the account. They took over $280.00 from our bank account and provided no services at all. They refuse to refund the money. Avoid this company. Reputable credit card processors do not lie about the fees and do not charge a cancellation fee. We have a new merchant processor we are very happy with. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Personal Total Security Anti Virus Software
David H FT. Smith Arkansas September 20, 2009
While on my Computer a window Poped up and said my Computer was in Danger of Virus Threats, From a Company named Total Security, It scanned my computer on its on, it said it found 42 Threats. This is the Second time this has happened.It said to Protect my PC click activate and a window poped up for all my ID, Name, Address, State, Zip, Phone#, And two options to buy to prevent any threats.So i Put my Debit Card in and Clicked Process.I then Click activate it asked for a Activation Code.I checked my email for hours GOT NOTHING.I purchased the... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Used Car Motor Mall
Maxlow September 20, 2009
I purchased a 2006 Grand Prix from these aweful people the summer of 2009... What a mistake that was. The people running this company are a bunch of idiots! Very shady people! Stay away from this company. I had to take the car in 4 times within 3 weeks for multiple issues... everytime I went to pick up my car they either said they didnt find anything wrong or that they "fixed it", This was not the case. Now that I have a $10, 000.00 loan on it, I am not satisfied at all! Please make sure to read reviews on this company, you wont find on good review. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Mission Chevrolet El Paso TX
Akto September 20, 2009
Purchased a new car from Mission Chevrolet, El Paso, TX, with cash and a trade-in early on a Wednesday afternoon, was told it would be made ready and available for delivery the following day. A ferocious hail storm occurred that evening. The next day, when I came to pick up the car, my salesman, Moises, told me the car was not ready because a tailgate latch was not working properly and needed to be replaced. Although this latch worked fine when I test-drove the car, I took his word on it. He said the car would be ready later that evening or... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
robert delanoys stinky pantie factory
bongo123 September 20, 2009
the panties i ordered had no aroma, however they did have a brown skidmark . read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
John dooo September 20, 2009
CALL THEM FOR HELP ASK FOR ((((((AMY TENG)))))))))) Deputy Attorneys General 455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 11000 San Francisco, CA 94102-7004 Telephone: (415) 703-5500 Fax: (415) 703-5480 E-mail: [email protected] They are not licensed with the Attoreny General REPORT THEM they are a scam!!!1 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Pronet Training.com
Anthony Buntrock September 20, 2009
Answered to Google advertisement on Yahoo homepage for $1.00 info on E Commerce sponserd by Google. Never recieved e mail with log in info for the product then when I wanted to opt out they claimed they had no record of me even talking to them so I could not cancel. They said it took 48 hrs to get approval from GOOGLE by then it was to late. YAHOO/ GOOGLE am very pissed off about this with many others I am now finding out. How can you allow this to happen to thousands of people trying to find honest alternatives. I will boycot your browsers and get rid of my G mail and take legal action if you do not provide me with info and a refund. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
PCCS Road to Success INC
cathy downum September 20, 2009
I ordered Jack and Jill magazine on 6-30-09. Have received no magazines yet and when I call the company and hit the appropriate number for a refund a recording comes on and says all lines are busy and to call back tomorrow. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Kim A Cook September 20, 2009
I have completed the necessary info DelMax, just to get my laptop to tested, three times and keep choosing the offers to claim my gift, and have done so twice, but I keep getting asked to fill out info and keep getting charged $1.00 and $5.97 (for shipping and handling), when I submit, this info comes up again and again. I cannot get past the final step! I am readly to cancel everything... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Noton security prescription 2009
shirley Deangelis September 20, 2009
I order subscription for 30 day trial period a cancellled same day it was charched to my credit card very next day I pro ceed to cancel order but it os on my credit card read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
unhappy one September 20, 2009
Every Month I am been charged a fee of $9.99 on my wife and daughter cell phone.even though I called the the company several time canceling the services read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Club Penguin
MK Olowu September 20, 2009
We bought a membership of Club Penguin for our 6 years old son last year. Since August 2008, he lost his password and tried to get a new password by using "Forget Password". However, it only sends him sometimes an invalid code or wrong link. I reported to the customer service about a month ago. They did not take any appropriate action until I sent a couple of more mail. And until now, this simplest mistake is not fixed. This service is sold to small children. They are crueless for these kinds of matters without... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
j okelley September 20, 2009
i have only been with tmobile for a few months, and i got two phones.one for me and one for my girlfriend.when i went to monitor our service her line only showed her number for all calls and messages.like she was talking only to herself.i went to the store and the sevice rep who helped us looked into it, he said that there was no block on the line, and the line was suprisingly fixed after that visit.but then my girlfriend got an e-mail from the employee that i had the info unblocked.i dont know how many of your employees are secretly fixing... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Cost Cutters
Sherdog10615 September 20, 2009
They run a promotion; Buy 9 Haircuts Get the 10th Free. I went to the Cost Cutters on Pineville Matthews Road in Charlotte to get my free haircut. I made the mistake of presenting the discount card first to Richard the manager and this certainly reflected in the quality of my haircut. Little effort was made and I walked out with one of the worst haircuts in a long time. Two days later I needed to go to a competitor to get a new haircut. I'll never return to this particuliar Cost Cutter again. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Travel Advan aka Premier Travel
Kathleen 530 September 20, 2009
Opening my American Express statement I found an unauthorized charge of $129.99 from this company. Called AMEX and put the amount into a "dispute". Asked AMEX to find out how they got my card number. This stuff really pisses me off... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
JC Whittney
Amandawoodberry September 20, 2009
They took my order, I was supposed to get 25 % off because I had a cupon code, they said it was valid. I recieve 1/2 my order a month goes by I contact them, they tell me they will contact the company they order from and find out about the hold up, also that they dont apply the cupon till all the order was shipped so I wont get my discount till the last tire ships. They get back to me saying there is a hold up on the company that makes the tires end and they dont know when they can ship it. Could be tomorrow or never. Well I say I will wait a... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
csboots September 20, 2009
UGG® Bailey Button Boots, Save: 28% off, free shipping NOW! New UGG® Bailey Button Boots Products ON sale! Save: 28% off, free shipping NOW! http://www.csboots.com/ugg-bailey-button-boots-c-13.html read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
AVS September 20, 2009
Travelocity is terrible stay away from this place!!! Tried to purchase tickets through their web site and after they put 3 authorizations against my account for the same 5 tickest and sent me an itinerary they called me and said they couldn't comfirm my tickets because there was a problem with the names of the travelers. I put this in on line so I went back and looked at my itinerary they sent me and the names were correct but they had them all messed up on their system. Then they sent me another confirmation and itinerary only to call my... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Martin Freeman Limited
Sean Nicol September 20, 2009
Hi We were recently ripped off by £1000 by Martin Freeman and Company who now resides in the USA he is a known frauster travelling the country ripping people off with fraudulent checks and credit cards warning to every one do a search on google MARTIN FREEMAN and you will bring up several complaints about him, the police are investigating this person but have struggled to track him down. Personal Info First Name: Martin Last Name: Freeman Birthdate: 14th April 1956 Address: 2 Bromyard Road, Cradley Malvern... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
favaloror September 20, 2009
was charged 24.95 on the 19th of september and wasn't even online to make apurchase of any sorts.on my credit card summary is when I noticed my account was short do to this company. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
MYCREDITHEALTH.COM POS 800-266-8173 TX US 000393
jenni84 September 20, 2009
On 9/2/09 I signed up for a free trial to recieve my credit score i authorized a debit card purchase of 1.oo on 9/9/08 there is a unauthorized charge of 28.95 . To top it all off there also was a unauthorized charge of 1.00 and on 9/9/09 29.95 to MVQ*privacymid i need my money i'm just a waitress whose son has way to many docter bills . read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
MVQ*PRIVACYMID POS 888-239-3919 CT US 000602
jenni84 September 20, 2009
On 9/2/09 MVQ*PRIVACYMID charged 1.oo dollar and on 9/9/09 29.95 I have not authorized these transactions and i need my money back. I am a waitress my son needs surgery on his eye and his docter bills keep me struggling as it is. I need my money back. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Golden2 September 20, 2009
Before I bought a brand new house in Corpus Christi, TX, I ran over this website: www.cashbackonnewhomes.com. An agent named Alfred Vega claimed to give me 2% cash back rebate. He has a couple of websites promoting this cashback. He claimed he can cashback any houses in Texas. I met this guy twice at a local restaurant. This crook never cared about what house I bought. He did not take a look at my house, or never talked to the builder. No work whatsoever. When the closing date was close, this crook did not answer any of my phone calls. After... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Donna Reid, My Fabulous Longcoats
breeder September 20, 2009
DONNA REID, MY FABULOUS LONGCOATS IS A SCAM ARTIST ! ! ! This person DONNA REID, is not a good reliable breeder. She sells you a dog and knows you are buying it for breeding purposes, then never tells you the bite is bad and the dog has long spider legs, which makes it roach backed. I ask her to take the dog back and she refused to even talk to me about it. She sells the dogs when they are very young, does not update pictures and when you get it is the most hideaous dog you have ever seen ! She also LIES to you about the weight. She will... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
JunCleanse/"Clean Whites"
UpDownEast September 19, 2009
I am in expectation for arrival of Clean Whites with special structions and tooth gel whiteners, even though I didn't get them on anticipated day of delivery.Details about the delivery date given on day I ordered the free "trial shipment".Here's what I found sketchy about the whole initial online facts and description of terms and conditions, In the event you don't want to keep the first supply of product, you just call and get a UPS Return Label for $.00.Then it's over, and you won't be charged any further... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Equty residential
newrenter September 19, 2009
The landlord has charged me more that 60 dollars of late fee recently for missing a payment for 3 days. According to the california tenant law on can change 10% of the monthly rent calculated over that whole year. Which would amount to 20 cents for every day past due. And more over other landlords would waive the late fee if its the first time. There had been a genuine mistake from me for missing my payment. I explained to them that there was problem in their website which couldnot process my rent and that it failed to give any kind of... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Jason Biggs September 19, 2009
Samual Abecassis has been defrauding companies and people for decades. He has been arrested as the law finally caught up with this con man. He had a company he sold Miracle Applications corp a public company for 50 million shares of stack and then when he was asked to resign for his recent crime spree, he did so and then when one of the officers and a consultant went to the bank to change the corp. signer on the account, , Abecassis told police he never signed the resignation and an innocent victim was arrested for trying to supposedly gain... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
My 3 Sons Productions/Canosa Catering
KrystalonaMission September 19, 2009
TRUST me anyone who has had any type of run in with this person will need to read this! http://www.ripoffreport.com/Questionable-Activities/My-3-Son-s-Productio/my-3-son-s-productions-my-3-so-af623.htm read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Redbox / Dvdplay
mbg September 19, 2009
After returning a DVDPlay to a Red Box kiosk by mistake and discovering the problem with extra charges for a dvd that I didn't have in my possesion, I was furious that a Red Box machine just took my DVD even though it knew it was not a Red Box DVD. Red Box basically stole my DVD and their customer service is 100% complete crap. Yet, DVDPlay continues to charge and make lots of money on DVDs eaten by Red Box kiosks, so they are coming out way ahead, too. It would be interesting to find out if the two companies are in bed with each other... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
VW Passat
Kelley Briggs September 19, 2009
I leased a 2006 Passat from Palisades Volkswagen, in Nyack, NY. It was a 4-year lease. During those 4 years, it had numerous repairs (fuel pump "melted", both boot blocks cracked, coolant system crack, and then your various brake jobs, 8 tire replacements, and more -- I drive a LOT). Every time I diligently took it in for service, it had recalls to be fixed. While I had VW's before, this Passat seemed to be laden with defects. With 9 months left on my lease, faced with more repairs, I talked to my sales person, Benjamin Smith, and... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Ontario California
Don't go to CARMAX ONTARIO September 19, 2009
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Newport shorts box
davisj September 19, 2009
The packs were all stale !!! And some were bent yo ucan see it in the picture shown below.. I buy a carton every week i have never had this happen but i do think that a refund or an exchange would be nice.. cigarettes are really expense these days but im loyal to my brand i will not smoke another brand... they gave me headaches and a awful taste in my mouth... in my book this is unacceptable here is the number on the boxes [0 263041 8] the ink jet on the box is [9W170550] 13:16... [the inkjet on the carton is BW170550 13:16] the bar code... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
dick milham
nancy caflin September 19, 2009
ripped off for the third time. they do unauthorized service. recently was supposed to have belts replaced and they decided to only replace one. not asking what i wanted but decicding for me. i'm self employed so time is money had coupon for 20% off for labor on said job. dave appleby decided it would save me money if they only replaced one belt instead of both. they had the truck apart, so for 40$ on the second belt, as the estimate was 360$ for both. was charged 322 for the job half done and not saving me a dime. have to go back for... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
mbm&f-you tube
gettingeven September 19, 2009
they billed my credit card without my knowledge. I called and they promissed a refund since april 3rd. I am still waiting on that refund. they are full of shit. I have their regular address and everyone in america will know by next tuesday what is going to happen about my $100. and my gas money and time for going to utah. Watch the news next week. As a matter of fact, its not even about the money anymore. I just have to do this for my own mental health and all the people that they screwed oy of millions of dollars., . [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Terry Suitt DBA Business Solutions LLC
Tony DaSilva September 19, 2009
This warning advisory is directed to those who are about to conduct a business agreement with Business Solutions LLC or front company of Terry Suitt, 5212 Ortega Oaks Lane, Jacksonville, FL 32210. A money broker, this outfit has an outstanding complaint with the NE Florida Better Business Bureau that has not been resolved and disputed. If you are contemplating on doing business with this individual or his front company, be forewarned, do not give in to any upfront fees and watch all the daisy chain of brokers introduced into your funding... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Greendot Grant
check September 19, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
simon giftcard
horace bynum September 19, 2009
can not get to talk to some one in charge to present a problem to. H. Bynum [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Dazzle White, Vibrant Whitening, White Smile, AxisWellessPortal
joylynette September 19, 2009
They hook you by offering a free trial of their products for a minimal shipping fee. After that, they sign you up with a bunch of different companies who keep sticking it to you for different amounts of money. The products are ridiculously priced and will be shipped to you monthly once they get your account information. I cancelled well within the trial period once I knew what they were up to and I'm still getting charged on my account every few days. Visa knew all about these crooks. Some guy named Leo Gold is running the show. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Visa Green Dot Prepaid cards
JNC525 September 19, 2009
Purchase a Visa Green Dot prepaid in error thinking it was a Visa gift card. I realized when I got home and there was no card inside the folded cardboard. I called the K-Mart store where I purchased it immediatly to get refund but was told they could not give the money back. I needed to contact Visa directly. I called the (800) phone, entered the card number and spoke with a sales rep. She took my address and sent a check. THE CHECK BOUNCED! I didn't discover this until a week after and by then no longer had the cardboard with the activation number and there is no way to reach a person. All K-Mart could say was to call the Better Business Bureau. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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