LOCATION: United States

Life is Serious Clothing
lifeisseriousclothing September 24, 2009
I am not interested in renewing my 1 and 1 website package deal due to economy and no sales. I am upset I was not notified of this before my contract of 6 months expired. I think it was rather sneaky. I am very upset and refuse to pay for another round withyour services. Please do not charge my account. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Showhomes Naperville
Darrell Beaton September 24, 2009
as the saying goes...if I knew then what I know now. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Sheila File
Sheila1959 September 24, 2009
I thought I was sighning up to work at home for e-bay but this is for me to sell thing's (of mine) I am not interested in this . Please remove my name and refund my money thank you . If you can't refund my money at least take my name off of their mailing list ...Thanks Sheila read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Dan Feng September 24, 2009
I took my tennis racket to restring at sportsauthority on 09/20/2009. When they put the order of work they told me it would be ready by 09/23/2009(Wednesday). I called them on Wednesday afternoon and they confirmed that the racket was fixed and I could go there to pick it up. When I got to the store the racket was still broken. I finally found the gentleman who answered my call that afternoon. The excuse he gave me is that they were over swamped and somebody signed off my order of work although nothing has been done. Their service really sucks! How can they tell a customer something is done in fact nothing happens yet. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Starbucks Coffee
GGom September 24, 2009
Starbucks Coffee Mission statement: To establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffees in the works while maintaining our UNCOMPROMISING PRINCIPLES as we grow. Uncompromising principles: To maintain a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity Embrace diversity as an essential component of the way we do business Apply the highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, roasting, and fresh delivery of our coffee Develop enthusiastically satisfied customers all of the... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Pio Pio
DramaQueen September 24, 2009
Is it legal for a restaurant to be in cahoots with a tow truck company? Pio Pio closes early and has a dangerous and unclearly marked parking lot. My sister and I accidentally parked there long after they had closed to go to Carvel next door. Moments later we saw a tow truck towing the car with me and my 68 year old sister running after it, screaming. We were ignored. The Carvel server acted as though this was business as usual and said, "Oh, that's how they make their money." Now my sister is out $100, close to what she earned this week. This is criminal! Check out their restaurant reviews and you will see this happens time and again. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Brunswick Financial Group
Elon September 24, 2009
I had applied on line for a loan of $ 5000.00 on a Friday Evening (Sept 2008) and had received a call on Monday morning from Brunswick Financial group asking me to obtain paystubs, driver license, bank statement, etc.. to be faxed to a Daniel Greene(He was the caller at Brunswick Financial, He stated that I was approved but needed to review the documents and would call me back later that day. I gathered the information and faxed to the number provided and shortly thereafter I received a contract from them stating all the information. I wa... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
LAN Associates
[email protected] September 24, 2009
We rendered surveying services, never got paid. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Truly Nolan
Jim Richards September 24, 2009
Truly Nolan has become one of the biggest pest control companies in SW Florida. Why? Scam tactics. If you call them for any service, they will automatically sign you up for extended contract services. If you do no want this, it requires several phone calls to opt out and they still expect payment for the time they signed you up. It doesn't matter if you use their services or not. They then demand payment and call DAILY with threats. Truly a LOW LIFE company (pun intended). read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Hlow September 24, 2009
I currently have bad credit so I was trying to get some extra money for Christmas. Had I not been so desperate I would have caught the scam however, I was desperate. To make a long story short I tried to help out my grandchildren I used the last bit of money I had. They received it and the next day they told me the bank backed out and needed another $700.00 Dollars to receive $5000.00. I was stupid and faxed it to them. It seems the company's phone was disconnected and I lost all my money. The internet site is www.Winfieldlending. Com. Someone please get this company I am not the only person that has been ripped off. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Lobel Financial
Riko September 24, 2009
I had bought my car back in January of this year. My first payment was due in February. I havnt had any problems making my payment till last month. Which was July, I had a family emergency and had to leave out of state for a month. I was not able to make my payment. Now I'm back at work and Ive told Lobel that I will be able to pay them just as soon as I get my next check. Ill be able to pay what I owe for last month and this month. They have been calling and calling. Not only do they call me, they call my job, my boss. Which my bo... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
West Valley Auto Plaza
nosucka September 24, 2009
I saw a 2008 Fors Mustang for sale in an Auto Guide Magazine listed fo 12, 900. But when I went to the dealer they told me that the price was 16, 500 . I went home and called the dealer and they told me that the car for the lower price had been sold. Then why does the VIN from the magazine match the car on the showroom floor. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
American Finance Center
Rinman September 24, 2009
I had applied for loan with this company on line and I had received a call about 2 weeks later saying that I had been approved. I was dealing with a lady named - phone number 866... ext 316. she said that she found a lender and the lender request that I send a pmnt of 4500.00 and it was called monetary collateral. I told her that there was no way that I could not come up with that that is why I requested a loan. she then called the lender back to make a deal she calls me back and said that the lender will agree with 1000.00. so I foolishly... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
jahrule September 24, 2009
Twice the sum of $79.90 was taken from my account for no service rendered. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Discover Credit Cards
Melan September 24, 2009
I just thought I would let you know about a public interest issue that you might want to pursue. Long story short and I can provide more details if needed I applied from a mailer for a card got approved got the card sent to me and I activated it with a $6000 credit limit... I procrastinated in doing the balance transfers (apparently there was a time limit) So I called they would not work with me so I suggested I canceled the unused card reapply for a new one (as you cannot have 2) and then not procrastinate I was warned that I might... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Website Poets.com
Linda L. T. September 24, 2009
I have for the last four months been unable to either find Poets.com or when I can find it, am unable to access the site. It says its upgrading the site. I have all of my poetry on this site and would like the company to send my poetry to me or make the site accessable so I can get it off!! I have had trouble with this particular site for the last year and have been unable to find a way to contact the customer service department. Is there something that can be done??? Linda Tapia ([email protected]) read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
yvonnel410 September 24, 2009
When I signed up to receive your blog proftis white paper, I thought it was a Google ad sense campaign produced by Google and thought it was a legitimate paper. When I did not receive anything but a couple of emails that had absolutley no information, I knew something was not right. Then my credit card began contacting me about fraudulent charges. The first time I spoke to the representative, they informed me the charges were pending and they could not do anything unless the charges were actually filed. On September 19, there was an... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Royal Trust Financial
Ms Smith September 24, 2009
I received a check for amount of $4950.00 with wells fargo stamp and a letter from Royal Trust Financial stating I was a winner of usa mega millions. I called the number on letter and they told me yes I was a winner and to go and deposit the check in wells fargo and call them when it cleared. The bank teller took the check at store #06826 09 at the town east location and have receipt showing deposited 6/24/2009 deposit it into my account and it was cleared next day with no hold for research on this check. So I called the number back on the... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Consumer Service & Electronics
Mac September 24, 2009
I called and had my TV picked up on 8-6-08 for repair, and now I can not get anyone to return my phone calls to get my TV back. I was told it would take only 2 weeks for the repair. Now I can not get anyone to call me back, after I have left many messages on their answering service. read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Forest River RV
NasL98 September 24, 2009
My wife & I bought a Palomino TXL-FL pop-up camper here in Houston in 1999. The lift system now has a problem on one corner, so I took it to an RV repair place, they estimate $1, 200 - $1, 500 to repair it. I looked in our original owner's manual & it states that the warranty for the lift system is guaranteed for life. I called the warranty dept. of Palomino (owned now by Forest River) in Colon, Michigan, and they said too bad, I have no warranty due to the company being sold to Vanguard Industries in 2002 & sold to Forest River in 2005. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Integrity Home Pro
GemS93 September 24, 2009
Integrity Windows & Siding of Bowie MD was hired to construct a screen room and deck to our home. Work began as scheduled however the material being used were substandard (yellow pine with splits and gouges). They let the store pull stock instead of them selecting it. When I complained I was told that this was customary (still not pleased). The deck was done: 31 esthetical issues so I took pictures I was told this was a profesional job. They came back fixed most of the problems and took off with the building materials for which we have... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Tennessee Collision Repair
MarI94 September 24, 2009
Tennessee Collision Repair in Alcoa, TN. Champions itself as a “state of the art” facility, and indeed, when you visit you will see plaques of excellence on the walls, and high-end sports cars in the bays. Must be a top of the line repair shop.. right? Allow a car guy, who knows a lot about cars, to dispel the notion of “excellence” that Tennessee Collision Repair so desperately wants to perpetuate. I have been attempting to have my 2002 Corvette repaired after a minor collision for over a year now. I have returned... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Sharp Electronics Corporation
Goggi September 24, 2009
I had someone, an old lady, collecting signatures door to door for a propose law to put in to the election ballot and she had in one of her arms a very very small chiguagua dog. Well, I want to make it short, I let her in so that I could sign the petition, she ask me, very nice, if she could put the dog down, I said yes. While I signing I looked at the CHIGUAGUA and he or she? Was, intensely watching the TV with it's ears UP trying to catch a word, of the person that was doing the news on TV at the time, although the volume bar read... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Premiere Image Consulting
crow456 September 24, 2009
Heres the bottom line. A woman by the name of Sheree Jackson the owner of Premiere Image consulting. Basically hires on "assistants" such as myself...writes checks to pay them that "bounce" while she's taking trips to lets say Mexico. THEN doesn't pay unless you get the courts or check program involved. I worked for her and she owes me at least $800. It is now November and I started in June, ending in August, because she is a compulsive liar, and I caught on to her "stories" about family emergencies and... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
College Works Painting
EricW11 September 24, 2009
I have absolutely nothing nice to say about this company. They took my deposit, breached there own contract, and deposited money without "ever" doing the work. They will not return phone calls!!! I am now persuing legal action. Do not under any circumstance hire this company. A minimum of 50 phone calls and messages and not "one" call back. Please, I can not tell you enough times to not go with this company, look elsewhere. There crooks! And they need to be put "out" of buisness! Customer Satisfaction is absent from this company! There are no principles at all. Do not hire this company to do your painting. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
21st Mortage Company
tchapman September 24, 2009
These people are awful calling and threatning you. Yes we have fallen a little behind on the payments but who doesnt fall on hard times with this economy going on . These people at 21st mortage will call you and threaten to repo your house if you are one day behind. I have only come across one person in everyone that we have talked to over there that was helpful. This is the second mortage I have had with them not by choice and have gone through the same thing as the first. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
slwolney September 24, 2009
Advertising and selling fake Ugg boots. They look like K-mart knock-offs (actually a lot worse) with a fake Ugg tag sewn on the back. Pay attention to the shipping and returns policy. It states... To return an item, you must email us and inform us of the reason. We will then provide you with further instructions. Goods must be returned within 8 days of receipt date - unworn and contain all the original packaging and labels. We will credit your original method of payment, excluding 25% re-stocking/processing fee and US$30 return fee. All shipping costs associated with the return of goods are the responsibility of the consumer. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
bobby anderson
zarz 420 September 24, 2009
i bought niagaras at savon and there were broken threw them out cause i was mad the tobacoo was loose in pack falling out of them ill never buy this brand again read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Doctor TV Repair
Sheryl Crow September 24, 2009
This bogus company listed on the internet with phone numbers through New York, New Jersey and even nationwide, disconnected all these numbers the day after they were supposed to have repaired and brought back our Dell 27" flatscreen. I went to their warehouse location and I believe they have housed many televisions that were supposed to be repaired by their company. They also have another location in Brooklyn, probably another warehouse. All the phone numbers were disconnected yesterday, May 28, 2008. I have contacted the local... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Verizon Wireless /Cellular Service
buggy03 September 24, 2009
We had 2 cellular phones w/ Verizon Wireless. They began calling us frequently to tell us we were due for an upgrade to a new phone since we were out of service within a week or so. Then, a few weeks later after failing on our part to pay our bill on time, they shut off my husband's service. When he called to make a payment and get it re-connected, he was told we'd have to pay a re-connect fee. My husband told the gal that we were no longer in contract with them, and if they were going to charge a re-connect fee, he would switch to... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
SHOPAVC - America's Value Channel
Amor Caubang September 24, 2009
I had returned the Jewelry worth less than 1800 last July 24, 2009. I talked to Melinda from the customer service last Aug 31, sept10 and 21, also I talked to Shehira last sept. 18; and today I spoked with Isis regarding a refund. They kept on delaying and delaying. I guess they have no plan of refunding it back to me. Please help me to settle this. I need advice. If I will ask help from a lawyer how much do you think I need to pay. My sincere thanks for having time to read this. Amor read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
pww internet biz kit.com
gwilo September 24, 2009
Company purports to have google post ad service but only sends e-mails abut scam internet businesses or non existent businesses and these e-mails have viruses and other stuff attached so had to take computer to shop to get rid of these. Also company charged 79.00 plus 2.95 and will not give refund . While I cannot get refund i wish to publizise this scam so no one else gets taken by this scam Derek read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
spice girl September 24, 2009
I purchased items from this website and regretted it! I have purchased online and never had frustration like this before. The wrong item was shipped and I could not get a replacement item. I returned the original item, assuming the correct item would be shipped and it never arrived. After numerous phone calls (where I felt like I was speaking to a kid selling out of his garage) and emails, I gave up. Buyer beware and stay far away from this website... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Elvis Limousine and Charter
Jason1978 September 24, 2009
I ultimately did not use Elvis Limo for my wedding. The reason I did not came down to their customer service, or lack of it. I had called to get a quote on a party bus (21-person shuttle) and got a price that sounded wrong. The person I spoke to (Lisa) went over her numbers and gave me a price that sounded more like what my numbers added up to. Yet she didn't book my reservation and said she (or someone) would call back with the quote. When nobody called me back after two days, I called in again. I talked to someone who... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Heaven't Gate Kennel
Janet Singleton September 24, 2009
I bought a puppy from Leslie Ayo at Heaven's Gate Kennel. On the way home from picking up the pup we stopped by the vet because the puppy was coughing. She was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection. The next day, whe was close to death. My mother took her to the vet and she was diagnosed with pneumonia. The vet did not think that she would make it. She sold me a sick puppy when it states on the contract that you will receive a healthy puppy. She did not pay for the vet bill. I am going to contact AKC, Better Business Burea, other breeders, ect. People need to know about "Heaven's Gate Kennel." read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Lady35 September 24, 2009
This so called doctor destroyed my life by operating on my body. Abdominoplasty what he did for almost $18.000 is more likely butcher's job. His promise was: Nice symmetrical shape and tied stomach. See attached picture of as he call: "The best what I can do" read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Joste September 24, 2009
The company may seem great to visit if you go there every once a year. Sad fact is if you work there you learn the true side of those running the show. The business always is sided by the police when it investigates employees after a complaint by a supervisor. The employees have no rights and are threatened to take a polygraph or be fired. Seems like employers get away with anything nowadays. That is pitiful. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
GE Profile French Door Refridgerator
nlwarner September 24, 2009
I have owned a GE Profile French door refridgerator for under 3 yearsand the circuit board fried on it yesterday for no apparent reason. This is just the topping on the cake as far as performance goes for this machine. The first month I had the thing a piece broke off of the Ice Maker - hard to tell what it did or what its function was, but I think it had to do with the definition of individual ice cubes, because the ice comes out in one big chunk now. The next thing that broke was the crisper drawer holder. The drawer now sits cock-eyed... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
August Wilson Theater
SSSd September 24, 2009
Was part of a senior citizens theater event on March 15, 2006. We had purchased 2 tix thru the group @ $100.25 each. One of us became ill before the show. The box office person gave us a tele-charge number to call for a rescheduled date. Every time I have called since that time I'm told the show is sold out and to call next year and after that next year again. We are now on a 2009 schedule and they tell me this could go on indefinitely. Not being sure of my life span, I would really like to see a resolution in the forseeable future. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Problem September 24, 2009
I have been trying to get www.sleepcentral.comto correct supply problems I have been having and they have not fixed the issues, even after repeated contacts by email (unanswered) voicemail (they say they do not have voice mail, call them, consumers are prompted to leave voice mail) and by phone . They have for several months shipped the wrong supplies or not shipped needed supplies. I have never been shipped the correct water container CPAP machine and now that the container is broken, they will not replace it. Their standard response i... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States


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