S&S Vegas Distributors
I had a bad experience with these people. I placed a order and I was billed 5 times on my credit card. When I emailed them about it they claimed the order never went through their system. I had to get the bank to put a hold on my credit took nearly 2 weeks for all 5 transactions to reverse. I don't recommend using them even though they are cheaper than any other leather supplier. read full review »
Charged twice for one question.$47 should have been the correct payment but on my bank statement I have been billed twice.
When can I expect this to be reimbursed. read full review »
Unfortunately I took another chance but got burnt again. The company is called 'ectime international Trade Limited'. They only have FAKE PHONES and not original iphone.
So Still Away from these guys!
If only someone would sell an original 8gb iphone unlocked for around $300+ per unit? read full review »
alternatives inc
face book i go online and look for friend and they treat me like crap thier servive is lousey the college kids use this is is a a nice tool but i dont need the agrevation im taking my bunise to my space thank you until they clean up thier act read full review »
they debted my cc I didn't agree to that. As- a - matter- of- fact There web site was down @ that time and when I tried to contact them today it's still down. They debited my account for $29.88 read full review »
Little Sunshine Children's Dental Center
I took my little girl to Dr Lin she is 5 years old. I hear screaming for around 10 minutes as I sat in the lobby waiting for my daughter. I could not go back to the room due to my pregnancy and that fact the nitrous oxide gas was being used. Nitrous help calm nerves. I realized after the 10 min. this was my daughter screaming like this, so I ran back to the room and opened the door n Dr Lin had my daughters head between her knees while an assistant was holding my daughters hands down. I asked why she is in so much pain n she told me my... read full review »
Raisin Bran
I found a stem on one of the raisins in my Raisin Bran. They need to get new raisin pickers. Raisins. read full review »
Readings and horoscopes and numbers
I paid 3 payments of 6.00 and some odd cents for lucky numbers;Love] to remove bad luck. I have received nothing. I am very upset. read full review »
Consumers Recovery Associates
I didn't answer the call so I'm not sure whay they wanted other than speaking to my wife who wasn't at home at the time. I have the gentlemans (?) name and a case number and also a call back number.
Should I let my wife call them back or can I or should we just wait till they call back> read full review »
Coast to Coast Painting and Dywall Inc.
This is a company that advertises themselves as a national painting and drywall contractor. They hire sub contractors to do the work, don't pay them, and then look contract different sub contractors for their next job and do the same thing over and over. The owners of the company is Mike Giovanni and can never be contacted. Mellisa Brown is their "secretary", she does not help all she does is screening all calls to the owners and deflects all calls with "I don't know" or "I'll have to have someone call you... read full review »
Dear Sir,
I would like to inform you I received Cater Allen Private Bank Winning Award kindly check its fake or true.
I am sending you documentory evidance please inform me by email: [email protected]
Best Rgds.,
Muhammad Kamran read full review »
Sunlighten Sauna
I placed and order and gave a deposit. I was given a delivery date that was delayed 4 times. Finally I asked for my money back (after 7 months). Because it was a brand new product and I understand that sometimes a new model may present initial problems, I decided 3 months ago to give them another chance. So far they have delayed the initial delivery date twice. I have since found a number of others who are having the same problem with the company going back 2 years. read full review »
Mr. Brian Korte - Attorney at Law
On January 23, 2009 Myself (Sandra Burgos) and my husband (Manual Burgos) contracted the services of Legal Modifications Attorney at Law which is a company ALSO DBA. Loan Modification Florida, Inc. as well as DBA. Brian Korte and Wortman Attorney At Law for services in a Mortgage Loan Modification case.
On such date, we paid a fee of $1718.30 in advance to cover the costs of such service. After several attempts to contact the company, we were told in numerous occasions that our files had been lost, we were also routed to a voice mail... read full review »
Duane Gates
5 days ago I tried to buy on-line. for whatever reason, they would not approve it. At check-out, they STOLE
$192.79...TWICE... total of $385.58. 5 days gone by with no refund. Getting the run-around from those jerks in India. Here's an
idea... STAY IN AMERICA...oh wait, then you would have all the trouble on your shoulders. What a country. read full review »
james liggins
how do i have bad credit if i never had a cradit card read full review »
After our twins was born 19/2/2010 and endless blood tests ( they spend 6 week in New Natale ICU), we received a account from Dr Du Buissons and partners (part of the AMPATH group) for services rendered, I paid the account and later paid money over on a monthly basis into the same account number. Unfortunately I did not pick up the the funds were reversed later in the months. Later I received correspondence from Vericred that I did not settle my accounts to AMPATH. After a lengthy correspondence, I picked up that all the payments I made wa... read full review »
Clean This
I am writing in connection with a virus on my computer.
It just appeared and would not give me access to any programs, broadband etc. It is called Clean This. It would not let me out of its system until I went all the way through it and had to pay (I think it was £90.00). Here is and extract explaining what it is all about.
Infection Name: CleanThis
Date Published: March 2011
Type: Rogue Anti-Spyware
CleanThis is classified as a Rogue Anti-Spyware infection. CleanThis uses highly aggressive... read full review »
immigration officers
in 2006 i came from mexico with a tourist visa and the immigration officers stop they take out my tourist visa, , , i ask they for an immigration attorney they told me no..and one off them hit me in my neck middle back and head..when i was in mexico i sent a report and complain i dont remember but were to pennsylvania..i return to usa in 2007 and i have a political asylum in san francisco court.and i having many mental behavioral problems since this time i have the doctors reports..i fill to kill the people kill myself i have nightmares i cant... read full review »
Live Lead Pros
Liveleadpros took an order from my debt company for $4, 000 worth of leads. At first the leads came sporadically, did not meet agreed specifications and eventually stopped coming at all. Their sales force is polished at this and would do whatever it took just to get an order. Either way, there is virtualy no service supplied for the money. It's a scam pure and simple. We complained to the state attorney general and FBI division of white collar crimes. Unfortunately, this did not seem to phase Live Lead Pros too much. Because when you try... read full review »
Icicles Eyewear
At the end of Feb 2010 I contacted Icicles in regards to becoming a dealer. After a month of attempted communication I finally got to speak to Kemp, completed the necessary forms and awaited my first order of stock.
Icicles claim that their frames are hand made and are of the highest quality, and at the retail price point they are selling them for ($150 upwards or so) they should be. What I received were frames that were either scratched, had oxidation on the metal and poor paint finish.
None of the frames had the rubber inlay on the... read full review »
MR.Wiggles Productions
I purchased a flava wildstyle tattoo from run by mr wiggles i waited for 2 months for any good or services via email or postal service and received nothing. i contacted the merchant vial email 4 times to cancel my order and to get my 125.00 back not a single reply. so i contact my bank and report the rip off merchant and got a reverse transaction and my money back so today which would make this ordeal 5 months old i got 125.00 taken from my account and the merchant says he can confirm delivery of such... read full review »
A Team Moving
First they dupe you with a lowball offer. Then they conviently forget to pick up an expensive mountain bike, only to return later to pick it up and do not list it on their inventory list and SURPRISE! It's lost in the move.
Of course by now, they hold your stuff hostage and don't bother to tell you it isn't traveling in concert with you to your new destination. Once you do reach your destination they say your stuff will arrive in a week. After a week and no stuff, you call and they say your stuff hasn't left yet, it... read full review »
i bought a car from these people and the second day i got it, it broke down while on my way to work. i then had the vehicle towed there to the place and told them i want my money back and to cancel the contract with this loan. and according to them they stated that there was no way they could do that and that i could not get out of the contract. that if i have the car or not they will garnish my wages till the loan is fufilled. it seems to me that there has got to be some way for me to get out of this contract. anyone who can help me would be appreciated much. i am a single mom on a tight budget. read full review »
Mark Freatman
We have done a lot of work for Mark Freatman and he has always paid...usually 45-60 days. Sure what company ever pays on time...really? To all of the folks complaining over $100 I'm sure Mark will do the right thing. read full review »
Several years ago I received a credit card from Westpac with a $2000 limit, shortly afterwards I relocated to the United States. Upon discovering that there were no means to make payments through ATM's here I called Westpac's "dedicated customer relations team" to enquire about my options for repayment, only to be told that I was "not eligible for phone banking". As I saw it I was not requesting "phone banking", I was making a valid, general enquiry requesting advice on how to repay my debt. I then emailed and... read full review »
sofa and chair
i perchased a sofa and chair from scs, metro centre, it arrived a week befor
christmas 2010 it was set up by the delivery men and after they left i sat down on the chair and it just sank as if there was no support underneath
i phoned the shop and told some one would come out to check it over, it
was in february 2011 befor they called and said they would repair it i refused
and he left so i complained to head office 6 weeks later i am told by them
their man found no problems so thats the kind of shop they are as much to
say we dont want to know. so now i will be seeking legal advice. read full review »
Jim Burg
James Peter Burg "Jim Burg" and his wife Suzanne Cardin Burg are operating a fraud ring under various names, including Superior Discount Coins, which has several web sites including www. and; and several corporate names including Your Coin Broker, or YCB, Gold Run Investments, and Blue Moon Ranch. They have a Federal case pending for fraud and an Entry of Default was entered because they did not even try to defend themselves. They prey on the elderly. Here is a quote from the latest... read full review »
1st American Law Firm
Back in March 2010, my husband and I contacted the First American Law Firm regarding a loan modification on our mortgage. We were told that we had an excellent case for a modification. We then gave them $4500 to help with both our first and second mortgages. Over the next couple of months we were in contact with them regarding information that we had submitted. About a month later I tried contacting them to get an update on our case. We were told by the case manager, James Brown, that we would get updates often about our case. I left several... read full review »
Heat Surge Amish Fireplace
When checking into units to heat a 420sqft apartment, I checked with Heat Surge about their Amish Fireplaces being able to heat this area as the only heat, was told it would do fine. I did heat the unit last winter, but if left unwatched it never stops heating. No thermostat??? I have a $20.00 Holmes Heater that can operate on its own?? When I questioned this was told to use it as I would an electric fry pan DO NOT LEAVE UNATTENDED?? Where is the safety as the only Home heat?? In trying to get them to resolve this when I contact cust serv the... read full review »
Attornys Processing Center
Contacted these people in Jan 2011. They send a notary to your home to sign attorney retention documents for Mitchell Stein & Associates. They charge you $5500.00. They let you make payments via cashier's check payable to Mitch Stein & Associates and you send it to the Irvine address. The problem is they are not in any way affiliated with the law offices of Mitch Stein and Associates. This is a scam. Please do not send them any money. Mitch Stein does not charge $5500.00, nor does he send a notary to your home to sign any... read full review »
Kitchenaid KUSC35FXSS dishwasher
Kitchenaid is one of only a few major appliance manufacturer's left in the US - most appliances are made in China, Japan, or Korea, and some in Europe. I wanted to keep my business in America and show some patriotism with this major purchase, so I selected to buy a Kitchenaid, made in the good ole' US of A - in Ohio. When shopping online for it, I noticed that the east coast dealers were offering the model I wanted for $717 including free shipping and no sales tax, delivered to my door in California. But they couldn't sell to me... read full review »
Affluent Page Magazine
Mario Jourdan doesn't pay his bills!
Mario Jourdan is the president of Affluent Page and all his checks bounce and he owe money to his employees ! read full review »
First Data Creedit Card Merchant Servoces
I think First Data may be in collusion with credit card companies to defraud their own clietns. I had a chargeback that I disputed with an amount of eveidence that would choke a horse. I even had a notarized affidavit from US Postal Inspectors. What ever you submit, it does not matter. They refund the client and say "case closed". They are either lazy or crimnally negligent.
I hope no one ever makes the mistake to use this company, it will save you pain and aggravation like you have never had before.
I hope some of us can band together and start a class action suit against them. They can't be allowed to continue doing this. read full review »
WTC Support WTC Support is a scam I would stay away if I had it to do all over again WTC Support is a FRAUD company read full review »
G and A Marketing
They market "supersales" to used car dealers. You may think used car people are slimy, well...this is a new level. This operation is a "churn"...fill the pipeline, take your leads...if you consider working there, you may want to seriously rethink your career choice, unless your goal in life is to make the owner even more rich... Huge turnover, commission ripoff and no need to discuss expense accounts, because it is just that, your expense. I am not going to even go into what they do to customers...I will let this link, speak... read full review »
Ardyss Body Shaper/Corset Golden
I actually went to and placed an order on 1-1-2011 to b exact, and still haven't recieved anything. I went back to the website to see if there was a contact number, so i can maybe talk to a representative, but all what was there was an email address to submit to saying they reply promptly if needed, n yet have still not replied. I order online a lot, always get a confirmation email, after u purchase and when it's shipped. Got both emails, so i'm just pateintly waiting, I also went back to the website as if... read full review »
I ordered a DVD set from them and since it was a gift, it was a little time before I gave the gift to my kids. It turns out the entire set is in
Chinese and I ordered an English version. I was are unable to change the settings on the menu. I contacted customer service and so far they are not helping me what so ever...not even an apology. I also think this is a bootleg copy and that's why it has English writing on the outside of the box but is Chinese on the inside. My kids were totally bummed on Christmas. read full review »
My order was placed almost six months ago. The money charged right away. Order isn't here yet and all my e-mail are ignored. So now I have no money and no product.!!! read full review »
you people told me last week that you would credit my checking account, but you have not done it yet, and i know it doesnt take this long.i want my fucking money back in my account today, or i will get a lawyer and sue you, my phone number is 304-595-3899, thankk you. read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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