reservation reward norwalk
Since December 2007 RESERVATION REWARDS are taking me 10$ each month on my Amex credit card.
What can I do to be refunded for these sums. read full review »
ezfasthelp, megadownloadpass
This site, along with ezfasthelp.com, willoffer you to dowload books youre looking at discount rates. Once you pay, the only downloalable material is porno DVD.
Stay away. read full review »
MP3- purchase.com
En allant mettre à jour mon IPHONE, j'ai été redirigé sur ce site qui m'a ponctionné sur ma carte visa premier la somme de 58€.
En fait, le site propose un abonnement obligatoire pour une somme de 11.95€ à l'année et dés qu'ils ont obtenu les coordonnées bancaires, ils
prélèvent frauduleusement le compte de plus de quatre fois le montant prévue!!!
Mes Coordonnées: Jean Jacques Honoré, 11 place saint louis 17810 ECURAT.
Mail: [email protected] read full review »
Symantec UK Norton
My key products VVPFW63WvWvWk42JTYTVTVFVYJ7
Account number : 845196283
They are Swindler or crook, and very stupid and crazy : I’ve cancelled and have not been using all your products since 2007, because Norton doesn’t give me satisfaction, Norton being unable to eradicate every virus that enters into my computer.
They stoled me, taxed me about EUR 30, 12 on February 2008, so that I sent them a confirmation of my cancellation.
They sent me the following mail ... read full review »
the 02/02/2009 internet service took me 31.78€ without any authorization.
On my account bank, i readed it was from TRMEMPAY.COM.
I want my money back
please help me (it's not the first time someone take my money without any authorization read full review »
michel paris
On the 6 of january, it shows on my Euros banking bnpparibas statment that i had a debit of euros 30.35.
Can you explain this to me.
see below.
30, 35
Thank you
michel paris
[email protected] read full review »
albooks - A1 Books.com
Dear Sir,
I have placed an order on January 3rd, 2009 but had no confirmation to my order by email? Could you please help me to sort it out and when my book should be estimated to arrive
many thanks Philippe Notton
order 1 Articcle 1560239662 - Macho love: Sex Behind Bars in Central America - payment by AMEX card on 03/01/2009 amount 11.89 expedition 8.99 TOTAL USD 20.88
Order of delivery
Jean-Philippe Notton 20, Rue Edouard Aynard 69100 Villeurbanne France read full review »
Le 11 de Janvier 2009 j' ai accédé à un site internet qui proposait en échange d’ un paiement de 4, 55 EUR je pouvais accéder à titre provisoire et expérimental au téléchargement de programmes informatiques. Fini cette période expérimentale je pourrais, si ainsi je le voulais, souscrire leurs services en échange d' un paiement qu ils définissaient de façon claire. Tout était clair et propre.
Je remarque qu’ au moment... read full review »
download provider
Je me suis inscrite sur un site download provider pour telecharger légalement un film. Je devais payé 4.87 $ pour trois jours ce que j'ai fait.
Ce que l'on ne sait pas c'est que d'office on se retrouve abonné à 3
sites de films pour adulte et qui débite votre compte chacun de 30 euros
par mois. J'ai reussi à me désincrire d'un site enfin je le pensais car mon compte
viens d'etre débité de 30 euros.
Je voudrais donc déposezr plainte contre ce site.
Merci de votre réponse
Madame read full review »
samplebay downloads
like many other people i stupidly singned up for 1 download and have been billed 4 times from 2 different sites totaling 62.83euros and trying to unsubrcribe is a nightmare passed from 1 place to another
will someone take down this fraudulant site read full review »
brtish lottery board
à undisclosed-re.
afficher le détail 20 déc. (il y a 1 jour)
Attn Lucky Winner
We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just
concluded annual finaldraws of UNITED KINGDOM NATIONAL
LOTTERY international Lottery programs. After this automated
computer ballot, your e-mail address emerged as one of two
winners in the category "A" You are therefore been
approve to claim the sum of 1, 000, 000 (One Million Pounds
Sterling'... read full review »
I ordered some clothes from this company last week, because its within europe i pressumed they were going to be delivered in 3 days. I went back to my account on this website to check for updates for this order but i was surprised when it shows that it has been delivered 2 days after my ordering date. Ive been trying to contact the company to check where and where the order was delivered but there hasnt been any reply from them. Please help me what can i do, the order cost me about £186.00. read full review »
je travaille chez des particuliers read full review »
Astar travels - Florida - Tampa
Hi... Happened me the very same thing I just read here. But as I French a guy, I asked for contract details fby Email prior to a0ything done, as probably some "contract" aspects were to be read futher 0(mostly "special clauses"'...). I received an Email telling me that I will receive a POST MAIL enveloppe with details, and was given a "confirmation code" to be used then...
Did you used their "confirmation code" prior they had the billiong charges done ??? If not such a case, it is fully ILLEGAL, and I... read full review »
Julie K
I have received a silver necklace for my birthday. The chain was loose and have broken off the next day. When we went back to the shop in Creteil that week with the Guarentee Card, they said necklace must be broken as a result of accident. The necklace fell off and the whole chain was intact. It is obvious that the chain broke because it was weld badly. The shop manager, Elizabeth refused any advice or assistance.
In summary:
- Overpriced for low quality product
- Guarentee not honored
- Horrible shop service read full review »
i paid for mmo gold(wow) but i never saw the gold, avoid them, they are liars and thieves read full review »
British Inland Revenue Commision
British Inland Revenue Commision.
Office of the Commissioner,
Ground Floor,
286 Euston Road,
London NW1 3UH.
Reference No : HMRC -3432/9987/287
Dear Chysotome Jeff,
I am in reciept of your e-mail and the content not well noted, bear in mind that this is a British Inland Revenue Commision that deals with the handling of taxe fee here in the united kingdom..
note that I Mr James Walker is charge in this commision and not Mrs Pamela Jones so all you have to do is get back to me with the demanded amount for your... read full review »
France Telecom/Orange
I live in the UK but my mother who is now 90 years old lives in Paris.
My mother always pays her bills on time, unfortunately a telephone invoice was not received and france telecom cut a telephone off. She did not get any reminders! she keeps all her paper work in order and the invoice is not there!
My mother lives alone she is now 90 years old and just lost my Dad!
Orange has not even apologised. read full review »
TLG*ID secure
My credit card has been charged of $139, 99 without any order from me ! read full review »
Meadowlark Limited
When willing to download some material from this site (baydownload);
a) the first pages do not make it clear whether it's free or not.
b) once you advance the process, you are told that "a small fee is requested for server use" -Ok...
c) then you are offered a promotional rate of barely dollars instead of 30 or so...
d) you pay by card and you receive a confirmation from 3 different sites (discountvideopass.com, vipbookmark.com, megadownloadpass.com)
e) you want to cancel your membership when you realize that your trial... read full review »
Cyndy Epplin (Cynthia D. Epplin)
I bought and paid $4000. for a teacup poodle about a month ago from Cyndi Epplin and she has never sent the puppy and that Cyndi or the Reverend John who i think is working with her since he answer the phone and give his word that we will get the puppy but we never did and now they do not even answer the phone or emails.
But from their phone number i found out on the internet that their address would be: 253 Benitez way, Clyde, N.C. 28721 now instead of Pinckneyville, Illinois.
And from the other complaints that i found on the internet i... read full review »
take me some money every month and in fact it must takeonly money one time read full review »
On 03/09/2008 my wife went to work at the Millington Tn. Walmart store. When she got off at 7:15pm she found that her car had been stolen. She notified the Millington Police and the bank. Her check book was in the car. She notified her supervisor of what had happened. The supervisor went outside and noticed the Security truck parked on the south east side of the parking lot.
It took the supervisor 6 attempts to get the 'Guard' on the radio. He had not noticed anything. The female guard before him had not noticed anything. The... read full review »
i have made two commands on this site and i have nothing receive at all but my card have been accepted and i have pais about 70 euros and nothing receive since june read full review »
loreal india private limited
We were appointed distributors (Super Dealer) for the Companys products in Feb 08 as the previous dealer left work.The Company employees after making me invest a huge amount in their inventory and promotion of sales just dumped me on refusal to meet their demands ranging from backdating of invoices, selling on credit against company policy, working on the last moments before closing etc, The higher ups seem to be aware of the situation but have avoided to correct the malpractises.Now goods worth five lacs and claims worth one lac approx are... read full review »
gpsupport.net charged me 34.95 the 16/09/08
and more 34.95 the 23/08/08
and more 34.95 the 16/07/08
and more 9.97 the 08/07/08
and more 9.95 the 08/07/08 ???????????
And I didn't give my concent for this transaction?????????? read full review »
Hotel Jeanne Darc, Lourdes, FRance
I was treated terribly at this hotel, the staff were rude, the accommodation was third world standard, my child was put in danger, we were sick after the disgusting food etc. read full review »
vous m'avez retiré de l'argent sans mon autorisation je veux savoir pourquoi? read full review »
sylvia lachaud
Fastway Courier LTD.
Head Office & Accounts
23 Rufford Court
Hardwick Grange
Woolston, Warrington
WAI 4RF, United Kingdom.
ATTENTION:Sylvia Lachaud
Thanks for contacting Fast way Courier Services. This office has been Notified by the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY PROMOTION of the amount won by your email with their National Promotion in the amount of £500, 000 (Five Hundred Thousand British Pounds) This means that you have been officially cleared for payment by the Verifications Dept. at the headquarters of the... read full review »
I ordered some medicine at drugstore24hs 19 days ago.
I payed with my credit card and the amount has been withdrawed on my bank account.
There is no way to join them. I sent 3 emails to know what what's going on but they never replied.
I asked you to contact this company and tell them to send me what I ordered immediately or if they don't want to I want my money back.
I hope you can help me.
Best Regards.
Delphne Nautré read full review »
good morning, i have a problem. My bank account was to sell 11.19 USD and of 1 USD on October 12th, 2008.It is about NETPAYGATE.COM and about SENSIBLE -HLP.COM. when i look on internet I fall on your site.I don't know how it was able to produce.i don't understand english, i am obliged to take a dictionnary to explain you my problem.can you please has to understand what took place? My credit card were you to t pirated? Then I to obtain a repayment of you part please?
i have 3 children and has cause of this banking fraud of your site... read full review »
'Today, I checked my bank account and I noticed a 30.76 euros debit which correspond with...nothing . eelimite.com is the benefeciary of the transaction and searching "eelimite.com" on the net just led me to...complaints Boards.
For information I'm from france. I'm expecting other debits... read full review »
ezrzetyuiokjh, gnbfcvb read full review »
last night, i was trying to buy a classical music dowloader, on a musical page in WWW.torrenthound and had some problems to get connected with them! i had to fill 3 or 4 times the page with my identity and VISA card number! but finally, when i got in, i saw that i was not in a musical site, but in a PORNO DVD site, and they seem to have billed 3 or 4 times more than 4 dollars in my VISA card!
i shall go to complain in the police, tomorrow morning!
the 2 companies which are involved in that thing are: www.torrenthound and MEGADOWNLOAD read full review »
live life lean net
they are taking £10.70 FROM MY eNGLISH ACCOUNT EACH MONTH I DON'T KNOW WHY. I would like the money back read full review »
Orange.fr have now blocked my email address after I was the victim of scammers using my address as the return path for scam mails. I had no help from orange at the time - I was just told to change my password duhhhh! a lot of help when the mails were not coming from my account but my address was being forged. I did much research and managed to get the accounts being used blocked with no help from orange, and my reward? they block my mail account - happily I tokk a google mail address and had just about informed every one of my new address -... read full review »
My cancelled Airfrance ticket was refundable, but it took over 3 mths. and many phone calls to get SOME of it. They refused to send ANYTHING in writing! Now, they have retained almost twice the cancellation fee. Fortunately, honest person(s) at one of their offices told me (at the risk of being fired I now have reason to believe) what the US dollar figure should be, and how it is determined (200 EUR to USD at conversion rate on date of ticket issue--firm, always). When I phoned that office yesterday (09/12/08) to report the "error" of... read full review »
sweeps promotion organised by "Microsoft "- SCAM
These are the emails I received two days ago and today.
I sent a copy to MICROSOFT today about this scam.
MICROSOFT doesn't release sweeps promotion.
Microsoft Corporations:
Customer Service
Your Reference No: VUT-L/82-478031
Your Batch No:08-2008/MCP-3390190
We are pleased to inform you of the release of the long awaited results of Sweepstakes
promotion organized by Microsoft, in conjunction with the foundation for the
promotion of software
products, (F.P.S..) held this August... read full review »
europcar hire
I prebooked a car several months in advance at a cost of 302 euro's including damage waiver.
When I arrived at eurocar's desk at Marsielle airport I was told I should pay for excess insurance which I agreed assuming it would be a fraction of the cost. However, at the end of my holiday my card was debited with 536.36 euro's, what a con!!
The service at Marseille airport was terrible, even though I was first in the door staff ignored me, I was made to wait for 15 mins by... read full review »
ExactReplica Watches CHICAGO
item payed on 03/07/2008: 420.95 USD never reiceved read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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