CATEGORY: Business & Finances
I obtained a loan thru Drive Financial in August 2006 for approx. $18, 000. I have been making timely payments with the exception of a few months. As of September 2009 I am still oweing $19, 000 after 3 years of payments. I am being told that they have applied the majortity of my payments to interest and the amound still oweing is correct. I believe this is illegal and the interest is extremely high which they have refused to reduce. I am looking for the assistance or direction to file a lawsuit against Drive Financial which is now Santander... read full review »
New Nail
I was not aware of the charges that merchant warehouse have took out from my business. I never recieve a
letter or an e-mail or a phone call. Why the company asked for all this information and they don't use it. First
they took 59 dollars out of my account they claim a one time charge, which i already paid that when i sign up
2 years or so ago. The company double charging me for the credit cards machine fees, i talk to a rep.for merchant warehouse about it and they told me that how the companyoperated. I told them that it is not... read full review »
Sbi CreditcardVISA
Name: V.subbaraman
Credit card no.4317...0147
month Ending 22 sep.09
Dues: Rs.10, 337/paid through ibanking on 4 Sep, 09
Bank:SBI, Triplicane code :00249
A/C No.10232972105
Payment deducted three times from the account 10337, 10337 and10337.under TRF TO 030739745588 all on 4, Sep, 09
Payment acknowledged by SBIcards for Rs.10337 only.
Request rectify error and credit my a/c for Rs.20, 674/
Yours sincerely,
Phone 044/43515067
E-mail :[email protected] read full review »
Capital Solutions
I am getting 29.95 taken out of my debit account. I did not agree to this. They sent me forms to fill out, i did not fill them out. They took another 29.95 out on Sept.9.2009. I was very upset. I wrote a letter saying i was not going along with this type of scam. I have not heard anything from them, and they keep taking the 29.95 out of my account. The address: Capital Solutions, 424 East Central Boulevard, #379, Orlando, Florida 32801. Please help me stop this. My name is ALice Gehman, 1515 Woodcrest lane, Harrisburg, Penna. 17112. read full review »
I have tried to resolve my debt with American Express through this horrible collection agency. If a debtor calls in to try and make some type of payment arrangement why on earth would you give the debtor attitude and speak to them in a demeaning manner? read full review » SCAM
The owner of is a huge SCAMMER Anthony Johnson. He rips people off and steals their money. Anthony also runs a website called is a SCAM too.
Anthony offers fitness training advice on his site yet he is a skinny piece of shit. He thinks he is some kind of expert yet Anthony doesn't have a clue about fitness or nutrition and he steals hundreds of dollars from people.
Anthony scammed one of my friends named Chris out of $500 for fitness training and Anthony never even showed up. I happen... read full review »
sajjad munawar rana
I am sajjad munawar rana.I have the FGB credit card#5122530030426017.Iwas a good customer of FGB.Now I was redundant since 5th of Feb 2009 from my job due to resession.After calling so many times on FGB customer service help line I came to know What to do?Then I have applied for insurance claim because i have the credit sheild.I have applied on 5th Mar 2009 at Al Qabayyal center branch with Mrs.Shazia she was very un co-operative and behaviour like working in a government department. I have visited so many times for the status of my claim but... read full review »
Stone Ridge Apartments
I live in Morgan Stone Ridge Apartments in Texas City, Texas. I had been behind in my Rent and Paid July at the end of the month of July and August on Sept 2 along with my September rent in full. Yesterday, (Sept 8, 2009) I got home from work and found $6, 300 worth of my belongings gone. There was a list from the apartment complex that we owed $808.00 for September rent and that because of that, they were exercising a Contractual Lien. The phone number that Kelley put down as a contact number is a fax number. We tried to contact it to let... read full review »
On May the 5th 2009 I asked for a one time credit report through Min I have been charged 4 times since that and have not asked for a report nor had I signed anything indicating an ongoing charge. This is a scam. And I am ready to go to court. read full review »
Title Max Loan
My mother took out a title loan January 2008, I first learned of this loan after my mother had become ill, and was hospitalized for over a month. At which time a representative from Title Max contacted me and stated that she had been trying to reach my mother and was unsuccessful. After she had explained what the business was that she was calling about, I explained to her that my mother had become very ill, and would not be able to be available for an unknown time. The Doctors were doing lots of test but they had no answers and she was getting... read full review »
wellbhealth 8667967336
I filled in a health questionnaire online which took me approximately 90 minutes to complete only to get to the end and realise I had to pay for the answers I was going to receive. When I realised this I sent an e-mail to the company kindly asking them to delete any data I had given them from their files and explaining to them this error I had made as I was in no way going to pay for this service, later on that day I received an e-mail back saying they were sorry I felt this way and they strongly reccommend that people viewing their website... read full review »
NYSE:UDR BREAKING NEWS: Cramer at “The Street” Says Riptide Will Drown UDR Along with Avalon Bay and Equity Residential
September 9, 2009
Cramer: The State of the Market, Part II
This is the second of a four-part series on the market we find ourselves in as we wind down 2009.
Group 2: Commercial real estate plays. If there were one particular Achilles' heel of the bulls (amid a centipede-like group of Achilles' heels), it's commercial real estate. This issue is the stuff of endless articles and... read full review »
viv3 acai berry
they have passed my card details over to other companys useing yhe name to pay us dollar cyprus and are taking monry for googs not ordered companys used and not recived list below
vitalityclean 442031399067
nutritionalsupp 888-433-4416
vh access 888-332-2707
maxacaiburncom 866-9898945 read full review »
My attorney informs me that has been making fraudulent charges against my checking account for quite some time. read full review »
Earn Profit Pro
I had canceled the Earn Fortune Pro, and they are still taking money from my bank account. I will stop it at the bank also. read full review »
Buenos días, Solicite una Través de una página que venia en el enlace de mi Boock cara, dos muestras gratuitas de dos productos, de los que pagabas Únicamente los gastos de envío y si Veias que funcionaban no te podías llamar a dos número de atención al Solicitar para Clientes que no estabas interesada en Recibir más Dichos productos o un Plazo de 30 días para la devolución. Únicamente Recibí las dos muestras gratuitas, pero no he recibido nada... read full review »
Dhirendra Nath Misra
Every week i am getting Rs. 20/- dedudcted from my account and a message is flashed that this is deducted because of gclub membership.this is not legal and is mobile no. is 9760037922 . It requested that this deduction should be stopped somehow. i don't even know about gclub... read full review »
Sony Ericson W580I
Sony Ericson provide bad service to customer. however, i had deposit phone w580I on 09/08/2009. And workorder no. SE309CTM10011. today is 9/09/2009 but i have not recived my phone. i called in sony ericson customer care but customer say 4-5 days more required for your handset.
Careon service 153, D Kamla Nagar, delhi - 7. register with sony ericson on after 25th august. But care on open befor register with sony. read full review »
Cleverbridge.Net Koeln DEU
Unauthorised debit on my Company Credit Card for £19.95 read full review »
sbi credit cum debit ( ATM)card
Dear Sir,
I have lost my ATM card for the sb a/c no. 10768746393 from S.B.I Main Branch, Bellary (karnataka) on 03-09-2009. I want to block my ATM card immediately.
C.K.Guru Prasad.
Mobile: 09972983095
Bellary-583101 read full review »
ABC Anythin
This sucks! read full review »
made in INDIA nokia 2630
no network service provider found to support in application. messaging and web browser.. did you try? it<s bad manufacturer... read full review »
employment bullettin
I have applied for an agency of employment bullettin and paid the deposit.
And as the product was not saleable I have changed my decision and informed the company.
They are not returning my money.
I am waiting from last October for the payment.
And they are not replying for the calls. read full review »
American Home Solutions Group/Dante Marquez
I have paid up front a $2000 e in exchange of getting a loan modification. Dante Marquez-president of company lied to me all this time he was supposedly taking care of my case . I got my property filed for foreclosure and when I contacted him he tried to convince me it is how the process takes place before getting the loan modification. I was fortunate or smart enough to contact an attorney and found out nothing has been done to my case since April 22nd therefore my lender, America Servicing Company canceled my application. I requested money... read full review »
Fieldstone Family Homes
MW Johnson is fieldstone family homes... beware these are the same people that have devestated many families out there...
Troy Johnson, Trent Johnson and Bryan Wolfe are related and family with Bill and Maureen Johnson the legal owners of MW Johnson... please do your research and trust others and build with any other builder. Your house will not be quality and you will be supporting dishonest and criminal people...
BE AWARE OF THESE PEOPLE>>>>>>>> read full review »
SKYPE internet LU
I was charged EUR10 from SKype, i ordered NOTHING and received NOTHING. My credit card is locked for internet use but still i was charged for the EUR10 !!! read full review »
That company its been charging my crdit card without my authorization, we have a mastercard from chase bank
and i dont know how can they do that or what can i do to get my money back, somebody has to do something.please help read full review »
te tai whenua
i live in New Zealand, Hastings and i got sent a text all the way from the UK saying
[email protected] OR CALL +447011172650 CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN"
This i shame full that i belived it and told all my whole family and friends now i know its a scam and im not... read full review »
Their interest is so HIGH you can never pay off the principal(30% compounded Daily), so you end up losing your vehicle.There is no cut-off on the balance, it will build up over the value of the car . read full review »
grant profit geek
i was told it was going to be $1.95, for the goverment grant kit, when i got my bill for this scam, it turns out they are charging me $57.61, i called these people at9.30pm tonight, an spoke to a mrs.lux(1-866-360-7227)this is her phone number, i also have a conformation#3410556, then she told me to send an email to [email protected] spoke to my husband who has alzheimers, i did not authorize this transaction, he isnt of sound mind!THANK YOU, MRS.FRANCY I HOPE THIS WILL BE RESOLVED AN TAKEN OFF OF MY CREDIT CARD ACCOUNT.IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS YOU CAN REACH ME ON MY CELL#(352-442-3983) read full review »
Oaks apartmetns
No water from to nextday morning 10 a.m because pipe line
broken in front of apts no maintenance staff manager tried to fix the
problem he was unable to fix it and he did not call any plumber because he scared to spend money still he trying with unskilled workers for cheap labour to fix it.
I don't know to whom I hve to complaint about this problem like govt agency so please let me know and also manager is behaves like rude and street gang man. read full review »
€28.36 was charged to my Credit Card on September 7th.
I dont recall making any purchases on that date, especially as I was working a Night Shift the night before and that same day So I would not have had a chance to buy anything. read full review »
Encore Marketing Easy Saver
I received charges on my American Express card for Easy Saver and Money Edge for 19.80 each on 8/3 and 8/5. I looked up my bill online today and have two more charges on 8/31 same amount. I have no idea what these charges are and I have not signed up for anything nor have I signed any agreement. read full review »
Masters of the Month
I believe once upon a time, I opted for a trial 'free' or '$1.00' offer and have been billed, against my will, monthly ever since. I've made several attempts to cancel and request a refund from this scam artist. The unsubscribe phone number is busy, and no live person ever answers. The website that you are directed to provides the same useless contact information. The bottom-line is you are in an endless loop of not being able to cancel the subscription.<br />
<br />
I contacted my bank and filed a... read full review »
US $25.2M proposal
I received a business proposal from Jerry Nitai, this is the 3rd email I've gotten-I don't
know anyone in Hong Kong-he said he picked my name from the Web.
Anyway, the business proposal is in tune of US $25.2 M-transferring to an offshore account w/my assistance, if willing. Share a ratio of 30% for me and 70% for him. I'm suppose to send him my full name, residential, pvt. phone, occupation, age and sex.
How do you get these kind of people off your back. Is this some kind of harrassment or how would you rate it.
Hi... read full review »
Sivitrol Cleansing System
i have been shipped and charged for unauthorized products. I cannot contact the company it states the number is not in service 1-800-440-4397. I would like these charges to stop but how do i do this.
Denise ANdersen
how do i reach these people read full review »
UK Lotery Scam
You won 750, 000 (Seven Hundred and Fifty Thouand Pound Sterling) in this year UK LOTTERY Draw with Reference Number UK/9420X2/68.Contact Mr Richard Dawson Tel+447031984962 E-Mail:[email protected]
You won 750, 000 (Seven Hundred and Fifty Thouand Pound Sterling) in this year UK LOTTERY Draw with Reference Number UK/9420X2/68.Contact Mr Richard Dawson Tel+447031984962 E-Mail:[email protected]
This person should get a life
Melt read full review »
MyLife/ will take your money and not refund it if you dispute charges to your bank without contacting them first (which is impossible because the numbers you find don't even go to them); I got screwed out of $60 because of this whole ridiculous process for an account I didn't even have!
I saw the charge on my credit card statement; tried to contact them - was unsuccessful so went to my bank who disputed the charges, then mysteriously it was reversed back onto my credit card, and now MyLife says "regardless of the... read full review »
Sterling marine
THere is a Salesman by the name of Tony Salazar of Sterling Marine in Denver, Colorado who is about as disshonest person I have ever met. I was in contact with him about the sale of my boat.He gave me a price and told me to bring it up to him so I did.Upon my arrival his story changed he said Oh no I never said I would pay you anything for your boat I told you I would sell it on consignment.He(Tony Salazar) Is a typical salesman- A LIAR THAT WILL TELL YOU ANYTHING TO PUT MONEY IN HIS POCKET.This is not what he told me, he said he would give me... read full review »
National rental car/BWI
9-8-09 I placed this complaint 1-wk ago but have yet to get email or phone call from anyone concerning this NEW policy of renting using only Credit Cards.As in my earlier complaint I'am a good Emerald card holding customer w/o any charges owed.Even after being a member since 1997 using the same Suntrust Debit Card I was refused a rental.The agent further explained that I could hold the car on a credit card but pay upon return of the car with my ATM Card that again I've used since being a member.I'am a Police Officer and I cannot... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
permanently closed
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