Mobile contracts
Avoid contracts with this company in Germany as a private customer - unless you want to be ripped off monthly and really have a bad time in terms of customer service!<br />
<br />
Here are some episodes of my 2 years saga with the 'blood drop company':<br />
<br />
- bills to the customer need average 10 days to reach destination; the company can't care less to change it's poor mail provider choice as it simultaneously issues a late payment notice for which it charges €5, - - an amount... read full review »
interweb exchange
recieved an email and they were contacting us through CareerBuilder so we thought it was areal job offer but my wife started looking into the company and it seems to be a scam, so we thought we would send this to you since they are using a career site to solicit workers this is the email<br />
To: [email protected] if you need to call us we are at 3865617510 <br />
Good time of a day dear Leo Fafard !<br />
<br />
<br />
Our HR managers found your CV on the CareerBuilder.com. They studied your CV and... read full review »
This site claims to review sites selling replica watches.
5 of their top six recommended sites are named on this
website as scams.
Do not believe them.
Anthony Hilton read full review »
Game Forge Ikariam Game
My account was deleted due to a requirement in the rule "multi-accounting". However, I followed the rules exactly, spoke to a game operator prior to making a second account and then created the second account following the rules exactly as stated. I have been using a ticket system with them for over a month and the employee refuses to re-activate my account which also has available game "money" that I purchased. The first excuse of the employee was that I did not contact the game operator through the ticket system. I showed him... read full review »
This charge just appeared on my Am
Ex bill for $39.95 and I have no idea
what it is for. read full review »
usenext 14 day free trial
i have had a usenext account in the name of [email protected] and my husband has his own account in the name of [email protected] for some time now. when it can for me to log in to my account to recharge it my username and password would not work even though you resent them to me on this date. i decided to use my husband account to do my downloads but upon trying to recharge i kept getting an error... read full review »
Richard GIlbert QC.
The Chambers of Richard Gilbert QC and Associates
2 Bedford Row
United Kingdom
TELL:+(44) 703 595 0961
Fax +44 (0)700 592 1452
Email: [email protected]
Attorney at Law
Faegre & Benson LLP, UK.
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. Evening Appointments
On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Late Engr. Jurge
Krugger. I once again try to notify you as my earlier letter was returned
undelivered. I wish to notify you that late... read full review »
I ordered merchandise in Aug. 2009. I have been e-mailing regarding this since Sept. 2009. In Oct. 2009 they finally agreed to initiate a investigation since the package could not be tracked beyond Frankfert on 20 Aug. 2009. I don't know what the results of the investigation was. They did agree in Nov. 2009 to reship my order. I requested verification of shippment and tracking informatio. They have never responded to this request. I don't know if they ever sent my merchandise, which they were paid for in Aug. of 2009. I am looking for assistance in this regard. read full review »
Don't be fooled by this job offer...
They will be offering you with attractive benefits. Then they will ask you to submit CVs, and Educational Certificates, and latest pictures...
Then, they will send you back faked documents (all stamped to look real!)
And then, ask you to sign acceptance form,
and then, ask you to fill up Visa processing form,
And watch out, they will ask you for 70 Euros for processing...
And ask you to wait for 8-9 days...
Then, they're gone...the website is gone, the company is gone, and the agency is gone...
Don't be fooled by this scam... read full review »
paied for reading emails
Account Balances
Total Cash Balance: $ 29, 620.0000
Account Transaction History
12/22/2009 03:44 Paid Mail Earnings 24, 900.00000
12/22/2009 03:44 Paid To Click Earnings 4, 400.00000
12/20/2009 18:30 Downline Earnings 45.00000
12/20/2009 05:40 Referral Bonus (neelesh) 25.00000
10/16/2009 17:02 Sign-up Bonus 250.00000
You do not have required amount to request payout.
Clean Whites (Whitening Pen)
Hello, I would just like to inform anyone who chooses to order a ''14 day free trial'' to NEVER order anything online, especially from either dazzle pro or CLEAN WHITES.My husband and I are stationed in Germany and I was researching online one right about teeth whitening kits and I ran across a story from this ''so-called mom'' who supposedly got these AMAZING results and she only had to pay $0.99 cents for the trial offer...WRONG!!! they charged me the $0.99 cents correctly, BUT started my free trial... read full review »
AmbienteDirect / Siemens Kettle
Placed order with AmbienteDirect November 1 2009 for 1 x Porsche Kettle and 1 x Porsche coffee maker, total value with delivery €329.56 which was taken from my account on Novemeber 1.
Was told after placing the order that 1 item was out of stock, delivery time 2 weeks which was acceptable.
Phoned the company almost daily since November 20, each time was told the item has been dispatched and a promise of email confirmation which never arrived.
Phone the company daily in December, rude service same message, asked for a... read full review »
I have received charges to my credit card for USD 81 from RealGoldSoft. com which I neither received any eMail confirmation of the purchased good nor have I ordered anything from this company.
Can somebody please help me to provide me with details where I can recuperate the unauthorized charges that I received ?
AnotherVictim read full review »
I wanted to test the download page http://www.deluxe-downloads.com,
I agreed for the 4, 85$ payment, but my creditcard was charged twice with 89, 95 (60, 10Eur) and 94, 95$ (63, 10 EUR), by a different company I never have contact with.
This is a betrayal page don't trust it!!! read full review »
mandy monroe
im insecure to put any information over here because i dont know if he is behind this website ..
his name is mister tim blair aka tim dog
if you want more information than please email me [email protected] read full review »
We keep getting bills from HOMELAY:COM that do no exist.
We keep getting the bills droped by the bank but are getting sick of having to fill out the bank forms.
Is it possible to have the company prosicuted? read full review »
NOODLENET from DR ELEMENT5---i bought a product online 2 years ago called 'noodlenet' a safe internet sight for my kids. well, i got a court order in the mail about this company b/c they went bankrupt. and the courts were asking if they owe me money, which they DO b/c i paid for services that were discontinued b/c of there bakrupty. ands now TODAY i get a charge on my c/c from this company! i am so livid right now! now i have to go and get this fixed through the bank--more hassles. this is a very fraudulent company and they deserve... read full review »
[email protected] OR Digital River
I purchased "Security Task Manager" and paid for it via PayPal.
after 5 emails they have not responded or sent me the registration code.
I have been told that they are accustomed to just wait the customer out thereby pocketing the money and not sending unlock code.
I dont see why they assume that this is good for their Public Relations.
from A. & M. Neuber Software GmbH <[email protected]>
Also DBA as Digital River
to Floyd Hoover
date: Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 12:20 AM
subject: Security Task Manager
Nov 2 (7 days ago)
- Show quoted text - read full review »
Never ever buy gold from www.itemgarden.com. I placed order and will never be able to get in touch with them. No live chat, no gold. So I wrote down this msg to let everyone be aware of this web site.
Again, never ever buy gold from them!! After i placed order, i found there was not even a simple live chat.
they hack ppl/s credit card also
plz piss off this site all buyers read full review »
(MRP) Passport
Already To Application To Apply New (MRP) Normal Application For New Ordinary Passport Dateted .02.09.2009 Token Numer.1 And Citizen.3410137635013(NICOP New Application Change the Photograph.Receipt No.001796278) read full review »
Cold Storage
To whom it may concern.. there is alot of favoritism with Geraman national and the Americans that work at the wharehouse.( Cold Storage Distribution Kaiserslautern Germany). It seems that when a prosession that comes open it is always for the Germans that work there. Example.. A prosession was open for a handful of people to become inventory team for the wharehouse... this prosession was only for the local national that work within the wharehouse. THIS was not a prosession for an American. ( THIS IS FAVORITISM ). There have been alot of... read full review »
Today I checked my credit card bill. There was a position of -370, 90 Euros of TRENITALIA - VENDITA O, ROMA ITA although I have not been to Italy recently. I informed the credit card company (Barclaycard) immediately. read full review »
My rental agreement no 1054922497 returned the car on 13 Oct 09 with half tank fuel<br />
and now my bank informed me that thy charged my visa card with euro 90.65 from <br />
europcar on 13 Oct 09 the day I returned the car. Please inform me for what this charge<br />
and if its for half tank fuel its too much as I filled half tank with fuel for euro less than 29.00<br />
please find out and let me know for what this charge and you can contact me on my email<br />
[email protected]<br />
<br />
Thanking you<br />
<br />
Merck Gesellschaft
Fake shipping company using online scams to get you to transfer money for goods (i.e. vehicles) that don't exist.
Domain info shows web creation date 2009-07-15 but website says it's been in operation since 1999.
Domain Name... merckgesellschaft.com
Creation Date... 2009-07-15
Registration Date... 2009-07-15
Expiry Date... 2010-07-15
Organisation Name... marla carr
Organisation Address. PO Box 61359
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address. Sunnyvale
Organisation Address. 94088
Organisation Addre... read full review »
Guenter Kueffner
Sehr geehrte Damen u. Herren, /
ich habe zunaechst nach einem Angebot bzgl.TV Internet bei Ihnen
angefragt und hierbei meine Daten angegeben, so auch die von Visacard .
Ich wollte noch keinen Vertragsabschluss machen, bevor ich von Ihnen
die Auskunft ueber eine Moeglichkeit der Einfuehrung in meinem PC
erhalte .
Ich widerrufe hiermit vorsorglich eine etwaige Bestellung.
Bitte canceln Sie meine Anfrage sdowie ein aus Ihrer Sicht erfolgten
Bestellung .
Bitte um Rueckinfo bzgl. meines Widerrufs einer etwaigen Bestellung .
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Ihr Dr. Guenter Kueffner read full review »
florida Travel and tour
I was told over the phone that I was offered a 6 day Orlando Florida holiday with many extras for 4 + 1 child +3 day Daytona Beach + 4 day cruise in Bahamas.They were eager that I had everything in print so I could refuse within 30 days.The Info package cost $989 but the money would be refunded if I decided against the offer. Info package due 10 - 14Bankng days and confirmation e.mail within 24 hours, neither have arrived My Visa account has had £597 .06 ($615.88 ). taken out by Mr. Templer.15, 9, 09 debited 18.9.09 These dates would fit... read full review »
Auto Europe
We rented a car in Ireland through Auto Europe based in NY. I had gone over the fee structure very carefully with two representatives because of a prior exerience with them and having an 'airport pick up fee' charged in Madrid. At the Dublin Airport I decline all additonal coverages. The clerk told me to inital all the fees I declined (like in the US), which I did. When we arrived home, I had a voucher which included additional insurance coverage and other fees that I had declined! When I contacted the company to sort our these... read full review »
Avira offers a "FREE" virus protection download. BUT, , , they try again and again to have you buy an "upgrade" to a paid product.
IF you do not buy upgrade, they launch a virus ad/spyware into your computer to shut down all functioning.
The only cure is to "UNINSTALL" Avira, get a legitimate virus protection and find and kill the virus files and cookies of spyware that Avira has put in your machine.
All in all, a very damaging and frustrating waste of time.
Avira refuses to respond to ANY of my... read full review »
I have used my credit card for telephone to india, UK for few seconds but they have charged $160. i sent a mail to them but they dont even botherd about repling. Please help me to get the money back. read full review »
Sixt rental car
I rented car for 4 days on my holiday in South France from Nice Airport. 3rd day of running, someone break driver side window and took all stuffs I kept in the car including luggage and mobile phone and one of friend's passport. It happened so quickly and even I was around the car but didn't realised.
I called police and had to stay few hours there to make report. After all I contacted to Sixt accident/emergency hotline and reported what happened to the car and asked for replacement car or repairing of the window. They gave me two... read full review »
Mr. Kohri
Dear Sir,
I ordered a very urgent shipment from China to Germany. From China it was perfect.
But at Frankfurt DHL the shipment just got stuck with no reason, please see the tracking number 5417181744 - Detailed Report, it was just after I rang up the telephone nr. 069697172XX only then the staff reacted with in 30 minutes.
The shipment was stuck in Frankfurt from 27 August 2009 till 02 Sep. 2009 with such a bad urgent delivery time on top of it I payed US $ 1200.
The shipment cost by ship was US $ 240, about 14 day’s delivery time.
[email protected]
0172 7115499 read full review »
So, E.Factor claims to be a network for "building your business". Their own idea of this consists of throwing lavish parties at expensive locations (which you are allowed to pay upwards of 20$ to attend) only to renege on the payment to the venue. Representative of the company then left town for months without a forwarding address and I am also more than dubious about the business itself. I myself cancelled my membership and can only recommend anyone else to do the same. Smells like a pyramid scheme to me! read full review »
smartvoip international telepahone call
I have downloaded the website ``Smartvoip international tellephone call ``, and I have deposited amount € 12.50 for the cost of subscribtion to tellphone through my P.C. I have deposited the amount in favour of BetamaX GmbH & Co.KG, in mediapark, 850670.Köln, Germany. The amount is deposited in commerzbank, Neumark 39, 50667, Köln, Germany. It is already ten to thirteen days since the amount is paid for the subscription. so far I am not able to use this facility, for when l Iogin the site with password and the... read full review »
sony ericssion k810i
dear service team
i use a set of sony ericssion k810i, from 25 july, 2009 my set shows a red signal near to the night view key, so i shut down it but it still shows the problem.i can't understand it, is it a problem for bettery or what else. plz suggest me what can i do, your service center is so far to me to go so plz help read full review »
Felix Eugen Assfalg
Felix Eugen Assfalg was many times guilty on the German Court - fraud and ciminal bankruptcy.
he has had bankruptcy in Intec Industries, Artech GMBH, Speelast Advanced Cryotech AG., Inteso AG.
His last fraud was on Shairco Group Jeddah Saudi-Arabia.
He has taken more than 20, 000, 000 Euros from Shairco Group and put in his daughters account Yvonne.
Now he is looking for a diplomatic passport from Africa.
He try to sell tire recycling plant with patents he does not own. He never did one plant.
Tax in Germany is now looking for him. read full review »
Muvee Technologies/element 5.com
I thought I would impress my friends on You Tube with a cool movie editing program... WRONG! This was a total waste of time and money! I have the program disk, I have the License key for "muvee stylePack - Hi-Octane" but it does not work! I says it is in the computer, but even with a Search, it can not be located. I have tried this install over and over again... still does not do what ever it is suppose to do. I have contacted http://www.muvee.com/en/support/ Which refers me to some page from Element... read full review »
my yahoo mail box
I cannot access my mail box since yesterday. I am cut off from all my contacts. read full review »
I am Mr. mahesh Yadav, i lost my bag when i was fling from mumbai to (Germay), if any one will find bag please contct
Feureda Autositze GmhH
Cusmmer office neuburg
86633 Neuburg/doneu
Deutschland. read full review »
Knoll Saarinen Tulip Table
Buyers and potential buyers please be alerted! I purchased a Knoll Tulip marble table end of Jan 2009 for more than Euro 5, 490+ and Ambiente said it took 4 to 6 week to arrive. After continuous tracing, it said the marble top was broken so it would have to re-order. 3 months have passed and when I finally finished renovation and moved into my new flat, nothing has happened. In May after frequent phones and email tracing, finally it arrived on May 25th, which was 5 good months after I placed the order. However, the parcel was severely damaged... read full review »
RandyRun aka RandyRun.com aka Randy
Do not buy from this company.
1). I was a former affiliate for this company. They stopped paying affiliates, and I am due thousands of dollars.
2). I ordered gold from them before, recently they have become bad. They take weeks on end to deliver gold, and then they say it's our fault later on. Chat is virtually worthless, rarely on, and the support by email is even worse.
Overall, I have lost a ton of money with this company, and will never buy from them again!
Plenty of other companies out there. Randyrun is lazy, fraud, and a scam. read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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