a&b sound edmonton south
phil carey June 7, 2010
in 2008/06/03 i purchased a toshiba portable Dvd playermodel sdp91sk for 189.99$ and 3year total warranty parts and labour Av200xt for 39.95$...a&b sound is now out of business and i would like the warranty i paid for to fix my problem as the dvd player no longer works.???how do i proceed [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: Canada
SEO Top Specialist
Minista June 7, 2010
The company gives excellent service. There are always problems in internet seo but there company works hard to look after them quickly. And Most of all ther know what they are doing. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
zenerx male enhancement
drdann June 7, 2010
Zeberx is a scam. i really recommend you go elsewhere for male enhancement! i tested out their product for the first month and hated it! it didnt do anything to my sexual performance. they say they are useful for "Bigger, Firmer, Stronger and with long-lasting energy". I used the pills consistently before sex and throughout the day hoping for some sort of results but nothing happened. i didnt get an erection, didnt get any extra satisfaction. in fact i probably had better erections before i started taking these. i was really hoping... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Canada
Maika June 7, 2010
Sorry but i am not affiliated with any person named Ryan Pearson or any other company that may have also posted a complaint here on this website.In fact my name is Mike and i am a regular civilian who registered this complaint in conjunction with directions from authorities handling my case. Please do not confuse me with another complainant whoever you are? I cannot speculate on my particular case however it has been ongoing for awhile in order to get enough complaints and documentation records so the court deems the case relevant to pursue... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: Canada
Sunson5 June 5, 2010
I filled out surveys for 2 months. I did not make any money! Paidsurveysystem (aka HBmarketing inc.) will not refund the $67 Canadian that I gave to them. They claim very clearly on their website that they will guarantee your money back for ANY reason. I have sent numerous emails and even a snail mail to them. I joined in March, 2010.Here is the last response Ireceived from them: "Your Ticket has been received and a member of our staff will review it and reply accordingly. While you are waiting, please look at our Knowledgebase a... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Canada
Canadian Customer June 5, 2010
These guys say claim 'gurantee winning proline ticket' and if you don't win the picks you will get 1 additional pick for free - they are out of Ontario. The nominal fee is $20.00 for thsi service. 2 days straight loser picks ! Just a word of caution ! Perhaps they should provide picks till here is a winner ! I didn't bet big - so $45 in loss all together ! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Crystel communication
Rajanindia June 4, 2010
They told me unlimited calling to india and if I am not satified they wil refund my money. It is past 90 days, they have still not refunded my money. Besides that they (manager) don't want to speak to me. The customer service department puts me on hold for hours. They are not ready to give me there office address. Never take the service of Crystel Communication. I want my money back with 22% interst back. Is there any way to get hold of this fraud company. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Sick Of The Scams June 3, 2010
Michael Caron's new name is Mark Karen. His buddy the superintendent helped him get hooked up with a new phone & internet service under the assumed name of Mark Karen. We won't mention which company got tricked by them, because we don't really believe it's the companies fault. These are really tricky people that will do anything to get what they want without having to pay their dues. Michael Caron has been playing ping-pong with many service providers for 4 years of living at 178 Nepean Street, all with the help of... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
CRA FINANCIALS 905-790-9327
Fundscammer June 3, 2010
CRA FINANCIALS BRAMPTON, CANADA- SELLING MUTUAL FUNDS BY FRAUDULENT MEANS. THEY ARE AGENT OF GLOBAL MAXFIN WHO ALSO SUPPORT THEIR BAD BUSINESS PRACTICES. BEWARE OF THIS COMPANY. THEY GO BY ANOTHER NAME PROFESSIONAL FINANCIAL GROUP INC. Just make sure everything if these people ever try to sell you any financial product. They will try to befriend with new immigrants in Canada and then rip you off by selling you financial products by fraudulent means, something which gives them easy and fat profit. CRA... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Hawthorne Kitchens Trevor Augustyn
Another Trevor Augystyn victim June 3, 2010
Trevor Augustyn...unfortunately I did not google his name before beggining my renovation. If you come near this man PLEASE RUN...do not let him into your home...he will take your money and destroy your faith in humanity. He will take your deposits and progress payments while he will do the bare minimum to give you the illusion work is being completed.. Any materials that do show up are the inexpensive components and he will quickly ask you for a large progression payment. He will directly lie to you and tell you things have been ordered and... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: Canada
Irene1_ca June 3, 2010
Dear Sir/Madam My name is Wahida Irene Akhter and I am living at Calgary, Canada. On July 2009 I have taken voip line from Vois and after that I have realized that they are the worst service provider in Canada. Many times I have complained about their service but they did not care for that. On December 2009 I had to change from their service and request them to cut my telephone line. First of all, before getting service from them on July 2009, I had to give them 75 dollars for security deposit and they told me that it is refundable once I... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
cusomers compensation draw
mrsmcwoods June 2, 2010
i recived a letter in the mail with a check of the sum 2, 950 . as you look at the check it appears to look and feel real the bank was dime bank branched out of brooklyn ny.. although it may appear this way is a FRAUD!!! when i called the number listed a man directed me to deposite the mony into my accont and call him back after the check had been deposited. also being ased to send them a check of 2, 500 to cover government taxes. remmber dont judge a book by its cover look in to it like i did so you will not become one of the many who have been scamed... protect your self they need to be stoped! read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Canada
government grants !
EL MAHJOUBI Ahmed June 2, 2010
After visiting a site, i authorised a charge of $ 1.95 for some info about government grants.I looked all over the site for hidden charges and see no one. The next day a charge of $ 57.61 was taken off mycredit card (visa card). I request that the whole ammount be credited back to my card asap : $ 1.95 plus $ 57.61 = $ 59.56 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Michael R. Besman June 2, 2010
Was told to invest in a high risk company OSE on the stock market, did not advise further and ended up losing all my investment. Never heard anything or received any advise from this investment group. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
T Tong June 2, 2010
Chris Miseresky is CEO NetNucleus which he uses as a blanket for several other "Software Services". Mainly providing Windows PC toolbar software that gives you "suggested keywords" in your browser. In reality it is actually monitoring all visited website visit/length etc. Chris commonly casually views the toolbar software users their list of mistyped URLS as ideas for him to register more domains to push more "toolbar software". Chis calls the app "Microsoft Certified" which may be true but... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Glennis Shaw June 2, 2010
Your customer service is the worst I have ever had; this is what I have been looking at for the last 3 weeks. Not olny are my walls damaged, but my new hardwood floors are also dameaged. I have more picturess if you would like to see them. I will never buy anything from the Brick in Sudbury again. This issue as been going on for months. I will be going to the top with this. Also, is it legal to post my pictures on Facebook? 1-705-898-1030 read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: Canada
Size Genetics Penis extender
TonyTeee June 2, 2010
Dont trust size genetics! they are a scam. i was sooo unsatisfied when i received my extender. It's this crappy little plastic contraption that doesnt even work. the springs that came with it were stuck so it wouldnt even stretch my penis. I thought the whole point of extenders was to stretch your penis to increase its length? i tried calling them...i tried emailing them..and then when i finally got hold of someone they told me that all i could do was ship it back(at my expense) and they will try to fix it and ship it back(at my expense... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Canada
crystal glass west
conscientious consumer June 2, 2010
My convertible was taken in for a 2 hour windshield replacement and three hours later I was called with a "problem". They had lowered the roof (I had not been notified that this would be necessary) and it was stuck half way open. I drove over immediately to see if they knew what they were doing and the windshield was further cracked. Audi dealership had to send a mechanic over as the car could not be driven. The top was manually lowered and taken to the audi dealership for repair where there was a $650.00 charge. The dunces at Crystal... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Canada
The Bay in Withby, ON
Donald D. June 1, 2010
My wife and I, went to The Bay last weekend. We went to other stores also looking for a Gazebo for our backyard. We found one at The Bay as a floor display but was already sold. It took 25minutes to have a Sales Associate to express our desire to buy this items either at this store or other stores, no matter if we have to wait for ordering it. The sales lady started to mumble that the sales was ending in 2 days and she was not able to garanty the same sales price after that date. She mentioned that maybe her manager could garanty the Sale... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Goodlife Fitness - Niagara Falls
mikhailk June 1, 2010
Both my wife and I signed up with the same fitness instructor and were clearly told we can put our membership on hold for the summer without any associated fees. This sounded very appealing to us since we don't use the gym in the summer so we joined. Now, after putting a membership on hold for the summer we're still getting charged. After talking to Goodlife Niagara Falls, we found out the employee who signed us up was no longer with the company and it was irrelevant what he told us when he signed us up. The manager (Ruth) wa... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Premier Introductions
Watching out for Scams June 1, 2010
Scam, Scam, Scam, Beware, l saw an ad for a dating service inside of a subway stations. l checked out their website and it looked ok, so l gave them a call and made an appointment. l went in and meet with a girl and she began to tell me about the service and that they had the right person for me. Then the hard core pressure sales tactics came out. They start with no price list but she started in the thousands of dollars, when l balked at the price it started to come down. The longer that l sat their the lower the price. l just wanted to... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Canada
Premier Introductios
Watching out for Scams June 1, 2010
Scam, Scam, Scam, Beware, l saw an ad for a dating service inside of a subway stations. l checked out their website and it looked ok, so l gave them a call and made an appointment. l went in and meet with a girl and she began to tell me about the service and that they had the right person for me. Then the hard core pressure sales tactics came out. They start with no price list but she started in the thousands of dollars, when l balked at the price it started to come down. The longer that l sat their the lower the price. l just wanted to... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Canada
woollacott sonya May 31, 2010
My mother & I bought a yard works electric lawn mower last summer. and from the first time we used it, it didn't really cut the grass very well. It is also a lawn thatcher and that works very good. I do the yard work for my mother and also have a full time job so I left it up to my mother to phone Canadian Tire and complain about the mower. She put it off until this spring when she decided she would take it back and see if it need an adjustment or something so we could cut the grass. We took the mower in on April 10th and she wa... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Husky rental car
MCY May 31, 2010
I want to report a fraud This 'husky rent a car' company is currently renting carss without legitimate permits 1. They rent cars under 19 years old 2. They rent cars that are not legally on the contract 3. Scam use of credit cards of customers. 4. Threatens customers when in argument 5. Suspecting illegal licenses of rental read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Canada
Esso gas station Pickering
Qader May 30, 2010
I did a car wash at esso gas station, 1799 liver pool Rd. Pickering Ontario on Satureday evening around 4 pm. I noticed the next day that my car was not washed properly. when I approched the manager (Vijay)at the gas station to check the car out to see the missed spots, he was extremly rude and unprofesional. He not only he resolve tdhe problem, but he insulted me infront of the other customers. I felt very humuliated. I am hoping that Esso Managment would take some kind of action to stop such behiviours. I can be reached at 647-800-8232 or E-mail at [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Canada
Canadian Tire - Franklin
Oh Well! May 30, 2010
Canadian Tire staff are extremely rude here in N.E. Calgary! We bought a gas Featherlite Weedeater which in fact was not feather light at all. We filled it with gas/oil and found that it did not perform very well, it was very heavy, the ripcord was very hard to work and it did not have a guide like some models which helps to ensure you do get too close to plants or hedges. Because I am only 5 foot tall when the gas was filled it was difficult to ensure that it would gouge into the grass. I emptied the unit and cleaned it up and took it... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: Canada
Citifinancial loan
redrocket69 May 30, 2010
This company makes its money by taking advantage of the average people in this world who live like many people do, cheque to cheque. We pulled a 6, 000 dollar loan with Citifinancial almost 3 years ago when we were in the process of moving to a new town hours away. We new we were going to be short on cash due to the extra costs that seem to come up when selling, buying and moving to a new home. Citifinancial had been sending us "preapproved" loan letters for months, so we decided to take it. Ever since then we have been regretting ever... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
hanover police
theresa antoine May 30, 2010
I have bailed a teen out of jail he was going with my fiance to get a coffe before his cerfew was up in time they were less the 100 feet away from our home and the hanover police pulled him over I seen them from my bathroom I took my kids out of their bath to go to the car i told the teen to come home with me he told me the police told everyone to stay put so i put my son in thr car seat that made my daughter upset so i was running acroos the raod to get her suckie by the time i got out of the house they had the teen arrested i was only acroo... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Canada
SUNOCO -Petrol
RajaSood May 30, 2010
30 May 2010 I used my Emirates Bank - Master card at SUNOCO for buying petrol for my car. The Bill came upto Canadian Dollar $ 51.42 (51.42 * 5.5= AED 282.81). However, on my text message alert it shows me that my account has been debited AED 436.40. I would like to have an explanation as to why I was debited with AED 436.40? Please look into the matter and get back to me. I have the receipt of my purchase as proof. Details of the same are mentioned below for your reference. SUNOCO 20 Bristol Road W Mississauga... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
M Model and talent Agency Inc.
princessjenny May 29, 2010
M models is a scam a rippoff. I signed up with M Model and talent few months ago and paid them $500 for printing my composite cards. I went to the photoshoot and never heard back from them ever since. No CASTINGS, GO SEES OR AUDITIONS. Now if that's not a scam...I dont know what isnt! Also the photographer they used SUCKED! I was suspicious to begin with but modeling has been a dream for me so I gave it a try. Now i am sure that this agency makes their money by sending models to photographers that are ON STAFF to shoot... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
FEELS CHEATED May 29, 2010
Any company is better than Tangarine (now called Pivotal). They lied to us that they were 24/7 technical support so we could sign with them. Of course after a month we find they lied. They had also increased my rates and no one can show me where on the contract it states they can change the rates. They also added false information to the contract. They even copy and pasted my signature and forged my initals on the lease agreement. Thank God I have a copy of the original document and the forged copy they sent me. It has been a nightmare trying to cancel with them without penalties. Spread the word. TANGARINE/PIVOTAL LIES AND TAMPERS WITH CONTRACTS. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Classy Auto
Scottman123456789 May 29, 2010
Under no circumstances should ANYONE use classy auto, Burn your money instead. I'm selling a 350Z on Craiglist so Chase at classy auto phones me up, and guarentees that for $200 my car will be on Ebay indefinitely until it sells. Sounds great, so ends up charging $250+ and Chase no longer worked there the next day, my beautiful car ends up on the crappy classy auto sham website, its been a month no Ebay ad. No returned calls or emails. I'm livid I let these losers take me. Zero customer service, zero morals, lie to get your money and avoid you forever. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Canada
Bloomex St. Catharines
trulyembarrassed May 28, 2010
I had a family member pass away this week. I don't live in the same town as my family and wanted to send flowers to them. I ordered on-line. When the delivery finally came, it came a day and a half late. The delivery person rang the bell, dropped the flowers on the door stoop and literally ran to the truck, peeling away down the street - my father watched the entire thing from the front window as my step-mum was answering the door. They didn't even give anyone the chance to open the door! I should also mention that the day registered... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Jeremy's Auto
LedJ64 May 28, 2010
I had the engine on my car go kapootz, took it to a mom and pop shop where I thought I would be treated fairly, I did not expect any discounts, but I thought I would be dealt with honestly. Well well well. They replaced the engine with a bad one that leaks oil onto the exhaust system and burn just as much through combustion. ($4500) then I was told that they needed to get a shady garage to pass the e-test if I do $450 worth of repairs towards emmissions. Having a new family and already in so deep, I had to agree. I approached them about the... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Canada
etihad airways etihad airline
hondaoshawa2010 May 27, 2010
29 april 2010 i was travling isb to abudhabi conection abudhabi to toronto the poor service of eithad airways have lost my baggae both of them which i checkin one baggage they sended on next flight and other one they CANT TRACE BECOUSE Thr management is so poor all they do just wait for the next flight which come toronto and then they call me that oh on this flight ur bag didnt arrived now they consider my baggage after 21 days as LOST BAGGAGE and some one returned my calll and told me airline can pay you 450$ which i dennined to... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Canada
condo boards
Condo Boards have too much power May 27, 2010
This is the second time I have had problems with Condo boards. First Condo the Board would no supply financials and documents for a sale of a condo. Sale fell through. Second Board had to finally do something about a drug problem in complex only after I had gone to police, health board, city aldeman, MP they finally did something after I sought legal action. The Board since then has been harrasing me - not cashing my condo fee cheques -putting a lein on my unit-The worst my dog (who has been here for two years) the board fined me for... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: Canada
RVarmar May 27, 2010
I saw charges of $ 9.95 every month on my telephone bill. When I called the 1-877-257-2455, an operator quickly came on the phone and gave me credit, provided I give her the dates of the charges. I asked her these questions: 1. Since when has her company been charging me; 2. Who authorized these charges; why can't I get credit for all the previous charges; 3.What is her company's name; 4.What is her name; 5.What is the conformation # for the credit of the the only 2 charges I became aware of at this point. She refused to answer all these questions. I called from Glendale, California, USA at 1:15PM on 05/27/2010 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Alertpay Inc
theresa.smith99 May 27, 2010
Alertpay has a hidden fee in their user agree ment that you will be charged 25.00 if you put in a wrong bank account number to withdraw to. They promptly took my money and assessed me 13.00 for the rest of the fee. Their response was too bad, so sad. Well, if they aren't cheating people, why is this not on the fees page where most people look? Do not use this site for bank services, use paypal. I have withdrawn to the wrong account on paypal and NEVER been charged a fee. This is ridiculous. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
kingston police
immigrant May 27, 2010
kingston police uses their authurity to abuse human rights, been stopped by a police officer, and arrested in his car for over an hour, he was stating that i have what he called (marawana ).took all may personal belonging outside the car and search it. he took advantage of me being immigrant, and alone, and he was by himself, i cant stop thinking about the way they use their authurity and force to abuse civilians, and immigrant (oh canada). i dont think that canada is a freedum place to raise my kids.ifelt i was stopped by taliban, and i... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: Canada
Visions, tomtom
ashwani chander May 26, 2010
i bought Tom Tom GPS(refurbished) from Visions Store in Nov. 2009. i bought 2 year extended warrenty plan as well on the recommendation from visions sales representative. but the Tom Tom was not getting Charged, so i returned to Visions after couple of days. the gave me back another refurbished Tom Tom after 6 weeks. even that was not working properly. i again returned back after 4-5 days. they said store will contact you after 6 weeks. after 7 week i contacted them, and they said they had not sent Tom Tom Because warrenty was not covered by... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Canada


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