LOCATION: United States
Burningtree Memorial Gardens
In July 2010, my mother passed away and her remains were buried at Burningtree Memorial Gardens (BMG). My parents had prepaid for their site and markers many years back. At the time of her passing the staff At BMG indicated the marker would be in place within two weeks. I returned to Decatur three weeks later to find an unmarked grave.
After numerous phone calls over the past several months nothing has happened. Each time a staff member indicates it will be on the grave in a few days. After my call today I am concerned that they do not... read full review »
Nuvell Auto/ Ally
I have been receiving phone calls from these people every 5 minutes. That is harrassment I was told from a lawyer. I can sue them If I want. I have been very ill, and my husband is the only one working at this time. I have tryed resolving the issue of paying my amount on the 2th of this month to catch up on our truck payment. This company doesnt care if my child goes without food, shelter and her medicine. Even though I am able to come with the payment on the 20th of this month. They are still threatening to take the truck. I am just waiting... read full review »
Comcast xfinity
chat id : 4e971b7a-0274-4129-bead-7469589ef3bdProblem : Ask Comcast Escalationbrian brick > Ask Comcast EscalationLigaya > Hello brian brick, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Ligaya. Please give me one moment to review your information.Ligaya > Hi BrianLigaya > How are yuo?brian brick > hellobrian brick > okLigaya > HOw can I help you? brian brick > months 1-12 are supposed to be at 108.99 and i haven't but had it maybe 4 months and already i am being charged 109.99 which isn't... read full review »
Mundo Corporation
Purchased Acer Aspire One ZG5 Battery (white) - 12-Cell. After being transfered to a very unpleasant woman, and being told that (Acer does not know what they are talking about when they say in an email to my IT Manager that the battery will not work on this model of the Acer Note book). Mundo states the battery is ok and will work on my notebook...They unpleasant women finally gives me an email address to get an RMA for the return of the battery. I Sent first email on 12/27/2010, no response...second email to RMA on 01/06/2011...no... read full review »
I made a site to share your reviews and complaints with the jewel webshop TraxNYC.com
In Nov.2010 i bought what i thought was a 10k Solid White Gold Franco Chain 30 Inches 5mm 53 Grams
Item #:10296. For 1500$.
I went to the best jeweler in my town, and they made a metal-test of it.
They told me there was no gold in it at all.
I read from multiple sites, that when/if you send your purchase back to TraxNYC.com
You will not achieve anything else than loosing your product and money.
Please write your exsperience with thi... read full review »
I bought printer about a year ago. I was having trouble just printing black ink. I put in a new cartridge and having the same issue. It was printing as if you were looking at it thru the other side, very light. The color prints however were fine.
I called Customer service thinking my setting might be off because the online solutions are no help. They said my warranty was up and they wouldn't even help me with any solutions after going thru everything for 15mins, serial number, model, etc... She wanted me to try the old cartridge... read full review »
meyers van line
meyers van lines moved me on sept.2 2010 from elgin, il to ga. they were 4 hours late and we have boxes missing and furiture broken .we have tried everything to contact these people about our claim .do not use this van line read full review »
Be very AWARE of a company named INTERNATIONAL CARRIER EXCHANGE CORP. - NORMAN DENNIS GERRARD is a SCAM. Do Not fall for their Sugar offers. They are only after your money. Total Fake, TOTAL SCAM, TOTAL Fraud. They are Blackmailing people and asking for money. They make you sign a Commercial Invoice which says they will give you Proof of Product upfront, and they got nothing, nothing. They have no product. They send you a fake sanitized nothing of a Proof of Product and they tell you to visit the warehouse. They tell you then after they have... read full review »
free credit.com
I have made a stop of payment i have never used this service cause when i do i cant get any reports of my credit only a site that ask for mo0re money... I want all payments stop to my account DEBIT PURCHASE Jan 31 06:33 9969
MNI*CREDITREPORT.COM 866883330 read full review »
e mountainecardplus
i haaven't used this service in a long time it was suppose to be a 1 tiime charge...i haven't used this service in 6 months or more ...i would like the 32.95 charge taken off my debit card read full review »
ED PLC 01312264890 GBR
Grapnel Tech Services
Grapnel Tech Services LLC in Des Moines is a Fraud Grapnel Tech is a private institute that advertised a SAP class which I paid the $750 for. According to the email sent to me by MR Clinton Jose, the class was suppose to start on 07/26/10 and end on 09/05/2010. The class did start as advertised for the first couple of days and then they started having multiple problems and class was canceled and rescheduled many time to a time that was not convenient as they are PST schedule which they knew. I had allocated some time in summer break before I... read full review »
contractors' support
Hello, I am also a contractor doing remodeling. I work hard for my money. I should 've known it was a scam when they called promising $500.00 -$600.oo dollars per foreclosure. When I asked for his name he only gave me his first name (TRAVIS ), and he put me on hold while he charged the $100.00 from my account for the backround check.Wanting to charge for a backround check, was pretty fishy, but I still had hope this was true.I hope everyone who reads all these complaints believes what they read. For all I know, the comments that say... read full review »
21st Century Insurance Company
I was under the impression that I had FULL coverage...well, I had an accident, when the rains came down in December. I was exiting off the 22fry, NOT speeding, no one in front of me and no one behind. The exit has a "candy cane" curve to it, as soon as i went to curve my stearing wheel with the curve itself, all of the sudden I had no controll of my vehicle. my tires hydroplained and sent me spinning. I did a couple of 360's and finally hit the side rail of the off ramp with my passenger side taking the brunt of the impact, and... read full review »
philly cheesesteak
I purchased a philly cheesesteak from Sonic on Liberty Road, bit into the sandwich and bit into a screw. I was treated poorly by the manager on duty. I have a picture and the manager took a picture also. read full review »
Bayou Wrecker and Towing
Rationalize IT business analysis training is a big lie and scam. trainer faraaz khan promises to much during the demo but does not deliver anything. dont get scammed by his fake promises. be very aware and dont waste your time. he does not do any placement but promises he will. dont waste your $500 on his ba online training. read full review »
Bulldog construction
William Perry Lindsey <goes by Perry>
He has worked all over wisconsin for the past several years.
He says he is a electrician working under a master electricians lic. He is known to be a drunk.
He has lied about his experience and is quite violent. He has impregnated various unsuspecting women in the state and has taken money and possesions of others .
He has done various crimes in the state and served time for them.. Look out .. He is from the Carolinas and is a fast, pushy talker. In his late 20 s early 30 s read full review »
Chrysler Town and Country
2005 Town and Country Mini van--I have 30 pages of repairs--bought this new--Chrysler would even laugh when we came in saying "oh not you again". 5 documented complaints of engine noise--always blown off. Was even given a free extended warranty to 70000 mi b/c of all the problems. Opened two client cases with them. Three sets of brakes, new engine, oil pump work, tire problems, and power steering sensors and pump replaced, transmission work, radio work, door tracks replaced twice on both sides, interior and exterior parts falling off... read full review »
Alfred C. Lopez Jr.
ALfred C. Lopez Jr.
sold me a car and it was not in his name.
It was in another Lopez name.
Found out later through investigating, he is a sex offender in Madison, WI.
I hope he gets caught selling cars and jumping titles/ We were told we cannot do anything because of used car laws and would take alot of money to get any if no satisfaction...
Watch out for him .. I found out he is from Southern Ca. Watch out there as well.. read full review »
On the Road Automotive
Rob Guttenburg, ... Scott Small
5506 city hwy CV
Madison, WI 53704
They worked on my little white car and the bill kept growing.
Then it blew up took it back to them to fix again took a long time.
It would not be so bad, but the place smelled like pot and they seemed to be on it when I talked to them.. WHo knows.. beware ... my car is my life dont know about you.. read full review »
Personal Wealth Advisors LLC
Mickey Long and John Tower are running an elaborate pozi scheme in Plano, Tx. They steal life savings of old people and buy lavish boats, cars and homes. They think they cannot be stopped because the old people will not fight back and they laugh about it. My family has lost over $200, 000.00 and told by Mickey Long (not his real name) that we were suckers. They must be stopped I think a member of my family is suicidal after being chastised by Mickey Long and John Tower. Watch out for PERSONAL WEALTH ADVISORS IN PLANO, TX AND JOHN TOWER (ALREADY LOST HIS LICENSE) AND MICKEY LONG THE BIGGEST POZI SCHEMERS BESIDES BERNIE MADOFF. read full review »
Days Inn Spokane Washington
I have worked there a long time and just quit as they consistently bounced my paycheck. They never pay on time and when the checks are late they make excuses like The owner is out of town, out of the country, will come in the next day Etc and he never days. The man ROGER never works and is never there leaving everyone to their own devices. The poor maintenance man can't even get the tools and supplies he needs to fix things. My fellow housekeepers hate working there, the head housekeeper yells and swears all the time. They actually make... read full review »
I just want my money that cell phone was brand new. My husband send a blackberry an they gave him money an my was a touch phone come on now read full review »
Stuart Lee Rebates/Car Toys
My rebate, according to stuartleerebates.com was received on 11/05/2010 and issued on 01/20/2011? I'm sorry, but it should not take this long to receive. The response I get from the company is that I need to wait 60 days after it's been issued to contact them if it's not been received. 60 days? I've already waited 3 months from the time I sent it in until the time it was apparently issued. I do not recommend buying a product that uses this rebate service. The outlet that I purchased my item from told me that it would come... read full review »
Candela Gentle Lase Mini
It appears as though Dan Herbert with Laser Concepts LLC has scammed us for $10, 000!! My father decided to purchase a Candela Gentle Lase Mini 2005 in order to assist me with my new established hair removal business in Houston. Truly wish we had investigated a bit more before making a final decision. Dan was very convincing and the purchase price he gave us was a deal that seemed to good to pass up, which was $30, 000 total. Anytime we called him he would answer in a heartbeat. He requested that we send partial payment before machine would be... read full review »
airflow appliance repair, Authorized Appliance Service
The Technician is supposed to charge 35 and instead chg 108. Tried to explain to him that the office told me that it is 35 to do a check to see what is wrong with the washer. He got upset and called names on his company reception that told me about the 35 dollalrs, and he was very loud and intimidating. He told me to pay first and take it up to his General Manger. Out of fear, I paid first and thought that his boss will be better. When I talked to his boss, he has the same bad attitude as his coworker and said that I can go ahead and complaint... read full review »
Home Owner Protection Economics (HOPE)
On September 2nd following a solicitation by said company I contacted the number on their mailer. I spoke with a very nice gentleman, Micah McCarter. He interviewed me for over twenty minutes about my house and financial situation. After taking all of the requested data he mentioned a "software" fee for processing my loan modification paperwork through Bank of America. The fee was $595.00. I was reluctant to pay this fee for two reasons. First, I called this program because I am in financial straits, making a payment like thi... read full review »
SApain accouning service Kelevine hook
I never heard anything Have MIcheal Coker or Kelevine Hook pay the Border Parole now Or I heard the FBI IS conducting a sue Againt them in Spain because of the EX THey can Ok the MOney for Willison release Today OR You can pay all of my bills since You took everything away THe rich can pay the poor can not . I need groceries haven't been able to buy any for months now or medicine I had to even cancell my Dr appointments cause I'm not able to pay I tried to get a payday loan to help but I keep gettig noththing but a lawyer I need a... read full review »
basic auto parts
ordered two parts for daughter's car. person taking order was perhaps too friendly and helpful as he took my order. parts arrived in good condition. turned out one part was misordered. asked for turn signal assembly but got headlight as turn signal on this car is a seperate part. have been trying to get someone to talk to me about returning part and getting the turn signal . like others have commented, customer service doesn't exist. just leave messages or get an operator who give sympathy, manager's name, and another answering... read full review »
c zcz
xccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc read full review »
Santander Inc
Did repo my car, which I am making my payments on
I think it was at Santander who is the most disrespectful person I have ever dealt with. I have sent them proof that my payments are being made, but still they have my car out for repo. WTF is right. What is with this company? Today I call the Repo place and they give me information saying that Santander has my Truck up fo Auction, I was like what I could not even get intouch with them to ask why I owe and why did they take my Truck, I have been current and you are destroying my Credit... read full review »
I recieved my bank balances but there is always an error. I got an email stating that they are billing me $74.90 per month. I can not call them, or write them. Tomorrow I shall tell my banker to stop payment. I called my Lawyer
I want every dollar back. The company provides no true service. Please help me. Last month I was very sick and i could not even see a clinic for stomache flu. read full review »
freecreditscore.com - Experian
Freecreditscore.com, an Experian Company does not follow CAN-SPAM compliance. FRAUD practices.
The day after I signed up for a free trial account and DID NOT opt-in for marketing messages by them or any of their partners or affiliates, I received tons of SPAM emails. Some emails were from Freecreditscore.com and others were from domains whose Internic registration was not valid. These 2 offenses are both against CAN-SPAM compliance.
Secondly, I received the same SPAM emails into my other email accounts on the same day. I know for sure that... read full review »
HERTZ Rental Fees
I had an minor accident - tail light. Insurance paid for damages - Herts still collected Adm fees and others for $200 after getting $450 in damages. Thieves!
They were not willing to give Fleet utilization log to the insurance company which was willing to pay the fees provided Hertz could prove the log to prove that they lost revenue due to the damage and had no other cars to rent.
This is standard trick and Hertz is top of List of Mafia companies. Never Hertz again read full review »
mvq savings club
I see that I am not the only one getting scammed by these people. But perhaps there is a way to stop them from charging your account. Go to membershipcenter.com and send them an email. I just did this so we will see if this works. I also threatened them with getting a lawyer and the Better Business Bureau involved. I hope this helps. As if there is not enough garbage happening in the world. Good luck and post here if this works for you. read full review »
Itasca Swamp Stalkers
I purchased a pair of Itasca Swamp Stalkers last year for my husband. They were very expensive, and he got one season out of them. He went to use them this year, and they are all dryrotted. Cracked and broken. They are totally useless. I am thankful I got at least a couple months of wear out of them, but I will never spend that kind of money again. If I'm going to get a pair of boots, I'll just buy the cheap kind and throw them away at the end of the season. read full review »
zurich extended warranty insurance
2008 dodge 3500 4x4 dually has been sitting at edwards dodge in dumas tx. for 3 days waiting for the adjuster to show up, was supposed to be there yesterday. I have had 3 licenced mechanics tell me that ball joints and tie-rod ends are bad 2 of which are delership services. The extended warranty people think an adjuster is needed to make sure that vehicle needs fiixing? The above problem has ruined 2, 300 dollars in tires and now is costing me 650.00 day in missed time to work read full review »
42 cannon st apartments
The building at 42 cannon st. poughkeepsie ny again fails to remove snow in its renters parking lot in a respectable time frame. Now for 3 days entry and exit is prohibited because entrance is on to the 4 lane highway called the alterior. This entrance/exit has a blind spot and a near fatal accident was narrowly avoided as residents try to run thru the snow blockade when trying to enter the 4 lane highway. This is a highly dangerous situatiion. It appears the landlord although being offered numerous opportunities to have the snow removed ha... read full review »
Blitt & Gaines
They refuse to send a validation of debt and did not give sufficient time for answer for validation of debt before stating a court case against me. Send a summons with only 5 days to answer instead of the normal 20-30 days that is given to answer a debt. Trying to sue me on a debt that is beyond SOL. Also refuse to give the name of the attorney on the summons form only gave a number, the summons form did not have an complaint attached to it, and filed a case back in 2010 of October and now just getting information about the law suit. read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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