CATEGORY: Family & Pets &
October 13, 2008
My husband I have just discovered is registered with both & as single with grown up children (yes from his first marriage not our two pre schoolers though). Not only that but he is seeking somebody with children to become part of their family! Futhermore he has a record for violence against his first wife and is known to the police for violence against me. Why don 't these dating companies make better checks.?? read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United Kingdom
Banfield Clnic
October 13, 2008
I took my puppy for immunizations when he was 6 weeks old. The list they gave me was over $800. I said no and went to another clinic where it was $100. I then went back this weekend now that my puppy is a year old. Not sure what I was thinking but it was convenient. My puppy has diarhhea and I wanted some information on what I could do. They gave me a list of tests he needed over $600.00 including radiology(radiology tests for diarhhea). I declined these tests and asked if there is anything I can do at home for, etc. they said no. I... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Kelleher & Associates
October 13, 2008
Rip-off artists Kelleher & Associates charge hundreds of thousands of dollars to set up professionals with other professionals. Matches are horrible. Dates are few and far between. If you complain they set you up with someone from the office. And if you complain further the most they'll refund is 40%. Scam, rip-off, theft, bribery -- these people are scum. is the portal to the scam. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
jwalker ranch
October 12, 2008
Jennifer Johnson, owner of JWalker Ranch - selling Tennessee Walking Horses out of Temecula California conducted her business with me, on two seperate occassions in a deliberately fraudulent manner. This woman sells horses to people knowing full well that her descriptions of the horses are at best misleading, and more specfically in my case (twice) filled with false information. In the last instance of my business with her she advertised a horse as 9 years old, when he was determined by a well known and respected veterinarian to be no... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Sergeant's Gold Flea and tick
October 12, 2008
After applying the product to our dog the way the instructions said to, our dog started to have a reaction. He was twitching all over, and salivating profusely. He was running around and seemed to have trouble with his back legs almost like he lost control of them. He could not sit still and was licking at himself and shaking as if he was wet. We were terrified and once we realized that this is a known problem with this product we felt very angry. This product is awful and should be off the shelves!! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
North Country Kennels
October 12, 2008
We purchased a Yorkie Poo from them and 7 months later she died. We were never allowed on their property. We were charged additional monies when we picked our puppy up. Our dog had kennel cough the minute we picked her up. She had a seizure within 2 months and died at 7 months. The kennel has around 250 puppies. 100 breeding females. It is a puppy mill. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Great expectations denver
October 12, 2008
Denver office of Great Expectations. 20 BBB complaints, 9 in last 12 months. Recently settled out of court for Colorado Consumer Protection Act violations. Currently has pending lawsuits ( mine included ). Classic bait and switch practices, fraudulent advertising, less than 1000 active members, large number of elderly members, questionable background checks. The list goes on and on. I will gladly witness at any lawsuits againced this office. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
GoldRocks Golden Retrievers
October 10, 2008
This woman has more lawsuits against her that can be counted. Recently, Judge Yuille in Genesee Count ordered canctions of over $19, 000.00 be paid to myself and my attorney in a case that dragged on for over 3 years with this woman. In the meantime, her Township sucessfully sued her, and the judge in THAT case ordered her to pay their legal fees. Puppy buyers who have sued her to get her to hone her guarantee (they have puppies who are dysplastic and have cost thousands in vet bills, and she will not return their calls, emails, letters, or... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Fall River Department of Children and Families
October 10, 2008
October 9, 2008 David Coughlin Department of Social Services 24 Farnsworth Street Boston, MA 02210 RE: JOHN CORREIA (COURT DATE OCTOBER 14, 2008) REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATION OF DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES FORMERLY DSS-FALL RIVER, MA 02720 Dear Mr. Coughlin: Thank you for taking my phone call earlier this week. I am writing you requesting that your department please look into DSS in Fall River and my children (Justin Strollo, 13 and Samantha Correia, 10). My children have been going through this for over 7... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
West Airlines Global
October 10, 2008
I was supposed to have some kittens delivered from California to Montreal, Canada. First, I was told it would cost US$270. Then, I was told I had to pay US$20 for home delivery. The only acceptable method of payment was a money transfer through Western Union, to the Cameroon. That should have lit a bulb in my head that something was not right, but it didn't. Then I was told that the kittens needed shots in order that their metabolism can function in cold weather and that the weather was too cold, although the weather that day not cold at... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
October 10, 2008
Foo Lu Kennels CSP Mary and Fred Hundtmark are breeding animals that carry Shar pei Fever. My family and I bought a puppy from them that dies of the genetic disorder. This is a warning to consumers who are considering buying an animal from them. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
dog harness
October 10, 2008
goods ordered, payment taken, no answer to e-mails, phone line not in use read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United Kingdom
Diamond Acres Kennel
October 10, 2008
Bought a english bulldog with papers and never got papers many excuses and never got papers very unprofessional excuse after excuse and nasty emails puppy was undweight and had kennel cough and long finger nails at pickup have no idea of birthdate tattoo id was unreadable our vet told us it was done very poorly Any way we love our dog and are glad we got him away from those horrible people But I wish I knew his back ground We think is isnt full breed Please do not buy from these scammers read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
October 9, 2008
hello there! I am in the middle of a nightmare with this online store, which by the way is the same as Netshops, Inc. the website is and have the misleading furniture picture color, i tried to cancel within the following 5 minutes and here we are a week later, with the same problem trying to cancel, over the phone, multiple emails, it's just ridiculos. Now we have to wait for a MRA #, pay for shipping and restocking fees, because they claimed they couldn't canceled the order (took a 7 days and we still haven't been... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Breeder: Marla Norman of Tiny Tim Poodles
October 9, 2008
This is a letter regarding my experience with Marla Norman of Tiny Tim Poodles. I purchased 2 tiny toy brown phantom poodles from Marla Norman of Tiny Tim Poodles from Sun Valley, Nevada, U.S. They were very expensive purebred poodles. Marla states on her website, as well as, I have written gaurantee that these poodles were vet checked and genetically tested. I have emails from Marla as well gauranteeing the health of these poodles. Marla assured me that she had been breeding poodles for 40 years and that she had a university degree in... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
October 9, 2008
we Purchased a French bull Dog from Frenchie Babies a brown and white beauty we picked her up at the airport the next day we woke up and she was not herself so i immediately took her to the vet the vet told me that the dogs skin inside here mouth was not a good color, and said that the dog seemed pretty sick, took her home that nite to see how she would make the night but the next day she was not moving around to much she seemed a little latargic, so i took here to another vet who took test on the dog and kept her overnite well 4000.00 later... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
J Walker Ranch
October 9, 2008
There is a customer named Joel Tracey that was at J Walker Ranch when I was there and he seems unstable. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
October 9, 2008
bought dog collar over 3 weeks ago money taken out of my account after 2 days, no goods recieved phone line cut off and will not reply to my e-mails. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United Kingdom
Dr. Joseph Frey III
October 9, 2008
This man performed a custody evaluation and provided untrue information to the courts. He over looked information provided to him and went on misquote information given to him as well. Dr. Joseph Frey also lied to me and went on falsify testimony given to him. I have a feeling this man is not used to someone standing up to him and calling him out on his lies and corruption. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Somerset Limousine
October 9, 2008
Owner is very arrogant and confrontational and to make a long story shot, the Police had to be called in order to have a deposit refunded. Don’t waste your money or your time on this unreliable, poorly run company. They will not provide the services guaranteed to you in your contract and you will not see a refund unless you have Police involvement. We had a fully executed contract (signed by a Somerset manager) and with less than 2 months until our wedding, they called us demanding that we pay them an additional $1, 400 for reasons they... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Cat Breeders
October 9, 2008
I am from Minnesota and I contacted a woman by the name of Kim Jaros at her email address of [email protected]. I wanted to purchase a special breed of cat. Beware of this woman Kim along with her friend Barb rhodalia from!! We did many corresponding over a months time and set it up where I was to receive a solid chocolate cat from them at the price of $2, 000.00. However, when the cat was supposedly ready to be shipped me, this Kim Jaros lady told me she has a lot of "problems" right now and that she has been since... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Pawz and Clawz Pet Grooming
October 8, 2008
We've taken our dog to Pawz and Claws before, I noticed that they shaved her too close to cause some nicks but decided unfortunately to return recently for a grooming. She was acting strangely so we brought her to the veterinarian who was appalled to see that her floppy ears were encircled so tightly with a rubberband bow that her blood circulation stopped. We are waiting to see if her ears will have to be amputated, hopefully the medication will help and we will avoid surgery. She was in so much pain that she was given morphine for... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
October 8, 2008
recieved letter that my daughter was nominated for listing. went online to accept offer and filled out form. ordered plaque for $47 that was not recievednow website and phone do not work read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Peninusula Pest Control
October 8, 2008
Bad Service.. Came to the house once to spray.. said that they have a 7 month guarantee, but when we tried to call them back they never returned our call.. When we did finally reach them they said they weren't comming back and they wouldnt give us our money back either.. Bad company, Sloppy service, SCAM!! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Canada
Puppy Elite Kennel
October 8, 2008
This company advertised English Bulldog puppies that were AKC, microchipped, and health guaranteed. I purchased one, and never received the paperwork, after calling them several times. The puppy was not microchipped. She had entropian which required surgery, and constant itching all over her body. I filed a complaint with the BBB and Puppy Elite Kennel did not answer it. I filed a complaint with the NY Attorney General, Bureau of Consumer Frauds, who said that Puppy Elite did not answer their requests for information. They are keeping my... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
SAR Kennels
October 8, 2008
On the last weekend in June, 2008, SAR kennels sold me a sick, parasite infested dog which they claimed was in good health. I purchased the dog for $225. The seller indicated that the dog was in good health and to contact the owner if there were any problems. The seller stated that the owner was 'really good' about working with folks if anything was wrong with the dogs. Immediately after purchasing the puppy, it expelled diarrhea in the parking lot. At the time I did not believe the seller to be deceptive and simply thought the... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
October 8, 2008
I have been an extremely active member on for almost 3 years now. I've always signed in daily as well as supported the website 100%. I've spent hundreds of dollars since joining on membership and their website currency. The website is built around a virtual world and my user (aka doll) lives a very lavish e-life. I first started having problems with other users on the website. Sometimes it would be typical name calling, other times it would be people trying to get me deleted from the website; rather it be out of... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Frisky Pet Emporium
October 7, 2008
On August 30, my husband and I wandered into the Pet Emporium not really intending to buy anything, just to look around and visit with the critters. Behind the fiberglass enclosure at eye level I saw the soulful, friendly eyes of a little 13-week old male Abyssinian Blue kitten looking back at me. Even as I stared apprehensively at his $1500 price tag, the little guy had that certain something that money couldn't buy: a rare personality, and lots of it. I looked over our potential purchase and took note of his extremely lean body... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States - Wendy Laymon
October 7, 2008
Please see my website: I purchased a French Bulldog puppy on June 17, 2008, from “Faith” Wendy Laymon from that was delivered sick, and subsequently died on August 23. The puppy was treated for serious health problems including GI parasites, Giardia, coughing, pneumonia, seizures, and suspected Distemper. I contend that Laymon made repeated fraudulent and misleading representations of the puppy’s heath and violated our agreement including: - --Delivering a diseased puppy; -... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Thunder Hollow Kennels
October 7, 2008
I purchased a 1 yr old mini bantam bulldog from Amy Herman at Thunder Hollow Kennels in Tennessee over the internet. This woman took payment for the dog $1200 June 9 and I did not receive the dog until July 21, 2008. The dog arrived in Texas with serious skin diseases. She has demodex mange and also a contagious fungal infection. She said the dog had been to the vet, had shots and rabies, then would not provide any vet information or records. When I confronted her about the skin issues she lied and said the dog had hot spots and had been... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Dead Beat Parent
October 7, 2008
This woman, after our divorce stole all my furniture, cash, and told our kids I left them.She verbally abused me for years and had numerious affairs during our marriage.Ater the separation, she moved my children 4 times in 15 months, and was sleeping with every slug in town. She defaulted on the marriage agreement and stuck me with thousands of dollars of debt. What a deadbeat... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Miracle Method
October 7, 2008
We had Miracle Method applied to our shower in January 2007. We were to have a 5 year warrenty on the material applied. In a year and a half we started to get peeling of the coating. We now have about 3 square feet that has peeled. The franchisee who did the work quit some time after doing our shower. In calling Miracle Method headquarters we were informed they had nothing to do with the warrenty, that it was the responsibility of the franshisee. As they are no longer associated with Miracle Method we have no... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
October 7, 2008
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
October 7, 2008 Charged hundreds of dollars to my credit card over several months, for an alleged subscription to some '' I have never heard of. Nor would I ever subscribe to such a site if I had. I don't use the card on the internet, never have! I have no Idea how they got the numbers or how they make these unauthorized charges. I called the 888-596-9279 phone number provided by my bank, and actually talked to a very polite man who asked me a few questions about 'Do I know this or that' and then promised to... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
October 7, 2008
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Cyndi Epplin
October 6, 2008
I purchases a $1500 Maltese from Cyndi Epplin in February 2007. We had a contract that if the dog was diagnosed with a congenital defect within one year of purchase, there was 100% reimbursement. Nearly a month after purchase the puppy became very ill and was diagnosed by our vet and then a cardiologist specialist with having a hole in his heart a "congenital defect" as explained by the cardiologist. The dog does not have a long life expectancy. In addition, the puppy had multiple other problems associated with "puppy mill"... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Exclusively Weddings .com
October 6, 2008
EXCLUSIVELY WEDDINGS / ---- HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE! I ordered from this website, thinking it will be faster shipping because they are located in the same state I am located... Very BAD Idea! It took them to process my order 3 days... even though the website says up to 2 days... And guess what happened???... They deliver the envelope on Friday, 5 days to complete the order... I ordered Sunday I got the envelope/packaging on Friday... And this is the WORST PART... THEY DID NOT DELIVER THE PRODUCT I... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Boutique Kittens
October 6, 2008
The kitten I purchased from Kathy at Boutique Kittens arrived with very weepy eyes. The problem was quite severe. Two vets thought the kitten had Feline Herpes. An expensive set of tests was run, and although the test for Feline Herpes is not 100%, it was thought to be the herpes. Kathy refused to pay the vet expenses. She refused to let me return the kitten. The kitten died. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Carrie Anderson & Sue Smith/Rocking 2 S Ranch
October 5, 2008
I entered into a "purchase" agreement with Carrie Anderson and Sue Smith of the Rocking 2 S Ranch in Klamath Falls, Ore., for a 22-yo mare they were giving away to an approved home. I provided them references and went through an approvals process and was approved as the home for this mare. After multiple phone conversations and emails, we reached an agreement and the only requirement they had of me -- after the approvals process -- was I was to pay some vet fees, which I did immediately. AFTER we'd reached an agreement and... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Canine Companions
October 5, 2008
Our dogs have stayed at Canine Companions on two different occasions. Never again, though. The first time we left them there we had no major complaints, but were a little concerned they were understaffed with all the dogs they kennel. We were staying in a hotel in town while we moved so we were able to go check on the dogs from time to time – and this may have kept the CC staff on there toes a little in caring for our dogs. However, when we went to pick them up, one of our dogs was soaking wet. They said they had given her a bath and... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States


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