CATEGORY: Business & Finances

LLOYD DHLIWAYO December 31, 2009
i would like a refund for my money as soon as possible i stil have the copy of the email and date read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Tagged cash mony
Zeyad Almaitha December 31, 2009
Dear All, kindly i have recieved an E-mail from Mrs. Joyce Meyer( TAGGED Claims Manager), in regfards to contact you in order to receive a cah money, please send me more details how can i arrange with you to receive my money, my E-mail is : [email protected] a wainting your kind feedback thanks Zeyad read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Jordan
sca December 31, 2009
I to have been conned by Dazzlewhite and have now changed my bank account. However another free sample arrived today and I need to know how to contact/return the sample. Does anyone have their adress in America? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Jayant Prem's HDFC Gold Credit Card
Jayant Prem December 31, 2009
Hi, I'm Jayant Prem Self Employeed Indian resident, Looking for some details that are not being taken care by the consent dept. of HDFC Bank's Credit card Repeatedly Thrice... I tried to tell them several times, due to some personal reasons i have to settle my account and tried to ask them statements of my HDFC Gold Credit Card # 5176521007079488 from 12th January 2008 (When the Account started to till Date). Regarding the same i spoke to them twice but there was no response and the third time when i asked then they again... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
icici bank/loan against shares
shares sold off by icici bank in 4 month December 30, 2009
dear sir please note that icici bank mira road branch bombay where i had assigned shares as securityfor loan sold off the shares without information to me when i had gone to ghaziabad on employment. what they have is proof of sending a telegram which was received by some one in the building which i had vacated. my address and phone no changed and the bank was informed by e mail which was never changed and by contact change form of bank .the bank is not replying to several points raised by me and cut off receiving complaints by... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Sac Town December 30, 2009
This site has been helpful and I am so glad that you guys are doing this. I was about to order from RPG, THANK YOU because that will not be happening. Has anyone heard of these websites that I found, has anyone had any dealings with these either of these sites Royalmewigs, Miraclehairlacewigs and Lynelleslacewigs and one other one Pinklacewigs. Does anyone know about either of these. I was thinking of ordering from one of these sites since I wont be ordering from RPG. Thanks. Rhonda from Sacramento Ca read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Usa Pay day loan company
Mr. Brownie J. Andrews Jr December 30, 2009
I was garrenteed a loan but they tricked me and charged my bank acct. a fee of 49.95 and that should not have happend at all Iwant to thank you for your help in this matter. Once agagin THANK YOU!!! Mr. B.J. ANDREWS JR> read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
DRI Electronic Arts, DRI*Gamezone
Marci See December 30, 2009
Why do I keep getting charges on my credit card from this website when I have never ordered anything from you people, have no idea what you people are even selling. I also want to know how in the *#%! you got my credit card number. I am demanding an explanation! Peace, Marci See read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
vacation packages
Frustratef December 30, 2009
basically summerbay is a scam they lead u to believe u are getting this big vacation and they give u all the time u need to go but when u are not going to be able to go and give them a call and request your refund back u get all this bull about find print they forget to mention when they are taking your money and it does not appear on your package they so call have printed up. These people need to be put out of business and society needs to be able to get there money back now i have given hundreds of dollars on a so-called trip i will never... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
lisa eustathiou
500 dixie tr December 30, 2009
This women will try to rob you blind. She will say she misplaced your rent check, or money order and then expects you to double up on next months rent. This women is not someone you should rent from. this women is trying to say a check I wrote for rent back in 2008 was never deposited. The main problem I have with this information is the fact that she told me this today and the date is December 30, 2009. First of all if my check was never deposited I would have noticed there is extra money in my account and would have questioned it. Secondly... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
saving service
BubbaZ December 30, 2009
This company took money from my VISA $90.88!!! Without my concent! I'm very frustrated that companie's can get away with this!!! Never in my life heard of this company ever!!! Their business is obviously fraud, scaming people. Very bad company VALUE MAX!!! VALUE MAX = BAD!!! Never do surveys that say you will recieve a $$ card for free no cost to you, that's how i got scammed. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
UK National lotery
Behar Sokoli December 30, 2009
94 Marylebone High Street, London W1U 4RY, United Kingdom. Dear Award winner Attention: BEHAR SOKOLI, This is to acknowledge the receipt of the requested data and the confirmation of your reliability in our 10th Anniversary Awards promotion. The original copy of your award certificate and two other documents (Money Laundering Certification & an affidavit of claim as an Award winner) from the British Government stating that the money was legally obtained through the Google 10th Anniversary Awards promotion programme... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Ashley Furniture Store / Entertainment Center
Mis-Lead Reps_Hurts December 30, 2009
I Went Into Ashley Furniture Store At _ 9900 South I-H35, Suite C Austin, TX. 78748. I Was Searching For A Nice, But Cheap Piece Of Furniture, That Would Cost Me My Life Savings. I Was Greeted By A Sales Rep. Named RYAN. He Took Me On Short And Breif Tour Around The Areas Of The Floor Models That Caught My Intrest. I Had Spotted An (OUT OF THE BOX) Itemed, Floor Model That Was Priced At ($297.00) A Very Low, Money Saving Deal. The Sales Rep. RYAN, Offered Me The Furniture Item For The Sticker Price Amount Showing Above. He, (RYAN) Not Only... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
midland credit mgmt inc
sungea December 30, 2009
This comany keeps sending a man to my job to deliver something while I'm working in the field. My boss tried to sign off on the delivery yet, the man declined. According to the front desk staff at work, this man wouldn't leave his name or who he represented. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
E*Trade Bank
HanF51 December 30, 2009
I noticed on Dec 13 that $200 was taken from my brand new checking account to pay an e-check that someone issued with someone else's name and address on it. So no one tried to pretend to be me. They just put my account number in, and with no confirmation of name, address, anything, E*Trade paid it. I called the bank immediately and Customer Service told me I have to fill out an affidavit of forgery. I kept explaining to them that no one forged my name, address, or signature. Yet I was told I have to fill out the form, have it notarized... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Realty World Today
JacD54 December 30, 2009
David Zelinski's outfit preys on military families (and others) in need of temporary or short term housing while stationed at Camp Lejeune. While advertising well maintained housing in "good" neighborhoods", the reality of doing business with this particular Realty World Today defines the cautionary wisdom "BUYER BEWARE". As we all know, 2008 has brought one of the worst economic downturns in history. We have watched local businesses close, car dealerships have vanished in record numbers, construction has suffered... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
rn online
myraja December 30, 2009
we recently reveiwed our business accounts it seems your company has been accessing funds from this account this is a immediate stop and desist order and to return all funds accessed. we started filing an immediate civil action if you dont want this proceeding to go forward we demand you immediately return funds in the next twelve hours and not to attemp to ever access funds from our accounts or we will have no choice but to fully reprimand this matter at the court level read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Platinum Online Service Group
mr h l taylor December 30, 2009
I rec'd a letter from my bank on today 12/30/2009 stating that my checking account was in the red $ 127.87 I then called my bank to get information in i was giving Platinum Online Service Group the also gave me there phone number to call them.I then call that number in i get a out going message the i maybe call at the time they are closed but advise me to go to there website in send them a e-mail in they would get back with me within 24 to 48 hours my name i want my money back in my account like right now. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
StreamBank Uk
ArifZai December 30, 2009
verification of stream bank U.K. sir, according to ur suggetion i contact with stream bank they send me a following mail plz tell me that i should open an account in their bank and where i submit the document, deposit the opening ammount. Reply StreamBank Uk to me showing details on Dec, 26 (4 days ago) STREAM BANK PLC Stream Bank 121 Manor Road, Oxford A24F89 United Kingdom. 26th December 2009 +44-702-401-7571 IN-73656356 Arif Ahmed You are a winner and there is a winning check... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
RoyalPain December 30, 2009
RIRIC Officers, Where's the construction that was to begin this spring as you claim in your post? How come I can't reach you at your office or on the phone RIRIC. Where have the RIRIC offices gone? Why doesn't RIRIC build anything. All we see are news items about fraud and arrests of RIRIC officers. RIRIC has built nothing in over 10 years. RIRIC RIRIC RIRIC where are you hiding.?Come on RIRIC answer your investors. RIRIC officers, pull your heads out of the sand and take responsibility for your action and... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
anderson crenshaw and associates LLC
no el uno December 30, 2009
Employee named Patti Phillips contacted me by cell phone and left a voicemail identifying herself as only Ms. Phillips, and did not state why she was calling and where she was calling from. She simply said she had a document in her office that regarded me and I needed to call her back. I did so, I then realized it was a collection agency for a debt that my mother had for missing numerous payments to an alarm company. I explained that I needed to have my mother call them back. She did and in good faith set up a payment plan with an agreement... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
ECN Research
Houston212 December 30, 2009
December 10, 2009 I received a letter from ECN Research stating I was selected to participate in a consumer research program to evaluate customer service at Wal-Mart, JCPenney and Western Union. A check for the amount of $2380.00 was included. I was supposed to "mystery shop" for 80.00 at the stores, wire 1860.00, then keep 300. I felt like this was a scam but called the number. The woman said it wasn't a scam so I deposited the check. They put a 5 day hold on it. Naturally if something is too good to be true, generally it... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
B&W Limousine
B&W Limousine December 30, 2009
I too have been scammed by this company. They called us offering their services, great rates, etc. Once we started doing business with this, which was only for two months, they started adding on fees which were not disclosed in the original contract. We sent them a letter stating that we no longer wanted to do business with them. That is when the fun started. Every month they were pulling unauthorized fees from our account ranging from $11 to $99. When we called them they stated that this was disclosed to us in the contract we signed. IT WAS... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Delmarnette Hardy December 30, 2009
I would like a refund of 44.95 for charges that were not authorized on 11/15/2009. I have contacted my credit card company. I do not want nor will I ever want your product. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Revathy M
M Revathy December 30, 2009
Status as mentioned in NSDL:Your PAN card dispatched by courier was returned undelivered to NSDL after which it was re-dispatched by post. However, the PAN card was again returned undelivered to NSDL on 25-Nov-2009. Please contact NSDL or the TIN-Facilitation Centre (TIN-FC) where application was made by you. Permanent Account Number (PAN) : ASWPR6709D read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Greg and Beth Jones
Greg Jones December 30, 2009
This company made an un-authorized withdrawal on my wife and I bank account, I want this refunded back in my account, plus four overdraft fees@ $35 each, we have spoke with the bank and they are aware of the situation(SCAM) and LEGAL ACTION WILL, AND IS BEING PURSUED AT THIS TIME! My e-mail address is [email protected] or Call me at 256-654-5311 all Thank you, Greg jones read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
FSBO Fast Trac
deborahc2983 December 30, 2009
I had a charge for $9.73 from my checking account. I did not authorize this charge. I did a search and could not find this company on line. Deborah cramer [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Arab National Bank
Anuraj.A December 30, 2009
I am having a complaint about Arab Bank Telemoney service, my cousin send an amount of INR 50000/- on 06-11-09 from your bank THUQBAH TMC branch (branch code 301), but till this date after 55 days, the amount is not credited in my account, the transaction receipt is attached herewith, I send a mail to the bank and they send me a replay on 15th December 2009 that my complaint is rejistered and the ref No is 0000388364 and the contact person is MR.Hatif Al Arabi. I am requesting you to consider my complaint and do the needful follow up to get me the justice. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Saudi Arabia
mac97 December 30, 2009
I sent for a free trial from ultrafreshwell, paying only for the postage, i since have had my credit card debited twice for 55 pounds (uk) by smilebright for goods i have not received- i have made numerous attempts to contact them but am being stopped at every possible option, telephone numbers have been disconnected or not answered messages advising to go online to live chat rooms but no web address given any websites i have got are closed to conatact. I have contacted my credit company who are assisting me but say i need to make contact with this company myself. Can anyone advise me of how i can cantact this company? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
LIC Housing Finance Limited
Anoop_Gupta December 30, 2009
Dear Sir, I had applied for home loan for an amount of Rs. 500000/- from Jalandhar branch of LIC HFL (through an agent at Jammu) about one year back and my 1st disbursement was made in the month of October’09 for an amount of Rs. 351000/-, only after giving so many visits to agent’s office at Jammu as well as at Jalandhar office also and after paying a huge amount of processing fee. My house is almost in the final stage of construction and the 2nd disbursement is not being made so far. Even the representatives at Jalandhar... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
tm bonanza
govi prashanth December 30, 2009
i have received one message from TM-BONANZA on 30-12-2009 and that msg about u have won 1, 000, 000 gbp in the yahoo/msn mobile lottery draw in dec then they given a contact e-mail [email protected], i need a solutions for that...tell me the correct procedure... my e-mail: [email protected] my mobile no: +919944570240 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
trax nyc
i_hate_traxnyc December 30, 2009
I bought a load of stuff off Traxnyc online. It was 2 months late as they decided they didn't want to bother posting it, and yes they didn't bother telling me that either. When the package arrived it was from some Asian company I'd never heard of, the items weren't as described, chipped, bent, rubbish. Part of the order was missing, they told me it would follow a month later, but didn't, they then strung it out for another month constantly asking me "what do you want US to do?!" then finally sent me a refund. which was NOT ENDORSED! so I never actually got my money back. SCAM read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Fake Lottery Microsoft-AOL
Oremla December 30, 2009
I recieved the following email. Would just like to report this. MOTTO: FIGHTING POVERTY ROUND THE WORLD!!! Microsoft-AOL Lottery Award Promotions 20 Craven Park, Harlesden London NW10 United Kingdom Ref: BTD/968/0 Batch: 40997 Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!!! Dear Winner, The prestigious Microsoft and AOL Lottery has set out and successfully organized a Sweepstakes marking the Christmas 2009 celebrations. We rolled out over £41, 849, 564 for the Christmas 2009 celebrations Draw... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: South Africa
VRN Health
gg wilson December 30, 2009
unauthorized payment read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Travel Member Plus
gg wilson December 30, 2009
An unauthorized payment charge to my banking account. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Jay70 December 29, 2009
What government agency here in Kuwait were i can submit my compliant regarding on remittances? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Kuwait
disturbedconsumer December 29, 2009
Logged into my banking today for a $7.93 charge to my bank account listed as " raymore mou" that neither my husband nor I did as we do not do internet transactions with our banking cards. I went to the website cannot find any detailed information (phone number, address, etc) for this company so I sent a message thru their contact link and also a personal email to [email protected] and still have not heard anything. If I cannot get answers I am filing fraudlent charges tomorrow with my bank and whomever else I need to get involved because someone has to put a stop to this nonsense. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Wilshire Credit Co.
Boni December 29, 2009
They did the same to us! They set up an escrow account so that we could qualify for a modification through Hope Now or one of the help for homeowners programs. They had us send them all our financial documents to qualify for the modification. They now knew what we made, what we had saved, and of course; what we could not afford. The next thing we know is our next statement has $855.34 tacked on each month as an escrow. Our total payment went from $1, 166.75 to $2, 022.09! Of course we could not afford it. The escrow amount added up to $10... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
mhm harmony financial
Marianne Linke December 29, 2009
These people have falsely taken money from my account without my consent. I have reported them to my bank and will take this further unless all charges including foreign currency exchange is reversed immediately. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
MHM Passive Profits
Marianne Linke December 29, 2009
These people have falsely taken money from my account without my consent. I have reported them to my bank and will take this further unless all charges including foreign currency exchange is reversed immediately. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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