CATEGORY: Family & Pets

Flow Images Wedding Photography
Persistently Seeking Justice May 31, 2011
I purchased the silver package. After the wedding when we went to arrange an appointment to put the wedding album together we were told that none of the package inclusions were included anymore and to get what we had already paid for we would need to pay thousands of additional dollars. Several emails back and forth and we have not had any of our questions answered and have been treated so rudely and he has tried to threaten and intimidate us. We are taking the prick to court to get our money back. He also operates Florian Reception, Elsternwick. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Australia
Mala Singh from Sama Models got arrested
trueme7 May 31, 2011
Mala Singh known for being a pimp in the South Asian community in Toronto, is often seen with business men and is known to supply young girls around (18 to 26 years in age) to frustrated indian business men. She is a Guyanese who tries very hard to act indian ... Anyways, not saying that there is anything bad in that, but pimping in the community being a Guyanese, by taking Pakistani and Indian as well as Afghani girls to get paid for hanging out with Indian men as well as asking them to sleep with them. Not only that when actors like Akshay... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Canada
Umesh Kumar .V May 31, 2011
I am Umesh kumar.V, s/o. M.K.Vishwanathan, Residing at # 37, I floor, 4th cross, Devegowda Block, Adugodi, Bangalore: 560 030. I am residing at the same address from past 1 year with my parents. I am 27 years old, born and raised in Bangalore. A decent working professional, working with a Leading US based MNC. I work in night shift. This complaint is against my Neighbor Mr. Narasimha murthy, aged around 42 years, who is an electrician resides in the same area in a rented house with his wife, 2 children and his brother in law. Hi... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: India
Banfield Animal Hospital Corporate Offices & Clinic
never agin May 30, 2011
Banfiled explicitly violated the contractual terms of their Wellness Plan, that allows for 30 days notice before terminating service early. They also did this with no reason other than telling me "You're paying less than our services are worth". My dog was in crisis with an scheduled appointment within 24 hours and they refused to treat her, gave only referrals to an after hours ER clinic, that would have charged in the $1000's to treat a medication reaction she was having THAT THEY CAUSED and had zero concern for their legal... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Krome May 30, 2011
Agree. It's a scam. Only glowingly positive reviews get posted. I never would have booked my invitation printer or my venue save for the reviews on their site and both were disasters. When I tried to review them, my reviews were "disputed" both times. You're allowed to have an opinion...just not an honest one. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
deadbeat dad
Motivation2011 May 30, 2011
Kit Brown; Dead beat father who has 5 kids by three women has not paid child support. This coward instead of taking responsiblity of the kids her fathered he decides to up and leave the state. He refuses to play any part in any of his kid lives. He is a selfish ass hole and only thinks about him self. He is almost 40 years old and acts like he is 21. If you run into this boy(not man) run the other way. He loves drama and if you deal with him guarantee there will be drama. Our daughter who is only 4 is to the point now where she is asking if my fiance can be her dad because she does not like her father and she wants my fiance to be her dad. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
taherali abbasbhai May 30, 2011
My mobile no 9840352110 is constently attacked by such sms and charge Rs.10/-without my confirmation. Tell me the ways to stop this kind of sms and save my money. Regards, Taherali Abbasbhai. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: India
Minor counsel-court appointed child attorney
leosun May 30, 2011
AMy L Neiman is a court appointed minor counsel in a high conflict divorce cases that involved minor children. She is usually makes sure that her clients are in a custody of the most problematic parent while the "normal" parent puts all his energy, health and money to save his/her children. This kind of situation is a predictable earnings of government money for up to 17 years and up to 100, 000 dollars per child. These children are being abused by denying their basic rights by the criminal and/or mentally ill custodial parent, minor... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
amerecian mall model search
lipgloss May 30, 2011
ok so i signed up for the model search at my local mall. i got a call and they said that i need to come for a screening so i did. i thought well there is no way i will make it but i tryed anyway. and i made it. then i had to do the photo soot i did the one look that cost $150 which i didnt think was that bad.. i mean my pictures did turn out WONDERFUL! So then finals was the next friday. and then about 5 days later my mom got an email saying that i won a contract! then i got my contract in the mail the next week i signed and studyed it just to... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
los angeles superior court
leosun May 30, 2011
Hon.judge Louis M Meisinger was appointed by Arnold Schwarzenegger in Jan 2008. He has been presiding in the dep 22 of Los Angeles Superior court for one year, then was reassigned to the dep K of Superior court in Van Nuys. His Honor constantly introduced himself as an old Jew, but his remarks, unsupported by law and unconstitutional orders and decisions, raised an eyebrow and made me wondering...until I saw a portrait of Josef Meisinger, SS Standartenfurer, creator of Warsaw ghetto and Hitler personal henchman. On Aug 18 2009 the... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Wigglewagglepup May 29, 2011
I purchased a male Yorkshire Terrier Puppy from Smithscountrybiewersandyorkie... He was shipped to me by plane from Georgia to Minnesota. He was sent with his AKC registerable papers and had a Georgia Department of Agriculture Certificate of Veterinary Inspection which was dated and signed by Veterinarian the day before I recieved him that stated that he was a 10 week old male weighing 1 pound 10 ounces. The breeder did not send his vaccination/de-worming records and sent him with Puppy Chow in his traveling crate instead of his regular food... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Pet post international
Greedy May 29, 2011
I fell in love with 4 chihuahua puppies on a site called pet link. The women, Cece Lance, claimed that her daughter recently died in a car accident and that she was looking after her 10 week old pups. She said she would give them to me as if she sold them she would be selling apart of her daughter.. She sent me 75 photos, and told me that they would come with toys, clothes and paper work. Then she asked me a few questions like: Where you are located? Your experience with pets and which kind of pets? If you have a vet doctor close to... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Heart 'N Soul Leonbergers
bewareleonbergers May 29, 2011
BAD dog breeder. Many puppies with problems and tries to pass off mistake INBREEDING as "line breeding". Sells puppies to others who have many "accidental" breedings (between sibling puppies) and then splits sales of THEIR puppies at $1, 700 a dog!! Leos are undersized, cancers, epilepsy, etc. When owner (Rachel Dolan) told all about losing her job she started stepping UP her breeding and breeding every female in site and raised the rate for the Leos. HORRIBLE breeders and very misleading people. Of note: Owner also has a side... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
sana May 28, 2011
my cousion told me that my some pics posted at on 18-19-20 may 2011 by the tittle of "Pakistani lady doctor posing nude showing juicy tits armpits and pussy pics 1-2-3" i saw & shocked, these pics are too old & i dont know that how leaked out & post on site, now problem is this that "i belong a fudal backward family, if any other person of my family see these pics they will kill me, so i request you pls save my life & remove my all 21 pics from your site "" ""... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: India
Karen Stevenson/Harvest Hill Himalayans
Uniquedesire May 28, 2011
CFA registered himalayan breeder, Karen Stevenson sold Margaret Mae Heart, owner of Uniquedesire Cattery, four three year old cats which were never tested for PKD when she started. Three of them tested positive after I had already used them in my breeding program. Two were so difficult to handle, even after declawing the one, she would bite me. The fourth cat tested positive with leukemia which she informed me was because she had boostered it. At the same time, I lost my pregnant tortie cat and the litter. Now she blocked my number and her... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Big Brothers & Big Sisters of America
AcuMom May 28, 2011
My son spend 5 years on the waiting list for a Big Brother (He NEVER got one). BBBSA didn't even bother to keep in touch and update us on the progress (or lack of). When boys sign up, the get them excited about the program to the point that they expect a knight in shing armor to arrive any day, only that knight doesn't always come and someone's child gets his heart broken. 5 years later BBBSA finally explained that there is a shortage of of male volunteers and it can take ages to get a child a Big Brother (if they... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Amanda Pagan May 27, 2011
I, Amanda Pagan and my boyfriend Alberto Quezada, were interested in purchasing a Bull Terrier Puppy. We searched online and came across a website I then called the number on the website 347-733-2241. I reached a voicemail and a lady named Kim Blume called me back. We scheduled an appointment to go see the puppies they had on Thursday May 5th, 2011. On Thursday May 5th, 2011, we headed to Kim’s house located at Staten Island, N.Y. We went inside she had us take off our shoes and we went to see the puppies. She... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Amit Varma
Natsha May 27, 2011
One day they call me for the job at their kitchen, there they closed the door and Amit Varma has told me to open my clothes and he told me that i have to make happy him and his labour. He is a number one bastard he is rascal. i tell him that my uncle is police man then he stop his stupid acts. and then he start begging me. Do not go for any job any help and not for any service. To Amit varma (Owner of Kitchen Experts) . read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: India
Once Upon a Teapup Photoshopped Scammer!
photoshoppedpuppies May 27, 2011
Ginger Turk sold me a puppy that looked nothing like the puppy I purchased in the photos on her website. The puppies are photoshopped and I have found out that she is getting the puppies from a Korean Puppy Mill Breeder/Broker Jung Puppy Club. If you type Jung puppy club in google you can see all the complaints about this puppy seller too. I have read and heard of horrible things and I should have done my research as now I have invest $5000 into a dog that I could have adopted at the shelter for $50. My puppies face is totally different than... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
dogloverscam May 26, 2011
I have a lost dog this company said would find the dog for $175.00 or no charge, sent $100.00 deposit and arranged to meet at location the dog went missing the next morning, no one turned up, no one called and they do not answer the phone anymore. Money was sent by Western Union and I have confirmation that the money was recieved. This SCAM needs to be stopped they are preying on pet lovers feelings they are dispicable. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Mcqueen Veterinary Clinic
Slyfoxinvestigations May 26, 2011
We spent well over 2, 000 plus to get our pet help.but it never got the right help.It seems to me that is the case these days.people are willing to take your money, but not care enough to truly help your poor pet.these people truly are pathetic., .not to mention on more then one visit the techs were rude and very argumentative . not to mention didn't know how to act around your pet and handled the pet rough.On one visit Dr S McComb when my dog growled like a lot of dogs do when in a vet slapped my pet.when i brought that up he told me if... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Jerome Podell
Krise May 26, 2011
I contacted Jerome Podell to purchase a Havanese puppy for show and breeding. He sold me a dog that is very ill. She has a condition called chondrodysplasia. At the time of sale, he stated she has a bit of a crooked leg, but it should straighten out as she grows. He's been a breeder for many years, so he was aware this condition only worsens. He was well aware of her condition. This is interstate, internet fraud. I've been told by my vet this condition will only worsen and there's a strong change she'll go lame. The surgery... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Better Bulldog Breeders Association
Mostole May 26, 2011
Watch out for lying Canada people. These people sold me a dog that was not good dog. These people give me a dog that die before it came to me. Buyers Beware of lying people like these people here Dhomhnuill Style Bulldog and they have there own Registry it is call Better Bulldog Breeders Association it is sad how everybody think there cross bulldogs with anything calling pure bred dogs. These people are breeding mutts and sell to you the consumers it is really sad. People need to understand the truth about these lying Morons. People need to... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Zion Cattery
Rsdd2 May 26, 2011
Zion cattery -fake web site, tring to steal innocnet buyers money they are located in Africa Fraudulent web site & Add postings On the Zion cattery web site web --all kitten being offered for sale are pictures they stole off of other breeders web sites trying to scam the public, steal innocnet buyers money they have posted a variety of breeded of cats, none belonging to them, they are a fraud cattery, all the persian pics belong to a breeder in canada and stolen off that web site, the himalayan kittens belong to a breeder... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Trinitys Birman Cattery
sarahnestor May 26, 2011
You can read in newspapers that Trintys birman cattery has been blacklisted in sweden. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Sweden
Model Quality Introductions
Koimate May 26, 2011
Please, be very wary of this company and do not use their services! They are an escort agency and employ ladies who are professionals! This company also writes fake reviews of it's self on online review sites to make itself look more reputable. I signed up for their service after seeing an ad in the dupont registry. I was told I would be introduced to attractive, intelligent, sweet women women who were seeking real relationships and commitment, but what I got was so beyond that it was unbelievable. I initially sighed up for their service... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Cypress Farm Kennel Puppies
tiffanyd8558 May 25, 2011
Warning Cypress Farm Kennel said they were no longer going to breed and sell puppies. Their last 18 puppies were all exposed and some sold and sent with parvo this means the kennel she is now selling more puppies out of, only a few months later, still has not purchase from this kennel. The listing said they are just sired through one of their male dogs but there is no proof that these puppies have not been exposed to parvo!! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Peace666 May 25, 2011
My first experience was good, I guess. I got what I ordered and the website is easy to use. So I used them again. The second time, I bought 4 Dbacks tickets, spent $40 each and they sent me different tickets, not the ones I picked but the bleacher tickets. If I want the bleachers tickets, I can just purchase from the ticket master for $19 each and not paying $15 shipping fee. Yes, they did sent me a note stating they upgraded me and these are not the original tickets I picked, but the seats were horrible and definitely not upgrade. Do NOT use them. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Tenakare May 25, 2011
I made the mistake of ordering a dress from for my wedding. I wouldn't recommend it! I paid for the dress, custom sizing, and expedited shipping. Two months later (after a gazillion unanswered emails to them) and two days before my wedding, it arrived. It was so tight around my ribs I couldn't even zip it up. I'm a size 6. That's ridiculous! Also, it only slightly resembled the dress in the picture and the quality was poor. Try Light in the Box. I ordered a dress from them at the same time and at half the... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Garnely May 25, 2011
This site is HORRIBLE!!! I will never recommend this site to anyone! I ordered my wedding jewelry 3 months early. After the purchase, I received an email stating that it is on back order for 1 month. 5 weeks later with no update, I left a voicemail and still received no reply. After 10 emails and a bunch of voicemails, I finally received word that it would be delivered to me in 1 week. It never came. I canceled my order and had to wait 3 weeks for my refund. This is the WORST business I have ever dealt with. They lie and scam. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
william johnson328 May 24, 2011
this website uploading personal pics without any permission read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Pakistan
wedding uk shop
robinson123456 May 24, 2011
We ordered this dress for my grandaughters prom. the seller advised the dress would arrive around the 20th April. on the 22nd april we chased it again only to be told not to worry. 10 weeks later and we have been supplied with a false tracking number that doesnt work, emails telling us not to worry despite the deadline growing closer. they are now just ignoring our emails. this company is a scam!! luckily we have been able to get our money back through our credit card company. do not buy with this company they are a rip off!! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: China
Golden Meadows
Emily D May 24, 2011
I was searching for the perfect puppy for my retiring parents when i came along the golden meadows website. I thought, the dogs have to be perfect if you are paying $4000-$10000 for it! I never did actually purchase a puppy from them and that was thanks to one of their present employers, whose name will not be announced, who gave me a lot of details on how this facility works. Not only are they illegally selling their dogs, but they are selling you the wrong dog! She had told me that Barbie and Tim will let you select the puppy you want, and... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
TruthTellerForever May 25, 2011
Where to begin with this Hell on Earth site 1. Most expensive chat service around that one can be overcharged more than what one is normally charged for 2. Scammers have been found there asking for money 3. Ladies have been known to commit marriage fraud 4. Ethnically backward and will not change its advertisements to include all ethnicities (like african men, asian or indian or hispanic men)-only one ethnicity focused with its advertisements 5. Rude customer service at times 6. Prostitutes found on the site 7. Expensive tour... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
gulliblegoose May 24, 2011
It is amazing that people, in this day and age would think that people are so stupid to fall for a scam astrologer that would start out with a price of $80. and by the time you ended your "close" prompts, be offered the exact same thing for $20!!! This is exactly what happened to me when I viewed an "urgent" email from Norah of premium astrology. I'll admit I was considering giving her a shot, as many of the things she was saying seemed to be true, however, I decided to check out her "abilities" by using a... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Richard Norton May 23, 2011
Zallykatz Rebecca Heslop & Sherri Amirault Sherri Amirault came to Norway, from Canada, February 2008 and bought 3 Bengal kittens from me for Zallycatz, a cattery owned by her brother Darryl and sister in law Rebecca Heslop. After Sherri returned, 4 additional kittens were sent to Canada. The kittens were to be sold and after my shipping expenses were covered, the profit would be shared. In May 2008 they told me they were having difficulty selling. The kittens (all male) were nearing 6 months and were kept in cat carriers to prevent... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Canada
DEEPA NAIK ( AKA DEEPA NAYAK ) Infinite Computer Solutions
Padma1111 May 23, 2011
Warning about DEEPA NAIK she now spells her name as DEEPA NAYAK and claims to be the Regional Manager - HR at Dimension Data. Anyway, here is her resume (most of the other stuff is fake): DEEPA NAYAK (AKA DEEPA NAIK ) Dimension Data, Regional Manager - HR July 2010 - Present Infinite Computer Solutions, Recruitment Manager May 2004 - June 2010 Education Bangalore University, MBA, HR (don't know if this is fake) 1998 - 2000 Also looks like Rakesh Tiku has followed Padma Bharathi around from... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: India
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Philippines
keringa petwings
PrincessMonas May 22, 2011
Keringa Petwings Caused death of Yorkie We are from Namibia and I have been looking for the right breeder for yorkies since the end of last year and found the perfect one. The day my baby was born the breeder let me know all the excitement began. Choosing a name buying all the little things she needs and reading up about the breed as this would be the first time me and my family have had the breed of dog. The breeder let us know we can get her when she is 9 weeks old. We asked her do we need to come to Pretoria to collect her so she said... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: South Africa
faked american soldiers
scammersnightmare May 22, 2011
good morning from new zealand I am wondering if ladies have been scammed by these so called soldiers for money These scammers send an orchestrated litany of lies requesting money These scammers have only recently ''hit'' NZ but I believe it is bad in other countries It gives the American Military a bad name These fakes usually say they serving in Iraq ir Afghanistan when in fact they are motly in Nigeria They prey on women and are on sites One site used to be a good friendly site it is now a scammers delight... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: New Zealand


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