Kofi Anderson Yeboah
Paid but no credit read full review »
Alpha Telecom 2011 Draw
SMS Message about winning 550, 000 pounds:
I received a SMS message on my mobile phone on 30st Jan. 2011 from the Phone number +905338319533 informing me that my mobile number has won 550, 000 pounds in the 2011 Alpha Telecoms Draw.
And that I should send my Name and mobile number to claimalpha@live.co.uk to claim.
I decided to research this company to see if it was legitimate, I then found this site with all the complaints about this exact same scam happening to many people all over the world. So I wanted to put in an official complaint.
I need to know if thie is true. read full review »
Gilda Electronics Inc
i have received the email below :
1)Dear applicant,
Greetings from Gilda Electronics Inc,
we are again opening the new home base data entry job for year 2011,
our post offer are open as "Part Time Data Entry",
visit our website http://www.gilda-inc.com
This offer will be Valid after review of your application form and CV,
Job : Part Time Customer Data Entry
Location: Home Based
Package: Attached sheet on Ms Word format
Apply Date: Last date is 27 January 2011 to submit... read full review »
We bought an expensive severin mixer from a shop called Versau at the Emporium shopping centre in bangkok.
We then went back to buy the attachments, meat grinder, pasta maker etc.
We were told " you no but here, you go Versau head office".
Ok, fight our way through BKK traffic to be told at Versau head office " We no sell in shop, use our internet site".
OK, drive 30 KLMs back home. Nothing on their web site.
Send e-mail to Versau, completely ignored.
send e-mail to severin head office in germany, completely ignored.
Anyone want to buy an expensive mixer, never used, still in the box? Going cheap. read full review »
Lebensmittel.de is an online purveyor of foodstuffs. I ordered some food (bread, and tinned mackerel) from this company, only to have someone else's order delivered to my address. I notified Lebensmittel.de via their email address and received no response. I sent a followup email inquiry a few days later, and this too was ignored. Checking my bank statement, I saw that Lebensmittel.de charged me for this nonexistent order. read full review »
Georg Gehring = Credit card fraud / thief / son of bitch / asshole
Georg Gehring = Credit card fraud / thief / son of bitch / asshole
This son of bitch from Germany is a crecit card fraud. sellers beaware.
this is his email
colibri_gg@gmx.de read full review »
House Bokers
Do not approach this Agency for any rental help ``www.hildebrandtimmobilien.de`` in Germany. The Lady who head this company is just for the commission amount and she thinks her job is done. She will show you some problamatic Flats which you will realize only after a month or so. You will not know whom to contact! The Owners who has contact with this Agency are alike, may be they have a tie-up so that they get frequent change over of Tanants and this Agency get several commissions within a short span of time. read full review »
Digital River (DRI Downloads)
Original Complaint: I noticed fradulent charges on my Master Card account on 11/24 of this year. One for $35.42 for "DRI Emicsoft FLV Conve regnow com cs LUX" and the other for $6.65 for "DRI Extended Download regnow com cs LUX". Apparently www.regnow.com is a company that sells software and my online research has determined they have had issues in the past with fraudulent charges. One intersting thing I found is that other people have reported frauduent charges through www.regnow.com on 11/24 of last year which peaked my... read full review »
ISR Computer
Beware of Tanja Baumstark – Metzenackerweg 3 – 76571 Michelbach - Gaggenau
Phone 49 7225 – 985269
Beware ! Tanja Baumstark – Metzenackerweg 3 – Michelbach - Germany is working for www.isr-computer.de . She is selling print and cut services online.
As soon as Tanja Baumstark got your money to deliver her printings Tanja Baumstark from ISR Computer will no more reply your emails ( her email: BaumstarkTanja@ISR-Computer.de ) or phone calls or registrated letters.
I paid Tanja Baumstark 1200 USD for... read full review »
http://www.akkuswelt.de read full review »
R.G.A. Moda italiana
Am 20.11.2010 fuhren wir auf dem Berliner Ring auf einen Autobahn-Parkplatz kurz vor dem Werder Dreieck in Richtung Leipzig. kurz nachdem wir ausstiegen hielt ein Pkw mit Wiener Kenn Zeichen hinter uns und wir wurden nach dem Weg nach München gefragt. im Pkw waren 2 Männer im Alter von ca. 30 + Jahren. einer führte die Konversation mit uns, er war gut gekleidet, hatte gute Umgangsformen, ein smarter Typ!!! Er redete viel und bedankte sich vielmals für die Hilfe, und wollte sich dann unbedingt revanchieren, sprach von... read full review »
Auf die Nachfrage, ob ich mit Paypal bezahlen kann, wurde dies mit der Behauptung abgelehnt, das führe zu starken zeitlichen VErzögerungen und zu finanziellen Verlusten für die Firma. Es würde ausschließlich Vorauskasse akzeptiert. Da alle anderen chinesischen Partner( etwa bei Ebay) auf PayPal drängen, ist das ein echter Hinweis, dass dieser Shop nicht seriös ist. Daher Vorsicht bei Käufen!
On the inquiry whether I can pay with Paypal this was rejected with the assertion, this leads to strong... read full review »
Nasshan Consulting / Martina Nasshan
I ordered clothing items from this distributor in the months of June, July, and August 2001. Deliveries were fine but running late as I expect with international shipping involved. Email communication was good. No reasons to suspect corruption. Items were as advertised and sold well for me in the US. Order got increasingly backlogged and behind in the month of July and ceased in August. I inquired about one specific order - the most delinquent and was told it has been shipped but was returned and was being reshipped. No reason for return... read full review »
Miro Morczinek c/o Fewo-direkt.de
I’m vacation rental owner, when I was notified in an email from Miro Morczinek – fewo-direkt.de - that I had received a bad review, I IMMEDIATELY called and emailed Miro Morczinek to verify the name of the guest.
This was a HORRIBLE very damaging review from a guest who arrived six months ago and which, I promise you, is not deserved. I emailed Miro Morczinek several times and waited for them to call me.Yesterday late afternoon, Miro Morczinek staff from fewo-direkt.de called me back and gave me the name of the person who had... read full review »
Panasonic Employee
Employee intentionally ignored me as a customer then when he had to deal with me I decided not to deal with him and told him no thank you I would find someone else to help. After I complained to the electronics department supervisor about the poor customer service that I received I was made aware that he was a panasonic rep. and not an emplyee of the KMCC (AAFES) As I walked away with my children this man apprached me to ask me if I had a problem I told him NO it was taken care of and he seemed unsatisfied with my response and procceded to... read full review »
Daniela Wagner Druck/Grafik Husband is Andreas Wagner – graphic, artwork, print, printing
Mutzenweg 6
D-83115 Neubeuern
Tel: 08035-1292
E-Mail: daniela68wagner@t-online.de
Künstlerkreis Neubeuern
Fraudulent art scam – beware !
I committed to buy four artwork from Daniela Wagner from http://www.danielawagner.info. She is German.
Daniela Wagner wanted to get paid before delivery. I sent her a bank transfer to her german bank account for the total amount due ( 6420 USD)
Not within 2 weeks but 2... read full review »
Daniela Wagner - Neubeuern
Daniela Wagner – Mutzenweg 6 – 83115 Neubeuern - Graphic – Artwork
Beware ! Daniela Wagner is selling her art work online.
As soon as she got your money to deliver her art
Daniela Wagner ( husband Andreas Wagner )
Mutzenweg 6
83115 Neubeuern
Phone 08035-1292
E-Mail: daniela68wagner@t-online.de
will no more reply your emails ( her email: daniela68wagner@t-online.de ) or phone calls or registrated letters.
I paid Daniela Wagner 3000 USD for 6 graphics which she never delivered. My lawyer... read full review »
Be2 online dating
I recently joined up on Be2, and when i came to giving my credit card details, the charge for a 6 month premium membership was $49 NZ so i joined up. The Be2 then proceeded to charge my credit card $270 NZ
So this dating sight is Fraudulent, dishonest and i will be making sure everyone knows what has happened to me. I have messaged them and have not heard back as yet so will keep everyone informed. read full review »
I am vacation rental owner and listed my properties on Miro Morczinek s website fewo-direkt.de just 14 days ago. Yesterday I got a fake review. I don't know who wrote it...my properties wre inoccupied due to renewing.
I called
Miro Morczinek
HomeAway Deutschland GmbH
Münchener Straße 7
60329 Frankfurt
+49 0561 920 950 10
and reported that this reviewer didn't stay on my properties. Miro Morczinek refuses to delete the fake, but very diffaming review.
Instead Miro Morczinek asked me to ad my... read full review »
Miro Morczinek
Miro Morczinek – Manager Homeaway – Fewo-direkt.de
1. Anyone can leave a review regardless of whether they stayed at an apartment or not.
2. Anyone can say whatever they want regardless of facts.
3. Miro Morczinek will not take down fraudulent reviews.
4. If a hotel or vacation rental owner requests the take down of a fraudulent review, they have to jump through hoops and provide "proof" that the review is fake (how on earth is this possible) and are threatened that there may be legal consequences when... read full review »
Miro Morczinek - fewo-direkt.de
This site invites to review vacation rental properties. The postings are published without any control, even fake reviews are allowed and can ruin landlord's business.
The site www.fewo-direkt.de is now used to blackmail landlords. "You gonna pay 1000 USD or I write a very bad review."
Even when the landlord can prove the reviewer didn't stay in this reviewed property the review is published and remain online for many years.
According german law the business practic is fewo-direkt.de is a criminel act. But they... read full review »
3d space screen savers
paid for screensaver on 7 aug and license key did not work so emailed the company and was sent another which did not work, all this took a few days as i work nights, after lots of atempts i gave up and asked for a refund which i was told no chance, further emails from www.3deep space.com were the license key which did not work or ignored. read full review »
Superpass from real networks
On the 08/13/2010 my credit card was billed for 36.04 USD for the above mentioned superpass, yet i have never ordered the full version of Real Player of its accessories. This payment was taken when i didnt even have access to my computer as i was in a completely different city. The number on my statement i believe is a phone number thanks to another complaint posted on this website, the number is 206-674-2650. I have now lost a total of 28.15 EUR because of this unauthorised bill. read full review »
Cindy Milley
everyone on this page i wish to express my feelings because i am so impress i could not belive this at first V STORE ONLINE delivered my iphone yesterday there service was so fast and they are a relible company you can order mobile phones from there store you are %100 secure dealing with there company. www.vstoreonline.cc.cc
Cindy Milley read full review »
bbz finance
doubtful value of their services for opening a bank account read full review »
Cavendish Language school
Never send your children to this school, They had promised good education and a host family, but everything was awfully. Levels of teaching was often changed. They promised living in good family, for two children a room. Actually, there were 8-11 children. I have very many pretensions. However, think a twice before you will send your children to this school. read full review »
DHL international shipping
I have sent a crate from Beijing to Berlin 3 weeks ago. I called DHL in China to make sure that they would deliver the crate to my office that is the back house second floor (and not only to the front door of the building) since I had a car accident and cannot carry anything. I also called DHL Berlin to ask the same information and both confirmed that I would receive the package directly at my office on the second floor.
They called to say that the package would arrive between 9 am and 12 am on Friday and again I made sure that it was going... read full review »
Maizi Pet
I ordered 200 dog carriers for my dog shop as I always do in China. I paid via Western Union and recieved a package from Maizi Pet shortly afterwards, it contained 5 dog life jackets instead of the dog carriers. I have the Proof of Western Union and all the meials with invoices they sent me.
They don´t return my emails and kept my money, I don´t know what to do since they are in China read full review »
capital visas ltd UK / UK Tier 1
I register with Capital Visas for PBS Tier 1 visa for UK. But I got cheated by this company.
Now they have taken all the fees and cancel my contract mentioning I want to cancel it.
As after registration their caseworkers were not reponding so, I wrote complains and when I was
not satify with the response and re-complain then they cancel my contract mentioning I want to cancel it and
took all their fees from the card( without sending me any receipts of amount taken, got shocked when received my credit card statment).
Now what to do? I am outside from UK any suggestion will be helpful. read full review »
BIGPOINT is the worst company I ve ever used as a game provider.
First of all they adverise FREE games but you end up paying hundreds of euros.They advertise fights with your friends or opponets in war games and when you fight with your friends they accuse you for pushing and they lock your account.Supporters and administrators are rude and they treat you like rubbish.When you push back they say:find a lawyer and take us to the courthouse.Every complaint you make ends up to the same rude supporters.Their PR manager is good only for a local mini market. read full review »
Lothar Burger / Produkt ????
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
bei Durchsicht meiner VISA-Abrechnung 23.06.2010 fiel ein Betrag auf, den ich nicht zuordnen kann:
08.06.2010 www.cleverbridge.net Koeln 07.06.2010 39, 70 €
Bitte überprüfen Sie diese Abbuchung bzw. berichtigen Sie bitte diese Abbuchung.
Abgebucht wurde der Betrag vom Postbank Card Service Hamburg
Mein Konto ist 207 201 809 BLZ 700 100 80
eMail: lothar.burger@t-online.de
Für Ihre Bemühungen bedanke ich mich im voraus und zeichne
mit freundlichen Grüßen
Lothar Burger read full review »
Seit einigen Jahren kaufe ich sporadisch bei Ebay Verkäufer Nanopreise Radsportbekleidung ein. Bisher war der Service immer Top. In den letzten 5 Jahren habe ich wohl so an die 25-30 positive Feedback hinterlassen können. Kürzlich habe ich eine Auktion für ein Paar Protective Radhandschuhe gewonnen. Es waren noch Grössen S und XXL verfügbar. Zum Zeitpunkt der Verkaufsabwicklung war allerdings nur noch die Grösse XXL verfügbar. Ich habe etwas zu lange gewartet und dies war klar mein Fehler. Da habe ich... read full review »
Sony VGN-P19WN
I bought a Sony Vaio Business Laptop computer at the Sony Style Heathrow Terminal 5 on 29 April 2009.Not to mention this computer did not deserve to be called a Business Notebook, it stopped working end of November 2009.Between December 2009 and end of January 2010, I sent this notebook to the Sony recommended repair shop four times.The Hard disc drive was replaced three times and the computer broke down every time it was returned to me.In March of 2010 I received a call from Vaio Support and I was finally promised a replacement.I have since... read full review »
This is a concern to me,
I was recently asked to join a pretend mobster family on the Mobster game on MySpace and I went to a website called RTAMOB.com
I noticed that my internet security was sending out warnings for myself to abort this web page as this site has threats of Trojan horse so I did so, as I don’t want to have to re build my computer or on the other hand have to go and spend money on new hard drives if I don’t need to as mine is working perfectly fine.
I have been playing this game now for over 2 years on... read full review »
Last year Tony Liddicoat sacked 'authorhouse publishing company' who he had paid handsomely for publishing his book, "Five Bells " ~ Job Done. A Divers Story. During his association with them he published his book which became very well received and reviewed by over 25 major journals around the world. The RRP of the book was £9.90. For each book sold he received £1, 88. Authorhouse kept
the remainder, [£8. 11] This went on for over a year before he realised... read full review »
Hotelgate24.com, a company based in Koln and Dusseldorf is advertising accommodation in Munich for Bauma 2010 exhibitors.
They keep the money paid to them for the reservations and do not provide the accommodation.
Our requests for a refund have been refused. read full review »
Moss Travel
do not use moss travel / bestbookingcentral.com
Booked hotel through Moss Travel on their Homepage www.bestbookingcentral.com - got an voucher, credit card billed. looked nice.
Then one day before departure - a simple notice by mail "reservation has been cancelled"
No signature, no name, no contact persons no reason no whatsoever.
e-mailed for clearification - got a reply from Konuk Turizm (Who the hell is this?)
we received email from our bank. You requested charge back... cancellation made for security reasons. total... read full review »
Spanx does not care about customer privacy. They gave access to my account to someone else and after repeated phone calls and emails to their customer service department, all I got was an email stating "Thanks for your interest in Spanx, were so glad to hear from you!" They do not care about customer privacy and therefore I recommend that no one buy spanx products and definitely do not create an account at their website! They do not care about your privacy!! read full review »
I just came to know about that Md. Mahiuddin Imtiaz with email id: imtiazcse@gmail.com & Mobile no: +4917645343764 who is about to finish his masters from RWTH-Aachen University, Germany, has provided fake information to this University. He used fake academic documents to get enrolled into the University. I came to know all from his friend Moin U. Ahmed while talking over the phone. So I think it's a great crime and I should complain against him. I would like to support law authority and suggest them to recheck his all documents and back ground. I am sure about that he is a severe kind of criminal. read full review »
Media ring
I have created my account in Mediaring and added credits worth rs 10$ to it, and to my surprise with in no time, i am getting an error message, your account is blocked. The email address for the help is completely wrong none of the technical persons has helped me to resolve this issue. Need to know the reason why it is blocked. read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
permanently closed
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