mebe50 July 21, 2011
Hallo, Anybody here heard about this company? The offer me a job with following description: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Mr. (my real name) : I am informing you that we have received and reviewed your profile/CV and you are qualified for the position of Regional Executive position, commencing February 09, on the terms set forth in job description enclosed. Various benefits offered by our organization to new employees are described in attachments to thi... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
West African Healthcare Trust
rheand July 21, 2011
Beware of these scammers. Read and learn. I don't have any experience with the job offers abroad, the procedures and all because I never tried to apply, only now because my husband had a job offer to work in West African Healthcare Trust. It was offered to by one of their patient whose also a doctor who claimed that he's also working in this company somewhere in Nigeria. We just receive a letter from that doctor and was asked to email [email protected] and gave #234-807-509-7612 and 233-903-899-8734 as their contact numbers. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Madrid Plaza Hotel
badibu July 21, 2011
Madrid Plaza Hotel job fraud apparently from Nigerian criminals scamming out of Spain. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Tellme12 July 21, 2011
After paying $25 for Aiseesoft.coms iPhone transfer program, I spent a week trying to get the software to work and it didn't. I've spend the last three weeks trying to get back my money. This company's website states; 100%, 30 day, "MONEY BACK GUARANTEE" and has a written REFUND POLICY ! I notified the company through a dozen or more emails and they finally responded after a week and a half and several dozen emails. I paid for this software using my PayPal account and filed a claim with the them, however because it... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
InSphere Insurance
masphina July 21, 2011
If you are a new Life and Health Insurance agent and seek a career in this business, or if you are an experienced agent, beware of companies like InSphere Insurance Solutions. InSphere Insurance Solutions is an Agency who represents different life, health and benefit carriers. Once you are hired and you pass the background check they have you sign an agency contract, once you sign the contract they start appointing you with different carriers through them, which you will ultimately represent. Should you at any point decide to leave thi... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
D&M Plumbing
Flaeyva July 21, 2011
The man that showed up to fix, or rather JIMMY RIG, our water heater that we got "red tagged" by our gas company the night before, left his toddler son in his van the whole time he did his work. We've had heat advisories this summer! The man was supposed to fix three different things and didn't fix any of them. Instead he put what looked like tin foil around where gas *might* leak out of. There were supposed to be vents put in and a whole new pipe was to be assembled - None of that was done. This company clearly doesn't... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Fast Debt Soultions
Kim73 July 21, 2011
Back in 2008 I was looking into debt solutions because I couldn't pay the monthly minimum on my credit card. I found Fast Debt Soultions on the internet and gave them a call. They told me that I couldn't be currently paying my credit card bill to be part of their program. So I stopped and joined Fast debt solutions. WHAT A SCAM. They told me that in three years I would be done making payments and it would all be settled. Well I made all my payments and now I get to start over again with a different company that wants a couple... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Premiere Fitness
Topic July 21, 2011
So I signed up with Premiere Fitness/Mademoiselle Clubs about a month and a half ago. I originally went in for a review and tour of the club with my boyfriend and baby. I was given a short tour by Anna, the "one in charge". After the tour we sat down in an open concept office to discuss memberships. Me, after just having a baby, needed a weight loss program that would be budget wise, and had great reviews about it. So of course, Anna opened up her book and started with the most expensive, elaborate membership that had no means of... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
palev83 July 21, 2011
Signed up at to make 4000 daily. a short time later i did get a priority mail pak. they were to send 1080 stamps. the first probem was they were short 1 sheet of stamps. they said i could use any 1 x 2 5/8 labels. i down loaded the name list and when i printed them they did not fit in to the spaces. that was problem #2. problem #3 was they stated that the double sided circular could be printed for around 2 cents each. umm how about 20 cents each? i had printed the first 80 on my printer and completely used up a new ink... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Online Trade Training
igabon July 21, 2011
I saw this program on the internet specifically the web page of that they investigated this program and proven to be not a scam. I trusted enough, i registered and paid a discounted price of 36 dollars and 95 cents for the program. They sent me out a certification asking me to create links. I submitted that and they told me to wait for another week to get the result. After a week, I made a follow up email with them asking for the results. They responded below. "After reviewing your response... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Polly Badt
bernard July 21, 2011
I know of several unhappy patients. In fact, several people have filed complaints with Insurance Companies and the Physical Therapy Board. Common sense tells you that Badt is unethical. Look at how many reports/complaints there are since 2008 on different issues and from different people. The real truth is in these reports, not the phony rebuttals posted which were more than likely by Polly herself. All rebuttals were posted on the same day. I'm sure there will be more complaints filed against her. I have spent a lot of... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Heather July 21, 2011
I recently discovered I was paying approximately $30 a month on my CITI Diamond Preferred Credit Card for a Credit Protector service. I found out that I have been paying for this service since November 2009. The monthly interest on the balance I am currently carrying is about $30-$35 a month. I pay this card with an automatically monthly payment from my checking account, about $70 a month. Because I am paying off other cards with higher interest rates first, I just pay this card automatically and rarely log in to monitor the balance. To... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Paul Michael Courtney Esq
Sharon F July 21, 2011
Beware of Paul Michael Courtney who preys on single women and their hard earned money. He is known to bill for services never done and meetings and discussions that never took place. I will start by suggesting that you never call this man for any legal work, of any kind, as it will never be done. This is HORRIBLE Attorney Never return phone calls, work off of voice mail, and he don't even have his own law firm he shares an office with Jeffrey D. Slyman a very corrupt, and scam attorney. He will loose important documents.. Every legal... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
James Griffin
Tracy S July 21, 2011
James Griffin and Mary Griffin seemed like a really nice couple when I met them. I was fooled. These two have been by far the worse tenants I have ever had. The two of them entered into a standard lease with a third person. At the lease signing they stated they had no pets and therefore I did not charge a pet deposit. Two months into lease the lies and deceit began, numerous cats and dogs had appeared in and around the property. They were immediately described as strays even though I could see the cat and dog food bowl's out near the... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Kenneth Goldman
John S July 21, 2011
Beware of Kenneth Goldman of Needham & Westwood MA He's Scammer involved in coin activities of counterfeit coins. Ken Goldman is a con artist and thief and liar. He robbed me for 700.00 Don't do business with him he will lie to your face. He will sell you stolen coins and counterfeit coins. Do not sell him your coins because he will rip you off. I know there are several people out there scammed by this miserable human being. He has stolen money and coins from innocent people. He is a coward who runs and hides from everyone. How someone can treat people the way he does and no have a bit of remorse. Beware if you deal with this scammer! read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
PCE ELectric
taterthebrain July 21, 2011
The others are SPOT ON about their dishonesty. they will charge you up the rear for repairs.I just filed a complaint detailign what I considered unfair selling practices, requesting full paymnet before the job was over when they only had to get 1/3, per homeowners contractor law. Highly suggest avoiding them. I felt better after contacting the BBB, and am seeking a partial refund for services. I'm off to contact the local chamer of commerce. i may not get a partial refund, but at least I'll feel better about this robbery read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
University of Phoenix/PhoenixConnect
insurance person July 21, 2011
Long story short, in 2010, U of P started an online forum called PhoenixConnect which was intended to allow students to interact with each other. This was especially nice for the online only crowd who rarely, if ever, knew or communicated with students outside of a classroom forum. Recently, however, the school has taken to moderating and censoring students who post comments that disagree with the views of the school. In particular, students who post issues about financial aid, academic rigor, instructor effectiveness, and a whole host of... read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: United States
[email protected]
Dark July 21, 2011
From The Desk of The Nokia British Company Nokia Jobs International Vacancies Department Lon Nw10 England United Kingdom File Reef: HR/8121/31/11 Batch: Mc44/707/3 Official Alert Notification: Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Thanks for writting us. We sincerely do hope to see both of you work for Us soon. We have prepared your contract letter and it will be sent to you as soon as we confirmed that you can be able to meet up with your visa requirements. We have also Contacted the agent that will be processing your visa ... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
joewin July 21, 2011
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Payday Loans- Bad Credit Personal Loans- Really Bad Credit Loans
mizejones July 21, 2011
This site is really good and its services of loan approval is fast . read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Metro Entertainment
Bpoc July 21, 2011
This shady ticket broker sometimes goes by the name Tickets Plus. Ordered via I was send my McCartney in Montreal tickets but a definite down-grade: not the in-front seats I ordered but seats beside the stage. Any honest broker would at least ask purchaser. They charged me $40 receive tickets as well as a wopping $60 "administration" fee. Nerver mind the fact that I paid over double the face value. STAY AWAY!!! These bastards are charlatans. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Rebecca Branham
Veritas July 21, 2011
Rebecca 'Tai' Branham, Is A Con Artist. Alias, Tai Branham, Maui, Hawaii, Telephone Number, (808) 269-9350, Is A Fraud. She is a con artist that has manipulated property developers, investment advisors, and attorneys. She pretends to be a millionaire from Colorado. She Is Not From Colorado, nor is she a millionaire. & She is in debt to her development partners, - tens of thousand of dollars. She failed to honor her agreements and her contracts. & She intentionally deceived her partners for two (2) years. She... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
J.brech65 July 21, 2011
Be Aware of this company, I was signed up for 12 month of contract for seo services with no single penny in return. Such an asshole company, No proper reporting was done and no fucking work was done on seo. This cunt only calls me at the end of month to get his paycheque. Wouldn't recommend this fucking bad company. Thumbs down. Don't waste your money. Trying to chase this cunt but no reply. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Best Invest
confighter July 21, 2011 group would like to warn you against new fake company created by the scammers behind: Hargreaves Lansdown, Brewin Dolphin, Hoodless Brennan‎, Boc International, HongKong Sega Bullion Limited, Tsuen Wan International, Alterna Capital Group, Anderson Shaw Group, Birchall McCallen, Capitol Option Management, Cornerstone Worldwide, Eden Management, Eurasia Trade, Mann International, Pharos International, Pro Capital Management, Source One International, Sigma Venture Capital, Vantage Capital International. One of their... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Global Fortune Network LLC
Becca4085 July 21, 2011
Global Fortune Network LLc, 4750 N. Black CanyonHIghway 2nd Floor, Phoenix, AZ85017 (206)337-4038, (855) 856-2652, FAZ(866)941-3723, customerservice@globalfortunenework. This company's representative, Michael Shaw, supposed to be a Senior Account executive, caslled and pressured me into believing they were real. Should have hung up on them as I started to. But I listened to him and finally decided to give it a try. But I changed my mind after getting a chance to look them up on the internet and had it confirmed from JustAnswer that they... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
did you say .com
Rachel July 21, 2011
Ordered beaded doorway almost a month ago(June 21) and still no beads, only 55.00 withdrawn from my checking account. The phone number they give you is never answered. Sent e mail a week ago(July 5) and they said there was a "shipping error" and they would send me a tracking number but never did. Now it"s July 12 and sent them another email, but no response. Never had this happen to me before, guess I'll report to bank. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Jennifer Bon
Armada July 21, 2011
"beware of this person jennifer bon, jennifer garcia, jennifer bon garcia reinholdt, jen, laydee jenster as she calls herself as she is a con artist, swindler and pathological liar. she borrows money, doesnt pay, rent a house, dooesnt she is a manager of a non existant company, has checks that bounces and issues them, runs from her creditors, befriends you if you are famous and rich, claims to be alloted from the US with 20k a month through wells fargo to lure you to being her friend as she pays for party yet the money she uses is just borrowed. you might be her next victim." read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
platinum online group saving pay99
murphjam July 21, 2011
money taklng out of my acc 99.39 thank you jennifer gomaa read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
The Garage Door Company
Ankajou July 21, 2011
I paid a deposit for 2 jobs to the Garage Door Company in June, R 4 100 for one job and R 6400 for another. This was for A, the installation of an automated garage door and B for the automation of a steel gate. After weeks and weeks if promises by the contractor Mr. Dion Thom that he will come "tomorrow" he send a "subcontractor" out last saturday that did a very poor installation and its not complete. The total sum of both deposits cover the actual cost /quote of B, but he doesnt show to finish it. And in fact the motors on... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: South Africa
JT Foxx Seminar
upsetmonkey July 21, 2011
“JT Foxx” (real name unknown) and Raymond Arron are fraudsters who have masterminded (and I give them some credit for it), a very clever operation in which they have gone to great lengths to avoid being classed as criminals, technically speaking. But, they ARE criminals. I will explain in detail how their seminars really work using manipulation techniques to get you to buy useless rubbish you think you can’t do without. They are not as rich as they claim. And it’s obvious after a short while to any intelligent... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Julie July 21, 2011
I contacted GETFLV.COM before purchasing their product and asked specific questions on whether or not the software would work for my needs. I was informed that it would work as I need it to and they gave me the instructions to pay and download it . They were prompt with their responses before they got my money, after I purchased and downloaded their software I cannot get a single response from them!!! their software does NOT work at all like they said it would, I have asked them for assistance at least once a week for the past month and they... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
C P Nel/Van De Berg Attorneys
Mluleki Manqunqa July 21, 2011
Court order was issued against me without my knowledge, and my bank was instructed to freeze my account up until I pay full R49 000 at once. Every time my salary gets into that acoount The whole lot is deducted. I only earn R12800 a month with other accounts. Is that lawful? What about my rights to afford food for myself and my family? Worse of all I do not even get statements from these lawyers I do not know waht am I paying for yet the initial amount was about R13 000. Can you please advise me: e-mail [email protected] Thanx read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: South Africa
Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority
adriga July 21, 2011
Our electricity was cut off by SEWA at 11:30am without any notice in the middle of 48 degrees Celcius temperature with my 8months old baby inside the house and he is sick the fact that i paid my bill a week before the due date and the thing is because of their so called GOOD SERVICE and so called GOOD SYSTEM which most of the time screwed up we the paying consumer are suffering, i called their emergency number and told me that they cant do anything but i have to contact the branch nearby which is closing after 30 minutes by the time i made the... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Arab Emirates
Admatrix pins
rrajsek July 21, 2011
Dear Friends and Networkers I give you ADMATRIX pins for Special discount price... 100% genuine pins and 100% genuine transactions.. If anybody needs Contact Sekar: 9080736827 read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: India
Tsuen Wan International
confighter July 21, 2011 group would like to warn you against new fake company created by the scammers behind: Alterna Capital Group, Anderson Shaw Group, Birchall McCallen, Capitol Option Management, Cornerstone Worldwide, Eden Management, Eurasia Trade, Mann International, Pharos International, Pro Capital Management, Source One International, Sigma Venture Capital, Vantage Capital International. One of their newest creation is called Tsuen Wan International website: Do not do any business with them, if you... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Hong Kong
Greetgen July 21, 2011
This company sent me a product that I did not request. I called to tell them this but to no avail, they even sent me 'refills' ! When I called them they told me I could send the items back. I told them they could come and collect themselves. They told me they would send me an envelope, which they never did. Again today I got an invoice. Since calling them does not help, I wonder how these people are running a business? It is quite simple to send people unwanted products, refills and invoices, so the consumer feels oliged to pay??? What kind of business is this, they just try to steal money out if my pocket! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Denmark
South Bay Expressway
tickon July 21, 2011
Just got a letter claiming I evaded a South Bay Expressway toll in early July. $60 penalty which goes up to $102.50 if I don't pay it by early August. I was at work on the day in question, over a hundred miles from their toll road. They have my license plate number on the citation, and this is the most glaring evidence that this is a rip off, it's the license plate number for my SCOOTER which I never drive on the freeway. I will admit that I drive it to the grocery store on occasion, taking surface streets, usually for ice cream. To... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Brewin Dolphin
confighter July 21, 2011 group would like to warn you against new fake company created by the scammers behind: Hoodless Brennan‎, Boc International, HongKong Sega Bullion Limited, Tsuen Wan International, Alterna Capital Group, Anderson Shaw Group, Birchall McCallen, Capitol Option Management, Cornerstone Worldwide, Eden Management, Eurasia Trade, Mann International, Pharos International, Pro Capital Management, Source One International, Sigma Venture Capital, Vantage Capital International. One of their newest creation is called Brewin... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Digg July 21, 2011
This internet based company offers notary services online. This is ILLEGAL in California and many other states. Here's a link to the California Secretary of State website and comment on this ILLEGAL service: A person must appear IN PERSON before a Notary Public when having their signature notarized. They must present a valid, government issued ID and sign the document in the Notary Public's presence. Web cam & video notarizations - where the document signer does not have to be... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
C du Toit
Charl du Toit July 21, 2011
13 April 2011 on number 082 1959, I cancelled my subscription. However after a lenghty period I was advised to phone 082 1946. That I did on the same date and was advised that this will be changed to a pre-paid. Last deduction will be May 2011. Deductions still took place for June 2011 and I thought maybe I misunderstood. Now another deduction went through for July 2011 and I phoned to enquire. Suddenly nothing has been cancelled and all conversations are denied. I AM NOT AN IDIOT!!! Over recovery took place for two months which must be refunded and this memory must function as pre-paid. Cell nr 0827373118. My contact number 084 736 2582 read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: South Africa


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