Toontane April 13, 2011
I ordered the foamposite (pewter) for 298$, i never got an email confirmation so after about 5 days i emailed them about the status of my order which is the only way u can contact them... the replied a day later and said my shoes have been dispatched to me. two days later i received my shoes thru ups... the box was torn up and they sent me 2 left shoes. i been sending them emails for 3 days asking for a refund i have not heard from them yet... by far the worst customer service I've ever had! read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Hendlerone April 13, 2011
Hcg is not fda approved! There is no evidence supporting this drug actually benefiting your weight loss! People lose weight on this drug, because it puts you on a strict caloric diet. My friend tried this diet and she almost passed out. Why pay hundreds of dollars for something that you could do at home for free? You cannot exert too much energy on heavy exercise when on this drug. Does that sound healthy to you? They have you eat only 500 calories a day. Why not eat 1, 200-1, 500 calories a day, and exercise? You get to eat more, and be... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Jurrane April 13, 2011
I've been waiting for my order for about a month now and they're being extremely difficult to get a hold of. They suck. Eff this site. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
MATHEW MONACHEN April 13, 2011
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Bahrain
Hindle April 13, 2011
This is a SCAM. They falsify stories on multiple review sites to build confidence in order to further their theft and deception. Pathetic and sad! You send your phone in, they steal it, you never get a check! There is no response to emails and no way to contact them. Welcome to theft. If you like getting ripped off, send in your phone and learn the hard way. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
IndyMac OneWest Bank
Skinna April 13, 2011
IndyMac allegedly went out of business but it was taken over by OneWest Bank so that it can continue its illegal banking and mortgage actions. It exists today as IndyMac Mortgage Services, Inc. and is the mortgage servicing company for Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, one of the biggest forecloses in the U.S., today along with the other big fat banks that took bailout money so they can continue to pay their greedy pig CEOs big bucks. As far as foreclosures and evictions, IndyMac/One West and Deutsche are all supported by the likes of... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
ReMax of Valencia
Ennole April 13, 2011
ReMax of Valencia a real estate company is now the home of broker Susan Kline who previously worked for Prudential California Realty. Susan Kline has been sued for fraud, negligence, violation of civil codes protecting tenants and more when she was the property manager working for One West Bank/IndyMac Mortgage Services, Inc. and Detusche Bank National Trust Co. The case involved illegal eviction attempts by the parties along with illegal actions perpetrated by Field Asset Services of Austin, Texas and Monster Mowers of Lancaster, CA, a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
The Third Eye Group
Gonrose April 13, 2011
From day one, I was not given the proper training or tools that I needed to complete the tasks that I was assigned. There had been so much employee turnover at this company that most employees didn’t have any idea what was going on with the clients. As a result, the clients were very frustrated and I was forced to deal with the questions of why things were not getting done. The job and working conditions were extremely stressful, to the point that it began to affect my health. The management at this company is a joke. Questions from... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Inter Continental Finance Magazine
Gobrine April 13, 2011
We were approached to vote in the 2011 Legal Excellence Awards. This appears to be spam in an attempt to build someone’s database. We are getting bombarded by what appears to be an explosion of new business magazines from the UK. Once that have contacted us are Lawyer World Magazine. Based on their website, they look like they are still establishing themselves. Their “Find a Lawyer” search is in construction/development stages and they have no content of their own listed, instead they have links to other websites. Thi... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Tow Truck
Lica April 13, 2011
This breakdown scam has been attempted on my husband and me a total of four times in our small city. The 1st time was to me and I knew it was a scam, but I am a small woman and was alone so I gave the guy $10 just so he would go away and hopefully leave me alone. Several months later one got my trusting husband then a couple of months later, the same guy tried to get him again, but of course, my husband was wiser. Just a few days ago, someone tried it on me again. He barely got started when I told him “No, others have tried thi... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Door to Door
Ramash April 13, 2011
Vulnerable seniors, who spend the majority of their time at home are perfect targets for the mobile scam artist. Smooth-talking fraudsters can convincingly get themselves invited inside to deliver any imaginable sales pitch for products or services. Common among these are the home repair, door-to-door scams. Home repair scam operators appear unannounced at the home and then proceed to “discover” one or a series of “defects” with the house, from shoddy roofing, to cracked driveways, to dangerous electrical wiring or... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Diet Solutions
Patricia DeFeo April 13, 2011
I ordered these books online and paid via Visa. It was charged to my Visa account but I never received the books. Is this a scam business? [email protected] Patricia DeFeo read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Fadamas April 13, 2011
They sell cheap inferior recasted masks of other artists work. BOGUS!!! read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Nuilo April 13, 2011
AVOID THIS WEBSITE!! BUYER BEWARE...DRAGONFLY75.COM. I purchased an electric Zapper from (It's used to kill bacteria & other "bugs" in the body.) The zapper, or OMF device, arrived broken, and it total JUNK. Among other things, the on/off switch didn't work; the machine shut down & turned back on repeatedly, on its own. Note that the contact person, Michael Forrest claims to reside in Canada & the Zapper is made in Ecuador. I SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE RED STOP LIGHT THEN!! The simple electric... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Pillagos April 13, 2011
They have a money back guarantee that if you take as directed for the minimum amount of days according to your condition and are not satisfied with your level of progress you get your initial investment back. I bought 3 bottles at a cost of $427.00, had no improvement and they told me to get more and continue taking the product. I bought another 3 bottles at the same price.No improvement after 7 months on it.They gave me 90 days and after that I was supposed to receive my money back. I called them and they gave me a hard time. Would not give my money back!!! read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Diesel Jeans
BadBusinessNYC April 13, 2011
Used to be an avid Diesel Jeans collector. Have 4 pairs, when I went to the flagship shop in NYC- I was turned away after showing them a pair that had literally disintegrated in every way. Bad quality control is the only way to describe this experience, ending with being dismissed like I don't have a valid complaint. I emailed corporate headquarters and customer service three times - only to be ignored. Never buy their sh*t, especially their overpriced denim that can be found better quality as a knock off on Canal Street. These people are thieves and have lost a devoted customer. They SUCK! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Restaurant System Services
Kkuniej April 13, 2011
A refund has been requested on numerous occasions for gift cards that were never received. An order was placed with Michael Kern (RSSI, Restaurant System Services, Inc.) on 11/21/2010 for 300 encoded gift cards that were compatible with a new POS system, also purchased from RSSI, Restaurant System Services, Inc. We continually followed up with Michael Kern (RSSI, Restaurant System Services, Inc.) for an update on the status of the gift cards via phone messages, phone conversations and email. No return communication occurred from Michael... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Desert Lexus
Weramitch April 13, 2011
Took in my 2010 LEXUS 330 RX three tiems because it would not start. Had battery replaced - no improvement. Was told car had 'normal power usage' while sitting for a few days. 'Newer cars, all these elctronics, blah, blah.' BS! Actually, I only took the car in once msyelf, next my boyfriend and then my friend's husband. Made no difference. Finally went to another LEXUS dealer and they discovered bad motor on rear lift door. Replaced (under warranty) and now problem is solved. The attitude of the DESERT LEXUS... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Victoria Ruiz Paniagua
MujerArgentina April 13, 2011
NO confias en Vicky Ruiz. Es una LADRONA!!! Soy Argentina y alquile un apartamento muy lindo y Victoria Ruiz intento a cobrar 10, 000, 000 pesos colombianos (cerca 22, 000 pesos Argentinos!) para reparar 'danos'. Vicky entrego el apartamento a mi en buen estado y lo devolvi en un estado igual. Ella inventa cosas danados y es una ladrona. Quiere cobrar por la limpieza de MUCHAS cosas que no tiene sentido, y queja de muchas cosas mas. NO ALQUILAS DE ESTE MUJER. i was rented apartamento from Vicky Ruiz Paniagua and she taken... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Colombia
Abqgirly April 13, 2011
The iLipo LipoLaser DOES NOT WORK. I went into Dr. Plaman's office to get the procedure done and was sold a bag of tricks. My suspicion increased as I went back to their website where they are advertising a Lapex BCS lipolaser not the iLipo. They are sucking you in with one laser, and then bait and switching you into another. This doctor even has pictures of the real "lipoLaser" on the wall. I asked, "what is that laser" and they told me the iLipo is better and newer...come to find out the office had been robbed and... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Los Angeles Daily News
heleka7 April 13, 2011
I signed up for a $20 for 20 Sunday papers from a neighborhood kid selling subscriptions. I wrote a check to the daily news, I started receiving my Sunday papers, the service then ended after the 20 weeks which was sometime in December 2010. I never received any phone calls or letters from the Daily News asking if I wanted to subscribe again. Last night, April 12, 2011, I received a phone call from Coast to Coast Financial Solutions, a debt collection agency. They said I owed the Daily News $15. I had no idea what for. They said it was for... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
GBP Publications/Yellow Pages
mdennis April 13, 2011
These people call our business and got 'Brandon' on the phone trying to get him to authorize a listing for Yellow Pages. He referred him to 'Brandon' of the owners. Through the process, they taped and sliced the phone message trying to prove that the owner Brandon had authorized a listing in their on-line Yellow Pages. We go through a Corporate approved vendor for all of our Yellow Page advertising. We they played back the recording, it was so obvious that it was doctored. Our bill started out at $499.95, recieved by... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Dawgcatcher99 April 13, 2011
I purchased a pair of Itasca "Swamp Walker" boots from Walmart in November of 2010 for hunting season. Nice looking boots, camo, 800g Thinsolate, adjustable straps on top. HOWEVER, within 3 days I noticed that the left boot was leaking a bit. I found where the leak was, right on the left side of the toe ridge cap. I returned the boots to Walmart. I exchanged them for a SECOND pair of the same boots. I used them throughout the winter trapping. This spring, I again began to get wet feet. I checked the boots over and discovered on the top... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Acai Surge diet tracker
Joni van Olst April 13, 2011
Selling a Acai diet supplement for £12.99 and £125.99 going through on credit card. Apparently this is for advertising but nowhere on website does this disclose this. Misleading and downright theft in my book!!! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
vvr housing pvt ltd bangalore
suniel.k9 April 13, 2011
i was working as a asst.sales manager (sales&marketing) in vvr housing p/l Bangalore branch.from very 1st month i started giving regular business and as per the business targets. in spite of that the company management has never released my salary & incentives on time.finally 6months after the joining date, i resigned from my post.(in November 2010).even till today the company has not settled my account.chairman of the company does not show any interest in this matter. Bangalore branch people are also not interested in clearing my... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Lowes - Martinsburg, WV
dalm8tianwv April 13, 2011
I am so disappointed with the Lowes in Martinsburg, WV. I tried calling flooring and it rang about 6 or 7 times with no answer. I finally was transferred to the Operator who kept transferring me back to flooring (I was transferred 4 times). I finally got to talk to an assistant (Marsha) to tell her how upset I was regarding my order on carpet. I was talking nice, I did not yell, but she hung up on me. I ordered carpet, not only did it take a long time to get there, when it was brought to my house, they sent the wrong color. But I was so upset... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
modafone-long distance
gabbby m April 13, 2011
A sale representative called me three month ago to offer me a better international rate, her name was Elena, she only diclosed the 3 cents a min and local and federal taxes and every bill after that showed outrages amount not able to match what they shows on their incomplete statements. I tried calling their customer service many times but most of the time I gave up due to their long waiting time(over 30 min). When I finally reached somebody, I have experienced very poor quality and inapropriate customer service. I was even told I can't... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Walgreens Survey Site
cac1445 April 13, 2011
Almost every week I enter the Walgreens feedback survey website and complete the survey. But today, April 13, 2011, the is not available. When you type in the address, you are re-directed to another page that has a list of other websites, but not the survey site listed on the walgreens receipt. This is very deceiving. If Walgreens is no longer offering the survey, then remove the information off your receipts. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd & C
V M Singh April 13, 2011
Kind Atten : - (1) Secretary Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, (2) Chairman, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Mumbai The The RTI relates Bharat Petroleum’s dealer M/s Shanti Gas Service, Distributor Bharat Gas, Pilibhit Khatima Road, Neoria Hussainpur, Pilibhit. The incident is as follows: On 28.9.2010 6 employees of the agency were burnt due to a gas blast and they died within 3-4 days. The intensity of the blast was such that a two story building was raised to the ground. The agency has been terminated on... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: India
Partygirl April 13, 2011
I don't know whose bright idea it was, Security was involved, in coming up w/ these "image" ATMS where it takes a picture of the checks you're depositing. The fools got rid of the regular deposit ATMs at some locations & replaced them w/ these, for what reason, I dunno. There was nothing wrong w/ the deposit ATMs that took your checks in an envelope. I could be more descriptive of the problem, but if the old deposit ATMs were there, there wouldn't be a problem. The problem is the new ATMs, they let me down. They let... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Centerpoint gas
RebekkaR April 13, 2011
I moved into a house April 8th 2011 and requested to have my gas turned on between the hours of 5-8. I was at the house by 4 pm. We waited and waited. unpack while waiting for Centerpoint to show up. NO ONE EVER SHOWED UP.(no phone call either) Naturally being a friday they are closed for the weekend. GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE HUH? So I called Monday morning, customer service said they couldnt do anything for me until April Tuesday 12th. I then requested the time again to be 5-8pm.Also talked to the "supervisior" and they were very short... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Childrens Dental
Br Stk April 13, 2011
Co-pay is really pay in full for treatment!!! I was told fillings not covered and I contact my insurance and it's covered at 100% I then contact the office and they say we can't confirm that because we need to submit a claim... After the pay the claim we will know if it's covered. Wow They charge u in full for treatment rendered. They will maybe credit you back after they submit claim! Really childerns dental in south gate can verify at time of service what your coverage... I will say they smile while they tell you wait 2... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Paul Mitchell
Esck April 13, 2011
I went to the Academy in SI, a Paul Michell School under the unbrella of AF Bennett Spa. They get you a Sallie Mae Loan, make you sign contracts while you are in the night classes. All I learned was how to use color crayola, draw and sit and eat pizza. Asked to spend 5, 000. on a Trip to Las Vegas to promote Paul Mitchell products, i still have my Text books wrapped in orginal plastic. We never learned anything about hair Style, cutting or shaping hair, I cryed I made a mistake.. Now I left after 4 weeks. and Sallie Mae is added Interest to my... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Rita Reynolds
ritareynolds April 13, 2011
I, rita reynolds got a loan of $250.00 in oct. of 2010, is that loan payed off by now. if not, it should and I am very upset, because your loan company has been taken out two payments a month, and I am on a fixed income and cannot afford to have money taken out that way. Unless I get my money back or I will call the better business bureau for assistence. All i want is something in writing that says you can over charge me. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Floras Wedding Apparel Co.,Ltd.
J9smith April 13, 2011
Don't order from these guys! They don't deliver on time and provide very poor customer service when they are late. I ordered a dress on Feb 25, 2011. The wedding was scheduled for Apr 16, but the web site advertises 10-15 days for tailoring and 5-7 days for shipping, so there should have been plenty of time. By Mar 10, I had still not received the dress or even an email with a tracking number. I contacted the "live chat" technical support 4 times over the next 3 weeks, and each time, was told that dress "would ship... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Olshans Plumbing
Mullen R April 13, 2011
I needed a new water heater and of course I needed it immediately. I used Home Depot installation services and they sent Olshan's Plumbing. They did a good job. However, they were more than very expensive. The price just kept going up and up. $11.25 per foot for pvc pipe (I needed 20 feet for the overflow), $125.00 just to go under the house. My $600 water heater wound up costing me $2000.00. Do not use these people. Their mark up on parts is incredible!!! Did I mention not to use these people? Daddy said never say never, but Dad, I will never use Olshan's Plumbing again! read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
HTC Thunderbolt
prodgers April 13, 2011
I was supposed to get a $25 credit due to a promotion that took place 2 days after I purchase my Thunderbolt. The initial supervisor told me it would take 24 hrs to be credited to my account. 24 hrs go by and nothing. The next supervisor told me the same thing and still nothing 24 hrs later. The next supervisor(Cecille) told me it needed to be handled by their finance department and that would take up to 14 days. 13 days later I called and talked to supervisor Lissa who assured me the credit would be there the next day. 24 hrs later... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
noi that, thiet ke noi that
noithatonline April 13, 2011
Cty Thiết Kế Ná»™i Thất Văn Phòng chuyên nghiệp, Siêu thị ná»™i thất văn phòng hàng đầu việt nam, Chuyên tÆ° vấn thiết kế thi công ná»™i thất văn phòng chuyên nghiệp read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: Vietnam
Union Eye Care
Egreen April 13, 2011
They are late in delivering a pair of glasses I paid for in full. I have to keep calling and they make excuses about the lab and could really care less. I need the glasses. I have very little free time to travel to their location and had arranged to picke them up yesterday and they were not ready. I asked for them to be mailed to me and they say, "Are you kiding?" and hang up. One guy started to THREATEN me. Unbelievably bad customer service from every single person. Union Eye Care-- Cleveland Ohio area-- do not spend your $$ there. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Paltoon April 13, 2011
The Dacron fibers are coming out of the seams of the attached cushions of a 3 piece Braxton leather sofa set bought in FEB 2010 after a few months of using them. Defy supply claimed it was due to abuse, when at one point they were planning to reorder the sofa, Since it was a manufacturing defect. But the end result they refunded $100.00 for inconvenience. Please approach this company with caution . They have very bad customer service, they do not return money nor do they honor their warranty policy.The sofas are bonded leather with very little of Italian leather. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States


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