vijaykumar_3106 May 6, 2011
sir, i got a message from uk nationalmobile this message they say that ur mobile have been awarded gbp 1, 000, 000 from uk national mobile lottery to claim contact rev dr mark via email [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: India
Sams Club/ Rotisserie chicken Salad
Whats up Doc? May 6, 2011
I bought a jar of Rotisserie Chicken Salad. It was a product made by Sams Club. After eating a little bit of it, I thought it tasted a bit different from what it should taste like. When I turned the jar upside down, I was shocked to find out that the product was not made from real chicken but something labeled as imitation chicken and in parentheses the explanation was a soy based product. What does that mean? How can a company like Sams Club sell something labeled as Rotisserie Chicken salad when it is something that is not even... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Eric c May 6, 2011
looking for my brother thay said thay found him and they put my profile pic. up there ya ok!! not me that i am looking for. just be carefull of scams. my life .com nooo good.!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Keshav Services
Lclarkson0702 May 6, 2011
I received numerous phone calls from a man by the name of "James Thomas". I finally returned his call and he said he is with the Legal Affidavit Office and I have three charges being filed against me. Violation of a federal bank, collateral fraud, and theft by deception. He said it was from a payday loan. My husband and I have received a payday loan recently but he said I owe $689.32 and if I didn't pay it then my local authorities would be notified and I would have to appear in court and go to federal prison. He also told me my... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Fligor May 6, 2011
This photographer donated services to a silent auction for a very sick individual and failed to deliver final product as promised. Numerous attempts to contact Melissa by both the organizer and the high bidder went unanswered. Please be careful in a paying situation ...buyer beware !! read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Chase Home Finance Equity Accelerator
dapawe May 6, 2011
Upon finding my checking balance lower than it should have been, I discovered that Equity Accelerator had taken an unscheduled withdrawal from my banking account. I called Chase, my mortgage owner, because all my bank withdrawals have their name on them. They transferred me to Equity Accelerator, who talked in circles, trying to obfuscate the issue as much as they possibly could. The reasons they gave for the unscheduled withdrawal sounded weak to me. Apparently, someone got behind on the escrow payments--them or Chase, I don't know. I... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
cathy knight
cathy knight May 6, 2011
please help me get into my old email account I do not want a new accounr have had this one for years and not sure what happened. Can you helo read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Travisa Outsourcing
Lense May 6, 2011
If you ever experienced worse service try Travisa outsourcing for OCI card processing. I can bet you can never experience worse service than these people. Their phone is 90% of the time engaged, if you manage to get through that then 2 hrs of wait. Then uneducated, un helpful and rude service is all what you get. I have sent all required documents but they kept on asking same documents one after the other. I got totally tired of mailing these documents one after the other and finally getting back passport itself is a night mare. Its waste of time and money, i decided to drvie to sfo from LA to get visa in person. read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
Sara Byrne May 6, 2011
Funds taken out of Credit card after customer had asked for it to stop. Goods not recieved after transaction through credit card. Haven't had anti virus on computer for a couple of years from this company. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: Australia
Lyneli May 6, 2011
In 2008 we purchased another house, and need to refinance our old home. Because the world banks had just had their crash, finance was not easy to come by. We were told by our by our broker that we should take out this loan, and then after a few months, change to another bank. Well, it is now 2011, and we have tried and tried to get out of this loan. Our interest rate is 14%, and the loan is for more than the house is worth. How could this have happened? Also, we have to pay a whopping $14, 000 exit fee. Don't go anywhere near this crowd if you can help it, they are rip off artists. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Australia
Harvey Norman, 5 piece lotus outdoor setting
JcJc*2 May 6, 2011
My complaint is regarding a 5 piece outdoor setting called 'Lotus' which is made from wicker (a synthetic version of the material) The complaint is with the material used for the seat, in particular the 'wicker'. The complaint can be seen in all 4 chairs, in the exact same locations. The complaint is regarding the furniture now being unusable and dangerous.    The product was purchased on 19/10/2008, and the first signs of deterioration were noticed  in July 09 - well within the 12 month period. As i... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: Australia
Reef Village Resort
Timeshare Rip-Off May 6, 2011
In 2008 my husband and I bought a timeshare on Ambergris Caye, Belize at Reef Village Resort, controlled and owned by Grand Crowne Resort, Missouri. We were at the few last payments of our contract and we would be paid in full. When we asked Reef Village to give us the total we owed, Ana Cruz said we still owed another $3500.00 dollars. Our timeshare cost $9000.00, we put half down, owing $4500.00 that would be 30 payment of $124.00. In the paperwork it stated 60 months, not 30, that was a mistake made by our salesperson and we didn't... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Belize
ADT Honeywell FG-1615
Vladimir Skul M.D. May 6, 2011
Honeywell is advertising their Glass breaking detectors FG-1615 as " the ultimate protection, first line of defense and clear choice for detection of breaking of ANY KIND OF GLASS. I had 6 of them installed buy Brinks/ADT technician ( ADT charges 165$ for each plus 3 yrs monitoring contract). My motion detector was removed by installer with explanation that with such superb glass breaking detectors motion detector is not needed. After recent negative information about their value I have tested every one of them by breaking variety... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Superpad II, Unbeatable Deals
William and Ella Cayton May 6, 2011
Hello. My name is Ella Cayton and I am emailing about my husband's, William Cayton, account. I spoke with Gavin Peka last Wednesday with the assurance I would hear back from him within 48 hours. I have phoned and left two messages this week, one on Monday (5/2) and again on Wednesday (5/4) with no response. I was assigned a case number; 3576355. To give you some background: I placed an order online April 2. The product ordered was a PC tablet. It was not until I received order confirmation that I learned I was not dealing with... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
ResortCom International
worldtraveler111 May 6, 2011
We have been happy with our hotel stays in Mexico (the Villa Group) and so bought into their program. They use resortcom as their bookkeeping/collection agency. Even though I am fully paid up and have "paid in full" documents from them, They continue to send me bills, bother me on the phone and otherwise annoy me. My calls to them have been to no avail...They say records show I am paid up and then imply I am lying when I complain about continued billing. They will NEVER allow you access to a supervisor, are rude and will even hang up on you. NEVER, EVER do business with a hotel chain that is associated with resortcom. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
al zafer hospital jeddah
jeffrey saldua May 5, 2011
deduction of load for skill read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: Saudi Arabia
cd and grant kit
ronald carney May 5, 2011
for some reason i cant login to my account. and i still havent recieved my grant kit and cd in the mail yet and its been a couple weeks. please call me read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
rita wick May 5, 2011
BEWARE!!! Worst Company EVER!!! - web hosting Big liars, and they dont care about you, once they got money from you. This is the worst web company ever in sri lanka!!! Site down constantly, many, many site errors, horrible customer service, good luck ever getting to speak with a person, nobody will ever call you back! Please dont trust this company. 336, Colombo Road, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.Phone : (+94) 773 407505 Fax : (+94) 773 458223 E-mail : [email protected] Website : read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: Sri Lanka
toyota Cienna 2011
sheela langhani May 5, 2011
Hello, On January 14th, 2011 at 6 Spadina Ave, Toronto, I went to get my first oil change for my brand new 2011 Toyota Sienna. There was engine light on so I showed it to a Representative at the location and he said the car needs to be diagnose ( there was not charges mentioned for diagnose) to find out what the actual problem is ( for brand new car there shouldn't be any lights on) . After the diagnose I was told that the reason for the light on was because of the " gas cap lose". I personally checked myself and I'm... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Freeman Motor Company
HPJ May 5, 2011
I purchased a vehicle from Freeman Motor Company and one of the windows did not function properly. They failed to mention it while I was looking at the vehicle, but during a test drive it became apparent. They had no intention of fixing the problem before selling the automobile because the company knew of the issue but did not tell me. In the final contract it stated that they were to repair the window regulator, therefor solving the mechanical problem. After purchasing the vehicle I was called up to deploy to Afghanistan, and Freeman... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Service America Florida
Disgusted in Ft. Lauderdale May 5, 2011
These clowns are a joke. From long wait times on the phone, to rude customer service people who apparently don't communicate with the technicians (loosly used term), to never being able to speak with a supervisor/manager, to missed appointments, to just plain bad service. When our old A/C unit gave up, Service America sold us a Trane 20I, top of the line A/C unit. Only problem...they don't know anything about repairing the unit. We had the first yearly service on April 9, and have had nothing but problems with the year old unit ever... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Nat-West Bank 65 Aldwych,London
Donna Sue Thomas May 5, 2011
I keep getting email about the One Millions US Dollars that i won from PCH-Lotto my pin number is"6194084343ad" AgentMr.Robin Spencer office at pch-lotto claim office at nat-west bank Mr.DavidVan Pelerst Phone 447-04-570-9081 email Nat-West [email protected] Mr.Dan Stewart I have try emailing them a lot the email don't go thought So sent i won this money why can't your country take out the taxes and then sent the rest to my Bank Account That how it done over here in the United State of American that way every one get there money Donna S.Thomas 1-513-921-7418 i just been scram out of all of my money! read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
AshvinC May 5, 2011 took £5281 in 48 hours in routlete game, Like when I play it follows a perticular system to took my money like... on 70 to 80 GBP bet first they give 20 pound win, then you lose, then half money then you lose. I have deposited so many time I never see my money goes more than 50 GBP. and once it gives second time whatever you fill the no. comes which is empty if it comes once then its luck but it happens to me every time which is no legal proof but it proves that they are not rational and they have done something which software. I request other not to play on read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
Omnicover Risk insurance
keeno May 5, 2011
Rear ended at robot by vehicle insured by Omnicover, refuting liability on the basis of Coopers Law as brakes failed on the insured vehicle.There are however evidince of brake marks, 14.7 meters long from all four wheels on the road surface.Sareeka Seetarm, liabilty recovery manager is refusing to pay although client, Paradigm Logistics whose vehicle it was admits liabilty.coopers law can only absolve criminal prosection with brake failure when a fatality occurs, not when damage to property only occurs.Sareeka Seetaram and her technical... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: South Africa
Loan Modifications Mark Mairone & Lennard Mucci Attorney
AnonymousHomeOwner May 5, 2011
Homeowners Counseling has brought me to the point of crying. Mark Mairone refuses to give me a money back and will not return any of my calls. Not only am I about to loose my house because this company did NOTHING but now this Mark Mairone will not give me back any of my money that I paid to him for a Mortgage Modification. He told me he worked for Bank of America and worked with many other lenders. They took my payments for the Modification without ever helping me keep my home. His company promised me that I wouldn't loose my house and... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
SJR Celestia
santuks1 May 5, 2011
I have booked a flat in SJR Emrald during soft lunch. When I booked the flat area was 1680 sqft going forward when I enquired the SJR people are saying that there is some modification in the size and it became 1710 sqft and now they are saying that they have got all the approvals and the size of same flat became 1735 sqft. I am not sure about why the size is getting change every now and then. Earlier they were proposing 2 lifts in every blocks but now they are asking for agreement where they have mentioned 1 lift per block. Every now and... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Cymax/Mayline Eastwinds 950 Laptop Caddy
Disgusted in Connecticut May 5, 2011
Placed order for laptop caddy on May 10. Received no info when item became backordered within days after my ordering. Responses to my phone inquiries were that there is a production delay. Today I initiated an order cancellation online, and confirmed that I had done so when I was able (today) to talk with Customer Service person. Based on others complaints about difficulty getting full refunds, I am pessimistic that my cancellation will be swiftly processed for return of all my money. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Bulova Accutron 214
gunneysgte7 May 5, 2011
I sent them a vintage Bulova Acutron 214 for repair and a case to put it in and after 14 days finally received the estimate for the repairs. They wanted to charge me over a thousand ($1054.00) just to do the work and ($499.99) of that was for a case to put the movement in. I simply cannot see paying $500.00 for a case only. When I called them the tech., stated that it was his opinion that the price was a fair price. The case only weighs at most 2 grams maybe 3. I asked him if the case was pure gold and he got very dsiturbed at this. needle... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
bophead May 5, 2011
Instead of flowers this year (2011), I decided to purchase some computer gear for my mom. I ordered 2 products from the website. They sent a confirmation email. I noticed that the shipping address had errors in it. This is where the fun begins. I called Targus to let them know that the shipping address had typos. They said I had to call Digital River because they handled that end of it. I called Digital River and they said that I had to call Targus. So I went round and round with this for way too long. FInally I got someone at Targus to tell... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Jen Au Photo
Angry_Mom May 5, 2011
Pretending to be her friend, Jen Au had taken in appropriate photos of my daughter and publish them online without at least her consent/permission. The pictures had been viewed by our relatives in our home country and had caused plenty of damages. She failed to delete the photos from her website and have not apologize for her non-profesional conduct. No one should trust her business!!! read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
CT Scanners
jlarae May 5, 2011
I was scammed by Mobile Imaging Systems and so was a lot of people! They changed companies to Mobile Diagnostics centers and then Imperial Metals! Contact me at: [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
NyM May 5, 2011
I recieved the first and only letter stating i owe $451. they said i owe Verizon for service for almost 15 years ago. i told them i never had that service. I spoke to four reps allllllllllllllllll were very rude. Spoke to a "supervisor" twice even ruder. One even had the nerve to hang up on me. I have never been so disrespected/victimized in my life. How do these MEAN people sleep at night. WOW! read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Torchetto Wine Press
kbgirl May 5, 2011
Buyer beware! I ordered and paid for a: 3 Qt Torchietto Stainless Steel Press for $89.99. But what I received was the smaller one: 2 Qt press. I verified that it is the smaller one, because the one sent by them holds no more than 2 quarts of liquid, not the 3 Qts that I require and paid for. I further verified that it was smaller when placed next to my friend's 3 Qt Torchietto press. I lived in Europe for 15 years, so have vast knowledge of centimeter measurements. Was hoping that it was sent by mistake, but obviously Creative Cookware... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Retail Transectoin Supplies
NAPA 987 May 5, 2011
this is the second time they send me the paper rolls which is not ordered and on calling them, they just did not answer, last time they do ask me if they did not pay they will complain to credit beauru for that, i agreed to pay cost of the return through the canpar, this time i did not want to do the same if some on advise me what to do read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: Canada
Sonobello - SAN ANTONIO
Netta Lynn May 5, 2011
STAY AWAY - the woman who "sales" the procedure, is the only person you meet during your inital consultation. She is by no means a medical professional infact might as well have sold used cars for a living. The paper work that they have you sign, is worded rather tricky so when I inquired about canceling before the two week penalty kicked in she said yes that paragraph only applies to within the two weeks period. If you cancel before the two weeks you get 100% of your money returned. 100% she said. Well guess what she LIED!!! They keep... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
mary66 May 5, 2011
This website is a scam. They sell fake perfumes! Please avoid them at all cost. I've been ripped off my money and there's no way to trace them as they are based in Bulgaria. Avoid! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Mike Champlin May 5, 2011
withdrawl of 49.95 unathorized 4/42011 read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
clinica las vegas
pra06tik May 5, 2011
Hi I visited your esteemed clinic on 5th May 2011 as I was having some inflammation on my skin throughout the body. After some soul searching I was directed to Doctor Mauricio. I was lying in the emergency bed for 35 minutes before someone attended me. I have explained the doctor that I am having a skin infection. After which he examined me and then communicated that he will be prescribing an ointment and a tablet which I have to take for 10 days. Then he advised that if required I need to make a review visit. Then he asked the lady sister... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Colombia
prestige limos
limodriver55 May 5, 2011
ive talked to katie several times and they seem legitimate, a couple of other grant funding companies that ive talked to were going to charge me in excess of 19, 000.00, and i could nt get them to call me back, or it would be a different person read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
Power Sign Ups
tribeca4 May 5, 2011
DO NOT GIVE YOUR MONEY TO THIS SCAM WEBSITE. I was scammed out of $60 at Power Sign Ups when the had promised to deliver sign ups for my online business. I made a transaction with them February 10 and up to this day never received one sign up. I have contacted them several times but never received an answer as to why they did not deliver the promised number of sign ups. That website should definitely be taken down immediately as it is an outright scam. If you want unsolicited sign ups for your business never- I repeat, NEVER use Power Sign Ups! They will only take your money read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States


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