LOCATION: United States

Tranquility Travel
Todd from Idaho February 4, 2011
I have complained to Tranquility Travel since 12 hours after joining them, to no avail. They promised me discounted rates on my hotels that I frequent at least twice a week for business from 20-80%. The very first booking I made using their travel bookings, I knew I had made a mistake. I paid them over $3000 to become a member, and to make up that investment through savings over time. I have never used their bookings to save a dime. I want my money back now, but they won't return any of my calls. I asked for a refund on day one (a... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Furtune Learning Systems ICI success
Menoken Home Business February 4, 2011
This company sold me a package to learn how to make money on the internet. Salespeson told me that they guaranteed that I could be making money in 6 months. then they went on and asked me to set a goal as to how much money I wanted to be making in 3 months. I set my sites quite low as I had a full time job as well. This was not good enough for them so I set my goal a bit higher. Had my coaching sessions and viewed the videos that I was assigned. Did most of the work on my sight myself as I had had a webdesign class previously. When I had had... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
jennylynmastersyoungchalfont February 4, 2011
Sent wrong color. The hairpiece was desbribed as blonde, but hairpiece was actually brown with blonde. highlights. The internet picture was blonde but mine was not even close to being blonde. They charged me almost $10 to return when it was there fault. color ordered 14/26 a blonde with highlights http://www.paulayoung.com/product/braided+headband+with+hair.do?sortby=ourPicks&length=all&style=all&color=all read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
jamsimps February 4, 2011
Someone at this company hacked my computer and used my email to send their shit to my family-sisters and business associates. When I tried to contact them they is no way to call or email, I am so pissed off I am ready to drive there and find them. I will hold my temper for now but if anyone knows where they are or how I can find them or contact them PLEASE let me know. I have a few choice thing I want to say and perhaps deliver in person the extent of the embarrassment that they have caused. James read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Rabbit-Hole February 4, 2011
Im a Colombian citizen and Im a proudly AMERICAN citizen also, I had to come down here to Colombia for a couple years and I started to work with the company who outsourced the call center for those companies. Honestely I dont know what you guys expect if you dont even know how to find a serial number on your phone. I really dont want to blame no people here but we are the people that have better accent than the other call centers and we always use to recieve the calls that other reps screwed up. The point here that how do you expect... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Yellowblue Media 1-716-566-9598
Beacon Window Cleaning February 4, 2011
I recieved a phone call this morning (2/4/11) from a Jamaican accented man informing me I should have recieved a letter in the mail last month regaurding my delinquent payment for the 2010 year for the advertising I purchased on Yellow blue Media. Scince starting my business I have yet to buy any advertising from anyone. My supposed bill was $756 . I do have caller I.D. and the phone Number I got was (716) 566-9598 so perhaps I can call them back we shall see what that reveals. These jackwagon(lol) scammers need to get a clue. Don't... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Joi Phone VOIP Service
superchamp February 4, 2011
I started Joi Phone service in Sept 2009. I called and asked the representative that I am changing the service to Verizon, porting my phone number and at the end of my contract will not renewing the service. The representative said OK. At the anniversary date they charged my account @ $200.00 + dollars at midnight. I called same day in morning at @ 7:00 AM and asked them about the charges. They informed me that according to their Terms and Conditions, if I do not let them know 10 days in advance in writing, they would automatically renew my... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
yoplait yogurt
chocolateluva February 4, 2011
well, one day i was at the grocery shop. i had bought a yoplait yogurt 4 pack, the new kind. as soon as i got home, i put it in the fridge for an hour and then took out 1 pack from the 4 pack. well, i looked down on it because i started to smell something funny. turns out that the yogurt was green and smelt horrible. i simply didnt even THINK about tasting it and threw it away. i also threw away the yoplait kid packs for my 5 year old daughter, too. i havent bought any since then. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
christiane winter February 4, 2011
I have no idea who these people are and how they have come by my credit card no. Withdrawal of 39.65Euros has been made and the bank are telling me here in Spain, that they will try and track it to cancel it. Do I really need to cancel my credit card? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
JKLAN23 February 4, 2011
I applied to this company knowing nothing of what I was getting into. I tried to do research online for this company and I kept coming up with a company called IAB Concepts. I thought nothing of this because it was not the name of the company I had applied to. During the interview it clicked I was interviewing for a job at IAB Concepts and they changed their name because no one would apply their because the truth about the place had been spilled all over the internet. It is a scam of a job a trick to get you in the door because no one wants to... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Top Dog Complaint
RegularVSpecialK February 4, 2011
So I am one who looks daily at my bank account, to check for possible instances of fraud/ID theft. Yesterday morning, I noticed this "company" had withdrawn $124.95 from my bank account, without my knowledge or consent. I had applied for a cash advance not too long ago from a different company. When I contacted my bank, I was given three different phone numbers. 2 of these were a fax number. The other one led to their contact bank (which is the Bank of Guam). Fortunately, my bank, Wells Fargo, is going to report them for fraud. I am still trying to get the money back from this fraudlent waste of a business. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
ER Solutions,INC.
PHYLLIS PEANUT February 4, 2011
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
r. s. demoss February 4, 2011
an order was e-mailed, money was taken from deit card account; however card company refused to give merchandisedRan authoruzation number...WHERE DID THE MONEY GO? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
e ciggerettes
christina mann February 4, 2011
Today, my mother went and checked her account online to see how much money is in it and discovered that some ecig.com business in miami, florida stole exactly $50 from her account!!! Not only have any of us never heard of this place, but my mother does NOT know what they sell, or has she ever done business with them before! Not only that but the Indian guy on the phone, they WOULD NOT let her talk to the supervisor, tell her what type of business they do, or return her money since it was NOT authoreized, and kept argueing with her and then the... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Voobon Ventures
insiderknows February 4, 2011
This company scams other companies into believing they have investors and can provide funding. Before the "closing" unsuspecting clients are told they must pay a specific amount as earnest money following which their first tranche of funding will be deposited into their account. The "earnest money" is then used to fund Mark Shariar and John Lord's day-to-day business operations such as payroll, overhead costs, etc. as well as their personal lifestyles. After a company (GEI) made their payment in third quarter of 2010, Mark... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
MAHON CLEMENTS February 4, 2011
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Capital Closing Services
Katie Maz February 4, 2011
Capital Closing Services, claiming to operate in Kansas City, MO is a fraudulent company enticing people to pay thousands of dollars in bogus title search fees, Mexican taxes and maintenance fees. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY. If you have, or are doing, business with this company, contact the Missouri Attorney General's office. Eric Weir and Beverly Albright are the "front' people of this scam. DO NOT LET THEM CONVINCE YOU THIS IS NOT A SCAM BECAUSE THEY ANSWER THEIR PHONES. With today's technology, they can be anywhere and they can shut down their operations very quickly and resurface under a different name. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Bid Clerk
JROMM February 4, 2011
Beware of this company. We looked at their service for the 5.00 3 day trial. When we cancelled, they continued to bill our credit card. We are $800.00 into their service and can't get our money back. We have spoken to Josh, Alexis and Brian with Bid Clerk who all aknowledge we did not use their service. However they won't give us our money back. STAY AWAY from this company. Very unprofessional. Nothing more than theives. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
superquad170 February 4, 2011
So yet again, another sucker fell into the trap placed by SoF. I have to admit it's partly my fault though. On Feb 3, I recieved an email telling me that one of my tutorials was of such poor quality, that SoF refunded the buyers money back. I immediately checked my account and saw $0.60 taken out. When I tried to view the question, guess what... it was deleted. No way to view the tutorial to see if it indeed was bad. I know, go figure, right? Then I noticed that of all the accounts on SoF, this one just happened to be an "Unregistered... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
john lovelady February 4, 2011
I still have not received my promised fishing rod, (Shimano Sojourn Spinning Rod) with paid Lifetime subscription ???? I made a one time payment of $261.00!!! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
TiredofAwful Service February 4, 2011
GO to pay our renter's insurance, and the agent there, whom we didn't even know, said our renter insurance was not $35, like it normally is, but now $81! Now we've never had one single claim on this policy, ever! We asked just why our rates have skyrocketed, and we're told, it's not about us, the state has increased the rates for everyone" but they sure were not increased to 138%! And we've had this policy for awhile, so there's no reason why these rates are so goddamn high! That's more than... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Zarantech LLC
Ashok M A February 4, 2011
Alok Epari who pretends to be a Manager of the company, actually he owns the company and he takes all the payments. He has forcefully admitted many trainees of his online Business analyst training program to TRIVALLEY UNIVERSITY. Now the world is witness to the incidents which are going in accord to Tri Valley University that its recognition is cut off. HELP MANY INNOCENT BY PROSECUTING THIS IDIOT ...ALOK EPARI read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: United States
Ted Wood February 4, 2011
It disturbs me that these people are charging my card $19.97 a month yet again even though we have had no communication for over a year. About two years ago I viewed one of their landing pages which I thought was the most attractive landing page I had ever seen. Everything about it followed the rules of how to get action from people who view the site. I was impressed and wanted to duplicate this site and use it for what I was selling. I signed up for their course and began as time permitted to take their lessons. The lessons were... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Ani Nanivadekar Land development
jazzridez February 4, 2011
Ani Nanivadakar is a citizen of India here in the USA under a work visa following a student visa. He gained the work visa after dropping out of F.I.T. He has a number of addresses he uses and mail drops so he is very illusive. He will tellyou he does drafting and website design and has a land development front for laundering money. He is not good at either one but speaks good English and is convencing enough to get you to believe him. He borrows money to deposit in his bank accounts to 'Look Good' for the 1st of the month IRS and INS... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Cell Phone GPS Tracking
jameswmace February 4, 2011
these guys are selling an absolute junk app which insanely consumes battery of my cell phone and keep searching and returning error when i try to use it. Not even once I had been able to track even a single device thru this app. in addition to their low graded services, their support staff is a pain too. they keep changing teh call to a different (actually 'appropriate' as per their terms) person and I have to explain the issue that I had been facin with my app to each of them, before they could pass on the call to a next... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Green Impulse Marketing
Kim_NJ February 4, 2011
SCAM! No record of this company through Consumer Affairs in NJ or FL, no record by the BBB or Chamber of Commerce. When I tried to research them for my interview, and came up with nothing, I called Amanda. She refused to tell me where they were incorporated or how long they had held that name or address, and promptly cancelled my interview. Don't waste your time. When you see their website, you can see the vagueness of everything...and no record of the FL address with the FL Atty General's Office, either. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Santander Usa/car loan
Tonyg73 February 4, 2011
My loan was recently bought by Santander USA from HSBC Auto finance Company. My end date on the loan was August of 2010 but, I had two extentions that would of made the end Date on October of 2010. I have some late payments which I since made up on the following months. Santander claims that I owe over two thousand dollars on which it will end in April of 2011. I printed out the history of all the payments that was made and added up all late fees and interest and found out that the loan should of been paid in full by december of 2010 not April... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
javelin tech training
hurtful truth February 4, 2011
This is just like api but javelin is worst... Me and several others agree with the person from hurricane katrina poor customer service, some teachers are nice and some arent .. but, hey thats ever where! i want my housing and transportation fee they kept all of the money, then they want you to tough it out.. and survive .. wow these days they could have it set up insside the school for wia salvation army and whom every else can give us a good helping hand to attend this school. but you know this should be in every techinical school .. thi... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
cenyury link
namrepus February 4, 2011
SORRY SORRY SORRY the worse company I have every dealt with in my life. LIES LIES and MORE LIES. Customer service is a complete joke, they act like they care but nothing never gets done. We have been waiting for three months for them to send someone anyone out to bury a orange line that was suppose to be here for a few days at the most according to there guy who put it out here. It goes from back of house all the way to the front yard real nice. I have been contacted by liars in the company who all say the same thing so sorry we will have... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Orignal Back Porch Company
Upinarms February 4, 2011
This company was a recommended contractor found through Service Magic, which I might add is also a joke. When I tried to post this same complaint on their website they screened it and never allowed it to post at all. Go figure...you complain about their contractors, they loose money. Well back to Original Back Porch Designs...the owner Larry Hayes is a walking joke. He shows up to bid your job, in my case a deck, with a very professional assistant to take all measurements and sketch the overall design explaining that "this is my best... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Harry And David
TrueM February 4, 2011
Harry and David is gift giving synonymous with sending a rotting firosh to someone. Our company used them until our clients started asking that we NOT send from H&D. We sent my wifes grandmother a fruit of the month gift and she received rotted fruit every time. I personally have received several of the rotted fruit baskets and vending machine confections. I find better fruit in the discount section of ther grocery store. It's absolutely flabberghasting they are still in business Have you ever noticed that the only good reviews of... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Yamaha Motor-USA
Nousheer February 4, 2011
This complaint is against the Yamaha showroom situated at Raisen road, Bhopal. I have a Yamaha Bike (FZ) which needs urgent servicing. The bike servicing will include : 1. Change of Block Piston 2. Change of oil seals 3. Change of headlight 4. Change of engine oil + (Regular servicing) The workers in the showroom have been delaying my service since the last 1 month, as they are telling me that they don't have parts in available. The Block piston is under warranty and the warranty will end in Feb next month. That... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Clem Mikeska BBQ
Hungry Ron February 4, 2011
I recently went to an all day conference where Clem Mikeska BBQ was the caterer. There was 450+ people, most paid in advance. The table I was sitting at was the last to get in line. I was the youngest male at the table so I ate last or so I thought. When I walked up there was nothing left. The servers SCRAPED together a couple of pans and put a scoop of what may once have been turkey on my plate. The only other thing left was STALE bread. I went back to my table where everyone else was talking about what they did not have a chance to eat. I... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
A Sound Decision
Mbrosious February 4, 2011
I contract A Sound Decision with the website www.asounddecision.com to come out and build a home theater for me. in our contract was that there is a $8500 allowance for accoustic paneling that we decided we were not doing. A Sound decision still has not delivered the Rope Lighting for $750, the MRFA-600M wall dimmer for $1049.93, the Stewart Cinecurve screen for $10987, 1 of the Fathom 12" subwoofers for $6000. This leaves $18786.93 of undelivered equipment. I will pay the remainig 10% per the contract when all equipment is delivered per... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Donnitta Fain
Donnitta F February 4, 2011
On December 12 I order a cell phone battery for my husband they took my money and i have not got anything yet. I have tried to call but the voice my is always full. At this point I would like my money back before i take legal action. They should not take people money that is not right. I have my bank record where they took my money and sent me nothing. This is January 26 and nothing. So If I can get some help I would like that like I said I WANT MY MONEY BACK!! read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Dentist Livy E. Stoyka
ltdanx50 February 4, 2011
This is easily the worse Dentist or business for that matter I have ever been too in Bradenton. After finding out I had a double route canal and in alot of pain I was only given 4 days worth of pain reliever and had a scheduled appt with an oral surgeon 2 weeks away. When my wife called in the office for the 3rd time around 4pm giving them 7hrs to call her back from the first 2 times of calling waiting on a call back the dentist Dr. Stoyka spoke to my wife. Caller her basically a drug dealer looking for more pain relievers and said qoute "... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
revlon age defying concealer
coldiron February 4, 2011
age defying concealr does not work read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Collectors Display Case
DawnNC February 4, 2011
I bought my husband an old 1939 comic book for Christmas and wanted a display case so it wouldn't get torn. I found Collector's Display Case Company in Nebraska (usadisplay.net) from an online search. They showed an acrylic case on their site that was described as "the nicest way to display your comics". The price was $42.69 including priority shipping. When I got the display case, I opened the box to discover a cheap plastic picture frame that I can buy anywhere for less than $6. To make matters worse, the frame was cracked... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
BRIAN Harrison8 February 4, 2011
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Banzai Motorsports
Tex74 February 4, 2011
They charge hundreds for their "safety check". After you agree on a price, they add this on. The problem is...they don't do safety checks. My back tire was damaged, the rear brakes were shot, and when I pointed this out a week later (after they said the bike had been through an extensive safety checkup) they did nothing. Don't trust them. The "safety checks" are just a note on a form so that they can con you out of more money. They basically buy large quantities of bikes at auction, and then sell them without knowing the condition. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States


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