CATEGORY: Services
AHMSI American Home Mortgage Servicing Inc
After too Many phone calls to them (AHMSI), I reported them to the 'Federal Trade Comission' 1-866-795-6529. My home mortgage loan was bought by them (AHMSI), if it wasn't for Citi Resdiental Lending sending me a letter stating AHMSI was servicing my mortgage now, new account #, phone & address, I would not have a clue who they are. I'm in the process of refinancing, had a closing last Feb 09, fell thru so I called AHMSI to make my first payment, due to time line I called & got a stupid woman from India... read full review »
Sabina Winslet
From: [email protected]
So much sorry for the late response. I am Sabina Winslet, 29 year old, a british born and grew up in eastern London, United Kingdom. I do research work and also a microbiologist as a profession.I presently work for Solidarites - International Humanitarian Aid Organisation under the inspect of the W.H.O, as a microbiologist/Researcher.I will rather say i do more of humanitarian work that is out of my real profession and i just finished a project here in africa for the treatments of drinking water and... read full review »
Beware of Skytac Eprint this is a shell company who spams from a US based server.
They promise fast delivery and sometime they do but most often they do not. While some goods are very well done some they never even bother to send. They conned us into doing transactions for them . Well we have had over $ 5, 000.00 worth of bad transactions which means we have lost all of this money. The money was sent to them via Western Union . Once you do this you lose all. Months later the customer has not received his or her good... read full review »
Jordin Nelson
I am not very familiar with how to use these type of sites, but I wish to warn people of this woman. She attempted to scam me with a US Certified Check, but I had a bad feeling about her so i stopped responding to her. I have all of her emails saved if thats any help. read full review »
Steer well clear of SEO positive. They are conmen. I hired SEO positive to do my website last summer, the reason i went with SEO positive was because they have a smart website and good reviews which I now realise SEO positive have obviously written themselves.
SEO positive have awful customer service, once they have taken your money they don't actually do anything. SEO positive are extremely rude when try to contact them, they just cant be bothered to talk to you and even put the phone down on me mid call once.
SEO positive Took... read full review »
Gtech contacted my elderly parents by telephone telling them that their windows vista was running slow, and needed work doing to it. Gtech told my parents they had all their details passed from Windows directly, and for a fee could solve the "slowness", they continued to "bully" my parents who had no idea they were being scammed, that they needed to sort this problem now, but needed a fee of £199 to "right" it. Unfortunately my parents gave them credit card details, gtech seemed to take over their computer, so... read full review »
L'eschelon Models Central
I went in to this SUPPOSED MODELING company and this OLD LOSER named David St.John tried to get me to sign up for his FAKE CLASSES to be a Model/Actor. WHAT A JOKE!!! The people that were there are UGLY and SHORT!!! Check the cheap web page and see for yourself. The place is in a MALL and it's DIRTY and CHEAP!!! David St.John reminds me of a GROSS OLD PERVERT you would see with an overcoat waiting by the schoolgrounds for the kids. He sat there for an hour telling blatant lies about the Entertainment field which he obviously knows NOTHING... read full review »
Emeritus at Chestnut Hill
In 2007, my mother was declared incompetent by the court due to her having dementia. She was in a nursing home temporarily until I worked to get her into an assisted living home and I decided upon Emeritus at Chestnut Hill(originally it was just Chestnut Hill before Emeritus bought it). I filed for the guardianship but since I could not get bonded, I was named her guardian of person and we got her a separate guardian attorney for her financial matters. The guardian attorney sold her house and took care of her bills for Emeritus at Chestnut... read full review »
James Rivera
In early 2007 I met a gentleman, James Rivera (as of 12/1/08 He is also going by the name of James Quinn, Quinn is the name of his youngest son, nicknamed 'The Mighty Quinn', his wife Michelle Palacio and others that represented a start-up Multi Level Marketing (MLM)He represented that he had the rights to market two miraculous products known as Ionyte and Aqualyte. These products were represented to provide amazing health benefits including a possible cure for aids. I was told that studies had been done in Africa, with a 100%... read full review »
This is one of those companies that advertises a ticket to an event for a markup of 30%, not too unreasonable, but then tacks on a $15 shipping charge (for a piece of paper??) and a $5 handling fee.
I was sold the wrong ticket to a concert I don't want to attend, I spent hours on the phone trying to talk to a person to fix the problem, to no avail. I used their automatic callback service, no call back, ever! I finally emailed them the issue and by the next day got a response. "All ticket sales are final because we already... read full review »
Alibris Papa Media
Papa Media & Alibris are SCAM ARTISTS! I searched Alibris for a particular book using an ISBN (International Standard Book Number), which is specific to *ONE* book only. The Alibris search engine delivered something else. I didn't notice the error until after I paid. I immediately notified Alibris & Papa Media of the error - within *FIVE* MINUTES. They REFUSED to cancel! In order to get a refund, I had to contact my credit card company. Papa Media has such poor rating on Alibris, they have opted out of buyers being able to read it! That should have been a red light! read full review »
Hunters Gem
I was told by Hunters Gem Labs on two occasions that Hunters Gem Labs was going by another name (Little Paws of Mine).
This information named Little Paws as the same business and it is INCORRECT.
This is not the same company.
What I am trying to say is Little Paws of mine is not the same company so I wanted to post this to clarify. They are a very Good breeder and I regret the post was made by mistake.
I am sorry Little Paws for this error. Hunters Gem Labs is the business that does not honor the warranty. Little Paws Is innocent! read full review »
Axxess DSL
I purchased an uncapped account to get about 400gb off an international server of ours. Originally I used the justSURF and of course that didn't work out well, which I accepted and gladly upgraded to justUNCAPPED.
I probably managed to download 10gb and got throttled to 40kbps on this just uncapped 1024.
As you can see below, most of the green tickets weren't even answered by staff either. Being in the business world myself, providing top notch support I was rather frustrated at this too.
All in all I chose Axxess as I... read full review »
not a true prophet repeats having money issues and has always telling everyone the same thing over and over never registers with me waste of money ask God for a word not Stephen who is double minded and using the kingdom for his satisfaction and stealing from others. this is not good as i thought i could trust him but by looking at all the emails they are the same asking for money thathe has issues with his life including his family i think he just wants us to pay his mortgage it is a shame this man is constantly ripping us off read full review »
Intimacy Bra Stylists
They don't back their guarantee, bought a bra and wore it twice, I'm an Esthetican, the straps kept slipping off my shoulder not keeping the straps tight, difficult to do work with my clients, took the bra back, they wanted me to walk around the store, they won't slip walking around? Doing facials, it's a problem. Paid $140 for the bra, found out they have different options, from $50 on up. I AM UPSET!!!
I mentioned this to a client, she said I complain, so I AM!!! Recommendations/referrals don't get you credit... read full review »
I ordered a new kitchen faucet from homeperfect. The box appeared to be opened and when I looked to make sure all the items were in box I discovered the main faucet housing finish was rubbed off in one spot and was very visible. I called homeperfect customer support and they told me to call the manufacturer. I have had an open incident with the manufacture now for over two weeks with no resolution. I called homeperfect again and they told be if I returned the item they would issue a credit. My new kitchen has been down for two weeks now... read full review »
Palimeri Movers
Palimeri movers charged me over $4, 000. to move my belongings from a 2 bedroom house with two small sheds to a smaller two bedroom condo. Most of my property that was housed in the storage sheds needed to be moved to a local storage area. I was assures by the co. representative upon the on-site inspection of the home (at my request) that not only would my chattels be neatly put into storage, there would be aisles down the center & the sides of the storage unit which size he suggested. Of course this was the largest unit they rent.I would... read full review »
WC Budgetr Savers
Ordered a product by phone on my credit card and the agent asked me if I wished to be part of a savings group. I said absolutly not. Then a charge ended up on my credit card from them. I called the 800 number and advised the Telecom agent that I did not ask to be part of the program, to remove me immediately. or chat with my attorny. They said it would be removed. we will see. read full review »
We received a request from [email protected] today. We are an established golf club. Upon asking questions and viewing the site, this was determined to be a site created by Steve Leflar owner of Star Sounds productions and the most recent owner of North Bay Entertainment. We believe the request was fraudulent and we have forwarded the e mail to the appropriate law enforcement entities and have alerted our vendors to a potential fraud. If you receive an e mail from [email protected], please note the owner of the site is Steven Leflar and this, in the opinion of our business, is an attempt to commit fraud. read full review »
The Co-operative Group
No response from the Co-op since my letter to them of October 2010 regarding one of their van drivers who continually parked across my drive (even though I have dropped kerbs) and when I complained if he ssaw me he would spit and "gob" at me when making deliveries to my neighbour across the road. All my complaints so far have gone unanswered. Not happy. I am an OAP and can do without this sort of harrassment. read full review »
Dear Sir,
I am Green Prithvi Surveyer.
sir my id no. is Gp1bf64
and my mobile no. is 9416546858
2-3 days it is not accept my password
please solve my problem immideatly because i have not done
my survey
Kuljeet read full review »
Trial Pay
I recently did 3 offers on Trialpay through the game Batheo by publisher Clapalong, which I have not recieved the in game credits for.
(Most important)1. did the FTD offer for 150 free claps, emailed support the FTD confirmation letter, and personal info they requested after that. Have heard nothing since then and been given no credits.
2.) health insurance offer: completed health insurance qoute offer and have recieved no credits.
3.) completed the 2insure4less offer and have recieved no credits
this is after many, many emails back and forth over the course of a week. read full review »
Whole sale Match
I paid for a life time service of 1200.00 I used them once or twice they were not helpful and now I can even use them. their site is down. I would like to get my 1200.00 back
thank you read full review »
I placed an order with this company in the morning, london time.Their web site says they ship out the same day.It has been 5 days and still no shipment.I emailed 5 times with no response.Their web site also says emails would be answered with 24 hours.I spent $244 and got nothing.I am currently trying to get my money back through Alert Pay.But so far I have been scammed.This company is very shady.Use with caution.I am sure that if I didnt use Alertpay I would be out of luck. read full review »
yes i sent money gram for order they only shipped half of order and refused to other without me ordering more items and charging more shipping fees read full review »
Best Home Service Inc.
So we schedule them for Saturday between the times of 1-4 pm to clean our carpets after we moved into our new place, they were cleaning the empty apartment at our old place. My husband and my little 8 month old went to the apartment and waited while I got my nails done. Then at 3 p.m. we were told they had to move us to 6-7pm...Okay great...My husband picked me up and we went back to the apartment because we could no go to our new place since it is over 30 miles away and would be a waste of gas. So we waited. At 4:00p.m. they said they had... read full review »
Hired this company to develop hotel website for me, with deadline of 4 weeks. Went into great detail what was needed, what temp i liked, fonts etc etc etc. 3 weeks they have nothing to show.
I then find out, they had to contact hosting company to learn how to point domain. Are the for real? this is a software development company?
They then send me a screen shot of what they have done, which was nothing but front page(not operational ) and not only that NOT what i specified.
Raised the issue with them and was questioned why i did... read full review »
Legal & General
I applied to raise money against an old works pension that I had from the time when I worked for the Glasgow Herald & Evening Times. I was given a quote by Legal & General on 24/6/10 that £859.58 would be deducted from the funds to be transferred which they called the M.V Adjustment. Without even warning me three weeks later when the transfer of the funds took place they deducted £1659.58 an incredible 100% increase on the amount they originally quoted. At least Dick Turpin wore a mask. It is absolutely incredible that they... read full review »
Burlingtons New ID
I went to Burlingtons New ID makeover studios with my sister...Firstly the makeover is not what it is described I bought two vouchers which were on "special offer" for £50, to the value of £2000 which in my opinion is most certainly not. When we arrived at the studios we were giving our "consultation" we were asked to fill in a form about our skin types, type of makeover prefereed etc..we then had our makeover, hair styled, and makeover applied which was badly wasnt cut straight was badly cut and makeover... read full review »
Fischer Plumbing
Charged more than twice the quoted rate. Parts were charged at 3-5x the price at retailers. Not ready to accept any of their faults. read full review »
Sean Ainsley
[email protected]
This guy is a thief, stay away from him. read full review »
Jacob Hollander
Email Address: [email protected]
Full Name: Jacob Hollander
Address: 833 J Street
City, State, Zip: Las Vegas, NV, 89106
Phone number: 7028345664
This guy is a thief. Will steal your money. Don't do business with him. Employers don't hire this guy. read full review »
Thomas Drew
This guy is a scammer, a thief, and unprofessional. Employers stay away. People who do business with him, stay away. read full review »
David Taylor
Email Address: [email protected]
Scammer, Thief, Stay away from him at all costs. read full review »
Wish I had seen the previous review for this company.
No problem with this company until, less than 6 mos. later, suddenly I have an unauthorized Windows 7 copy. Lots of screen shots later, I got a new key code to replace the original.
The company would NOT give my money back, instead giving me a new key. After several attempts, I finally got the new key to work.
Less than 3 mos. later, I am unauthorized again. If I had wanted an illegal key code, then I would've gone to a friend of mine.
I'm not even bothering to... read full review »
Earth Fare
After my husband heart attack I bought a lot of natural nuts, sunflower seed and grains from Earth Fare, in June of 2010 I opened a bag of sunflowers and what appeared to be spider webs were running through it, I took back all the sunflower seeds and asked to talk to the person in charge over the department. I told him how disgusting it is to find bugs in bags of food, he promised he will take care of that. he never told me it wasn't spiderwebs but silks from pantry moth cocoons. 10 months later and huge expense and I still have the darn... read full review »
Bidbay Auctions
Paypal Is a beast fed by a machine called ebay which spun all this nonsense and gives paypal it’s freakish power. When people sell they put this false hype up that they and I “quote”
“must take paypal because it’s safe” which we all know is a bunch of crap they freeze your money for 6 months straight out of the blue with no explanation the quickest way to kill paypal is defect from the control methods of ebay with no sellers they can no longer feed this trend of cyber money bullying!
Everyone sell... read full review »
Dreamstore Ltd
More than 2 years ago i purchased some fragrancies, they send me nothing, promising refund, which i have not received until today. I contacted european consumer center, but they couldn't do anything. I can only go to the police. Thieves, they don't sell, they steal!! read full review »
Another scam from the group who like to impersonate well known and repectable electronics retailers.
It's nice to see that they're no longer finding it worthwhile to bother setting up fake websites any longer that we can easily post up as fakes.
If you see an offer like this in the form of forum spam or plain spam, you can be sure it's a fraud and scam. Respectable retailers don't use this method of advertising their products and, if you know that the spammer is lying about who they are, what are the chances you'll lose your money ? read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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