LOCATION: United States
robert yuritz
I've done some research and I found out the owner of this site is a gentleman named: Robert Yuritz
What's even better about stump.ws is that they don't accept abuse reports!
So you could be fucking sending viruses/ kiddy porn / pretty much anything and Robert Yuritz wouldn't give a fuck "due to ongoing work on the server." I think I'd rather use bit.ly gee thx but we don't need another redirection site out there that's gonna spam the shit outta the internet and give everyone viruses.
I... read full review »
Solution Academy
Devidas Pandit who is the owner of Solution Academy did a sweet talk and sent a tutor to teach my son. He had taken all the money upfront. The tutor did not complete all the classes. After multiple follow ups and warnings, he still has not refunded the money and does not answer calls nor returns calls. I am totally pissed off and would not recommend the services of Solution Academy at all. Also, the tutor was not regular at all and never kept us informed. The quality of services provided was below optimum and this company is nothing but fraud. read full review »
Manor Auto
The owner of Manor Auto in Lancaster PA operates a towing scam. He tried to tow my car when I parked in his lot as a customer and charged me $100 to prevent the towing and never even addressed my automobile concerns. He is operating a towing scam, which the police are aware of but say they can do nothing about because it is on private property.
If he truly wanted business or customers he would not treat people this way.
OKAY, I get it. His business is next to the "welfare office" and he hates anything regarding people who... read full review »
Drywall Sales
The owner of Drywall Sales and Service is a dirty person. Four buildings owned by Troy Treat have burned down. Put it together; he is a fraud. Do not use DSS!!! Search Troy Treat, Edwardsburg, MI. You'll find all of the things that have happened to this man. He is either the most unlucky person in the world or he has buildings burnt down to collect insurance money. Again, do not buy or use DSS for any service you need. You would only be helping a person who takes money from people who truly deserve it. It's in the public view, search it yourself!! read full review »
I ended up purchasing bids for this site without first being told how much this was going to cost. I was told I woul get a certain # of bids automatically, and was asked to give credit card info. I ssumed that THEN they would give me options as to how much I wanted to pay for the bids. Instead my credit card was automatically billed $99.00. I was not prepared to see that without pryor notice. I was in shock. I suppose I shouldn`t ave been so naive as to give my card out to begin with, but this was definitely a scam. ALSO, I DID try to win with... read full review »
Floor Store At Your Door
The invoice is not accurate, the total does not add up and when brought to the notice of the person she added $655 dollars to the bill which was not there on the one we signed off. When the person came to our house she promised us something different and we had a contract when we checked the contract the total did not add up so we sasked her to explain and she says there are costs that she did not mention on it. If the vendor forgets to put things on the contract how is the fault of the customer and why should we have to pay for something that should not have costed us more money? read full review »
I purchased a ticket to travel from NYC to State College for the Blue and White game. The ticket was for a departure from NYC at 6PM. The bus showed up at 6:30 but there were not enough seats to accomodate all that had pre-bought their "priority seats" and so that was a mad dash for the bus. Thirty-five ticket holders were left standing without any explanation as to when a bus would arrive. At 7:45pm a bus finally showed up!
Last fall when returning from a game there were not enough seats for ticket holders on the van that showed up. Those that did not get a seat sat in the aisle! read full review »
Keshav Services
I received numerous phone calls from a man by the name of "James Thomas". I finally returned his call and he said he is with the Legal Affidavit Office and I have three charges being filed against me. Violation of a federal bank, collateral fraud, and theft by deception. He said it was from a payday loan. My husband and I have received a payday loan recently but he said I owe $689.32 and if I didn't pay it then my local authorities would be notified and I would have to appear in court and go to federal prison. He also told me my... read full review »
This photographer donated services to a silent auction for a very sick individual and failed to deliver final product as promised. Numerous attempts to contact Melissa by both the organizer and the high bidder went unanswered. Please be careful in a paying situation ...buyer beware !! read full review »
Chase Home Finance Equity Accelerator
Upon finding my checking balance lower than it should have been, I discovered that Equity Accelerator had taken an unscheduled withdrawal from my banking account. I called Chase, my mortgage owner, because all my bank withdrawals have their name on them. They transferred me to Equity Accelerator, who talked in circles, trying to obfuscate the issue as much as they possibly could. The reasons they gave for the unscheduled withdrawal sounded weak to me. Apparently, someone got behind on the escrow payments--them or Chase, I don't know. I... read full review »
my llife.com
looking for my brother thay said thay found him and they put my profile pic. up there ya ok!! not me that i am looking for. just be carefull of scams. my life .com nooo good.!!! read full review »
Sams Club/ Rotisserie chicken Salad
I bought a jar of Rotisserie Chicken Salad. It was a product made by Sams Club.
After eating a little bit of it, I thought it tasted a bit different from what it should taste like.
When I turned the jar upside down, I was shocked to find out that the product was not made from real chicken but something labeled as imitation chicken and in parentheses the explanation was a soy based product. What does that mean?
How can a company like Sams Club sell something labeled as Rotisserie Chicken salad when it is something that is not even... read full review »
Direct Tv Fraud Department
Iv'e been trying to set up my home for Direct Tv, I called to set it up and for some reason was redirected to the Fraud department (with no explaination why) I spoke to a woman by the name of Claudia she would not answer my questions keep interupting me and was trying to talk over me.She asked me for a preveious address, I gave it to her she told me it was not in the system (I lived there 3 years) I told her I didn't remember the address before that and while I was looking for another she was getting impaient with me told me I had to... read full review »
LG Optimus Metro PCS
Como es posible qe la tienda no quiera cambiarme el equipo, este cell lo compre ayer 05/04/2011.
Las llamadas no salen bien, su volume muy bajo, se corta frecuentemente cuando estoy hablando. ademas qe la bateria no dura lo suficiente.
Creo estoy en mi derecho de pedir otro, sino me cambien por otro equipo podria pagar la diferencia de dinero si hubiera.
Lamentablemente el manager no me dio ninguna solucion, me dijo no se puede cambiar el equipo.
Tengo 2 lineas con Metro, parece qe la Cia no esta administrando bien su negocio. read full review »
so i ordered 3 bottles of tabacco from a website, they charged me about 150 dollars and they only sent one bottle. we emailed the site and they said they would send us the rest of the order but have failed to do so. we contacted them again via email and they did not respond. we have ordered from this site before without many issues but they pretty much got us for 100 dollars. what kind of action can we take against this company? who are we supposed to go to? read full review »
Jordan Reville
I am writing to tell about a website that gave me a virus on my facebook account! Ive done some investigating and it looks like this site is owned and operated by a guy named Jordan Reville. Apparently Mr.Reville is a scammer and he wont respond to complaints about his website...this is terrible! I dont know what to do. Now it's trig.ws and it's even worse i dont know i see this everywhere what do I do? read full review »
Roger Wellingford
Hi, I am complaining about this site run by a guy named Roger Wellingford.
it is www.stump.ws -- it is a url shortening website that doesnt police its users very good. its got spam everywhere and you cant even get in touch with robert. it's very frustrating. i dont know what to do this is ridiculous. Can anyone help me?
i also got a virus from bit.ly i dont know what this site is so i looked into it and i dont know who owns it
I think now my facebook account is comprimised
i also clicked a bit.ly link and this did the same thing i think bit.ly is a scam too read full review »
This website DESTROYED my life and it's Mr.Reville's fault. I'm so sad now that this happened I don't know what to do. You can clearly see that this website is owned by this guy if you look at the records. How can he let this happen to my things? I dont know what to do
It's terrible I just dont even understand, I get this link and i see a url and its like i goto the site and my computer science friend said he looked at the site and its ownmed by mr.reville! whats worse is he does lots of stuff like this very often...man thuis is crazy!!! read full review »
Travel To Go - Sky Travel - JD & T Enterprises INC
This travel club is a complete scam!! They have ripped me off for over $5200.00 and there product has no savings at all, the sales man who sold me claimed to be an owner of the company his name is Tommy Middough he lied to me over and over saying there was 30-40% off flights and over 75% off hotels this could be nothing further than the truth!! The other owner named Jeanette Bunn has been scamming people for over 15 years and now works for an organization named "CARE" she claims to care for her clients and people but she is a... read full review »
cathy knight
please help me get into my old email account I do not want a new accounr have had this one for years and not sure what happened. Can you helo read full review »
Albert Link III
This man raped my daughter - his name is Albert Watson Link III and his DOB is 08/03/1969 and he raped her while she was in a children home in Kissimmee, FL. She is now 18 and speaking with the Sheriffs in the Central Florida area and he will be arrested soon. The local churchs knows about it and supporting my daughter 100%. He raped her when she was 13 and stopped when she is 15 years of age. Now she is an adult and working with many people from Law Enforcement. He is living with some woman who married after cheating on his wife, both of them... read full review »
Instead of flowers this year (2011), I decided to purchase some computer gear for my mom. I ordered 2 products from the website. They sent a confirmation email. I noticed that the shipping address had errors in it. This is where the fun begins. I called Targus to let them know that the shipping address had typos. They said I had to call Digital River because they handled that end of it. I called Digital River and they said that I had to call Targus. So I went round and round with this for way too long. FInally I got someone at Targus to tell... read full review »
Bulova Accutron 214
I sent them a vintage Bulova Acutron 214 for repair and a case to put it in and after 14 days finally received the estimate for the repairs. They wanted to charge me over a thousand ($1054.00) just to do the work and ($499.99) of that was for a case to put the movement in. I simply cannot see paying $500.00 for a case only. When I called them the tech., stated that it was his opinion that the price was a fair price. The case only weighs at most 2 grams maybe 3. I asked him if the case was pure gold and he got very dsiturbed at this. needle... read full review »
Cymax/Mayline Eastwinds 950 Laptop Caddy
Placed order for laptop caddy on May 10. Received no info when item became backordered within days after my ordering. Responses to my phone inquiries were that there is a production delay. Today I initiated an order cancellation online, and confirmed that I had done so when I was able (today) to talk with Customer Service person. Based on others complaints about difficulty getting full refunds, I am pessimistic that my cancellation will be swiftly processed for return of all my money. read full review »
Loan Modifications Mark Mairone & Lennard Mucci Attorney
Homeowners Counseling has brought me to the point of crying. Mark Mairone refuses to give me a money back and will not return any of my calls. Not only am I about to loose my house because this company did NOTHING but now this Mark Mairone will not give me back any of my money that I paid to him for a Mortgage Modification. He told me he worked for Bank of America and worked with many other lenders. They took my payments for the Modification without ever helping me keep my home. His company promised me that I wouldn't loose my house and... read full review »
SJR Celestia
I have booked a flat in SJR Emrald during soft lunch. When I booked the flat area was 1680 sqft going forward when I enquired the SJR people are saying that there is some modification in the size and it became 1710 sqft and now they are saying that they have got all the approvals and the size of same flat became 1735 sqft. I am not sure about why the size is getting change every now and then.
Earlier they were proposing 2 lifts in every blocks but now they are asking for agreement where they have mentioned 1 lift per block.
Every now and... read full review »
Nat-West Bank 65 Aldwych,London
I keep getting email about the One Millions US Dollars that i won from PCH-Lotto my pin number is"6194084343ad" AgentMr.Robin Spencer office at pch-lotto claim office at nat-west bank Mr.DavidVan
Pelerst Phone 447-04-570-9081 email Nat-West [email protected] Mr.Dan Stewart I have try emailing them a lot the email don't go thought So sent i won this money why can't your country take out
the taxes and then sent the rest to my Bank Account That how it done over here in the United State of
American that way every one get there money Donna S.Thomas 1-513-921-7418 i just been scram out
of all of my money! read full review »
Service America Florida
These clowns are a joke. From long wait times on the phone, to rude customer service people who apparently don't communicate with the technicians (loosly used term), to never being able to speak with a supervisor/manager, to missed appointments, to just plain bad service. When our old A/C unit gave up, Service America sold us a Trane 20I, top of the line A/C unit. Only problem...they don't know anything about repairing the unit. We had the first yearly service on April 9, and have had nothing but problems with the year old unit ever... read full review »
Freeman Motor Company
I purchased a vehicle from Freeman Motor Company and one of the windows did not function properly. They failed to mention it while I was looking at the vehicle, but during a test drive it became apparent. They had no intention of fixing the problem before selling the automobile because the company knew of the issue but did not tell me. In the final contract it stated that they were to repair the window regulator, therefor solving the mechanical problem.
After purchasing the vehicle I was called up to deploy to Afghanistan, and Freeman... read full review »
DreamyTime Turtle
received order confirmation with number
went online to check on order status and states "no order on file"
tried website...no longer accessible read full review »
cd and grant kit
for some reason i cant login to my account. and i still havent recieved my grant kit and cd in the mail yet and its been a couple weeks. please call me read full review »
ResortCom International
We have been happy with our hotel stays in Mexico (the Villa Group) and so bought into their program. They use resortcom as their bookkeeping/collection agency. Even though I am fully paid up and have "paid in full" documents from them, They continue to send me bills, bother me on the phone and otherwise annoy me. My calls to them have been to no avail...They say records show I am paid up and then imply I am lying when I complain about continued billing. They will NEVER allow you access to a supervisor, are rude and will even hang up on you. NEVER, EVER do business with a hotel chain that is associated with resortcom. read full review »
Superpad II, Unbeatable Deals
Hello. My name is Ella Cayton and I am emailing about my husband's, William Cayton, account.
I spoke with Gavin Peka last Wednesday with the assurance I would hear back from him within 48 hours. I have phoned and left two messages this week, one on Monday (5/2) and again on Wednesday (5/4) with no response. I was assigned a case number; 3576355.
To give you some background:
I placed an order online April 2. The product ordered was a PC tablet. It was not until I received order confirmation that I learned I was not dealing with... read full review »
ADT Honeywell FG-1615
Honeywell is advertising their Glass breaking detectors FG-1615 as " the ultimate protection, first line of defense and clear choice for detection of
breaking of ANY KIND OF GLASS.
I had 6 of them installed buy Brinks/ADT technician ( ADT charges 165$ for each plus 3 yrs monitoring contract). My motion detector was removed by installer with explanation that with such superb glass breaking detectors motion detector is not needed.
After recent negative information about their value I have tested every one of them by breaking variety... read full review »
Elite Destinations
Elite Destinations Scam or real? Ari Daniels AKA Daniel Mamann AKA Sebastian Morad: principals of Elite Destinations in question.
Follow the links, make your own conclusions. All information has been copied from current internet listings and cannot be verified to accuracy, other than the pictures with the aliases. That fact alone seems to make all or some of the information appear true.
Old July 23, 2009, 04:02 PM #37
BBS Reg. Date: Jul 21, 09
Posts: 3
Some more inconvenient truths...
I just returned... read full review »
Sonobello - SAN ANTONIO
STAY AWAY - the woman who "sales" the procedure, is the only person you meet during your inital consultation. She is by no means a medical professional infact might as well have sold used cars for a living. The paper work that they have you sign, is worded rather tricky so when I inquired about canceling before the two week penalty kicked in she said yes that paragraph only applies to within the two weeks period. If you cancel before the two weeks you get 100% of your money returned. 100% she said. Well guess what she LIED!!! They keep... read full review »
Torchetto Wine Press
Buyer beware! I ordered and paid for a: 3 Qt Torchietto Stainless Steel Press for $89.99. But what I received was the smaller one: 2 Qt press. I verified that it is the smaller one, because the one sent by them holds no more than 2 quarts of liquid, not the 3 Qts that I require and paid for. I further verified that it was smaller when placed next to my friend's 3 Qt Torchietto press. I lived in Europe for 15 years, so have vast knowledge of centimeter measurements. Was hoping that it was sent by mistake, but obviously Creative Cookware... read full review »
CT Scanners
I was scammed by Mobile Imaging Systems and so was a lot of people! They changed companies to Mobile Diagnostics centers and then Imperial Metals! Contact me at: [email protected] read full review »
Jen Au Photo
Pretending to be her friend, Jen Au had taken in appropriate photos of my daughter and publish them online without at least her consent/permission. The pictures had been viewed by our relatives in our home country and had caused plenty of damages.
She failed to delete the photos from her website and have not apologize for her non-profesional conduct. No one should trust her business!!! read full review »
Royal Flush Havanese
I was looking locally for a havanese breeder, truly knew nothing to look for except a nice health guarantee and cute puppies; in hide sight I should have been looking for much more. I checked off and accepted in the Royal Flush questionnaire that these puppies would not be coming with papers, and that I would give a $200.00 non-refundable deposit to reserve a puppy. AFTER I sent my deposit, I emailed every other day or so, asking how my puppy was doing, when her first shots would be so I would be able to plan her 2nd shots, asked her advice... read full review »
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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