prasanna honda
basha143 September 12, 2009
dear sir, i m sikkendar basha k... i bought a new unicorn bike on november 2007 through loan...i bought it on the faith of only dealer but now by last week i got caught in an seargent(police) in my city he checked my chase number in RC book with my bike it difffers he asked is it a theft bike? no it was mine? he took me to the police atation and after a long quarel he left me ... he warned me too... the very next day i went to the my dealer to look after this matter he just cooly said it was not our fault its with RTO mistake wat can i do... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India
canara bank, indira nagar, lucknow
surendra kumar gautam September 12, 2009
ATM Card of Union bank of India Complaints - No cash withdrawl, but A/c. debited by Rs.200/- I have used my DEBIT Card / ATM Card No. 4213685722003004 of Union Bank of India, balrampur Branch, balrampur in canara Bank Atm situated at indira nagar, lucknow, on 31.08.2009 for withdrawl of Rs.200/- unfortunately, No cash delivred by ATM, but my A/c. No. 572202010000926 was debited by same amount. Kindly credit my Above mentioned A/c. urgently & oblige. Rergards, surendra kumar gautam read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Nokia/ 5130 Xpress Music
Vicky229661 September 12, 2009
name:Sanket Kale Address:"SANKET" 369 sahayog nagar jalna road Beed[431122], Maharashtra Phone model:Nokia 5130 red Make:Nokia Last used No.:9579561523 E-mail for communication:[email protected]@gmail.com Missed date:27-08-2009 IMEI No.:355232033247958 Requested Sir, Myself Sanket Kale, kindly requesting you for regaining my cell. My cell had been stolen in gym in Garkheda, Aurangabad. It was Nokia 5130 red coloured model. I had bought it recently 1-2 months ago. I will never forgive your... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
texaco mobile
vishal ambadare September 12, 2009
U are send message on my mobile phone NO- (9373104427) see CONGRATS your mobile has won the sum of 750, 000 pounds in our Texaco mobile phone, To claim your prise Email and given website name & number +447014275651 So please give me detail on my mobile phone number as given. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: India
Surendra Kumar R September 12, 2009
THE BMW AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. 22 Garden Close, Stamford, Lincs, PE9 2YP, London United Kingdom. Reference Number: BMW: 2541236004/25. Dear Winner, Your Reference NUMBER BMW:2541236004/25.and drew to the lucky number: 29 Congratulations, you have just won a brand new BMW 5 Series, M Sport Saloon car and a cash prize of £700, 000.great British pounds(GBP) in the satellite software email lottery. On line Sweepstakes International program held on 6st of Spt, 2009. Conducted by BMW LOTTERY BOARD in which your... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: India
sumeet.m September 12, 2009
It's a fraud company .I 've been thuged by 3100 rs. 1st 600 rs for buying welcome kit and 2nd 2500 rs to get registered for online data entry job .They 've send just user id and password through which i cannot acess members area.I also mailed them regularly, phone called them, but never got replied. read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: India
samsung SF-565 PR printer
kesco nawabganj September 12, 2009
dear sir Bulk priters purchesed by corporate kesco Kanpur and printer serial no 9F67BFBQ600109V not working under guarrenty period of one year. Complaint no. 8411698590 already lodged on dated 09.09.09 in your call center but it was not attended till today i.e. 12-09-09. kindly arrenged to attended on priority due to suffuring official work. read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
iphone 3 G
TO the [email protected] m/s india times online shopping DEAR SIRS AS I PURCHASED TWO MOBLIE PHONES IPHONE 3G THROGH ONLINE USERID <thyparambil_g> 1.ORDER NO 11155884 dated march 7th 2009 2. ORDER NO. 111568385 dated 14th march 2009 the both phones delivered by M/S JAISON ELECTRONICS MUMBAI.416, DAULAT BHAVAN, KALBHADEVI. MUMBAI 400002. the first phone from m/s technix bill dated 13/3/2009 worrking ok and iam using it personnolly now the second iphone from m/s teknix bill dated 17/3/2009 i... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
eLogistics Pvt Ltd
Senthilkumar123 September 12, 2009
Dear Sir, Already i spoke to your airtel customer service more that 20 times regarding deactive the airtel live option every one its give complaint no and they cofirm within 48 hrs deactivated but till time not deactivated and also generate the bill aroung Rs.200 . Surely i never agreed these kind of threating.And also not get any proper feedback from customer support . So i suite a case to airtel thru consumer court with your all fraud things to be done in my account. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Nokia Promotaional
Rakesh V September 12, 2009
The Received Mail as below, Please fonfirm us what is this, what this kind of elements are velid or not ? : from(NOKIA ONLINE) EMAIL PROMO <[email protected]> [email protected] to dateFri, Sep 11, 2009 at 8:30 PM subjectNOKIA PROMO AWARD 2009 hide details 8:30 PM (14 hours ago) NOKIA PROMO AWARD 2009 This is to inform you that have been selected for a Cash prize of 650, 000.00.(Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds).The selection process was carried out through random... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: India
MAMTA SINGH September 12, 2009
Dear Sir, My credit card no. 4317515074464687 has invalid, but new card issue inmeditally. Thanks with regards MAMTA SINGH 9871773731 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
pack 350/-
imsandy5 September 12, 2009
Dear Sir/Madam, my self Sandip Kumar Verma I am using Internet connection of Spectra Smart form last 6 month.most time connection is not working properly when I am calling to service provider then it is working for 1 or 2 hour after that again same thing happening and 2nd thing he take in cannection time 450/- and now increase the rate of cannection 500/-, So am not satisfied this kind of service. my address 37-A, Panchvati, near Rakesh-Marg Gaziabad 201001 my mob no: 9911717515 My Area service provider no is 120(4101080) Thanks & Regards Sandip Kumar Verma read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Lakkamalla Pavani September 11, 2009
hi, i have submited my passport for my spouse name to be abbed on 13/08/09 till date means 11/09/09 i dnt get it, how many more days it will take please let me know read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: India
Annamalai university
jennifer R September 11, 2009
I have completed my BA English in the year 2005. however I have not received my final year marksheet or the provisional certificate. After sending many emails through without any replies, I contacted them in the month of July and I was told that I had a pending due of Rs.300 so I sent them a DD for the amount mentioned following which I was promised that I would receive my TC, final year marksheet and provisional certificate on the first week of August. Several follow up calls were made, letters and faxes sent however, I have not received... read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: India
ptronas oil company
jai shri September 11, 2009
i got an agreement letter and asked to complete visa and other travelling documents . JOB REF: ARI 67/21563 11/09/2009 CONTRACT/AGREEMENT LETTER Attn: Jagat Bhanu Pal 1. For good consideration, the Company employs the Employee on the following terms and conditions. 2. TERM OF EMPLOYMENT: Subject to the provisions for termination set forth below this agreement will begin on 11th SEPTEMBER 2009, unless sooner terminated. 3. SALARY: The Company shall pay Employee a salary of US$5, 000.00 every month after... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India
mariti udyog
vijayant September 11, 2009
sir, mera bahai (parshant jain) jiski death ho chuki maruti udyog ki laparwhi sa, apki branch (T.R. Sahni Motors Pvt. Ltd) sa gaddi purchase ki thi, jiski service ka liya gadi unka service center main bhaji gayi thi(T.R. Sahni Motors Pvt. Ltd, industrial area site -4 sahibabad ghz)usko delivery ka liya 22-feb-2009 ko wo gaya tha, jha aapka staaf ki laparwahi ka karan vehicle lift sa gir kar uski death ho gayi, kya aapka yaha koi rules and regulation nahi hai, custumer ko kabi work shop main nahi jana diya jata fir bhi aapka staff na... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: India
mobile model no.471X
aniweshu tiwari September 11, 2009
I had deposited my mobile model no.471X to aservice center ae ujjain(M.P.) due to a complaint for display of mobile is out of working(display blank) during warrenty period.I had to wait for as long as one month when, i got my mobile repaired back.But when, I complained again that my repaired/new mobile going switched off automatically, i had to asked wait for another aweaks time, when I contected to service center after 10 days, they told my that there is no response/material from company/Indore service center and hence they could help me in solving my problem.my job no. is 09084985660028 dt.28-08-09(second complaint). Pl.help me. read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
ss garment
jaspret September 11, 2009
i have got a message 4 winning 75000 pounds den say me how can i recieve dis amount read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India
indiatodaybookclub living media newdelhi
anpandya September 11, 2009
the tele executtive on my cell on 14th august said that you had bee selecte amongst 11 in gujarat state for this latest philips 5.1 speaker system with dvd player hich will be available to you at reduced rate of 7598/-rs within 15 days of producing order by credit card. you will receive confirmatory call about your address detalis. then you will receive automated call statis to enter credit card detail from phone. i acpted the order n te rs paid from my card account rs7598 on 2nd september 09. I received msg on my cell 9824196639 that yr order... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
dipankarck September 11, 2009
purchased a phone 05/09/09.during talking of10-15 min. set is too hot.Battery charging detoriating withen10/12 hr.Set No.356927036454498. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: India
Metallic Double bed with Mattress
amit gandhi September 11, 2009
I have purchases a Metallic Double bed dated, 13- AUG-2008 from Big Bazaar, Himalaya Mall, Ahmedabad which include a metallic Double bed and a Mattress, the issue is related to Mattress which is broke down from between and bend from sides, I have already reported a complaint against this in Big Bazaar, SG Highway Ahmedabad, dated 10 May 2009, in complaint register, S.N is 22, to Mr Veenu, and the very next day a Big bazaar representative came to visit my home and inspected the Mattress and found things defective. But now approx 4... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: India
nokia 1600 black
Pradip N. Bhalerao September 11, 2009
To respected sir, My name is Pradip Bhalerao, my mobile was stolen from my home.please try to find it. name : Pradip Bhalerao. add : P-4, 16/5, CIDCO N-2, vitthalnagar, Ramnagar Jalna road, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India. phone model: nokia 1600 black IMEI no. : 354534013346390 Your's faithfully, Pradip N. Bhalerao. my no. : 9421680036. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India
Jaivignesh September 11, 2009
I am facing a problem with a dealer with whom i ordered a sofa in IICF exhibition, I still did not get the Sofa-Set even after the time-period of delivery. For a Detailed Summary, You are encouraged to read this complaint, http://www.consumercomplaints.in/complaints/unique-collections-c249558.html United We Win read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: India
NISHANT TANWAR September 11, 2009
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
Hp / C795TU
M/S Computer Shopee September 11, 2009
Regarding Laptop Battary Warranty<br /> We are not getting replacement of Laptop Battary. Its In warranty. Bill Details are given below<br /> <br /> Spectra Systems Bill No. 501 Dated 27/08/2008. Origional Invoice & Delivery Challan.<br /> <br /> Ref. No. 4602314183<br /> 13/08/2009 Tokan Number 14676 Manish Ventech Electronics System Pvt. Ltd.<br /> Regarding - Problem Battary Low battary.<br /> <br /> Model Number - C795TU<br /> Laptop SN - CND82808WC<br /> BATTARY SN - W7QIL read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
birlasunlife insurance
t.vasudev naidu September 11, 2009
Hi, This is vasudev naidu.T worked as an agency mannager at mehdipatnam (hyderabad 6) branch my employee id is 21236 and my date of joining is may 23rd 2008 and i left the jobe on feb 2008 and i sullender all the things and i got my reliving letter and my settelement cheque also of rs 950/- and when i called up to my A/C madem chandra abought 6months after abt my PF amount she said that my documents is has been missed out and i have asked to re apply for PF and i have apply that is 3months ago now today i called up to miss chandra she... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: India
hyundia verna crdi car
lsc September 11, 2009
I HAD PURCHASED HYUNDAI VERNA CRDI CAR IN OCT2007 Under warranty period with running of 28000km front and rear tyres worn out, Due to defect in car, As examine car by authorised service dealer, KOSMO HYUNDAI JALANDHAR Despite reminding they agree to give 25% compensation, why i should bear 75%net loss, what will further assurance about this fault will not occuring in future, No assurance given by dealer NOW DESPITE REMNDER TO ALL CONCERN NO SUITABLE REPLY FROM HYUNDAUI CUSTOMER CARE, WITH REGARDS lAKHBIR SINGH CELL NO 0981516115 read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: India
kurtkoti September 11, 2009
I had ordered a Game DVD on ITZShop site by paying through my net banking account. Its almost a month now and there is no news from them. I complained though their website and no response. I am really worried. Order details: Order Id : 968957 Transaction Status : Successful Payment Transaction Amount : Rs.739 read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: India
Samsung Refrigerator Complain September 11, 2009
Dear Sir/Madam, I have purchased a SAMSUNG refrigerator model no-RA23WVPS1/XTL on 16th JAN09 from M/s Baid Electrolight Pvt Ltd ( Samsung Plaza ), New Alipore, Kolkata-53, vide invoice no - 985, dt: 16/01/09. Since purchase of this fridge we are facing regular problem post defrost and lodged complaint ( no- 8407316774, dt :06/02/09 ), again & again on 22/6, 30/6, 09/7/, 17/7, 22/7 & latest by 27/08 . Even by repeated visit of the service mechanic the fault could not be rectified. Despite repeated request Samsung is not... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
SUNIL RAVI September 11, 2009
Myself, Sunil wanted to shift my household goods from Pune to Mumbai. After lot of inquire with friends, relatives and also visited sites pertaining to various Home Packers & Movers, I finally came to know the about the service/quality provided by Agarwal Packers & Movers and also level of satisfaction & reliability provided by them which one is looking while shifting his valuable household goods. On basis of this I finally decided to move by goods through Agarwal Packers &Movers. I would also like to share the proce... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
suprabhat routh September 11, 2009
Bought Nokia N-97 mobile phone 3 months back. As the phone was not charging, I deposited the phone in Nokia Service Centre - Gulati Communications, Bhagat Singh Market, Connaught Place, New Delhi on 31st August. After waiting almost 3 hours I was able to deposit the phone there. They checked and told that the phone to be sent to head office for repair. Till date I have not received any communication from the Nokia head office or service centre. Please help. Suprabhat Routh read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Mobile Draw
Devender September 11, 2009
I have recieved a massage that I have won C$ 35000000GBP in (UK)Mobile Draws September 2009 read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: India
Appeal to donate money
Dinesh Chandra Lohumi September 11, 2009
This appeal is to save life of young boy who is 17 years old. He got his kidney trnansplant at Sir, Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi, India. His family is not able to support the expenenses of his medical treatment . The father of the boy is poor man who has mortagugaged his house for the treatment of his son. Please donate generously to save the life of this young boy. Please contact Mr. K.Pant Phone No. +91-9811006417 who is running NGO Akhil Bhartiya Uttrakhand Samaj Kalayan Sangathan. & Mr. Shashikant Yadav, Father of Amit : +91-9990522005. For more details, Please contact above persons. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Baljeet Singh Sood
Vinod Kumar Khanna September 11, 2009
Dear Sir, We applied for refund for ticket _loactor 2E2WQI in mame of Baljeet Singh Sood, during May 09 .through M/s Uplifttours Pvt ltd, Delhi Ticket was Delhi -Lon and Lon -Delhi Cancellation was journey Lon -Delhi Inspite of many reminders by Uplift, NOTHING has been heard about it . I apprecaite if matter is attended at earliest Thanks Baljeet Singh Sood E mail : [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: India
Airtel mobile company
Dinesh Mistry September 11, 2009
My mobile no is 9892029736 my DND service was stared from last 2 years but iam still getting unwanted call &sms From other co. I place 2 to 3 tme a complain against it but thear in no resilution mu complain no is 0822412932000 please dont lake it lightly . read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
Nokia Mobile set
Manoj Kumar 123 September 11, 2009
I have given my Nokia N 95 8gb hand set for repair purchased on dated 22/04/2009 vide bill no in the month of july2009 its menu key was not functioning properly after taking hand set for more than 15 days they said that component is not available and it will take further 15 days. I have taken back my hand set on inspection I found that my hand set part like display screen was changed. When inquired about the above said they told that It is not changed after one month ie september 2009 my LCD display became blank. When I show the set to nokia... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
India Today Book Club offers
V.Sesha Shahi September 11, 2009
I had discussed with your colleague Abhishek Mukherjee - ITBC Mgr on 30th Aug 09 about these offers and confirmed my order and have now recd the shipment. Request you to clarify the offer: 1. order no OGA090066486 - INR 5943/-. I was promised that this offer would include International holiday for 4 persons inclusive of t0 & fro airfare, accomodation and there would not be any additional cost. Please confirm if it is right. 2. Order no OGA090066548 - INR 2593 - Domestic holiday for 3 persons inclusive of to & fro airticket... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
R R Enterprize - Viveknagar Bangalore
sunitha.m September 11, 2009
I have booked for a double cylinder around 2 years back. On 8-sep-09 when I called the agency they asked me to come and give the documents anytime between 9 to 5 without even specifying the lunch timings. When I went at 1.30 to the agency office it was closed and timing which was written on the door read like this 9.00 to 1.00……1.00 to 2.00 lunch……2.00 to 5.00. So I came back again at 4.40 and checking for the details the response from the officers (I wouldn’t call them as officers they behaved as cheap road... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India
airtel pre-paid mobile calling card
warikoo amrita September 11, 2009
This is my third complaint in less than three months regarding debiting money from my pre-paid account for unsubscribed messages from hello tunes and AM -PROMO.-5432105, TM PROMOS, TM COLORS, AM543213... This needs to stop immediately & money be refunded ASAP. Also, request give a good reason as to why I should not approach Consumer Court? My No. 9004197707 read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
National Groups AR tech
SathyanarayananK September 11, 2009
Hi I'm Sakthi, I was badly cheated National groups Reeyas deen in the name of BPO.. They say "we have genuine process only" But all are fake and fraud process. they collect money by talking in sweet voice, , i dont how these people are talking with honey dipped words. Bastards... son of bitch... Dont belive this guys Name REEYAS DEEN and his fucking assole SABARI.. they have all cheating branches in BAngalore, chennai, tanjore, madurai.. and soo... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India


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