CATEGORY: Family & Pets
Lara Hastings is either paid off counselor or does special favors for other male-hating female counselors.
Lara Hastings is shallow and divisive, forming her thoughts as fits her deranged whims and dismal and distorted psychoanalytic world view. Lara
Hastings needs a long and extended detox period to come to reality, something we don’t know if she has ever known.
I know parents who have been harmed by Lara Hastings and she is going to get what comes around from what she has sent
around over the last several years.
Lara... read full review »
please stop the monthly deduction of $ 19.95 immediately read full review »
Tiny Paws and Claws
Being a middle aged woman whose husband works a lot, and being home alone I thought that I would look for a small companion. I began to look for puppies on the internet and found tiny paws and claws. I spoke with Shannon Ensminger and she met me around the corner from her house in Clear Lake, and then had me to follow her.<br />
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When I arrived, the horrible smell from the feces and urine hit me all at once. She had so many puppies everywhere in dirty laundry baskets and in wire cages. She claimed... read full review »
NJ Child Suppoprt
My ex husband was incarcerated for 10 years. When he was released, I still was not receiving child support. When my daughter turned 21, I began receiving 25.00 per month, I assumed for all of the back child support that he never paid. I was only on welfare for 2 years after I left him when my daughter was eight months old until she was about 2, and I am wondering if they are still taking out their portion of child support.
So, I found out that my ex cannot work due to extreme illness. His current wife pays my child support. He is a pastor of... read full review »
Song Bird Garden
In a recent order from SONGBIRDGARDEN.COM, the small print on their return policy states that they will not accept electronics or cameras back. The order i made was still in the box completely unused. Their service department was rude and unaccomodating. I ordered two bird cams for Christmas presents and they sent me four. They said it was my fault that I didn't stop the order before it came. I can understand that some bird products such as worms and insects can not be returned but unused cameras?? Warn everyone not to use this website. They are not customer friendly. read full review »
the littletikes magic copier, i purchased it as a christmas present for my 3 and a half year old daughter and was so disappointed on everything about it eg, 1. the screen dents whenyou draw on it. 2. you have to push really hard for anything to be copied which my daughter cant do.3.the paper abd colour paper is much too difficult for a 3 year old to use, 4. sometimes the paper doesnt even come out. After watching the adverts which make it look so simple and there drawrings bold i was not happy at all its 3 days old and already sitting in the box in the cupboard, she wants it out but gets too frustrate with it. read full review »
Received numerous hand puppets for my 2 year old son as a gift for age limit marked on the puppets. I was really glad I did not give them to him to play with because one of the eyes fell out almost immediately. I feel that this is a huge safety hazard for children and would like to make a formal complaint about this product. I have NEVER done this before but this could be a bad situation if a child swallowed the eye.
Specific toy with a problem:
Right eye fell out immediately after removing from gift box.
Red Parrot... read full review »
Northstar Golden Retrievers
We purchased a golden retriever puppy from northstar golden retrievers back in June 2009. When we received the puppy, he was weak and lethargic. We took him to the vet the next day and he was diagnosed with giardia and coccidia. The breeder was contacted by email and made aware of the puppy's health status but we did not receive a reply from her until 5 months later. Now our puppy is almost 7 months old and he has been diagnosed with bilateral hip dysplasia which the vet believes to be congenital. Our puppy's only option is to have... read full review »
SD Social Services
South Dakota child protection does nothing about committing crimes using your child's identity. They have known for years about it and had the Court seal the record so the public does not find out. Blame the father, not the felon committing crimes against children.
Link to letter from Senator Tim Johnson. Johnson ignores the fact federal laws are being broken with impunity by the perp and the State of SD. Using your child's identity is a federal crime. Put your utility bills in an alias you made for your child, give a fake social... read full review »
Jolena Schadel
I can't believe what goes on in this neighborhood. The people a few houses down, Jo and Brent, fight continually. It usually starts with Brent and Jo's daughter, Katie. Katie talks back to Brent and treats him like crap. She acts like a spoiled little brat. When Brent finally reaches the point of no return, he fights back by saying that Katie is a "whore". This causes a backlash by Jo, who goes after Brent with a vengeance, yelling and screaming, and hitting and kicking him. She even locks him outside. One time he had to... read full review »
Melissa Wilkerson
Melissa Wilkerson is the nosiest neighbor I have ever met. We just moved in and she is already watching our every move. She claims to be our friend, but she tries to butt in all the time. Whenever my husband is outside working in the yard, she is peeking out the basement window checking him out. I am getting sick of her constant interference in our lives. She claims to be a "devout Christian" but I wouldn't put it past her to steal money out of the collection plate every Sunday. At first I thought her and her husband, Craig... read full review »
Great Expectations Dating
Great Expectations Dating promises activities that can be attended. Their idea of a "dating activity" seems to be going to a restaurant to eat. They say to look at the site halfway through the month to see activities for the next month. There is never anything new until the end of the month. This is 12/27 and nothing is listed for January. The few things I did sign up for were cancelled because not enough people signed up. Of course, not many people signed up; they probably needed more than a few days notice to make their plans. In the... read full review »
verisign secured
I sign up for age verify.They said there wil be no charge on card and they charged me on 12/26/09 and again on 12/27/09 found the second charge when my bank called. there was not supposed to be any charges for 3 days read full review »
Littlest Petshop Online - LPSO
Daughter wanted an LPSO - littlest petshop online, inexpensive gift, but the #1 thing on her list. Cute plush toys with the ability to play online via a code that comes with the "pet". It is a very misleading product with a terrible website, support was attentive though - outsourced in Bangladesh more than likely with a knowledge base of canned answers, almost like we are alpha testers for their site.
It took me until Christmas night to even get the thing registered because the website was unable to get connection, probably a... read full review »
This website forces the user into visiting their website everytime they reload their browser, thus can be identified as a scam marketing website. It could be viral, it also charges phone users if they happen to enter someones phone number in the slots on the website.
Please do not visit this website, and help close it down for the safety of users. read full review »
Shih Tzus By Burnwood
We purchased a Shih Tzu puppy from Shih Tzus by Burnwood. We picked up our puppy on February 14, 2004. Barbara told us that she would send the CKC papers to us in the mail. When we didn't receive the papers, we e-mailed and called the breeder many times. We never received a reply. In 2008, our Shih Tzu was diagnosed with two burst disks. The surgery cost us $3, 500. Our vet diagnosed the problem as genetic. I again contacted Shih Tzus by Burnwood to notify them of this problem. I have always been professional in my dealings with them... read full review »
We ordered a dog bed from The bed arrived and we determined it was too small. I went to the website and followed all of their "rules" in regard to returning an item. Long story short, we're getting the runaround or nothing at all from return authorization number(I've asked 3 times as of today)...they said at their last communication (12/11/09) that they were "reviewing" my request (I just want a return authorization number - if there's an "issue" with the item it can be... read full review »
My Complaint for ZONG user No. 03148148969 was using bad and shameless Massage send to me. I contact ZONG Franchise Sadiqabad and put written Compliant But no further action for my compliant . I don't like ZONG company. read full review »
LA Ftness
I was walking out of the restroom and saw the Store Manager(Dustin Holland) and an sales associate(Elise Bowling) kissing and grabing all over each other. I know the lady is married and has children. I don't know the situation, but most company's don't aloow sexual or any kind of relationship among employees. Especially a Supervisor and an employee. I think something should be done. This is very unprofessional. read full review »
Marie Andre Bourassa
Complete scam artist.
Selling weimaraner pups as purebred CKC reg'd from good stock, but it is all lies.
She is very crafty, and will answer all of your questions and seem great BEFORE you buy, but becomes a nasty piece of work after you take the pup home and find out it is sick.
There are over ten families in the Vancuver area alone that can attest to this women's unethical breeding practices and how it results in very sick dogs.
She is breeding her in-house dogs which happen to be mother/ son and the female dog... read full review »
Purfect Points Cattery/Snowshoe Siamese
Wendy Colvin of Purfect Points sold me a male Snowshoe Siamese in April 2007 as a CFA registered kitten with the price ($750.00) for this kitten, which is in the range of registered cats and she never supplied me with the registration as stipulated in our contract. She never responded back to my phone calls or e-mails. I still have her e-mails in my computer and the contract as proof. This woman failed to meet the contract and should be banned as a cat breeder. I think she has since moved from the Ravenna, Ohio area for I can't find her... read full review »
Purchased this policy to avoid costly bills since I have another dog with health issues. I have submitted a couple of claims to 24PetWatch and they find every loop hole in the system in order to avoid paying your claims. They are a "scam" company. I have reported them to the BBB (which didn't help us), consumer affairs and now I will be contacted this Attorney General. They need to be shut down!
Beware... DO NOT BUY INTO THIS POLICY read full review »
mate1 dateing service
i have requested my account be cancelled three times they have charged me 60, 00 cnd dollars which is theft as they had no permission to with draw funds. this is a real scam and i am reporting this to my local police . read full review »
friendly animal hospital
THIS PLACES NEGLECT KILLED MY SONS DOG!!DONT TAKE YOUR ANIMAL HERE!!! My son took his dog here to be groomed. Within 15 minutes his dog was DEAD!! Somehow our beloved dog escaped 4 doors and found its way to the street and was killed by an oncoming car! NO DISCOUNT IS WORTH THE LIFE OF YOUR PET!! DONT DO IT! WE ARE COMPLETLY DEVISTATED...To top it off they deny responsibility!!! This was not a safe and secure place for our dog. We can never get him back. Dont make the mistake we did.. read full review »
sandra biby <[email protected]>
I was looking for a pug puppy for my son for Christmas and he tried to scam us from another country! PLEASE dont let this happen to you!! Start reading the emails from the bottom! The guy actually admits to scamming over $20, 000 dollars from Americans!!! And is proud of it!!
well good, now we dont even need you to confess! we have it on e-mail! anything else you would like to incriminate yourself with?
From: sandra biby... read full review »
Kirkland Signature "Super Premium Maintenance Formula" dry cat food.
I am volunteer in Bensonhurt Petco Store for cleaning up the
cat kennel. Last week beginning, K9kastle changed their dry cat food. They all are suffering from diarrhea anywhere. I feel worried and contact with but they seem not take any action. One of cat have been adopted after suffering diarrhea. Her name is Nina but right now she stopped to eat that food and recovered. Please beware Kirkland Signature "Super Premium Maintenance Formula" dry cat food.
Cat lover. read full review »
huggies snug and dry
i found a bunch of elastic strings in her diapers. You dont notice them until she has the diaper on. So i had to throw the box away because that is very unsafe for a little girl or boy to wear. I would greatly apperciate it if u could do something to replace the hundred diapers i had to throw away. read full review »
Linda's Magnificent Mutts
I adopted a puppy from this group in early December and while the group wasn't the most professional bunch of people I have seen, I get that they are volunteers and are doing the best they can. My surprise came when I took the puppy to the vet they recommended only to find out that one its littermates had been euthanized the day before due to some possible contagious illness. It doesn't change how I feel about my puppy, but I found all of this to be shady so you may want to look for a more reputable group when you decide to adopt a dog. read full review »
ALCO Animal & Pest Control
We hired this company to rid our office of squirrels. They came and put a one way wire tunnel system and told us to contact them once the squirrels left to remove the tunnel. We have contacted them 4 times and they have never showed up to finish the work that they were paid to do. I will tell everyone I can never to use this company. read full review »
Kinship Companion
Within a month of adopting a pure bred white golden retriever puppy by Kinship Companions, the pup was diagnosed with kidney dyspalsia, a genetic disorder that will progressively worsen and eventually kill him. We have experienced not only an emotional hardship, but financial one as well. The breeders are unresponsive and refuse to take responsibility even though we have provided them with two nephrologist reports documenting his disease and its progressive nature. read full review »
My husband purchased the wrong size of huggies diapers (3) . When i tried to exchange the box the next day for a size 4...I WAS TOLD THAT IF I DIDN'T HAVE A CALIFORNIA ID I COULDN'T EXCHANGE THEM...
Charles Wiebe and Astoria Estates in Las Vegas
Dont Rent from Charles Wiebe and Astoria Estates in Las Vegas
Description : When we arrived at this home there was an RV in the private gated parking . The rental owners lived in the RV on the property and worked out of the back room and garage of one of the rental homes. They never mentioned this in our communications or we would not have rented from them.
Talk about creepy! Having strange men in the home and in your yard when you have your family and young children in the pool. They had no... read full review »
Janiel Russell
Beware of this woman. She purchased a healthy kitten from me on 12-11-09. The very same evening, she was posting on this forum about me. She mis understood the text about pricing on my web site. I had to call her mother to explain that > means "more than" in regards to age of a kittens and price. This woman has "issues" that have been diagnosed, and medications to date have failed to get the "issues" under control, according to her family. This woman talked about an ill cat she had in her home, and I offered... read full review »
Tata Indicom Mobile service
My mobile phone number is 92414-40731
From Nov 25 th to today the Dec 19, an amount of Rs 90 and odd was deducted from my prepaid amount without my making any outgoing calls. This happened 3 times and the night beforre i check that the balance is over Rs 90 and the next morning I receive a message that the amount available is only Rs 12 this time and previously some Rs 23.50 or so. How and why this deductions without my knowledge? I do not understand this scam. I tried 3 times al ready and recharged but this is happening again. Please investigate and credit to my prepaid amount. Thank you.
My email is [email protected]
Mobile # 9241440731 read full review »
Just your pup
My husband and I bought a mini dachshund from Justin Sullivan on July 31, 2009. He said she was 6 wks old, shots up to date and healthy. One wk later, she got sick and was diagnosed with kennel cough. Then about 3 days later she could barely breathe and was re diagnosed with pneumonia. She had to be rushed to the ER vet, and we were told she had a 50/50 chance of surviving. We fell in love with her at first sight and did what we had to do. We spent over $6000.00 to save her life. The internal medicine specialist said she was at least one week... read full review »
This people should pay the actress, not to lie and get sex for free and also get the money by selling their images.
I know this is legal by law but remember this is about humanity, this should stop. read full review »
Backroom Should pay
This should be sued by goverment, they want free sex and got the money.
You guys can go to hell, remember you have a doughter or wife!!! read full review »
Con Artists
Beware of "Emergency" or "Grandparents" Scam!
Beware of the “Emergency Scam.” In the typical scenario, a grandparent receives a phone call from con-artist claiming to be one of his or hers grandchildren. The caller goes on to say that they are in some kind of trouble, usually a car accident, returning from a foreign country, or even bail money and need money immediately.
Victims frequently don't verify the story until after the money has been sent. The caller specifically asks that they do not... read full review »
Hutchinson County Crisis Center Inc.
This agency is non-profit and funded for sexual assault and domestic violence. However, there have been times when a victim has tried to enter this shelter, but has been treated with disgust, has been fed spoiled food, has been denied services because of their background, and in some instances, they have even been told they cannot enter the shelter simply because it is the holidays and the director and assistant director do not have enough people because of their high turnover and they don't want to be the ones to cover the shift. Thi... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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