CATEGORY: Lifestyle
Brought a lacoste jumper £140.00 worn it about 3 times it has since fallen apart with holes in it.The shop has since closed down so i took it to the lacoste retalier in birmingham who would not help please could you advise. read full review »
acai Berry. Fwm Laboratories
I ordered this product on the advertized "trial Basis" and received the product. When I went to cancel my order for the recurring order I could not get through to the company with the phone number given. Can not reach them on line either.
I have notified my bank to cancel/block any more charges but would like a refund for the charges already submitted to my bank for product which I have not received. read full review »
Just a quick update to my previous complaint. For anyone who has been scammed by this company, here are the steps you should follow:
1. File complaint with the Better Business Bureau (
2. File complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (
3. File complaint with Miami Chamber of Commerce (
4. File complaint with iRipOff, Don't Get Mad, Get Even (
5. Flood customer service with calls and emails (866-484-2863; or... read full review »
i ordered a free trial offer and recently had an unexpected charge of 74.84 on my bank account. i called the number several times can't get through to anybody. i was originally charge 5.95 shipping for my free trial. now i have this big charge on my account and no way to get my money back. please do not order from these online miracle diet pills. they are just a scam to get your money. read full review »
GIC/total cleanse/civ-rx
sending products and unauthorized charges to credit card. Not refunding money and hanging up on me when I actually do reach a live person to talk to. Have tried everyday for the last 8wks to actually get someone to refund money. I have sent back the products they sent to me. Have done everything that I have been told to do but they still will not give me my money back. I get told something different everytime. I have over $250 dollars of unauthorized charges to my credit card and had to cancel my card in order to stop these charges. I hope noone else falls for these products because I think they are scammers. read full review »
I ordered a free trial of the above product which I have received but today I had a phone call from my credit card company to say a subsidary of this company has charged me for another supply which I have not ordered. This company comes under the name of cry acai berry. It sounds to me very much like a scam. I need to report this to try and get my money back on my credit card.
M.C. Taylor read full review »
Magnumpr, or Magnum, in Kennesaw, Georgia, scams their contract workers, with lies, promises of payment that is never paid, rips them off by not paying the hourly rate promised, not paying the sales bonus promised, delays pay checks, comes up with a new excuse each week why paychecks are not paid on time. There is no tracking, or accounting system for the contract workers to verify what has and has not been sold. Workers are told that 'the client' did not approve that, so therefore, you do not get paid. Anthony Hobbs who bully'... read full review »
healthy livin
They advertise free sample of ACAI Berry. If you like the product and don't complain they then send you a monthly supply to the tune of about $85. The problem is that the product they send for $85 is not the same they sent as a sample. It is much inferior. After some research I found out that they go by many names: Acai Berry 1500. Acai GT fusion, and healthy livin. They all have the same phone # 1-702-425-3651. They don't answer. If you try to email via one of the websites, it is returned. I will definitely report their scam to the... read full review »
SFL Nutrition, LLC/ AcaiBerry
I have tried many times to call the toll free number and I am not able to get through. This is absolutely rediculous when you are told to just call and cancel and you are not able to do so. I have been charged for this product and I would like to send it back. How do I stop this from happening. Horrible service!!! read full review »
Careers for life
I was looking for a job in the oilfield. They guarenteed me a high paying job within 2 months if i pay them$ 3, 000 and sign their contract. I was desperate so i did, and here it is 6 months later and no job and they won't refund my money. They lied to me to get me to sign their contract, and all I ve heard since then has been lies. Now they won't return my calls and they give me the run-around when I go to their office. read full review »
Pizza Hut Delivery
I ordered a pizza which consist of large pepperoni and extra cheese
You would think simple enough but it did not turn out that way...
I was already receiving a $10.00 credit due to a prior pizza being delivered
and was burnt...I in turn had to order more than $10.o0 worth of food
or other items...which I did...My order came to over $17.00 which I
needed explaining...We decided that there was still $6.00 left owning
on pizza so we ordered a Diet Pepsi, french dressing, ranch dressing and
cancelled the wings...We were now within... read full review »
FWM Laboratories/Acai Berry Cleanse
Wow! They got me too!.I just hung up with one of the rudest reps I've ever spoken to; a rep for this fraudulent company. She insists that they have only billed me $3.95, although my account has been charged for over $100.00! I'm cancelling my account tomorrow! I can only pray that they do not have access to any other information.
To start with! The burgundy label on the bottle of red pills they sent me is not even similar to the bottle on the purple website from which I ordered it.
I have a RMA number for my cancellation... read full review »
I ordered there free trial, was only supposed to pay for s&h, $4.95. They charged my visa $49.95 and I still have not yet received any product. You cant get through on the # they give. I dont know how to go about getting my money back, or keep them from charging my card again. Please Help!!! read full review »
silkies enriche ageless moiturizer
j'ai pas commender ce produit, mais ont me demande de l'argent read full review »
FX Supplements/ ACAI BERRY
Ordered one bottle and nowhere was I informed that I would be enrolled in a RENEWAL PROGRAM.
Then not one but three bottles arrive in the mail and am told I can cancel my enrollment and return the unordered bottles but I must pay shipping and handling and a 25% restocking fee. read full review »
Acaipure Central Coast Nutraceuticals
I purchased a trial of Acaipure for $4.95. BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER!!! In 2 weeks I received the Acaipure + 2 HOODIA products I did not order and a charge to my VISA for $44.95. After a week of daily emails trying to contact them they finally gave me a Return Auth # and I returned the 2 HOODIA products but they only credited me $33.92 (minus a 15% restock fee..FOR SOMETHING I DID NOT ORDER IN THE FIRST PLACE.) Then a few days later I received another charge on my VISA for $39.90. This was the SECOND SCAM. Turns out when I orderd the trial size I... read full review »
Fit Factory/Acai Berry/Bromalite
I ordered a "free" sample of Acai Berry and Bromalite (endorsed by our local news channel and Oprah) just paid for S & H on both. Received both in the mail, but 2 weeks later was charged 69.95 by one, $88.62 and $19.95 by the other. Have called and submitted cancellations but have yet to see my money back yet. They said it could take a month. They're pretty fast at taking it out but take their own sweet time giving it back. There was very small print stating these facts after I went back and looked at it, my fault for not... read full review »
tiffany &co
I orded a Tiffany & co. necklace from almost a month ago. On their site it states that I should recieve my package within 3-6 business days. I called 2 weeks ago and was told that I should recieve my package before Christmas. It is now 3 days before Christmas and I still do not have my necklace(which coast $42.oo, that's a lot of money for someone with none). I called again today and told them my situation and that I am now reading all these messages from people who have had the same problem or worse and I'm... read full review »
Central Coastal Nutra
I do not won't to keep receiving your product! I just joined on a trial basis, and I do not won't your product and keep getting charged $44 or so a mnoth. Do not send me any more of your product and do not bill me anymore!
Thank You,
Sue Nuckols
2100 Donner
Ponca City, OK. 74604
Phone: 580-763-0775 read full review »
Acaiberry Detox
Same experience. When I called to cancel trial and get return instruction, found that the phone number given when ordering was a bad number, as was the number on my bank statement with the original shipping charges. On my bank statement, the company name was given as 'Liphen' for the shipping, while the $87 charge to my account was 'Acaiberry [one word] Detox' while the sample was shipped from FWM Laboratories (no listed phone #) and was called 'Life Cleanse'. Smoke and mirrors.
This complaint helped as it... read full review »
Same experience. When I called to cancel trial and get return instruction, found that the phone number given when ordering was a bad number, as was the number on my bank statement with the original shipping charges. On my bank statement, the company name was given as 'Liphen' for the shipping, while the $87 charge to my account was 'Acaiberry [one word] Detox' while the sample was shipped from FWM Laboratories (no listed phone #) and was called 'Life Cleanse'. Smoke and mirrors.
This complaint helped as it... read full review »
Extreme Acaberry
I was offered a test of these tablets for £2.I could not use them and declined any more.The company however have sent a bigger amount of these tablets and charged my account £67. As an O.A.P. on a tight budget I am unable to pay out htis kind of money, I don't know what to do with these tablets there is no return address and I would like my money back.Is there anything I can do?
I would be grateful for any advice.Surely there must be a way of stopping this sort of dealing. read full review »
I sent away for a 'free trial' During the trial period I was unhappy with the product and tried calling their number to cancel BUT their phone number doesn't work and you are refered to another number which claims that it is the 'rewards center' but again BOGUS!
I went back on line to try and cancel yet, once, twice, thrice again I was unable to cancel. They have since charged my credit card the $79.95 charge and I can't do anything about it until after my bill comes out. At which time hopefully my credit card company will help me sort through this.
ed hardy
I ordered two Ed Hardy products and got charged. When I e-mailed them to find out what was taking the order so long, they told me that the order was canceled. I tried calling but the number wasn't right. I still have yet to get my money back. read full review »
the DRI Asiaslim co. was supposed to send a free trial of their product + shipping & handeling, instead they charged my cedit card double.
Merin Sagendorf
3906 State Rt. 7
Schoharie, N6dbew York 12157 read full review »
After receiving printed adveritsement I went on line to order two complimentary products that offered free trial, "Total Cleanse" and "extreme AcaiBerry" for charge of $5.95 each for shipping & handeling fees. About one month later I received Total Cleanse and two weeks after that, Extreme AcaiBerry. I tried total Cleanse for trwo weeks and quit as I felt no change. Then in the first part of December I received an email invoice stating a shipment had beeen made and the charge was listed. As I have only received the initial... read full review »
american jewerly & gun
On December 5 2008 i bought a 38 gun from American jewelry & gun located on 3095 S military trail in Lake Worh Florida.
I filled out the application and was told by the girl who works there that it may take a day or a two before i get an approval, because it seems like my approval was held for some reason .
I was fine with that, i paid $ 452.30 cents
its been close to 2 weeks and there still no answer.
The owner of the store Garry Brenardo, was afraid to lose the sale, and tried to talk me into taking the gun home with out the... read full review »
AcaiPure,All Natural Acai Clense
Charged my account $42.00 for free sample &S&H. How can I get my money back? I still have the unopenned sample read full review »
Fake UGGS - Definitely a don't order from this site. I ordered UGGs and got shoes with a lesser quality than Target Stores' fake UGGS. The label on the back is distorted and tilted. The shoes weigh about 1/2 the weight of authentic UGGS.
When I discovered the scam, I visited their website. Everytime I clicked 'shipping & returns' I was sent back to the home page. 'Contact Us' consists of e-mailing and hoping for a response. I'm waiting for a reply.
Meanwhile, I contacted my credit card company. They... read full review »
Colon Cleanse and Acaiburn
I have all these charges on my credit card and 5 different 800 numbers to call to cancel the membership that I had no idea I was joining. I wanted a free trial of a product and instead got a big mess! I called and the woman said their system was down so she was unable to access my account. Another 800 directed to which doesn't even exsist that I can find. On top of all of this, the product doesn't work! These people are swindling people out of hard earned money! Isn't fraud against the law? I want my money back! I have called the better Business Bureau and boy have I learned a lesson! read full review »
QFL Inc - the Detox Patch
i never wanted anything but the trial for the detox patch. my bank account has been charged and i just received patches i did not order. read full review »
Kroger Pharmacy
I had just begun going to the store location a few months ago to get prescriptions filled and the pharmacy techinicians were friendly and accurate. Also, before I left the last tech stated I had one re-fill left before I needed to have the doctors office call another one in.
So, a day before Thanksgiving I went to pick up my prescription all to find out that the pharmacy tech who was there stated she did not see it in the system. The pharmacist who was there also stated the same. I was highly upset with this lack of professionalism. The... read full review »
FWM Labs/acai berry
Just like others with same complaint, this company illegally took money from my account. I was able to speak to them once and thought it was settled but it's been a week and nothing has been corrected. I am still pursuing every avenue, any additional advice would be appreciated. read full review »
FX Supplements/Acai Maxx
I ordered through the web a trail sample for $5.95 then about 3 weeks later I received a shipment and was informed that my debit card has been debited $79.96! I do not have this kind of money! I am struggling to pay my bills and have been duped. I have contacted this company and have returned their product. read full review »
Bought ugg boots 0n 9th december - no delivery. credit card charged.
emailed company - they asked me to chase the delivery but provided no shipment details - RIPPED OFF.
Acai Berry 1500
DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS COMPANY, ACAI BERRY 1500, THEY ARE A RIP OFF. I ordered a free trial product. No where on the order did I see that I was signing up for a monthly charge I never received the free trial product and have now been charged $86.85. I called the company and they will only refund $60.00 because they have a 25% restocking fee when I return the product. I hope my lesson will help others. read full review »
I also ordered the trail and all of a sudden I got charged $88.62. I did try to cancel but could not get thru to the phone # at all. I did find this # 1-800-787-1219 on this website and it worked. I got thru and managed to cancel the order which I never received. Per the person I talked to (Alan Magallon) I should be receiving an email letting me know that I will be getting a refund. read full review »
Total Cleanse and Acai Berry
I too bought Total Cleanse and Acai Berry as a free trail with no obligation. The add that I used to order is not on the webb now, bit they gave the example that most companies want to sign you up for monthly business but they will not. If you like the product and it works for you then you have to reorder it. That sounded like a safe and legitimate way to order online. Then I recieved a letter from my bank stating someone is using my account please call. I did, and found out Total Cleanse has been charging my account 4times in 4 weeks. Took... read full review »
UMC university medical center in Las Vegas
As a individual with no insurance due to full time schooling and decreased employment oppertunities from the market I was forced to enter the ER in November 2008. I was diagnosed with pneumonia but under went many extensive proceedures to verify pneumonia. The hospital was fully aware I was uninsured but billed me to the fullest extent. Unable to pay for the $9000 bill and unwilling to negotiate I am put into collections where UMC STILL refuses to negotiate. This is how you treat tax paying Americans? I am disgusted, In debt and just extremly dissapointed. read full review »
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