CATEGORY: Society & Culture
Recently crime is in rise in ghana.
Robbers are targetting foreigners mercilessly.
in last week alone one Italian was murdered mercilessly. His head was slashed in 2 pcs. he died instantly.
It was done in front of his wife and children.
Girls local and foreigners are raped in front of thier husbands, families.
I am wondering monies/donation which ghana is getting from the west is not invested on its people.
pressure should be put on the government to secure the interest of foreigners.
I like President Obama should bring clear... read full review »
Mangalore Ganesh Beedi 501
About Mangalore Ganesh Beedies
Established in 1940, the Mangalore Ganesh Beedi Works manufactures the 501 Mangalore Ganesh Beedi, the world's most popular brand of beedies.
501 Ganesh beedies are hand rolled in tendu leaf and then dried in chambers warmed by a charcoal fire . The details of this process is a carefully guarded secret and has been perfected over three generations. 501 Ganesh beedies are 100% natural and absolutely no additives or chemicals are added during any stage of the manufacturing process. Completely... read full review »
Indica IPA
Kind attention :
-Indian Ambassador in USA,
- US High Commissioner for India in New Delhi.
We all Hindu community people opposed the Indica IPA brand beer on which Lord Ganesha image has been fixed which hurt our feelings being an devotees of Lord should be banned at once with apology for hurting our sentiments and feelings, other wise I will be compelled to take up this matter in the court of law for further... read full review »
Where's the Govnah!?!
So, you're the governor of one of our fifty (two) states. You disappear for seven days and run to Argentina to screw your mistress, not once considering that someone might f*cking NOTICE that you're GONE?!?! "Oh, gee, I didn't think anyone would really miss me for only a week." Idiot! I don't think he's just having an affair. I think he's testing some of the exports from Argentina on a larger scale.
"His family did not attend the... read full review »
After creating an account successfully, I am taken to profile creation page. As I am updating profile content, I get the warning that content looks spam. When I fix that, and upload my pictures and send emails to interested people, my account gets deleted after a while. Not sure how long I am banned for. read full review »
7 Witches by Julia Roslyn Antle
How 7 Witches ruined my life!
Miss Julia Roslyn Antle contacted me after I left a message on her website ( about my husband's affair. Julia said that she could bring my husband back within a matter to days. However, she needed about £2000 to assign two of her best witches to my case.
I foolishly handed over my money after she said that I had nothing to worry about because of her money back guarantee.
I decided to give my spell about 7 days and contacted Julia to let her know that I was not... read full review »
Saint Matthews Church
ali haider
I was in accra/ghana recently.
what is saw it was shocking.
90 percent ghanian men piss/urinate in the streets.
these men are disgusting. they are shameless.
they will piss in front of girls whether they are locals or foreigners.
I once saw one minister getting off from his car and pissing in the corner.
why cant ghana have public toilets ?
foreign countries donate so much money to ghana, i donot understand where that money is going.
cant they make public toilets so these shameless men go and shake their dicks in the... read full review »
Church in the Son
I have visited this church several times, and was disappointed each time. The people I came into contact with were snobby and not at all friendly (except for the greeter, but it is his or her job to be nice). One time I came in just as the service was starting and could not find a seat. There were empty seats, but whenever I asked the person next to the empty seat if I could sit there, I was told "sorry I'm saving this seat for someone." (The "someones" never showed up). I finally asked an usher to find me a seat. He found... read full review »
Julia Roslyn Antle 7 witches
7 witches Julia Roslyn Antle 7witches Scams - Victim
I felt like my heart was ripped out of me when I found out I was scammed by 7 witches. J. Roslyn Antle promised me results. I have been waiting over two month and nothing changed. I tried contacting 7 witches only to be told that I need to pay more money to keep my assigned witch working on my case.
After reading all the other 7 witches scams complaints it became very obvious that I was ripped off. J. Roslyn Antle got what she was after and left me for dead. their scams work by... read full review »
Adoptee Birth mom search
They are a group that helps adoptee's and birth parent's searching and reunite I do not feel that this is correct if is our right if we want to search for our birth mother or birth father not theirs. read full review »
'Vodou Temple'
This was a message forwarded to me by the owner of the group, this is supposed to be a spiritual man selling spiritual products and running a spiritual forum:
* [Maria~ Vodou Temple & V.T.B~] Maria~ Vodou Templ...
May 4, 2009 7:19 PM
RE: "Vodou Temple"
Well Clockwork it appears that you stop wearing women clothing, however you by far from being a man. Have anyone notice about your criminal records, you past and why you live the way you do. Does anyone ever ask you don’t work or... read full review »
ALSO THE LOSE WEIGHT FASTER, BUY OUR... read full review »
DMV Bell Gardens
While waiting to get my driver's license, went to the restroom, left my purse, came back in and purse was gone.
Immediately advised a security guard, he kindly walkietalkied "theft" to the other security guard, proceeded to tell office manager about happening. I went to the front desk and uninterested receptionist said I should go to windows x or x to lost and found with the manager?? I told her I lost everything in the bag even my digital camera.
After a few minutes of security guard running aimlessly, told me there wa... read full review »
i am looking for any people who have something that they feel the city of Granbury has done to them.. have you been mistreated by the city or the state .. if you got something on your mind let me know.. i am focused now more than ever on making change. the only thing is. I can't do nothing on my own. it is time the people in america come out with with there thoughts.. the time for change is here.. help me help us all. [email protected] read full review »
Greatest Kept Secret Association Invitation
The letter is received makes the most outrageous promises - gaining wealth, health even looking younger and losing weight. What concerns me most is where did they get my personal mailing address, I can only assume that someone Company I've done business with online sold it to them. read full review »
I was working at crothall in gainesville fl from 2-16-2009 untill 4-08-2009. crothall is company that is now over the patient transportation department at shands at uf. i was fired because of the fact that the people who work there are very VERY VERY racist. one of my supervisors, who is a very sneaky ugly twenty two year old (who happens to be the same age as me). thinks its wrong to hire black people. she treated me as a slave, and since 94% of the transporters are black she made it her top priority to point her finger in peoples face in... read full review »
Rabbi Yitzhak Miller
I can’t believe that this so called “leader” has now set up shop on the internet… Do people have any idea what kind of havoc he caused in our community? And to answer the questions he poses on the frontpage of the website: Is he scary? Will he bite? …YES and…YES. Now let me tell you why. Yizty is an unbalanced guy, and it goes WAY back. He just can not get it together. He was fired from the synagogue, could not get another real job, and now he is unemployable. So I discover, that in addition to raging at... read full review »
Please add this site on 1 of the Top Video Chat sites of lurking Pedofiliers on the Internet!
The rooms are full of Pedofiliers and something needs to be done about it!
The admin HELIA ( nick name on the site ) doesnt care as she will ban the users who complain about the pedofiliers!
Hopefully the FBI will take this site down it is as a Haven for ALL CHILD ABUSERS & ONLINE CHILD PEDOFILIERS!
thank you for listening
this photo is a man pretending to be 16 years of age but he is actually in his 40's on Camfrog
and there... read full review »
Governor Rick Perry
Govenor Rick Perry, Republican governor of the state of Texas has refused money from the stimulus package that would help hundreds of thousands of people out of work in the state of Texas. I am not a Democrat, Republican, or any affiliation of these entities. However, Governor Perry should at this point be sued by every out of job Texan for refusing to accecpt money to help not only the state, it was called a stimulus package. The idea was to make sure people could eat, that people could feed their kids, that people could put gas in their car... read full review »
American citizens
When I was a child I remember people helping one another. Now I can't turn on the tv without hearing disturbing news. The woman that waited for over 24 hours in the ER and being found dead. What about the man that was hit by a car and left to die, who helped him? What about the man that killed himself live online? So many people were telling him to do it. What has this nation come to? All we do anymore is bitch and complain and sue when things don't go our way. As for the people that do help out, they get sued as well. This nation i... read full review »
Circle Of Nemue
Circle of Nemue scammed me for over $1600! They are internet spell casters with a supposed 100% money back guarantee. Well, they will not refund your money thats for sure. In fact if you even ask for your money back they ignore your emails.
They prey on innocent, gullible people and talk you into ordering more than you need. Their emails are "form emails" that dont tell you anything about whats going on. Questions go unanswered and by the time their 6 month waiting period is up, paypal is of no help in getting a refund.
I was scammed, PERIOD! I have now contacted the FBIs internet crime and hopefully, I will get some help through them. read full review »
A friend invited me to join her "tagged" group. I read through all of their policies and it looked legit. I then provided my cell phone to register. They sent me a confirming text and then all hell broke loose. I started getting horoscopes sent to my cell in the form of text messages from "40544". I had no idea why I was getting these but eventually googled 40544 and replied with a STOP. I then found out they were charging my cell carrier $9.99 a month for the privilege of receiving their text spam! Within a week of cancelling... read full review »
This website is about a business called I STEAL YOUR MONEY ™. My complaint is NOT that this business doesn’t steal any money. This business is a truly ethical business. I STEAL YOUR MONEY explains how all businesses are stealing money from poor, foolish workers. I STEAL YOUR MONEY ™ is a noble cause. My complaint is that not enough people know the truth about the I STEAL YOUR MONEY business. I think the whole world should know about the important truths freely available at read full review »
I got a subscription to thier site and when I saw it was not wat I thought I tried to cancel. The website lists a customer support that is not a company they even use and as I tried to cancel my subscription all I would get was the run around read full review »
Nova Society/Secret Manuscript
I received an offer to join a secret society that was to tell me all the secrets to making lots of money! I Did receive a book-but heard nothing from other members as I was promised nor was I invited to any discussions, meetings, etc. I was told the rest of it would be made available and that too fizzled! read full review »
Great at first but wait till you pay!!! you will not get a response or any results from this spellcaster. How rude and unkind of you to take $$$ for something you haven't even done. At least have the courtesy to reply to my emails. read full review »
paid in full for years of colorized quarters and havent recieved 2007 and can not get ahold of company read full review »
Creepy Hollows
Seriously Magnolia you are one to talk about posting the same crap over and over. The mess started the day you posted about sellers you didn’t like and you haven’t shut up since. You and your fictitious names posing as buyers say the same thing over and over again. Let’s discuss creepyhollows dirty little secret. Magnolia removes the nice comments posted for sellers she doesn’t like and bars the poster from her site. Creepyhollows double standard doesn’t work for me. Magnolia threatens lawyer when her name i... read full review »
Nouveau Tech Society
I thought this was the answer to my prayers.NOT.
They keep wantng more $ for more books.
I'm in bankruptcy and can't afford alot and sent in the money for the first one bad idea I see.
I really would love my money back.
If someone wants to help me get it back it would be great. read full review » madam claudia dawnson
Hi I wanted to share my good review with people. I used mdm Dawsons services 2 months ago and I must say she is the most caring person I ever talked to. She is very helpful and gave me very good advice alongside the spell, that she cast. I tried others who couldn't help me. is really magick :) I can recommend her. read full review »
Glenwood Florida post office
United States Postmaster General
RE: Unprofessional behavior by Wilma Allen
Post office branch sub-contractor
Located at 2827 Grand Ave. Deland Florida, AKA, Glenwood Florida, exists one United States Post office branch operated under private contract by one Wilma Allen. This branch is housed in an old one car garage converted for use as the Glenwood Post office.
The owner of this postal location is the source of gossip and personal information revealed throughout the neighborhood; with no concern for hurt... read full review »
Flic en Flac Casino
I went to the Flic en flac and the barman / owner of the bar made go and withdraw cash from my account and then later got a group of guys to hit me. They all surrounded me and and no place of escape I withdrew the money and chucked at them, that was the only way I could get out of there. I am working here and want to leave this place now cause of this thug act. I Hope this gets to to the right person to advice how to deal with this situation. It made me very upset and I can't even operate at work because of this incident.
Please advise what to do.
Kind Regards,
Expat read full review »
M & Ms
A recent commercial shows the M & M characters emerging from a freezer. One says that his "M" has shrunk. The other asked didn't he know about 'shrinkage'... a reference from an adult comedy show "Seinfeld" which reference a part of the male anatomy. This crude attempt at humor is not only dated but inappropriate for children who see these cartoon characters as toys. In fact, the company markets them as stuffed toys, candy dispensers, etc. The marketing dept. needs to understand that you can't have it both ways. read full review »
Rochelle and Bethea
I received a braclet in the mail I did not order. I had given my credit card number to show "good faith" to this bogus astroger. My account had been billed for $6.95 which I pretty much ignored but when I received an additional bill for $99.80, I called the number to contest the bill.
I received no call back until contacted by a collection agency, I had offeer to return this Braclet Of Power to this company but now I will keep this trinket, not pay the ransom and contest this until my dying day read full review »
shri naina devi trust bilaspur
this compliant is rgarding the manhanling of a lady pilgrim in the naina devi temple on sunday (30.03.2008) . the lady was badly beaten up along with her brother in the temple premises. she was standing in a queue and a pandit named atul sharma came there . he told the lady to give some money to have darshan in the mandir . the lady refused to give money because she said we will do the pooja and darshan in queue . the pandit along with some other pandits and HP police constable started abusing words with the lady. when her brother opposed they... read full review »
I had applied for a job at the Spring hill mall in west dundee, Ill I was told that having a felony on my record would not effect my being hired. But I was denied .And I then enquired About a Employee that does have a record for a class X Murder & Robbery. just recently a shooting was done at the Kohls so How is a violent felon with mental health issues with a mandatory release issuse working with the public when in america the mentally disturbed who have killed once did time released to who knows what minute Collage's and School's, and mall's they will have there mental break down and Kill Innocent bystanders read full review »
I had ordered a Tatasky connection for my brother Rajesh Singh in December 2007 on phone. The number I used to call was 0206601112. Post that I cancelled the connection in first week of January knowing that he already has purchased one. The amount has not been refunded to me yet. I had paid Rs. 4000 by credit card. I have been calling Tatasky regularly since past 3 months, but it has been of no use. They have been telling me, that my request has been forwarded to appropriate department and someone will get back to me. Please help... read full review »
AT&T phone and internet
I have been fighting with the AT&T people for two months to get my phone and internet service fixed. No dial tone, static on the line and no one will help me but to give lip service and broken promises that the problem will be fixxed. Three times they said they turned over a work order to Verizon for service but Verizon has no record of it . Each time I call, I`m told the problem has been resolved. Every person I talk to will not take responsibility and endeavors to pass me off to someone else. Even when I ask to talk to a supervisor I am... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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