kanak17c June 19, 2011
I am being harassed by an absurd service of yours "Mano ya na mano" in which Rs. 10 is deducted each time it is renewed automatically. Although its not a big amount but has repeatedly happened for 8 times and this is my 3rd complaint. The subscription msg is always sent to me by service number 52250. Unsubscribe me from this service and refund my amount which is agian Rs. 40 as it happened 4 times again. Make sure this is stopped right now or else I will be bound to stop my tatadocomo service. THE MAIN PROBLEM IS, EVERY... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
sams club of rocky mount nc
melissa dickens June 19, 2011
I purchased a 1 slice pizza combo.The pizza that was under the light was old and no sauce on it.I asked if I could wait for a fresh piece.The lady said sure it would be 6 mins. so I waited, she came back to me after waiting about 15mins at this time.She then asked me wat I was waiting again after she cooked two orders of pretzels, one pepperoni pizza.She then put the pizza I waited for in but she assumed I orderd a whole pizza but I told her twice it was one slice.So since she cut the pizza in small pieces she put another one in so now I have waited over 30 mins for one slice of pizza.I dont think that was good customer service. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
New West Freightliner
Luxor63 June 19, 2011
Calgary, These guys actually believe their own BS so be very careful dealing at this establishment. Hourly rates are a rip-off and they will stick you everywhere they see fit. Mark up on parts is OUTRAGEOUS. Customer service is about as bad as it gets and mechanics are out to hurt your pocket book. I suggest that you have a witness if forced to have any dealings with them. They caused damage to my unit by installing parts incorrectly and they take no shame in admitting no fault. This will most likely end up in court and nobody needs this!!... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Canada
Tanishq mahanagar lucknow
shahida rizvi June 18, 2011
i had purchased four bangles from tanish showroom from mahanagar on 08/05/2011 agg. amt.Rs 94000/ but two golden bangles set was different esign and also different size when it was put in hands one bangle was cracked when i went to Mahanager showroom i was attended by some Mr Arpit how he misled i misbehaved publically i can't explain and i was asked whatever u want u can complait .No senior staff was bathered to remove my problem or replace these bangles I am a regular customer of Tanishq.If my complaint has not been removed i can go to Consumer Court.with positive expectations Shahida read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: India
Camden Valley Park
residentOfCamden June 18, 2011
Camden Valley Park Apartments staff is very unprofessional. They keep promising to the resident that they will fix the issue but it never happens. They always have tons of excuses to give. I have made a big mistake of moving into Camden Valley park apartments. Strongly suggest not to move in Camden Valley Park apartments which is full of roaches and tons of other problems. Very unprofessional staff who is least bothered about residents problem and still getting paid. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
AK Hair Exports
remy-hair June 18, 2011
BEWARE of AKHairexports, Chennai – India – FRAUD - BEWARE of AKHairexports, Chennai – India ATTENTION of fraud: The owners of AKHairexports, Chennai – India, Mr. ABHIJIT KHATUA and Mr. SUMIT KUMAR, BEWARE of AKHairexports, Chennai – India, drive nice cars but do not deliver paid goods to their clients. Information about their business practices at **** BEWARE of AKHairexports, Chennai – India - FRAUD - BEWARE of AKHairexports, Chennai – India • They use fake... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India
ReMax real-estate
T.D June 18, 2011
I received a certified letter from my last landlord Jackie Allen. I was told via a long distance telephone call that I would be receiving my security deposit check; ONLY. However that statement was one of many from Allen. It was a 2 page typed letter about over $10, 000 worth of damage I supposedly had done between her visiting the home a week before I left, and the departure date! ALLEN PASSED OUT COPIES TO OTHERS! She even went as far as to state in one paragraph in bold print that I was filming my bed with ADT cameras!! ADT of all... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Airtell brod band
samath kumar June 18, 2011
i have paid the bill on the month of April but its not been update . and the people from airtell are making hell of calls for the payment .here is the scanned copy of the bill...and this is the bad service read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Jon Barr June 18, 2011
I was charged the 85 dollars for my shoes and never received them. I tried to get in contact with the numbers and websites that were listed but only one of which actually worked. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: China
thin line collections
Veronica zamarron June 18, 2011
I have a balance of $1, 100.00 on my credit report from this company. I dont know what the charges are because The original creditor is Infinity marketing Group. I never had Bussiness with these people. I was going to call but, there is no phone number listed in my credit report. Can you please help, this is having a negative effect on my credit. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
frontier airlines/us airways
Marina F June 18, 2011
Never before had I been this much let down and lied to by an airline. I will avoid Frontier Airlines/US Airways like a plague. Their flights are filty with crumbs left on seats and on carpet from previous flight. But that is a minor point. I lost $300 worth of luggage. After spending the best week of my life fishing in Alaska I flash froze king salmon and halibut and checked it in with my other luggage. Long story short, they failed to deliver the luggage, had no idea where it was for 18 hours. I placed dozens of phone calls, talked to... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Santhosh Sukla June 18, 2011
hi, My sister loved one guy.He also love and left her now.Now he is going to get marriage with another girl. There is no evidence to stop the marriage.And he deleted mail and sms permanently before 2 years by giving hope to her .She is in wrong decision of sucide.Please tell me there is any way. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: India
So Little Time
GreggTinker June 18, 2011
People Say The Darndest Thaings: Q. What is an irrevocable general Power of Attorney? A. Don’t know, because a general POA cannot be made irrevocable. Q. Then why do you describe your Power of Attorney as irrevocable? A. Because our POA is attached with a security interest, which can be made irrevocable, and beside, none knows the difference or seems to care. Q. What interest was attached to this POA when it was signed? A. Oh, our interest was in misrepresenting to the Principal they had no way out of the... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
cricket on wetmore
genieveve June 18, 2011
I need to down load my text to save for later and no one can give me answer and they were rude read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Elite Rags - Ashley Harding
Jennifer000 June 18, 2011
Please do not purchase kittens from these people. I have been in touch with other buyers who have found out that they are buying kittens and faking papers and bloodlines. Oodle has them listed as "scammers" and will not let them advertise any longer. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
nekobalds spyhnx cattery
HAIRLESS GEMS June 18, 2011
Breeders and Buyers alike PLEASE do NOT deal with Elizabeth Gunde I made the mistake of selling one of my retired sphynx queens to this woman, she was still young and had great sucess with her past litter so I agreed to sell her to him so he could start up his breeding program. He was very polite over e-mails and his website touched me as she had lost a child and I had also shared in that pain... Because of my tugged heartstrings I discounted $200 from her price and even worked with her by getting up at 4am so I could drive the queen to... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Colorado Technical University/Career Education Partners
The_law_is _the_law June 18, 2011
I have solid proof that this company is stealing money all I had to do was bring up the issue of them stealing my money and sit back and watch them attempt to explain themselves. I have many incriminating documents/emails of ctu explaining first how they sent my grants back, then how I never had one, and finally how I never qualified which a all blatant lies. They also stole two of my loan payments which they still have not admitted to having. They are stealing our money folks! Let me give you one of their scams. At the beginning of the year... read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: United States
Branson Marketing Group
mooney16n June 18, 2011
They agreed to give us a "discount" (which we never saw) on our 2 night condo stay and show tickets in exchange for 90 minutes of our time to hear a NO OBLIGATION sales presentation over their travel services. After we sat through the presentation, we opted not to purchase the travel club membership and they were the most rude, despicable people we have EVER come across. NEVER have we been treated so awful in any situation. Once they discovered they couldn't swindle us into their little TRAVEL SCAM, they were done with us, and we never saw our discounts. WHAT A JOKE! STAY AWAY FROM THIS GROUP. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Ensil Technical Services
K1NF June 18, 2011
Dishonest Ensil I worked 11/1/10 to 11/17/10 for an outfit called Ensil Technical Services in Lewiston, NY and consider them crooks. I post the details here on 6/18/11. All links below point to pdf files. 1. Regarding 11/17/10 termination of employment. 2. Ensil 12/7/10 advertises for my job, NY0959573 3. My 12/20/10 letter to OSHA 4. Ensil 12/9/11 position statement... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
K1NF June 18, 2011
Ensil Crooks I worked 11/1/10 to 11/17/10 for an outfit called Ensil Technical Services in Lewiston, NY and consider them crooks. I post the details here on 6/18/11. All links below point to pdf files. 1. Regarding 11/17/10 termination of employment. 2. Ensil 12/7/10 advertises for my job, NY0959573 3. My 12/20/10 letter to OSHA 4. Ensil 12/9/11 position statement... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Maggie McAuley June 18, 2011
i have tried to purchase credits for Bingoblitz from my mobile phone, the money has been deducted from my balance but i have not been able to collect my credits as it did not send me a text message to reply with the letter Y to confirm my purchase which i usually receive. I would be very grateful if this problem could be resolved as soon as possible or if I could have my money re-embursed. Thankyou very much. yours hopefully, Margaret McAuley read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
GLORIA LOWTHER June 18, 2011
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
bz-one June 18, 2011
I placed an order for some "sciatica relief " product on 5/6/11 and it posted to my charge card on 5/9/11. After 3 weeks it did not arrive so I called the number on the charge card statemt for the charge. I was given the message, " This is Cady, Please leave me a message and I will get back to you." I have called numerous times and left messages but have received no response. I still have NOT received the order. At this point I just want the charge removed from my charge card of $37.95. Can you help?? read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Everglades Holiday Park
NoJohn June 18, 2011
DON'T EVER GO TO THIS PLACE! They charged $23.95 for an "an unforgettable experience in the Florida Everglades" with the airboat. Eventually the airboat just slowly cruised in the channels for an hour, there was nothing to see, there was no "untouched nature" It was so boring, that by the end every passenger on board just wanted to get out to finally do something. When we went to complain, they said the boats are slow because there was no rain in the region and we should have checked the water level before we bought the... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
sears/ item#02875120
kenneth fields June 18, 2011
I went into the sears auto center at columbus, ms. yesterday fri. 17 th to purchase a air compresser. After asking the sales person a few questions I knew right away he had know clue about the product. I pick a compressor after some thought and went to pay. I wanted to us use my rewards points. After about 15 or more min. I was told I could not use the rewards because I didnt have a sears card. I was told I should have gotten a Card when I purchased my lawn mower some two months before. so I go back to the main store and there I was told that... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
spynage June 18, 2011
Terrible company. If you want to change a booking they'll charge you way over the odds 75 quid each way. They won't refund the tickets either just taxes with of course their fee taken off. Also they're based in India so don't expect the same level of customer service as you'd find in the UK. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
GOODYS June 18, 2011
I have had trouble for sometime trying to either pay a payments on line or at the store with a debit card .They reject it for some reason or other. I have called my bank on this problem. It seem like it always show on my bank the payment? Bank said, it is Goody accounting department systems messing up. They always have some excuse . This problem make my payment late .When it is clearly Goodys system error . I do not want this to happen to any one else. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
grumpy39 June 18, 2011
In November 2010, I ordered a PC Cleanup application and, apparently an Identity protection package came with the program. I didn't care for the clean-up application and cancelled it. However, I now find (belatedly due to my carelessness) that my credit card has been billed $19.95 every month. I receive no monthly notice of renewal - it just happens. Since I have an arrrangement to pay my credit card balance in full automatically every month, I didn't notice the charges until today, June 18th. I tried to cancel on-line via the... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Theresa Werry June 18, 2011
I went to ELove to see what it was about. The woman assured me she has been running this business for 35 years and has always match people and the people they match were very happy. She said there were many people who married due to the businesses help. She did tell me all the things I wanted to hear. So I signed up. The first "date" was at a coffee shop and the guy sat there for about 45 minutes talking about himself and then got up shook my hand and walked out leaving me sitting there. Later that night I got a text message from the... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
All Cape Property Management
Margot Kerr June 18, 2011
Had floor tiles and backsplash in kitchen installed. My complaint is about the backsplash, the company promised to come back and finish the work the next day. The work on the backslash was sloppy arround the outlets pices of tile missing, tiles not cleaned after the grout, sloppy edges. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
landau jewelery in las Vegas
jeanneS June 18, 2011
My daughter purchased a purse supposedly on sale in this gift shop, thinking she really got a deal only to find out it was cheap, fake and not even worth the sale price. Within less than ten minutes walked back into the store to return it, only to find the sales clerk did NOT give her the reciept but that she could not return the purse nor get a refund, of course when she threatened to call police the reciept appeared, but still could not return or refund. Nowhere did it say these policies, until hotel security came in and she pulled out small... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
A Study board ( foldable ) Brand Name -Ekta was left on the trolley after the main baggage check in for the EK 503 Flight leaving at 7.00 p.m from Mumbai Destination -Dubai Immediately the concernrd authorities were informed but action was not taken read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: United Arab Emirates
C&H movers
bgul June 18, 2011
I had spoken and dealt with Cliff on several occassions. Spoke to 3 references. Agreed to his price in cash. All for a move to take place today 6-18-11. Promised to arrive between 9a and 9:30. NEVER showed. I called and emailed all morning. Used a friend's phone to call when mine died, he answered and hung up on me. Now we are having to scramble to move my son into his apartment with bad backs and all. I will never trust a craigslist posting again. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Michael1979 June 18, 2011
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
terlap June 18, 2011
I received a Nikon D700 camera body from CameraWorld last week that I ordered on June 11. The camera I received did not come with a Nikon warranty. It appears to be a gray market camera. (serial #2445813) There was no Nikon warranty card in the box and when I attempted to register the camera on Nikon's web site, it would not take that serial number so I could not register for the warranty. Also, the battery was not a Nikon battery. Since I have a D300, I know what a Nikon battery looks like and I know what a Nikon warranty card look... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Colima June 18, 2011
I have a Dillard's account manage by GE Money, account went delinquent because payments setup on line were gone and nobody knew why. I started to get calls from GE every half hour from 6:00 AM until 10:00 pm. which by the way, they keep denying seying they are only allowed to make calls from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. I have phone call records to prove it.GE Money told me I never had payments set up online and they did not know what I was I talking about. I also have proof of payments done on line for years. Finally, account was cancelled and... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Lead Press / Trace Richardson
Brako June 18, 2011
Trace Richardson is at it again. His new company called where hes the sole employee cheats honest brokers with false hopes and lies. Trace Richardson whos a known Defamitory Blogger and CONMAN MORTGAGE BROKER who is currently being sued, knows NOTHING about website development and seo. True SEO work takes professionals with years of experience and natives of the English language. Everything he offers is done through a cheap Indian Provider out of New Dheli. He hikes up the fees and takes his 50% commision while sending a simple... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Grat Clips
Reflexologist June 18, 2011
This clip shop took a beautiful hair style that needed a little trim and turned it into a very bad, little boys hair cut. This person couldn’t have passed classes. A first week student could have done better. DON’T GO TO GREAT CLIPS!! ( UNLESS YOU JUST WANT YOU HEAD SHAVED.) But, then again, they well probably screw that up !!! Because of her humiliation, there are no pix attached. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Amazon Animal Hospital
Penzoma June 18, 2011
I took my dog to this horrible place because he had an injured ear. A few days before I took him my 3 year old daughter was playing with the dog and decided to put a tiny rubber band on the tip of his ear since he has long hair. She was acting like he was a babie doll. I had not idea she had done this until a day or two later. I had a talk with my daughter and told her never to put anything on the dogs ear because it can hurt him. She was crying and felt bad about it. Our dog was fine until I was petting him and noticed the tip of his right... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
billy dion June 18, 2011
my # 0556858609 was recieing a mesage which contains donloading ringtones at this site and cut a 5 sr on my load.pls.deactivate this on my #.i try to contact operator on 902 but nobody can accep my call.pls.make an action of my complains. thank you read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Saudi Arabia


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