CATEGORY: Business & Finances

Lowcostbilling, inc
Doug Simmons May 31, 2009
For the second month in a row, I have an unauthorized charge appearing on my ATT home phone bill. Last month it was from Residential Email ($16.00). After a phone call, I received an email stating that I would be credited with the amount. Of course I did not receive the credit. This month it was from Transaction Clearing on behalf of LowCostBilling ($9.02). I will try to get through to Low Cost directly to their phone line number (1-800-215-1961) since at the Transaction Clearing clearing number (1-877-257-2455) says it's not their... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Parke Laurel Apartments - The Lane Company
Miss Treated Tenant May 31, 2009
This apartment complex is nothing but trouble. I have dealt with several WEEKS worth of garbage piling up around the dumpsters (yes, all of the complex's dumpsters), rude management and office personnel, and I have been falsely sued for unpaid rent (although I had the receipt and canceled check proving otherwise. I pursued a written apology to keep as documentation, because their taking me to court must certainly remain in someone's records!) Their most recent offense also involves my rent. Knowing that I could not possibly take... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Desmond Lewis Financial Company
desmond1 May 31, 2009
Hello, I am mrs Jessica. I was doing a reach online and i found this site. i found out that most people on this site are searching for a loan online so i decided to introduce interested persons to a legit lender were i got a loan from. I was once in you positiion searching for a legit and God Fearlender online were i come across so many fake lender. For your information, i was once a scam victim before i was been introduce to this legit and God Fearing lender by a friend who also got her loan from same company Desmond Lewis financial Company... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
karlhatch May 31, 2009
i have noticed on my last credit card statement an unorthorised amount of £22 was taken out . i am now going to the police about this as it is fraud. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Google Chest 1-888-256-1248
USMC38 May 31, 2009
Ok, I'm not the only one. On 15 May 2009, I was charged 72.21. Who are you? What do you want? Why did you charge this amount to my account without my permission. I AM NOT GOING FOR THIS FREAKIN CRAP! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Martha Harvey
Martha Harvey May 31, 2009
A lawyer has been secured for this. I have not authorized any such charge. Transaction ID: 20433666FG486722N‏ From: PayPal ([email protected]) Sent: Sat 5/30/09 10:43 AM To: Dear PayPal Member, This email confirms that you have paid $119.95 USD using PayPal. This credit card transaction will appear on your bill as "PAYPAL... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Lieana May 31, 2009
I think I speak for 70% of Eastenders watchers when I note, WE WANTED DANIELLE TO LIVE! For about 5 months all in the magazines and adverts and on tv was Danielle getting ready to tell Ronnie that she was her long lost daughter. I was kind of getting bored with it all and when i read in 'Whats on Tv' will Danielle tell Ronnie, will Danielle spill? It was like, what else is knew. Then when it started to get good when she actually told her she was KILLED! i watched Eastenders for 5 months not missing an episode just to see in Danielle tells Ronnie. Then it turned out to be a waste of time when she did! And died! Why are soaps so annoying! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
kizmit May 31, 2009
I joined it for the one price of $1.Once I gave my visa card details the advert then said it was a 14 day trial.This made me suspicious about the possibility that they would deduct more money from my visa without my knowledge.I tried to contact these people but was unable to My fears were well founded as I have just read on your sight about a man that has had money taken from his account without his permission.Would be grateful for your help and reply. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: New Zealand
UDR-UDR, Inc.-UDR Apartments-UDR Orange County Apts
Bad Biz Finder May 30, 2009
#10 of Top 10 Ways UDR is Screwing its OC Tenants & Making $75 Million A Year Doing It #10 USES FAKE NAMES IN ITS LEASES TO AVOID TENANT-BASED LITIGATION Did you know the Landlord, UDR, is a $500 million dollar publicly-traded company based in Highlands Ranch, Colorado with apartments all over the entire United States? Did you know that FIFTEEN PERCENT (15%) of its total annual revenue comes from one single county (not state, not region, but county) in all the United States? Orange County, California. 15% of $500... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
ed hodges May 30, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Roxio CinePlayer DVD Decoder
traveler812obec May 30, 2009
I had ordered the above software download on May 22. I now see a double charge for the software posted on May 23. Please contact me for further information. My email address is [email protected]. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Mission Residential
Sarah_Conner May 30, 2009
Ever since I moved to Mission Park Green Apartments in Plano I have had problems. I did not know that now Plano has become the ghetto. FIRST they left sharp carpet staples all over the apartment, dangerous. My hot water did not work for 2 months until I complained enough times that they finally fixed it. It took them 2 months to make me a second mailbox key (one of the two they issued me didn't work). The lady in the office I asked about the key didn't tell anyone, but she told me they were working on it when I inquired a week later... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
mc-aberry colon health
karl L Lawhorn Sr May 30, 2009
Recived the following charges on my checking account $83.18 foregin tran fee$2.49. $2.00. $0.06 I wan't this so call account cancelled and all my funds refunded. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
shahid pervez
shahid pervz May 30, 2009
I charged only once for $1.99 for a phone number inquery, located in danbury connecticut, ever since I have been charge $19.95 on monthly basis which i nerver orderd, If you dont refund my money and cancel the fake subscription, then i will take the matter to the court and consumer fraud, agencys, respond me on my emal [email protected] thank you shahid pervez read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
ACS Educational Student Loan
aerogal May 30, 2009
Worked with ACS for 4 months on status of son's loan, only to learn that they consistently provided me with incorrect information over the phone and would not send anything in writing. In April and May they sent negative entries to the credit bureaus WHILE I still thought they were processing his loan. Now my son cannot get more financial aide and all my credit accounts have been suspended (THAT is how I found out that ACS was never working on the account). Have issued dispute with ACS and forwarded history on the complaint to Dept. of Education, PA Attorney General, and Consumer Response Center. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Debit Card: ACAI PURE 8886928352
H. Waters May 30, 2009
Debit Card: ACAI PURE 8886928352 online purchase, says a free trial for only $4.99 and a month later my account is debit $39.00 which I have not authorized and if this has happen in one month how long will it continue to withdraw from my account without my premission, How can I stop this fraud. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Well Fargo Home Mortgage
bsparacino May 30, 2009
Bought hud home in november of 2004, lost job in march or 2005. was unemplyed for 10 months. called wells fargo ans explained what had happened and was told I could not pay any partial payments. had to pay the 644.36 payment. when uneployment ceased and could not make payment they would not work with me. I have been put up for foreclosue 3 times and have been put back on payment plans which increased each time. In march of 2009 was set up on loan modification agreement to pay 815.25 a month. I only make 735.63 every 2 weeks.I was instructd to... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Mission Park Green
Romoh Watcher May 30, 2009
If you are white DO NOT move into MISSION PARK GREEN APARTMENTS ON 3400 W. PARK BLVD!! It is an illegal wetback colony. My wife and I have litterally been harrassed almost every day of our lives. I had 2 bikes that were stolen within the FIRST WEEK we moved in. The "Courtesty" (joke) Officer is just like the illegals and covers up ALL CRIMES in the complex. The Plano Police that patrol this section of Plano, TX. knows all about the crime and the illegals and choose to cover up all crimes and the illegals also. My car was just keyed, a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
GE Money Bank (Care Credit)
Eric J. Bailey May 30, 2009
I had a contract with GE Money Bank(Care Credit) in which I was forced into final payoff balloon payment. One mourning when I was trying to get to work the voice of Dexter a rude overly persistent bill collector, acting as a representative of GE MB coaxed me into a debit of 2044 dollars to be taken out of my account on April 30, 2009. Because I was trying to get to work on time he received my savings account # instead or my checking account # both under the same routing # to B of A. On April 29, 2009 I spoke with a rep. from GE MB confirming... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
NutraLane/ResVer XP
Cheryl Lynn Barresi May 30, 2009
My name is Cheryl Lynn Barresi .I ordered this product ResVer XP and as stated it was a free offer .I would only be billed for shipping and handling a charge of $3.97. I received an invoice telling me that a charge of $79.90 will be billed to complete the payment on June 14 2009. I did not agree to buy this product. I did agree to try it free of charge and only need to pay shipping and handling fee and I do not expect to be charged nor am I authorizing the charge. I feel that this compay has lied to me. There was no mention of this being a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Retirement Plan of Texaco, Inc.
Robert W. Skellham May 30, 2009
I have a question concerning my retirement plan with Texaco, Inc. I would like the mailing address for the Retirement Plan of Texaco, Inc. or Chevron-Texaco, whichever is appropriate. I worked for Texaco in the mid-80's through Dec 1992 and would like to contact Texaco concerning a couple of different retirement plans I have with them. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Legacy phone(long distance)
Steve Munk May 30, 2009
Charge of $30.05 for a 3-minute call applied to a Visa card, but was lied to about charges when speaking to the Legacy operator...;.she said $5.00 for the first 3 minutes, then mere pennies per minute after that. Blatant lies !!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
etax hotline
george hiegel May 30, 2009
They illegally withdrew money from my checking account. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
IvoryBrite teeth whitener
Patricia Doane May 30, 2009
I received an unauthorized package and charge of $88.97 to my Visa account. I haven't even had a chance to use the "free-trial" product as yet. What a scam. I want them to credit my account imediately. Pat Doane read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
centennial one
chrissaye May 30, 2009
i needed a credit card to build up my credit so i basically filled out as many as i could. i got a cenennial one card. i didnt know you could only use it on the site. but i went on after having trouble logging in, and nothing on the site interested me so i never used the card. later on i ended up noticing all these extra charges on my bank statements. about three months worth. didnt have a clue where they came from. so i called them. it was about five different places and numbers that i called. they were all between $12.95-$19.95 charges. and... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Brian (cams666) May 30, 2009
Charges are being made by this company with no authorisation, sites stated clearly card was used for confirmation of age only, any which sated charges would be made were cancelled. Stop and refund these charges this is a blatant act of fraud. Untraceable as CSASSIST VI do not detail who the charges are made for however Fling dot com and amatuermatch were two of the sites signed up to and no extra benefits have been activated read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
frabrizzo agnello May 30, 2009
My name is Frabrizzo Agnello and i have recently been involved with bank fraud via and ATM machine. I have been victimized twice in the past 30 days first on May 7th 2009 in the amount of $141.75 and the second time was May 29th 2009 in the amount of $121.50. I never used those ATM machines nor ever made those withdrawls. I have filed a police report and have talked to the managers at TD BANK. They are refusing to return my funds claiming that they have no proof it was someone doing this to me being there are no cameras on the ATM machine... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
kathy May 30, 2009
I have been charged 19.95 for the pasted 2 months...I do not even know what this is..can you help read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
UDR Apts in Orange County
Bad Biz Finder May 30, 2009
UDR Apts in Orange County-Arboretum–Coronado–Foxborough-Harbor Mesa Verde–Huntington Villas–Huntington Vista–Missions Back Bay–Pacific Palms–Pacific Shores-Pine Brook-Rosebeach-Villa Venetia-Vista Rey #9 of Top 10 Ways UDR is Screwing its Orange County, CA, Tenants & Making $75 Mil A Year #9 UDR USES LIQUIDATED DAMAGES CLAUSES IN THEIR LEASE AS A WAY OF COLLECTING DOUBLE RENT ON APARTMENTS What the Hell Are “Liquidated Damages” Anyway?? A liquidated damage... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Billwithus, Inc
danielhao86 May 30, 2009
I received a $10.46 charge on my phone bill for a collect call from Arizona. The thing is, I do not have a actual phone hooked up to this phone line (because everyone in the family uses cellular phones and all we get are telemarketers, so we unhooked the phone). So it is impossible to agree to a collect call WITHOUT a phone. I called the number on the bill for that charge and they said that they could only give me a 50% credit and I was like WTF. I am not paying for a service that I didn't pay for or receive. This Billwithus, Inc... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
JGRYAN May 30, 2009
My wife and myself were interested in refinancing our home . My wife (fedex) A $3000.00 check to FHA ALL DAY on 3/3/09 . In Boca Ratan, Fl address 6453 west Roger Circle zip code 333487 . We are now being told that this company does not do business . a read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
care credit GE
joan May 30, 2009
my name is joan lupo and I am in the same boat as many others who have been convinced that they needed extensive work that the insurance provider who not cover and were encouraged to take out a line of credit with care credit. In my case it was for dental work. I came to my dentist with c/o a loose bottom tooth and by the time I left I was signed up for 4 implants at a cost of aprox 20, 000.00 dollars. care credit gave a 14, 500.00 creditline. I was lead to beleive it was more of a personal loan not credit card. I have been paying these people... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Papal Buyer Credit
12345 May 30, 2009
I recently setup paypal buyer credit. Made two purchases. A few days later, made a payment online. The next day made another payment to zero the account. Keep in mind that I have an excellent credit rating and that I had only had the account for about a week. When I entered the account number on the payments, I accidentally left off a couple of digits. The payments eventually showed processed and status of payment made. No indication of any problems. Time is ticking... 3 days after, the payment showed a status of returned. Not... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Ge Online Service
Auor416rea Aviles May 30, 2009
I spoke to a repesentative from Ge Online Services representing PC Richards & Son 3 weeks ago, agreeing to give them a post dated check from my account on 5-29-09 and all late fees would be waived. They took out the 100.00 from my account, but did not waive the late fees. when asked to speak to a supervisor he said he could not transfer me to a supervisor and gave me a really hard time on the phone leaving me with the late fees and unable to speak to a supervisor. He said his name is name is Joe Parker rep ID 68114 based number in P.O. Box... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Foreigners Emplowment, Management and Consultancy (Sharjah, Buhaira road)
genuine May 30, 2009
Location: Sharjah, Buhairah road, Corniche plaza bldg 1, room no:404. They are one of the biggest Cheaters (scam) I have ever seen. Their employees have 4 or 5 cheap Nokia mobiles with them and they keep putting ads in classifieds (Khaleej Times) about data entry job, computer operator and they give different mobile numbers. They will always give their location and on your first meeting and demand 100 dhs for your registration. Then they will call for an interview and tell you to come with 300dhs. They will keep asking your for money and... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Arab Emirates
By Owner Inc
guarro May 30, 2009
This company charges you 1% of the value of your house just to put an ad on their nonexistent website. They tell you they will get your house sold and you never see them or hear from them again. They advertise themselves in the yellow pages and at the time that was the quickest option that we saw it could get us the house sold for less money. They are a fraud. It is a family-based company, Oswaldo, the father always answers the phone and the son Javier, has some other 'real state' companies, which also might be just scams. I cannot believe my girlfriend and I gave $1, 100 to these thieves. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Investors Recovery Specialist
Michael O'Brien May 30, 2009
After obtaining a minimal arbitration award, they refused to distribute the award as specified in their contract. The State Court of Ga. awarded me the settlement, but this has been ignored by Investors Recovery specialist read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
BDII May 30, 2009
Cannot stop repeating charges to my checking account in spite of having contacted them once already. Cancellation line hangs up after greeting completes. If they don't stop immediately I will sue them. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
federalgrantusa c
catherine Coleman May 30, 2009
I Catherine Coleman did NOT authorize Federal Grant USA to withdraw funds from my account. I have called them before and told them to stop withdrawing 39.95 from my account and also asked them to replace what was taken out. Because I did not authorize them to do this. I am furious ! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Pure Rezv
Betty P. Morrow May 30, 2009
3/17/09I responded to an offer of a free sample of RezV by paying only the postage, which of course took my credit card number. I soon received a very small sample and before I could even finish the sample a larger quantity arrived, which I figured was the rest of the free sample which had been very small. However when my credit card bill arrived several weeks later, RezV had billed me for 87.97 on 4/7/09. Of course the bill for this did not arrive until the end of the month so I didn't understand the extra shipment. I called the number... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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