Bharath Sanchar Nigam Limied
March 29, 2008
Sir, Our phone number is 08455-240154 (Patancheru Exchange, Medak Telecom District of Andhra Pradesh, India). I had been asking for change of broadband plan from 500 to 250 since couple of months. To this effect several written requests were sent to BSNL. I had also posted my feedbacks in their portal but there was no courtesy response from them besides action. I request BSNL to act immediately. Regards. MURALI SUDHAKAR SISTLA, H.NO.653, BHEL LIG COLONY, BHARATHINAGAR, RAMACHANDRAPURAM, HYDERABAD-502032 (A.P) INDIA. MY MOBILE NO.+919951595653 read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
airtel broad band service
March 29, 2008
Dear sir, In connection to telephonic conversation with Mr.Karthick, (call centre faculty)I wish to change my 499 PACKAGE INSTALLED ON 28-03-08 INTO 750 PACKAGE PLAN TODAY ONWARDS. kindly conform my request E-MAIL or through ph:9789818046 thanking you, M.Chandrasekaran read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
State Bank of Patiala
March 29, 2008
My Self is Rajesh Kamal S/o Late Sh. Chotta Ram resident of #B-14/149, ASHOK NAGAR, NEAR COMMITTEE OFFICE, HOSHIARPUR-146001, Here i m going to file a complaint regarding the Banking system. My Dad was working with State Bank of Patiala as Draftee for last 33 years and eight months in Nasarala Branch Dist. Hoshiarpur. And they got sick and become a patient of Heart and suffered for one year with this disease we had spent lot of medical expenses during this. But last on 22nd Feb 2002 they died. And our bad time had started. As required at... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Sony Erisson Mobile Set
March 29, 2008
Dear Sir This is to inform you that I had purchase a Sony Ericson Mobile Model No. K790i EMEI No. 352207010337173 from Hot spot, Faridabad vide bill F/1138 book no. 23 dt. 01.10.07. After one month from the date of purchase I was facing Hanging problems in my set and Network shown not reachable. I had given my set to Sony Ericsson service center Address : Aditi Electronics Shops, 147, 1st Floor, Shubham Tower Neelam Bata Road, Faridabad Ph. 4035746, Haryana (India) for repair, after 2 days they had return back and given me the assurance... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
March 29, 2008
The YMCA junction at kannur road, calicut where a branch of the ICICI bank is functioning holds three (3) no parking boards on the same side of the bank, but still people dont hesitate to park vehicles near or even under the no parking board, making it very difficult for the pedestrians and other vehicles.The flying squad and other Law & order personnels who pass through this way are blind to such attrocities, quoting that YMCA junction is in the heart of the city and not a rural area.plz take necessary actions(not in the form of removing the no parking boards). read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: India
March 29, 2008
abhishek singh 9935094300 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
March 29, 2008
Sir, i Shahnawaz ali, applying for passport in march 2007 and i also submiited my documents again in dec. 2007 but still i have not recieved my passport or did not find any status on internet. My form no. is A03811707, please do the need full or kindly revert me on my E-mail id "[email protected]" or my mobile number. 9889057650, 9305306020. with thanx & regards Shahnawaz ali 164/121 hata faqeer mohd. near qabar mamun bhanja, golaganj, wazeerganj, Lucknow-226018 read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: India
Reliance rd3100 mobile
March 29, 2008
I bought reilance mobile rd3100 woth rs. 1798 from kuber complex, varanasi. I recharged it with rs. 401 total became rs. 2199/- . and i got Rs.1000 and the talk time of 3 months . On the other hand in the market it is availabale for rs. 2100 with rs. 1500 talk value and talk time of 6 months. Reliance varanasi is saying that other shopkeepers are thieves, they are selling old mobiles, now such scheme is not available. I am asking are all shopkeepers thieves? do they tell lie ? what is happening with me, i don't know? read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
bsnl allahabad/land line
March 29, 2008
my land line no 05322466734 is dead since 15/03/2008.we have complaint several time, but till date my phone is still dead.ihave also talked to DGM telophone.we are facing lot of problem & mental tension .please do the needfull so that my phone get repaired. R.K.MISHRA 1-B TYPE IV RAILWAY COLONY PRAYAG ALLAHABAD read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Royal Resorts
March 29, 2008
The Executove from Royal Resorts called me a couple of times offering a free voucher for 3night-3days. I thought about it for some time and when I told her that I was not interested on the 3rd or 4th call, she abused me verbally. Please beware of this place and any free offers they trow your way, these people do not seem to have any regard for other people's self-respect and it seems they can go down to any level. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: India
shrine consultancy services
March 28, 2008
please refer my resume uploaded with bank website details of my work published with reader's digest /rd.com REf: customer service, updated with office of prime minister of india for e-governance ref: mr kamal dayani (ias) as public information office/ director while working for the cause of entrepreneurship 1991 till date having global importance updated and concluded with relevant websites with my own 'case study' submitted to highest authorities of land getting no response so far makes my position difficult as the matter i... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
March 28, 2008
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
carrier genx2 air con.
March 28, 2008
dera sir, deeply regret to complaint against climate makers(sales agent for carrier airconditioners)that quaterly service of a/c is not being done in time, despite of repeated calls it is being postponded and i am feeling as i have been badly cheated. kindly advice best regards capt.s.k.verma b-184 south city lucknow india. read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
March 28, 2008
Dear Sir I have handed over my credit card in May 2007, with the settlement of till that date, now I am not remember that card Number and don't have that card also. Two months later one agent was come to my home and he collected cash Rs.5000/- from my wife and he said he will settlement of the dues and get the NOC (no objection certificate) from the bank, but he never turned back, where is that agent now? And where is that money now? Always agents are asking for cash only why? And later last month one more man had come and... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
precitech engineers
March 28, 2008
sir i want the bill detail of company group numbers( 9790939203, 204, 205, 206, 207). i told to customer care but no one take response to this issue. please kindly consider this mail and take neccesary steps to clear the problem read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
March 28, 2008
I booked my admission parcel to COMED-K, Bangalore on 17.3.08. I enclosed an A.D. and paid Rs.12/- extra also. Article No. ET041837368IN Booking office Egmore, Chennai - 600008 Destination Bangalore - 560001 On tracking the parcel on speedpost net, It says article delivered to speedpost Bangalore on 18.3.08. I want to know whether it has reached the Concerned Person (Secretary, COMED-K, Bangalore) or NOT Since the article pertains to my admission, I am worried. Please let me know the status of the Parcel and send the enclosed AD back to me, since i have paid Rs. 12/- extra to get confirmation. Regards Ankur Vashisht Chennai read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: India
landline telephone
March 28, 2008
telephone no 257364 is out of order since last four days in banswara district rajasthan.kindly look into that. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Hero Honda Motors Ltd
March 28, 2008
So many times requested to change Ownership, submitted papers but name not changed. Mobile No--9816500056 Current Owner Name--Sachin Verma New Owner application--Kumar Saurabh Saxena Addresss--wants No change. Last Discussion Held with Ms Anu(Shimla Airtel Office)--Commited that the ownership will definately in favour of me if i will clear the dues but still not changed. Plz give solution otherwise i'll knock Consumer Forum door because this matter already crossed more than six months. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
March 28, 2008
sir im Nagarjuna have applied for my passport on jan 7th 2008 and i have not received it till now . & my key no. is:6500177180 so please reply for this message thanking you read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: India
India Post MIS
March 28, 2008
March 28, 2008 The Post Master General, Yogayog Bhaban, Kolkata-700 073 Sub: Non-receipt of MIS claim by nominee after expiry of account holder. Ref: MIS A/C No: 31695 (opened on 16.01.2002) of Late Usha Ghosh at Kankurgachi P.O. Kol-700 054 Dear Sir, This is to bring to your notice the harassment faced by the undersigned, nominee and sole claimant of the above MIS in realizing the claim. The claim application was submitted at Kankurgachi Post Office on 1.1.2008 and necessary verification of original death... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: India
acme data solutions
March 28, 2008
i got an sms from 9941774072 that work from home and i got a letter that i have to pay a rupees 500/- for getting complete detail abbout a job on of that he asked me a rupees on that i will taken from the and i get it from the post office and then wheni see in side it its was a broken cd and i can think that i had and i think by mistake onoly it happen but when i check on line about the acme data solutions there are many complaint about that acme then i went to to the post office to stop that money oreder but the post man had not stop it now i can read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: India
March 28, 2008
This is to bring to notice malpractices and carelessness by APSTRC. I had traveled from HYD to Eluru by private bus – SRKT Volvo 21mar08 and the service were excellent, whereas during my return journey it was a lifetime experience due to negligence of APSRTC. Firstly at bus stand Eluru there is no update whether there is Volvo service exists from Eluru to HYD on 24mar 08. At 1500hrs surprising the counter clerk upon request directed to go to Sachin sports APSRTC agent counter where I purchased 2 tickets for Rs.694 bearing no... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Image Marketing
March 28, 2008
Some of your employees are involved in commissioning with recovery agents. That is why they create problem in submitting cheques of customers & than with the help of recovery agents they try to harrash the client & recover money. It's my second time experiencew with your company that at the same outlet they create problems. I am your customer since 2 years & I always use to drop cheques at the same day of reciept of bill. But whenever I drop cheque at Jawahar marg branch apposite Premsukh CInema I got the same problem of cheques there. Kindly look after this matters otherwise your some employees will harm your company very much. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: India
Kenstar/ Dishwaser
March 28, 2008
On the 31st of March, 2005, I purchased a'Kenstar Dishwasher' after much cajoling and flattering by the said company.I started using it and it worked satisfactotily for the first few months.Then it broke down, when I complained Mr. Nagraj and Mr Mastan representing the company came immediately and got the repairs done.Within a month again the dishwasher gave way again.Again it was repaired and I was told it will work perfectly hereon. But again afterwards it gave way completely. Iam sorry to mention here their... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: India
vadafone mobile
March 28, 2008
hi, this is ravi.D my mobile no is 9886454633 my out going calls has been barred due to non making of payment in time(that was inconveninent to me ot had gone to out station) and made the payment one of local authorised vadafone mini store in vijay nagar, bangalore, and still not activated my services( i would like to say vadafone is the biggest and largest cellualar services in the world apart from the india, recently came to india giving such services not respondind properly and also a sent messaged to change the tariff plan no one i... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
March 28, 2008
I had Purchased An Motorola Phone Which was difected . I had sent them back, once again they had sent me an same piece which is also difect. Now i will sue this matter in consumer forum. Try to stop the functioning of this type of fruad company. Dear Viewrs Plzzz dont buy anything from Deals4all, As this is the cheating company. read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
vidiocon LCD TV-20X-LCD20
March 28, 2008
I bought the above TV on 19th Aug 2008. In the Month of Nov08 the power adoptor became defunk.It was replaced after 10days.Again in lastweek of Jan08 the TV become Dead .The mechanic visited 3/4 times but he could not repair it and lasty I had to deliver it to your service center at Kalyan where it was left from9thFeb08 till3rd Mar.08 and it worked for some time and now again from24th of Mar.08 there is problem in sound system which gives intermittent wistles . In fact my old TV which I exchanged for this advance TV was far better in working... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: India
Motorola H 500 Bluetooth Headset
March 28, 2008
I have bought Motorola H500 bluetooth headset in bangalore - Its less than an year and under warranty - But the ear hook of the headset already is broken. I have contacted every so called 'Motorola Dealers' here - Nobody is able to supply a spare ear hook for this headset. Without this this product is not usable at all. I have searched in few websites - in which few claim to have received from the customer suport in Motorola US centers. I wonder why the customer service is so horrible here in India inspite of getting froma reliable dealer?? Paying Rs 2500/- bugs for such product is absolutely waste - Please do not buy this product read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
Indian bar and restarents
March 28, 2008
small/medium size bar and restorents in bangalore and other indian cities they don't clean the restarent, including chairs tables (i have seen many bars not washed for years ). just they keep wiping the foods leftover . they never clean their kitchen utentsils . the used glasses first dipped in a washing solution mixed with water then dipped in a water tub cleaning is over they use the same water for many days. they use rotton fish, meat and charge at a premium rates(they can charge as they wish).they used to supply cheep adultered... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India
Q3 technologies
March 28, 2008
I have resigned on 11th of Feb 2008 and have declared 22nd Feb 2008 as my last working day. In the meantime I have got some issues for my project from client I have resolved them and submit them on 22nd Feb 2008 and when I have asked for relieving they have asked me to extend it. I have discussed this issue with my future employer and they have suggested me to show the policy as written in there offer letter(Q3 Technologies Gurgaon). As I am on probation they can't force me to serve the notice period then I just shown them their offer... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India
airtel prepaid lifetime
March 28, 2008
i an munita.i purchased a lifetime prepaid on 23rd of march. my sim no is 9896674723. i am being chared Rs2.65 for local land line calls. please tell me call rates. i purchasedit from gurgaon district-(town-haily mandi). please tell me call ratesby an sms or a e-mail. iwill be greatful to you. Regards! read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Airtel Post Paid Corporate Plan
March 28, 2008
I have got a new corporate postpaid connection from airtel on 9-March-2008 and at that time I have provided all types of documents asked by executive on 15th of march an airtel executive have came to my residence address for verification of my address he doesn't asked fro any documents from my side and just get my signature on his records and gone on 21-March-2008 my outgoing calls are barred without giving me any reason previously when I have contacted the Customer care they just said this is due to problem in verification... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
March 28, 2008
Filled under: Travel Location: India
sansui colour tv model sv2110
March 27, 2008
Sir, It is very pathetic to note that colour TV purchased from Sansui company is under repairs; the same needs some small ICs to be changed; Videocon service centre is not giving a proper reply; they say that getting spares may be delayed for months together; U see the joke; even under warranty period, service centre can not supply spares; instead their option is to go in for new board or upgradation of present board with a heavy cost customer is fooled by these companies; when company can not supply spare ICs, company can give an open advt... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: India
wirlpool, fridge
March 27, 2008
fridge servce. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: India
Maruti Swift VXI
March 27, 2008
Noise from front doors since purchased (26.04.2008), not rectified till now. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: India
a v suresh kumar
March 27, 2008
a v suresh kumar is a defulter in many banks Complaint a v suresh kumar is a defulter in our bank pl. tell us to catch him: bangalore police... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
March 27, 2008
http://www.team-bhp.com/forum/indian-car-scene/36968-no-test-drive-cars-skoda-hyderabad.html excerpt, Hello People, I have been to Mahavir Auto [skoda dealer] at Hyderabad, along with a friend of mine who was willing to BUY a new fabia. At the first sight, the car looked just about OK ! from outside. But built quality and the INTERIOR'S were Pretty Up class !!. Soo far so good. As i heard of some DISAPPOINTMENTS Under the Hood, in our forum. I thought of checking out personally with a TD. I asked the sales guy for a TD... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: India
Kotak Mahindra Bank - Car Loan
March 27, 2008
This is a very bad complaint against Kotak Mahindra Bank (Car Loan), I had taken a car loan from this bank on 2005. However, when it was sanctioned, i was changed more than what had been committed upon by there employee&agent. (Name: Shilpa (Employee) and Naveen Kumar (Agent)) Instead for charging 7% interest, I was charged @ 9.3%, that too in that year other bank wre charging less interest 6% to 7.5% When i complainted the same to their branch, no one helped.. fighting for nearly 1 and half month, i came to know that employee... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
BSNL Prepaid Mobile Cell Service
March 27, 2008
Two month before I purchased the BSNL Anant Prepaid Sim card to avail the facility - 40 paisa per call Charges for two BSNL land line No. I was asked to send SMS to 53733 and forwared Two Numbers for the facility. the reply from 53733 that the request is in process. But till today I did not get the facility to avail.Please any body can tell me that how to get the facility. or to conect the customer care, because it the most difficult task to have a contect with BSNL customwer care. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India


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