Nokia 6320
I purchased mobile from Dubai duty free, my phone is not working . I went to Nokia care they only charge me money and return me back without repairing. I send lot of emails to Nokia in this regard but they could not solve problem. Never buy Nokia! read full review »
Inter-Link Courier Company LTD
From: "George Jackson" <[email protected]> Add to Address Book
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To: "Partha Manna" <[email protected]>
Inter-Link Courier Company LTD
Unit 11, Ashford Industrial Estate
Shield Road, Ashford, Middx,
TW15 1AU, london.
United Kingdom
Our Ref#: SLC/CPEL/9876
Your Ref #: {CPEL/OWN/9876} ... read full review »
Dish TV India Limited
i have taken the Dish Tv services during their world cup plan,according to which a customer is entitled to 6 months rent free viewing. I subscribed on 22/02/07, means i will be charged rent from22/08/07, but the great accounts department of Dish Tv India ltd, deactivated the services stating non-payment of rent, that to after various inquiries, calling up their inefficient staff at the call centres, their Delhi numbers etc. All the matter was then brought forth to my dealer by us, he spoke to the supposed to be manager for Pune Division, got... read full review »
TaTa IndicomBroadband
I am Rajesh Navgire from pune a customer of tataindiconbroadband login id : [email protected]. I had discontinued the broadband service of tataindicom because of its thousand problems i had discontinued the services in October 2006, the request number is 901390, then i raised several complains for refund numbers are 1012776 , 1031214, 1121648, 1329948, 2150798, 2573663 and so on..., but still i have not got any refund. I have also surrendered the equipment to the tataindicom broadband office at kalyani nagar in pune in October the router serial no. was 7721136H061038611 with adapter abd TT Box. Since then i have been waiting for the refund. read full review »
Nokia Bluetooth Handfree HS 26 w
I facing one problem from last 2 month, that I purchase one bluetooth hand free from nokia agency on 10/feb/2007 on the cost of 2048/-Rs. and its get dead by manufacturing defects on 07/mar/2007 the item that I purchase is on under warranty, and I give him to service center but after 2 months period, I am not get my bluetooth handfree back from service center and when I ask about my item the service center person are giving me abuse and making illegal behavior. Now you can tell me in this position what can I do. I go to consumer forum but that... read full review »
FastTrack SunGlasses
I recently bought a Fast Track Sunglasses when i went for a holiday to vishakapatnam and i did not examine the glasses for scratches and other manufacturing defects as i believed it to be a good brand.
When i took them out to use them i found that the glasses had scratches which were hair line air gaps in the glass and when i went to a nearby retailers at hyderabad for exchange as these glasses had 1 year nation wide warranty ( as told to me by the dealer from whom i purchased ), he refused to go and exchange it where i purchased it... read full review »
HP Redemption Cell
This is complaint regarding redemption scheme of free motorola phones, this is my redemption code D7KEULBNQ4, E6DS57NYSO, F65UOGIKFO (for free motorola phones) i am already send my all related document and i received confirmation mail from HP Redemption cell, but till from last one year i am not received my free Motorola phones and any revert from them. Liars! read full review »
Nokia Cell Phone 3110C
I had purchased nokia cell 3110c on 26/05/2007 for rs.6800/ from nokia priority (akash agencies sec 35 chandigarh,india).on 16/06/2007, its display suddenly went off.i went to the nokia priority from whom i purchased the hand set, they sent us to an another nokia care in sec 44, chandigarh and this nokia care of sec 44, chandigarh had sent us to another nokia care in sec 22, shop no 2453, chandigarh and this nokia care of sector 22 took our mobile vide their job card no 2300202678 and asked us to enquire a day after. When we inquired on... read full review »
Reliance Broadband Webworld
On 21 june, 2007 a authorized staff charged rs.500 as rent on use of there computer in broadband webworld other than usage charges.they are taking unfair charges from there customers every time. I have a bill dated 21-06-2007 as charges(rent) rs.500/-on opening www.coaljunction.com page. The staff was all very harsh and ill mannered. read full review »
Reliance Hello
My telephone no.-260-3206793 make-lg-lsp-350 r was not working. It had been given to us by divine infocom daman. (A franchise of reliance hello) as a new connection. We have made a complain with customer care on *333 and lodged vide complain no.-51145606 dated-13/06/07.
So far now no positive results has developed apart from saying... We are sorry... We are looking into it.
People beware!!! read full review »
RPO Pune
I have applied for additional booklet of Passport in RPO Pune on 05 June 2007. My File reference No is B007382. As I have to travel to other country in the last week of June. I Need the passport urgently.
The passport authorities in Delhi told me that the additional booklet generally will be dispatched in two days from application. I have checked the status of my application on the website but it keep saying that the Police report is awaited. I have made inquiry in the local police station as well as in district police headquarters ... read full review »
Kotak Mahindra Primus LTD
1. I have purchased car Santro Xing with car loan from KOTAK MAHINDRA PRIMUS LTD vide agreement no 1343471 dt 31 May 2004, wherein, I was duped by the DSA of the bank.
2. I have persistently approached everyone in the company up the chain till CEO,copy of the letter to CEO Mr Sumit Bali dt 08 May 2007 is att as under. ON receiving no response from the company even after approaching CEO. I am approaching for your intervention for an early redressal of the grievance. Details of the nature of complaint is as given in the... read full review »
Bata - Chennai
I have purchased a pair of shoes from BATA, N.M. ROAD Chennai on 4-4-2007. The shoes got totally broken and the gum that they have used to stick the top to the sole got completely removed, just with in two months...and I approached the show room manager with the same.The show room manager calculated the no of days after the purchase and rounded it to 60 days...
Now comes the real story... He told me to pay 300 rupees to change the sole of the shoe that got damaged...and he even gave me the address where i can complain about the BATA shoes... that of the haryana... wow what a support... read full review »
Srishti Electronics / Hitachi AC
This is classic example of customer getting into trap of Vendor-Dealer. We've bought Hitachi AC (RAVO24EMDZ1) from Srishti Electronics in Feb'07. Initially it worked ok but gradually it stopped working. We complained to Dealer, he redirected us to Hitachi. He dint bother to call service center but while making the deal the dealer was very nice.
Hitachi guys came and said there is gas leakage problem with the AC. We were surprised that within three months how can it happen. Then we went to dealer said about this, he simply tried... read full review »
LG Mobile
Re: LG Mobile
This is to inform you that I Sri Kamalendu Kumar Behera of Baripada is an old customer of Reliance India Mobile (RIM). I have been using your handset since last 4 years.Firstly I was a Prepaid customer but now I am using a postpaid connection. And the Number is 09338353990.
I have been using a LG-2230 model handset since last 2 years. But recently I faced a trouble. A call came to me and I answered the call. When I disconnected the call the handset went in to Hang state. I switched off the phone and after some minute... read full review »
Reliance Pre Paid Connection
Frequently having network issues (congestion), often talking to Customer care representative but of no help. Unable to make outgoing calls. read full review »
Airtel Mobile Phone Service
Re: Airtel mobile phone service
I am physician with my specialty being 'Critical Care'. I need my cell phone to be always functional and receive all emergency calls from my staff and patients. I took couple of years ago airtel company mobile services. This i took because they advertise that there service works everywhere and quality is extremely good. By mistake my wife also, who also is in the hospital services took the airtel connection.
To our dismay airtel services are of horrible quality. You can't get service... read full review »
Sony Ericson W300i
I bought sony ericson w300i on 24 march 2007, in the month of june on date 8/6/o7 my phone suddenly gt hanged and then it neva turned on... i thought its sum software trouble and i should take it to service center nearby... on 9/06/07 i took it to TELERIKSON, NEHRU GROUND, FARIDABAD... i was told about some software trouble in phone and was asked to come on tuesday dated 12/6... as being told i reached the service center and i was not delivered my phone back, despite this they forgot to give me job sheet earlier for which they created scene... read full review »
Nahalchand Laloochand (nl builders)
I have booked a Flat at Dahisar, in a project of M/s Nahalchand Laloochand group known as NL builders, in February,2006. The builder had given me payments schedule and I was ready to pay as per the same. I had deposited a sum of Rs.65000/- towards earnest/token money in cheque and further a sum of Rs.78000/- towards stamp duty and registration etc. Then after builder has sent a demanding letter for Service Tax which was not mentioned anywhere in their earlier payment schedule. On the first instance, I had denied to pay the same because it wa... read full review »
AirTel - Karanataka
Respected authority, I am a customer of airtel and using the connection of airtel since last two years. My mobile number is 9945757498. On 18th June 2007 i recharged for Rs 52 to get STD call rate as Rs 1.50 with reference of customer care people. After that my STD call rate was Rs 2.90 per min and for local Rs 2.75 per min. Actually the call rate should be Rs 1.50 for STD and Rs 1.00 for local. I called customer case and i registered a complaint on this issue on 19th june 2007. After 24 hours i called up and asked, but no response from them... read full review »
Reliance Webworld Service
My RIM prepaid service is deactivated when I am in roaming. I have complained regarding the same problem in Oct'06. Reliance Web world people asked me to submit the Identity proofs and Address proofs which i did without fail but still the problem persists when am in roaming now after such a long period. I am unable to make calls or receive calls.Can't depend on Reliance Telecommunications Service. Lots of inconvenience---A very poor service of Reliance! read full review »
Rediff Shopping
I beg to state that i purchase a i pod from rediffshopping.com dated 09/05/2007 which order no 3874686, against this order i drop the the chaque of rs 1538.00 through icici atm locate at R N Mukherjee road Rishra Dist Hooghly W.B. 712248 chq no 740381 of UTI bank branch konnagar. Which is a/c payee cheque on rediff.com india ltd payable to icici bank ltd cleared on 25/05/2007 from my account. When i mail about my order and ask for dispatched they reply send your bank statement vai fax or mail. I fax my a/c detail of clearing cheque and also... read full review »
Ayurvedic Health Care Centre - Noida
The activities at Ayurvedic Health care center situated at B-235, Sector 26, NOIDA, Ph: 3263331 are against the society.
With the name of Ayurvedic Massage, they are doing sex activities.
The ladies in this Ayurvedic health care center do the Massage of all Men in naked and do all sexual massage things.
Thanks and regards read full review »
AirTel Customer Service
I had registered a complaint for no network of Airtel mobile services in and around my residence area in Virar in the first week of june 2007 but did not get any feedback for the same.
When I called up last week to know about the status, to my surprise the customer care officer did not have any feedback from their technical department. When I called again today on 21st June 2007 they informed me that I will have to register my complaint again from my residence area as the area of network around my residence do not fall under their jurisdiction.
This is absolutely disgusting and unorganized. My Airtel Mobile number is 9967954477. read full review »
Subhiksha Trading Services
My name is RAMARAO On 31/05/07 I went to Subhiksha Trading Services Ltd. Kakinada, (East godavari District, Andhrapradesh) I asked 2kg.s sugar they replied out of stock, asked 2kg.s toor dall replied out of stock, 400 gms Johnsons & Johnsons baby powder they replied sorry sir not available ok then I asked johnsons & johnsons body oil sorry sir hair oil is available replied. I feel so incontinent by looking the products available in such a big shop. I already collected some other items I am leaving the shop without purchasing the... read full review »
On May 5th 07, I had deposited at Bhandarkar Road Branch a high value cheque towards a property transaction. The said cheque was debited form the drawee account on 17th. May 2007. My account is at Kondhwa Branch, but I had used the facility of inter branch services of ICICI>
After regular follow-up of the standard reply of chech with us after 3-4 days, which went on till I approached the Customer Service Dept. Mgr. Ramayya M, who incidently asked me to produce the debit proof from the drawee bak.
After a number of trips toward... read full review »
Whirlpool / Refrigerator F-23 Classic 220 Litre
One whirlpool refrigerator F-23 classic delight 220 litre was purchased on 5-7-2006 through RAJ ELECTRONICS RK PURAM NEW DELHI Vide invoice book no. - 44 S.I NO. - 06-072199. The refrigerator entered to fault in april 2007 and complaint was lodged to whirlpool service center on 31-5-07 vide no-dl050726463 and further on 18-6-07 vide no.0607021176 again on 20-6-07 vide no.4508910 but the complaint attended by the technician could not remove the fault. Since the appliance is under warranty period hence it may either be replaced or arrange to refund the money. read full review »
Reliance Web World - Bathinda Punjab, India
I have done cybermaster course in oct. 2006 from the bathinda baranch. I also purchase their package of 1000 rs with life time validity. Now my account closed due to validity expires. This is a totally cheat by their company to costumer. read full review »
Tagor Nokia Center / Nokia 6070
I purchased my cell on 07.05.07 by nokia priority (san enterprises). But its ring tone gone mute on 10.05.07. I send my set twice to nokia care 30/28 est patel nagar. But i am not satisfied with service, so i sent my mobile to nokia care de-85, tagore garden Delhi for repair...
Today i contact to tagor town nokia center for above, but i am not satisfied with job, because ring tone is very low. And care center person not agree to repair / replace of set. Beware! read full review »
Breeze Hotel - Chennai
My name is Grazia Paoleri. I work in India for the Italian Non Governmental Organization CIAI, in partnership with several Indian NGOs. I’m in India specifically for the relief and rehabilitation Tsunami project. Periodically the colleagues come to India in order to supervise the activities. Also the representatives of the donor’s agencies come to India in order to attend the inaugurations or the special functions.
Usually I book the room in Breeze Hotel, Chennai, for my colleagues and for the guest... read full review »
ICICI Bank Credit Cards
I have the Medical policy from the ICICI lombard over my credit card. The EMI amount I was suppose to pay was 405/- against the insurance of 6000/- . So far i have not receiver the statement suddenly the message came saying i have to pay the amount of 9800/- . Since i am ready to pay the EMI amount but not the interest because this the mistake from there end. Beware! read full review »
Rattan Industries - India
I have purchases the HP All in One Laser Jet 3055 printer from your dealer S S Hitech (India) against Bill No: 1504 Dated: 15-12-2006. Its Serial No: CNCK238314. We have also forwarded draft of Rs.250/- vide DD.No: 773361 dated: 8-01-2007 in favor of M/s. Solution Integrated Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd., Service Branch, New Delhi along with the photocopy of the original Bill/ Rroginal Sticker of Serial No and Redimption Code.
But I have not received any acknowledgment either from the company about my draft and the gift product since more... read full review »
H.P. Gas / Narender Gas Agency
"We were having connection of H.P. in Delhi. When we went for transfer of our services, the man told us the services start from 12:00, but according to them the gas booking start in the morning. I want to ask that if their duty starts in the morning then they ought to attend the customer request then itself. If any customer comes reading "service time from 9 a.m. to 5p.m " then do he has to sit for 3 hours to get his services transfer?" read full review »
RIM Prepaid
I opted for 10 years validity for my prepaid mobile No 09313356691 on payment of 12 installment of Rs 79/- each we. f. Jun 06. I paid 13 installments regularly to RIM and they still say that i have only paid 6 installments so far. Since such transactions were made through their dealers on cash payment and I use to get SMSs confirming payment each time, it is difficult to produce any documentary evidence now. Hence RIM is not giving me the promised plan despite full payments and is fleecing customers. read full review »
Hutchison Essar India Ltd
I have no idea how much importance this site has or how I can be helped out but I have proper grievence against Hucthison Essar Telecommunication Ltd.
To start with, their executives called me up and told me the low call rates which never existed. I agreed to taking up the new connection with the slashed call rates and a Hutch executive was sent to my office to give me the SIM card. I deposited a sum of Rs500 to him as a Security Deposit.
I made a single call for 5 minutes from this new number and I felt that the call rates which were... read full review »
DVD Handycam
I have purchased a handycam 1/2 years ago. I am regularly using handicam for all my family / religious functions. The handicam is of very good quality. I captured movies in about 30 CDs.
However, the movies captured in handycam can not be converted into VCD / DVD.
In this connection I contacted your Delhi service center / Bangalore service center on many occasion. But, no proper response from your end.
I contacted the following members on many occasions :
Mrs. Deepa, Mrs Pooja and Mrs. Seethal.
On repeated... read full review »
Hyundai Santro XL
SACHIN HYUNDAI, HALDWANI an authorized dealer of the uttaranchal state has not marked my satisfaction ever since i purchased this santro xl on the 15th of june 2007. There mere behavior of being partial to individual customers is quite rattling. They have been promising various car accessories as free gifts during booking i.e pre-delivery. BUT once the vehicle is out of the showroom things take a drastic change... apart from this, you are astonished when you come across another customer buying the same model; being offered and gifted free some... read full review »
BSNL Customer Support
Dear Concerned Officer,
There is nobody there to respond for our complaint for the past 20-30 days.
Our Telephone Number is 22976190 which is under BSNL - Centrex
Request you to kindly look into this issue immediately and resolve.
BSNL Customer Support
Shantha Prakash
Manager - Systems. read full review »
Bimal Auto Agency - Maruti Dealer
I wish to bring your attention towards the BIMAL Auto Agency’s service that MARUTI in Bangalore has authorized to. I write this to you because MARUTI is known to be extremely customer-friendly and good service providers. However, my experience with BIMAL Auto Agency, Indiranagar leads me to doubt this. Let me narrate the sequence of events:
I have booked a brand New Maruti Alto LXI car on 24-05-2007, through Mr.Sunil Kumar.M, Sales Executive of BIMAL Auto Agency (authorized Maruti Dealer), Indiranagar, Bangalore by paying cash of... read full review »
Hero Honda - Karizma
My brand new bike (Hero Honda Karizma) got seized in chennai. The back wheel of the bike got struck and i was not even able to move the bike even for a little distance. So i called the Service station and reported them. They informed me to leave the bike and call us again in the morning and inform us the address so that the team could take care of the bike. But when i went straight to the service station, i was asked to bring the bike to the service station even after telling them that the back wheel doesn't move. And one fellow in the... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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