Anderson Crenshaw & Associates
Spalom July 11, 2011
Anderson Crenshaw & Associates were hired to do collection services on our accounts that were past due and wouldn't respond to our collection calls. We have been doing business with them for just over a year and recently found out that they went out of business. In the interim, some of our customers sent them money for payments which were never sent to us. Anderson Crenshaw kept their money and did not remit our portion to us. One of our customers sent them over $500.00 and we never received a dime from it. We figure, what we... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
latinstar9 Regina Scherer
cherbil July 11, 2011
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Gina X July 11, 2011
I bought two products from this company--two of the products did not surface in the right format and i was unsatisfied. i wrote and asked for my $47 dollars back and $37 dollars back and they have not replied nor given my money back. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Annuity Goldmine
Elfiec July 11, 2011
This is a classic annuity scam. Checks only, no list of their fax or address on their website. They also took my money after promising me 30 "Guaranteed Leads" Jamie is liar! read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
cummare July 11, 2011
Stop sending this to me... I have called time after time, my bank is notified. You will not receive any more payments!!! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Michael Glassman July 11, 2011
Do not hire this company for your auto transport unless you want to assume full responsibility for an accident or lost luggage. I booked a private shuttle ride with this company from San Jose to Santa Teresa and the driver who tied down our surfboards did not properly tie them down and or had a scam to take our surf boards and sell them once they flue off. The driver placed our three board bags on top of the SUV they were driving us in and took off driving down wet dirt roads WAY over the speed limit while it is raining, and at night... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Vibor91 July 11, 2011
Blue Ridge Hydroponics - runs a marijuana outfit in Roanoke VA Blue Ridge Hydroponics sell what they claim is equipment to "grow tomatoes indoors" That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Unless Blue Ridge Hydroponics just happens to attract tons of traffic from shady long haired druggies, then I'm going to have to call BS on this one. I wonder how the owners feel about the people that are going to prison once caught growing weed (marijuana) in their homes, after being... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Amelia P. Stone
Kinn July 11, 2011
Amelia P. Stone is a former Principal of Putney Central School in Putney, VT. She wanted my kids medicated with Psychiatric drugs to make them "easy" in school and to tap Government Funding Streams by getting as many kids psychiatrically medicated as possible. I refused because I knew that my children would duffer terribly from the side effects (as I had). She screamed and squalled at us to intimidate my husband and me, but we held our ground. To retaliate, she reported me to Child Protective Services for "abuse". The CPS... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
KIAmotors July 11, 2011
Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to you to complain about a serious problem in Atlaskhodro Tehran, (disorder and inattention to customer).I have purchased a sorento EX3300 cc, model 2008, vin no: KNEJC525885822935 for my wife about 50 days ago.I changed Oxygen sensors (they completely stopped working) in agency no.642 Shiraz on 29 may 2011 but Atlas khodro did not accept guaranty and charged me money because having problem with that agency.The agency manager payed half of the money to respecting me and I payed the rest. I made a call to Atla... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Iran
Cable Dahmer Chevrolet
Shane Eschman July 11, 2011
Chevrolet Uplander and Brian (last name was never released to me.) Every time an issue came up with my 2005 Uplander, which I purchased new, my warranty seemed to run out. Every response I got in return was rude and made me never want a Chevrolet again or to work with this dealership. I bought the vehicle from Broome Chevrolet at the time and have nothing but good things to say about them. But, this Uplander was built with what seems no testing, the car is too heavy for the brakes and after 5 years of owning the vehicle, the interior parts are all falling apart. Great enginge though. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Susan B. Wagner
Fan81 July 11, 2011
Susan B. Wagner, LICSW of Newfane, VT is a terror to most families. She exaggerates and distorts minor family situations to create a false image of parents as abusers so she can fulfill her agenda to see children "rescued" into state foster care. Why this damaging therapist still has a license is a complete enigma. Other professionals in her field know that she is incompetent, but nothing is done about it. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Nora Sherwood
nora sherwood sucks July 11, 2011
So it's Friday, and I'm really enjoying sleeping in, when I get a call from Nora at 9:40 am. Nora is very upset about my negative yelp review, and she is calling me to insist that I remove it!!! I tell Nora that this is inappropriate and I refuse to do so. Nora offers me a refund for my last session if I will remove my review. I tell Nora that my review reflects my experiences, and I absolutely will do no such thing! I also tell her that because she called me... I am going to update my original review to reflect our... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
crunchyk July 11, 2011
If you are in the market to get trees removed from your home in the Dayton, Oh do not use A-Ackerman Tree Service, Inc.. These guys are nothing more than a couple of scam artists who are happy to take your money and never complete the work they were hired to do. We got charged 800 bucks to remove a tree from our front yard and 7 days later, we still have an ugly stump and roots in our planter. Numerous phone calls and numerous lies from these guys is all we get. If we had been smarter, we would have put a stop payment on the first day they did... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Adams Custom Painting
D. Symes, Product Manager July 11, 2011
This firm and it owner, Mr. Adams, contracted in writing with our firm to purchase products on a fair and pre-agreed schedule. Apparently Adams Custom Painting is a firm in financial dire straits as they failed to pay their invoices for said products as agreed. Our firm was forced to terminate Mr. Adams contract for breach of contract in Jauary, 2011. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Cache- Gold Chain Bermuda shorts
RMART100 July 11, 2011
Purchased 2 pair of gold chain bermuda shorts on 6-17-11 to wear on vacation fourth of July weekend. Merchandise in this store is advertised as high quality merchandise. I spent $90.00 on two pair of shorts, one white and one tan. I wore the shorts on the weekend that I planned, July 2nd and July 3rd. Both pair of the shorts knotted up really bad in the crouch area. Pants were only worn for a minimum of 6-8 hours (and that is probably stretching it). A one time wear should not cause these pants to knot up. they are a cotten sateen blend (so... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Integrity Auto/Mike Fleetwood
310mad July 11, 2011
YES! Mike Fleetwood is a liar! He had an ad on ebay for the cottages that hurrican Katrina is so well known for. Well, I called and got the sweetest sounding voice and story from Mike. All about how his best friend had recently committed suicide and that he completely understood about my husband and I wanting to downsize. So, we trusted him and bought one of the cottages. Overnighted him a check. He said that we could leave the cottage for a month or two in Lufkin and that his son lived on the property and it would "be safe". He even... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
barginlink cal
rob gobert July 11, 2011
I am getting charges to my visa and recieving nothing. How do i stop this. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Canada
bristol st motors chesterfield
iceman1973 July 11, 2011
I purchased a car from your Chesterfield, Chatsworth Road branch and collected the car on Friday, 28th Feb 2011. My car a Vauxhall Tigra reg When I agreed to purchase the car I was told by the salesman, the 2 bald front tyres would be replaced and the scratch on the door would be removed as well as a service and valet. This would all be done for when I picked it up. When I picked up the vehicle I was kept waiting for over hour as I was informed that it was having another valet. As I was in a hurry to go to an appointment I got in the car... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United Kingdom
lovely kenzi July 11, 2011
Be aware with this guys in 1. James brown from UK work as asst manager in subsea engineer mechanical 2. His profile name is bynny4 and he call his named Edwin(I forgot his last name) work as manager director in oil and gas company from UK They both are fake scam in dating site read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United Kingdom
Pizzuto Law Firm
Annoyed 1113 July 11, 2011
Your law office has called my home repeatedly for my son is bordering harrassment as you call at least once every day and sometimes more...I have told you and my husband has told you that my son is no longer living with us...because his father threw him out we have no idea where he went or what he is doing..his cell phone was cancelled as we paid for it and I haven't heard from him... Make a note of this on your records and do not call my home again... you have been warned of this and I have it in writing.. read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
Uniblue Store
Duane M July 11, 2011
Bought, tried and was not happy with the results, uninstalled it and year later a charge shows up on my Visa. I have contacted them requesting a refund and I will contact Visa to fill a complaint with them, as well. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Paul DAgostino
Paul DAgostino July 11, 2011
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Case # 01651015 Paul DAgostino phone # 973-998-7090 I would also want to get paid for all the over draft charges that were automatically removed from my account in the amount of $770.00. The total amount stolen from my bank of America account $9, 271.63. I would also like the moneys taken from me for over drafts. Over Drafts total $770.00 and I am without funds and also removed $485.00, leaving me with $107.00 dollars for this month, July. It is a good thing I had $43.00 left from the prior... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
oem partsbin
displaythis July 11, 2011
ordered fuel pump from website have reciept, 103.00 for jaguar no answer on phone no email reply billing on my card says Oempartsbin read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Heys USA Luggage
C. Mateu July 11, 2011
Heys USA willing to honor their 10 years warranty by sending a lower quality product as replacement for an expensive piece of luggage. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
National Attorney collection agent
People from this company keep calling my house, my cell phone after bussiness hours, forcefully requesting a settlement.They state they will contect and invole people i do not know, to present them self in court and verifiy my identity???? In the beging of all this when i frist recvied a call from them i got scared and i tryed to cooperate with them and come to a settlement with them. I made a payment of eight hunred dollars in june.Which was with my bank debit card. And then they were request another payment of one thousand dollars a week... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States watch
Florida customer July 11, 2011
I ordered a Rolex replica watch from for $500.00 with the promise of delivering a solid one year guarantee, I bought the more expensive replica because I did not wanted any problems with the watch. After ordering I received an email stating that the watch will arrive inside a toy box, which I found strange and started to regret the venture with this particular company. Once the watch arrived I noticed a discrepancy on the time and immediately reported the problem to the vendor and NEVER received any follow-up calls from them... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Silvergate Realty Paul Muhlberger
MNona July 11, 2011
AVOID AS LANDLORD OR PROPERTY MANAGER. Committed FRAUD. Misreported and failed to return over $800 in security deposit with documented bank statements that evidence cashed checks. Incomplete receipt documentation for "expenses" billed after tenant move. Ignored repeated contact attempts. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
come join free July 11, 2011
come join free. come join free. joining completely free for leaders.FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE *registration starts on 7th july, grand launching on 1st september2011 at ''ITC MUGHAL AGRA'' our special deligates ''mahima choudhary & kapil dev'' *come join under company's promoter code & get maximum devlopment support or like this for u & ur team. *very good concept with very good managment, grab top position in com[pany, don't miss the chance. *no... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
nj elite movers nj
NICOLE1554 July 11, 2011
INCREDIBLE!!! Called them at the last minute because moving of the furniture was more difficult than friends anticipated. Can't recommend them enough!! Not only did they care for my things as though it was their own, but fast, respectful and strong. Ashley also helped me figure out the best way to organize so that would be worry-free. Next time I will call them ahead of time and make my move completely stress-less. Thanks guys. You really saved us! read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
BMG Group
lp123 July 11, 2011
I received a call from a collection agency/law firm on the behalf from BMG Group at my job. They claim that I have taken out a payday loan back in 2009 with BMG and said that my bank account was closed and therefore they are trying to collect $800 from me. I have a huge problem with this. I have taken out PDL's numerous times before. I keep copies of everything so I know what I have applied for. I have no email, no contract and more importantly no recorded deposits for this loan. The representative could not provide me with an exact date... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Insight Schools of California
raminus July 11, 2011
Warning to Parents of On Line Schools: Especially High School. This school seems to advertise more than it can teach a student. Just look at their advertising via internet. They employ un-caring and horrible teachers that no only work for Insight/Kaplan know K-12 School one of these teachers are available. They are only available during there hours of which could be 10:00 a.m. morning or 6:00 p.m. most of them are "Moon-Lighting". So the Student is left teaching him/or her self. Bad idea when it comes to on line test. Everything with... read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: United States
Monster High
No Exceptions July 11, 2011
This last christmas i recived moster high dolls from santa . 2 months after my Duece Gorgen breaks. 7 months after my Favorite Drauculaura breaks .What is the deal with these toys? Im very disapointed. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Richard 230498734p-98u July 11, 2011
Advertises products with high quality specifications (in my case shielded cables), but delivers low quality products instead. When confronted with the issue, Neil Marriott (the owner of MyCableMart) responded by basically confirming that the advertisement is wrong. He did not offer to fix the problem and made no correction to the advertisement. This guy is a scammer and he's proud of it. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
samsung wave2
samsung wave 2 July 11, 2011
i lost my mobile on 11/7/2011 at parle (east) station road i am catching the bus but did not catch it asa soon as i touches my jeans i found that my mobile is lost i find every where but didnt get it mobile no 9833275699 sim card vodafone cont no 9833409688 mobile name is samsung wave2 read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
Montel Williams Living Well Pressure Cooker
ValerieAnne39 July 11, 2011
An aluminum pressure plate failed by splitting which does not allow the cooker to pressureize and the customer service number, gives you a run around which will only let you order, not make a warranty claim or get new parts. So after 11 months, this expensive unit is worthless and there is no way to contact the company to get it repaired. Do not buy any Montel Williams advertised equipement or anything distributed by Tristar. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Monster Vacation
pissed_off13 July 11, 2011
If anyone joined this vacation group or delt with this Mark A Spaugy BEWARE!!! He closed the doors on the Monster Vacation Club and took peoples money without giving them anything in return. I heard he maybe working with other vacation groups in Myrtle Beach or even in Florida. If you run across this person go the other way. He is a con artist. Any vacation club with a good rating do not get involved with someone like this. He owns the Myrtle Beach Welcome Center. Again BEWARE!!! Mark A Spaugy (843) 651-2184 3636 Jordan Landing Rd Murrells Inlet, SC 29576-6017 Age: 45-49 Associated: Stephanie Y Ruyssers read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Rashtriya narega pramarsh samiti
suresh2013 July 11, 2011
Dear, CBI, DELHI POLICE, PATNA POLICE, Delhi Police, Jharkhand police This is the trust organization, it is start the Ngo /trust in the Name of Rashtriya Narega Pramarsh Samiti, and also use the name Rashtriya Nerga Pramarsh Samiti, this name of the account in HDFC BANK, Mansarover Garden this Ngo work in the recruitment of the open the vacancies and the using the candidates funds to misusing the another type of fraud, it is start first state jharkhand and there 200000 application is fill the candidates and the per candidate examination... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: India
vodafone es
Edward P Grimes July 11, 2011
I opted to change network providers from Vodafone (spain) to Movistar because of excessive charges and poor service, this was supposed to be a simple change over allowing me to keep my original contact number as clients, friends and family all have this number only to contact me. My SIM card has been disabled as from 10th of july and i'm informed i will have no services until the 13th of july, this is simply not good enough. I have tried countless times both today and last night to contact Vodafone es customer service to no avail. Please... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Spain
dv505 July 11, 2011
Hi all, I did buy a laptop battery from this online seller called eFORLESS and they did specify that, the particular battery is going to work with my Sony Viao laptop. Once the laptop was received, i Found out to my dismay that the battery is bs and it will not work on my laptop. From its look only we get a feel that it is some stupid and substandard material and it may even damage my laptop. It did not work with my computer and i did contact them they told me to ship it back to China fora refund. Laptop batteries are difficult to be... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
jinniey July 11, 2011
This is a very worst printing company located at flushing ny, the calendar we order is the difference with the one we received. and the company is not reply any phone call, and try to escape the responsibity. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States


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