CATEGORY: Family & Pets

worcester dcf
jdyl071400 March 22, 2010
My family has been invollved with dcf since 2004. my sons father took custody of my son in 2005 His d ad hasnt wanted anything to do with him since birth. dad is a bad father and veryunresponsible. My son came back from dads i 2006 worse than before he left. dss has been hurting my son emotionally educationally physically since 2004 by placing myson withthis loser who doesnt give a damn about my kid. there suppposed to be there to help te kids not hurt them read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
al ellis March 22, 2010
My friend ordered a PottyPatch as a gift, he paid $12.95 for shipping and handling, this was ordered on 3/2/10.On 3/20/10 we called to see when the product was supposed to arrive, according to the invoice it was ordered 3/2/10 with 2-3 week delivery for $13.00, it should have arrived no later than today, 3/20/10. Since it did not arrive today (3 weeks later) I called the company and was told they were OUT OF STOCK and would not get them until 4/1/10. Then it would be an additional 2-3 weeks to receive. So after 6 weeks I might get what I... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
iga lightning ridge
suzie mcnaboe March 22, 2010
im writing breefly to let u know that the bosses at khans iga in lighting ridge are only employing girl they want to sleep with as andrew has been shipping them in from the phillipines and james has been sleeping with a few of the women in the store, watching husbands and fathers bashing the pair has been very amusing as andrew has a black eye this morning and james has jim going to burn down the store.we have daughter that would like a job there so could we pleas have real bosses here or beter looking ones cause its not easy for the young... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Austria
Inspirada Siberian Cats and Maine Coons
ak1182 March 22, 2010
VERY bad customer service! Called and emailed the company and didn't receive an answer for 3 days. Response came via email, whereas the respondent, Ginni, tried to sell me a 4 year old cat not associated with the pure bred Siberian Breed i was interested in, for $65.00. Now i know times get busy with breeders, but still, this is no way to treat a customer who was polite and has specific needs expressed!!! In her email she asks me why i want a Siberian, do i have allergies, and lots of prying questions. In my opinion, this breeder is very... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
John P. Ehman March 22, 2010
This company has been calling me daily, including Saturday and Sunday and they have the wrong person. They are calling for my son, who does not live here and we do not speak to eachother. I asked the person I was talking with, why don't they leave a message on my answering machine that I have attached to the number they are calling? Her answer was " WE DON'T HAVE TO." I am very upset that this company is bothering, harrassing me, during the week and on the weekends. I don't owe this company a penney. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Barbara Daniels March 22, 2010
I asked a Vet about pet poisoning. It was my understanding that it was free for the first visit and would not be charged unless I used them again. My dog died anyway. The vet said it was acid reflux, but that was a BUNCH OF BULL! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Just a few tips on puppy purchasing
doxielover March 21, 2010
I would like to remain anonymous because I am a dog breeder and in no way want to come across as an advertisement here. I would just like to give a few tips when buying a puppy. First, never put a deposit down on a puppy that has not yet be born. Deposits are safe to take when pup is past three weeks. Secondly, ALWAYS make sure your puppy has a contract that gives you a certain amount of time for a vet check. Third, always ask to see health history on puppy, it should include weights at certain age intervals, worming date and product used... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
monique s bennett March 20, 2010
i meant 2 close out this page before i selected 2 comfirm everything on this stupid computer however i do not wish 2 pay 4 porn i make my own and ya'll said it was free of charge don't want it so please refund read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Mehdiz Watcher March 18, 2010
Dr Rahman is guilty of RAPE, BATTERRY, attept of manslaughter... psychological torture, FAUD/FRAME-UP, and STALKING. Dr Rahman needs a second PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATION with..WITH! A POLYGRAPHE/LIE DETECTING TEST (cause he is a PATHOLOGICAL LIER) DR. RAHMAN already left one of his patients sick almost DYING without the patient's refill...and is DANGEROUS in RAPING using the RAPE-PILL : SEROQUEL / QEUTAPINE . As for myself, I think it's important to get a restraining order from this dangerou... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Canada
RBalser March 18, 2010
I signed up for a 14 day trial with Netflix on the Zoosk website through Trialpay. They were to award 240 Zoosk coins to my account if I signed up through this site for Netflix service. TrailPay has continued to say that there is no record I signed up for Netflix through Zoosk. I in face did and Netflix shows new service on 2/13. To this day, I still have not received my credit for the coins. They are running a scam BIG time! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Tanya Benson
michelleh2928 March 18, 2010
Tanya sold me a teddy bear puppy for 250.00 and it lived a week!!! She will not answer the phone or call me back because she knew it was sick and the shot information she gave me was fake and the puppy had NEVER seen a vet once!! She should be SHUT DOWN and not allowed to even be near an animal again... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Cane Corso Rescue
ConcernedCCmom March 18, 2010
We have fostered many dogs for the Cane Corso Rescue. The woman who runs the rescue is Liz Sawyers- Robles. She comes off to be a sweet person, but after a year of dealing with her I know better. She should be a politician or a sales person that's how good her lies are. She collects money for dogs she does not have. Puts the story up on the CCAA Forum to generate money and doesn't even have the animal. If someone asks her to explain she will post some other dogs up that need vet care and tells the people who asked for their donation... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Total Focus Photography
longhorns88 March 18, 2010
I don't know where to begin with this company. We saw an ad in "The Knot" magazine that touted this company as one of the best for its photography services. So we decided to give them a call and arrange a meeting with the salesman in our area. They offer at home consultations, which we thought was a great benefit. Oh man we're we wrong. This guy showed up and said all the right things, showed a bunch of fancy pictures and we signed on the dotted line. But not after a little bit of haggling for a better package. So the guy... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
miketomp March 17, 2010
I went to Petropolis LLC to buy my new puppy supplies, the lady working (possible owner) realized I purchased the puppy versus going to the pound to adopt and instantly started to lash out on how horrible of a person I was for not saving a dog, then mentioned how many dogs were put down today in NYC and that I could have saved one of those dogs! I thought I was trying to buy puppy toys? Several weeks later she was not there so I purchased Nature's Variety chicken formula 3lb medallion. After hearing about the recall I took my receipt and... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Golden Oaks Equine Alan, Michelle, and Hannah Koch
Crime Shouldn't Pay March 16, 2010
This family has been responsible for the deliberate distribution of unsound, unhealthy, and unbroke in accordance to representation horses into the community. They have also participated in selling tack by various online means and later claiming the tack to be stolen. Through media attention it has become apparent that they have committed fraud by claiming property stolen they had previously sold that they would also receive compensation from the insurance company. These people are despicable in their treatment of animals, the safety of others, and non-existent ethics. Please BEWARE! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Barton Jessen, Beth Jessen, Rock River Puppies, BJ Puppies
Anonie March 16, 2010
And the DNA says?!...MIXED BREED!!! It's official. We just got the results from the MMI Genomics DNA Breed test. Sophie is not a purebred bulldog--and her parents are not purebreds either! Sophie's DNA results show: Primary Breed: <none> Secondary Breed: Bulldog & Staffordshire Bull Terrier In the Mix: French Bulldog No Primary Breed composition is significant for 2 reasons. First, it shows that Sophie is not more than 50% of any one breed--and she is certainly not a purebred bulldog as breeder... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Petco (P.A.L.S.)
seadog_4 March 16, 2010
Petco claims that when enrolled in their P.A.L.S. program, if you purchase 10 bags of dog food, they will send a coupon for a free bag. After purchasing 10 bags of dog food, staying with the same size and brand I received nothing. When I contacted their customer service department, the gentleman was very nice and told me that he would have another coupon sent. At that time he told me that there was another coupon that I was eligible for and that he would send that also. I received the lesser value coupon but not the coupon for a free bag of dog food. A complaining message sent to the P.A.L.S. program was not answered at all. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Ione Hermanson
alkijimmy March 16, 2010
This person will smile in your face and stab you in the back quicker than you can say mochacappuccinocaramelmachiotto! First, she will sign you to a three month lease which at first you think is to your advantage because if you don't like the place, you can move after 90 days, but that is where this person starts to turn on you and complains about your music being too loud, or your car not patked in the right spot, (it's a two-car garage, ) or your TV is too loud, oh and you can't have anyone spend the night or she will charge... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Benign Girl
Exzene March 15, 2010
So there I am stolling through my Local Dollar store to grab a few small Items when one product in particular catches my eye BENIGN GIRL yes that is the real name! I was absolutley blown away by the complete misogynistic name, so I went back and picked it up to look at it more closely. There in very small print it says : Contains chemicals know to be CARCINOGENIC. Be sure to wash hands thoroughly after handling. The Actual Irony of BENIGN GIRL actually being MALIGNANT GIRL is truly a class all it's own. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
At Two of Us
Puregains March 14, 2010
After complainning about not hearing from my match maker over a month, At Two of Us quickly send me my 2nd referal around the area where I live. They have refered me a guy who basiclly hasn't been in the network over a year and all of sudden was asked to return to the service for free matching. 1st - He IS happyly married and separated for last 12 years, absolutely has no intention to be married (repeated 3x), JUST want to have good time 2nd - He had on and off saw 12 women in 4 year period, never was requested to pay more fee... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Jeff Siler March 14, 2010
It seems that all people do here is complain. I was skeptical of Twoofus until I read this article: MANY complaints have been resolved and it would be well worth everyone's time and money to go back to the office where they signed up and get the services they signed up for. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Tara psychic medium
Jimmy Ossian McPherson March 14, 2010
I ordered a psychic reading from Tara psychic on internet on 1st March after recieving regular messages from her telling me of great good fortune to come but also telling me I was cursed with bad fortune, I have payed by mastercard $39 US dollars, now after writing to ask where is my reading I am told she has not recieved my payment and she has no record of me on her mailing list, and after my payment was made all messages from her have stopped, my wife has also recived two mystery phone calls where when answering she was told if you want to... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United Kingdom
Premiere Productions Inc. Wedding Planner Maria Cook
UR CAUGHT March 14, 2010
I have been a victim to these horrible people scamming me and so many other people. Maria Cook has partnered up with Michelle Farrell who I think now goes by Angie Shelly. I just want you guys to google her name as well so you know what kind of con artist you are dealing with. PLEASE DONT TRUST THESE PEOPLE WITH CONTRACTS, OR WITH GIVING THEM YOUR MONEY!!! Google their names and you will see various complaints. These are not by ex employees who are leaving these remarks these are brides, grooms, vendors, and innocent people who sign up for an... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Beware of Wolves in Sheeps Clothing March 14, 2010
Email and posting internet Harassment and Slander from Debra Edith Unger, a supposed paralegal who claims to work with the Crown Attorney’s Office in Victoria BC.who poses as the owner/operator of Silken Fire's Fireplace, an on line relationships/dating group who willfully and knowingly posts defamatory remarks about people and their families and business associates on line under various user names on places like RipOffReport and other various search engines. In her own words that are copied and pasted from emails to thi... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Canada
almeronana63 March 13, 2010
on 3-11-10 my credit crd was charged $39.65 for a free service! I immediatly tried to cntact the web site for an explination for the charge and was told that I never signed up? I did want to see if I would want try there services & did give them my info with the understanding that i wouldnt be charged for the trial period? But when i checked my balance on credit card I was charged the amount shown! I immidiatly e-mailed the billig dept for them to un-scripe me from there services & was told that they never got my info? Can you please... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
extenze for men card
smoochiepooh March 13, 2010
I canceled my order for male extenzes. Then they take 19.99 off my credit card.It did not take 30 days to get my money. So put my moneyback o n my card immediatley.Janet Matlock read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
huggies nappies, maxi
danielle gambrell March 13, 2010
hi brought a pack of nappies a few wks back, i noticed that when i opened them they were quite small, obviously my lil girl must av grown a little, althoufh she's been in maxi for ages and still is. The reason for my complaint is that 1 inparticular nappy was faulty. As i had no other nappies at the time i had 2 put 1 of them on my little girl. what was worse is that the nappy wasn't right inside. There was no way i was gona b able 2 leave it on my daughter. The padding was completely out of place. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United Kingdom
plush palace cattery
msipiqn2 March 13, 2010
This is very hard to do as the breeder is a really nice lady however, what we have been put through with this finanical strain of our baby persian kitten. I don't want anyone else to have to go through this. My cat was born 7/20/09 If you have a kitten from this litter you may need to get to the vet. My kitten had FIP and died yesterday 3/12/10... He had been sick throughout the whole time I got him and had been to the vet numerous times.. She has had many calls from me complaining of him being sick over the period of time and mainly alot... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Sams Club Santa Clarita
JerryMyers March 13, 2010
Sam's Club #4824 26468 Carl Boyer Drive Santa Clarita, CA 91350, As of March 12, 2010 Sam's Club (walmart) will not respond to "Code Adam" at their store. Your children are not safe at Sam's Club. After an incident at store number 4824 in which the police arrived an hour after being called the store responded they are only there to protect their merchandise and not the customers regardless of age. The employees will stand and watch the criminals run right past them at the door. They also will not provide details of... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
damini March 12, 2010
I went to ykrok (your kids r our kids creche) for enquiry today. If I have to admit my daughter in ykrok, I need to pay around 7300 * 3 (for 3 months) + 5000/- registration fee (offer of 10000/- reduction) + 4400/- (this is refundable if a notice period of one month is given) + 1400/- (annual day charges). This comes to around 34000/- I think as the above numbers were rounded off. If I find she is not able to adjust in a week (my daughter may get health problems), I lose the entire amount. This is all about money. ok, leave about money, Coming... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: India
paul paul March 11, 2010
sadly this website is like all the others. you would think that a site dedicated to older people would be more reliable on all fronts, but alas, no. to start they charged my credit card more than they were supposed to and i had to use my credit card people to get it back. then i got a virus from the site, thankfully used a email address dedicated to only the site. kept getting scam/phishing emails from AFRICA. I would recommend that you stay away from them, it is not worth the huge amount of trouble at all. be safe read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Almost Home
wronged09 March 11, 2010
We wanted to adopt a dog. We found a dog we liked. We also liked the 2 week foster-to-adopt program, and we went home with the puppy. Two days later, we had to return the dog because the dog was sick - turns out he had Parvo and was not checked out by their vet before he was released to our home. That infected our home and it had to be cleaned top to bottom in bleach. After over a week of waiting for the dog to get out of the vet hospital, we found out the shelter's vet wanted to barter his services and the vet bill in trade for the... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Bouce Around Glen Burnie
Kelli Edwards March 11, 2010
This man has been arrested for impersonating a police officer and endagerment. He was on the local news just this past week for massing some customers. I can not have my 3 yr olds' party there now. (who's going to bring their kids there) and they will not give me my deposit back. The party wasn't until the 27th of March, so I've given them plenty of notice. They have very poor customer service skills and the bad reputation that backs it up. Do not give them your money. The guy is a fraud and a danger to children. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Luciany March 11, 2010
I WAS ON THAT RETARDED WEBSITE AND I FINISHED POSTING THE END OF MY PICTURES. i PRESSED SUMBIT AND IT SENT TO THE HOME PAGE WERE YOU LIKE ENTER YOUR PASSWORD AND USERNAME (EMAIL) AND I typed in my email and password and it said it didn't egzist. What retarted mate would think of that trash!!! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
College Kitty Cattery - Siamese
heartachewithkittenpaws March 11, 2010
Last year we adopted a kitten from College Kitty Cattery. Our precious baby was shy at first, and seemed to need some socializing. We were patient and loving, and we bonded! This is so hard for me to write... Our baby kitten became part of the family, and just a few short months later, our vet gave us news that our kitten was very sick, and it didnt look good. We spent alot of money trying to save our kitten, but our vet finally told us that there was no hope. We had to make the tough decision to put our kitten, so young and full of life, to... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Silverstreak Bulldogs - Karen Silver
Fwicks March 10, 2010
Gave her a deposit for an English Bulldog puppy that she claimed was due in 4 weeks. Over the next 4 MONTHS, she would change the due dates, ages, and details of the litter, finally telling us that she wouldn't have a male for us (our preference) in this litter, but she had another that would be ready to go to new homes soon. When we would press her for information about our puppy, she would continuously ignore requests to provide pictures of the puppies, would not allow us to come to her home to see the puppies or their living... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
South Side Dogs/Frank Popolizio
kimba mama March 10, 2010
My husband & I met Frank last January 2009. At that time he informed us that he had a pregnant Rhodesian Ridgeback & expected to have a litter due in March. March arrives & Frank then informes us that it was a false pregnancy & that we had to wait for another pregnancy. A few more months go by & we are informed of another pregnancy & please be patient, he assures us that we will have out cute little female ridgeback soon. A few more months go by & it's an all male litter. But be patient he tells us because he... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Unidentified Texter
Bogusbuster March 10, 2010
This unidentified texter (supposedly my daughter) sent message that this CP +639198718169 was his/her new roaming number, and that he/she was sending packages next week. His/her text was very convincing that we believed she was our daughter in the UK. As we rode on to his/her words we asked how it feels to be pregnant and that gave him/her a hint. As we inclined to believe that she was our real daughter living in UK, he/she started his/her modus operandi: Our conversation went this way: Texter: Ok thanks. By the way my friends heard that I... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Philippines
Sergent's Gold
dilako7 March 10, 2010
This product made my dog act like she was on crack. I have a yorkie mix who a few hours after placing the flea treatment on started to become very paranoid of everything around her and began pacing non stop! I waited it out and left for work when I came back she was worse so I washed her twice. She still has crazy eyes and is very hyper but she's no longer continually moving. This stuff needs to be retested. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Dating Direct Affirnity
nodrogaty March 10, 2010
This company has taken a 3 month subscription without my consent . After agreeing to refund my money (many weeks ago) nothing has gone back into my Bank account. I have sent several emails. It is virtually imposible to talk to any one about this as they have made it almost impossible to contact them, other than email which is through a different route. This is equivalent to theiving ! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United Kingdom


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