CATEGORY: Business & Finances

George12456 February 26, 2010
We was hired by D' Ainsley T Smith to help them promote their business DOWNTOWN INNOVATIVE CAPITAL GROUP LLC and when it came time to pay they told us to get lost.D' Ainsley T Smith (Real name Dainsley Tennel Smith) is a low life SCAMMER.Duns and Bradstreet provided us this information on this scammer.Duns said they will open a file on them. DOWNTOWN INNOVATIVE CAPITAL GROUP LLC 3100 MAIN ST STE 44 DALLAS, TX 752261535 Duns # 826-49-7773 Cell # 972-916-8729 Fax # 972-258-6828 Website read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
blanca valencia
b.valencia February 26, 2010
i got charged and i dont know what it is.. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
BERTHA FRANCO February 25, 2010
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
SBI/Education Loan
Pushpraj Janoria February 25, 2010
Sub:Withholding my pension Nov.09, Dec.09, and Jan 10 S/B A/C 010887549604 (SBI, RLy.Colony, Gorakhpur) by SBI, Bank Rd., GKP (0086) against balance amount EL 01593088580401 (New No. 11078435475) without any notice. sir, I have paid the balance amount as stated to me on personal enquiry in July 2006. However, balance amt., if any, on a/c of computing mistake on the part of the bank, I shall pay after verification of the statement. The interest must be waived in this case. Meanwhile it is requested that pension amount should be released... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
SCS Health Products/AcaiBerry Detox & Colon Cleanser (Life Cleanse)
LadyNani71 February 25, 2010
February 25, 2010 Dear Sir or Madam: On September 19, 2009 I placed two orders online for the Acaiberry Detox LP and the Life Cleanse pills, which the price at that time was .99 cents since I only had to pay the shipping and handling. (SEE ATTACHED EMAIL). On the email it clearly states that my order is scheduled to arrive on September 23, 2009. However, I did not receive my products until October 27, 2009 (SEE ATTACHED USPS Tracking information) printed online using the companies tracking numbers. Both tracking number... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
BugglesMom February 25, 2010
A charge of 149.95 appeared on my business bank account card that I did not authorize, do not know who this is and I fully intend to dispute it the moment it clears since my bank advises me it has to clear before I can do anything. Times are tough, but fraud is despicable. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
fast cash advance
mommaoftwo February 25, 2010
i noticed their was a 29.91 deducted out of my account ive called 2 times emailed every day for a week. i dont know what to do. i needed a cash advance and instead got robbed. why would someone attack someone who doesnt have anything. i am a single mother of 2 work is down and i needed help for some bills. instead i got 29.91 taken fromn me with an overdraft fee added to it of 30.00 . they have not only stole from me they have taking the food out of my kids mouths. to people 60$ may not seem like much but to a struggling mother its a big drop... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Email Bundle, LLC
S. Camp February 25, 2010
An unauthorized charge for $14.97 was applied to my Verizon bill on 2/2/10 as a misc. chg. for Email Bundle Monthly Fee. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
monique jones February 25, 2010
you took money out of my bank account without my consent.I spoke to someone in your office name bobby about it, he said my money would be rewire to my account, no action has been taken yet. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Willis D. February 25, 2010
My 16 years old nephew must have thought he was going to make him some money so he applied for this online work with Google for $1.99 with my bank card in December 2009, this February 2010 this Company Online Marketing Resources charged my card for $79.40 this is the first time I heard of this money to be paid on February 20, 2010 when I looked at it online with my bank, I called this Company they said that my grace period is over and there is no refund and they tried in January to get this money I talk to my bank they said there had not been... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
whitefang February 25, 2010
This company is a fraud. I signed up with them in November, 2009. After I made my first international call, I received the bill in December right before the holidays. The next day I mailed the check thinking that it will get there in time. In January I did not get a bill from them and I assumed, because I did not call anywhere I did not owed them any money. Boy was I wrong. Today Feb 25 I got the bill from them and to my surprise I owe them $12.10 and that includes late fees from January, and a $4.82 "credit recovery fee". My usage for... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Intellicall Op Svcs, iLD tel services
Pissed Off February 25, 2010
February 25, 2010 I received a bil for $117.81 four (4) collect calls. (3)mins cost 12.36, (13) mins cost $25.26, (16)mins cost 29.13 and (33)mins cost $51.06 Total $121.86. All within the state of callifornia only 48 miles away using AT@T *91 I was incarcerated within this same billing cycle (10)mins cost $2.26 and (6)mins cost $1.79 same company Global Tel Link. How can you charge us more now that I am on the streets? This phone charges are criminal in nature, they should be ashamed of their business practices. Lawsuits have... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
AXA Insurance Canada
PAD40 February 25, 2010
Last year AXA sent a risk assessment officer to my home to suggest risk mitigation measures. The result was instead a re-evaluation of my home to a price 120% higher than what I paid for it 6 months earlier. Not only was the purpose of the visit miscommunicated, but the result was a doubling of my insurance rates. After consulting with my broker, the assessment value was lowered but since that time AXA has failed to send me bills in a timely fashion. The only time they notify me is a week before payments are due, via registered mai and a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage #708
gene18392 February 25, 2010
Wells Fargo bought my mortgage and have been trying to sell me insurance since they did. I have a homeowners and a flood insurance policy with State Farm. They gave me a excuse that my homeowners and flood policy had to be the extact same amounts. Because my Flood insurance was $2000 different they were nice enough to add a $700 flood insurace policy that I didn't need. I lowered my home owners to the same as my flood insurace so they change the 4 days that were at different amounts to were I owed $24.00. This money was sent to a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
tgl livewell
mamajock February 25, 2010
nerver heard of these people ordered flowers and this is what i got read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
crystal spradling
jimmy thomas February 25, 2010
i really taking money out of my account without me saying okay. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Santander usa
tammy duarte February 25, 2010
high interes rate will no refinace read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Uniastrum Bank
Ahmed Sultan, ITC February 25, 2010
We have been ripped off by Uniastrum Bank which is based in Moscow, Russia. The bank employs a group of inept staff, and applies non-transparent rules to secretly, unlawfully charge the bank customers. Our story started on 22 January 2010 when we went to Orekhovo branch of the bank to open a bank account linked to a debit card. I am a lawful foreign resident in the Russian Federation. I am allowed to reside and work without any restriction, and additionally to be treated like Russian citizens in front of the law. The immigration... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Russia
AHMSI Servicing
AHMSI HAMP ISSUE HELP ME February 25, 2010
I believe AHMSI is fraudulantly handling there HAMP program. I can't even get a supervisor's number. Its been since October 2009 since I was under the HAMP program, and I still have no answer. Every time I call them I am told something new, with no resolution. Now, my only choice is to foreclose. HELP HELP!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Big G February 25, 2010
I have an account at NYCB in Bayonne, New Jersey, I have online access to my account, so before I make a purchase I make sure and check my balances at all times... I made two credit purchases on 1/17/10. I had a balance of 309.68, my first purchase was for 53.62 which should then leave me a balance of 256.06, my second purchase about 7.30pm that day was for 247.90 which is more that enough in my account... Somehow the bank charged me a 33.00 fees for insufficient funds for the first purchase creating an overdraft in my account for the second... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Sam's Club Credit Gm Money Bank
jt2fields February 25, 2010
I recently purchased a large TV from Sam's Club with Sams discover with an advertised 6 months no interest but was charged interest when statement came, I called costumer service and deborah the rep was very rude and suggested i pack the 55 in TV back to the store and have them redo the transaction mynearest Sams's club is 100 miles away, also tryied to make payment online and site was down for days called for assist and rep was rude buy time i was able to make payment it was a day late and i was charged 40 dollars. So by time all i... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Tibinidi February 25, 2010
I made a purchase of microtrend anti virus protection last year. I have never authorised a renewal yet the have gone ahead to authorise a transaction and debited $75.28 to the credit card I used for the original transaction. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Citi Bank Inc
Achmenrr February 25, 2010
I called after thinking I lost my card and talked to an Indian man I could barely understand for an hour and a half before I THOUGHT I had canceled the card had a new one with a new number sent out. I made sure and asked if the number would be changed and if I would have to set up a new account online, to which he responded yes. A Week later I got a new card with the SAME Number! Infuriated I called the company and asked to speak to someone in america, they me the card had not been reported as lost or stolen. When I asked why when my card could be floating around anywhere the man on the phone got agitated and said he didn't know. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
American Express Company / Gold Card
Maximille February 25, 2010
I have been a loyal American Express member since 1984. I have used the card for years for business purposes and have never missed a payment. Last week, I was checking into a hotel and was informed that my card was cancelled. As I had never been late with a payment and knew the card was current, I was sure that it had to be some fixable error. I called AMEX to get it straightened out. The exact opposite happened; the non-English speaking rep confirmed that indeed my card had been canceled because of a negative credit report. Since 2005... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States MN
shannonc2010 February 25, 2010
there is a charge on my bank account of $13.00 that i did not authorize and need this reimbursed immediatly!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
National Advanced Payday Loan/Crime Center of America
Don't Mess With My YoYo February 25, 2010
This is so crazy I got the same call a year ago. When they told me that authorities would come to my job to arrest me and take me to court I told them that would never happen. Who every you send to pick me up will be arrested by National Security Association and they will be tried in a federal court for tresspassing on government property so I think you better rethink what you are saying to me. Then he said well they will come and get you from home. I said yeah, I WISH you would try that one and I gotta 40 caliber that says different. If you... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
stocks on alert
sylvan February 25, 2010
It started out as, then when his predictions bombed it was changed to Greg Roy (probably an alias) is the scammer. Now he is touting wealth alliance something or other bilking more people out of money. I am sure he will have a new service within a year. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Diversified Collection Systems
varesidentusa February 25, 2010
Jassica Valim Calls me Tuesday and tells me I have to pay $3200.00 on Wednesday to avoid ruining my credit and avoiding liens on my property just like many others that complained about this same woman she is rude and unprofessional. I tried explaining it was near impossible to spring up with that kind of money in one day, but now after reading other people's post and so many having the same problem with the same person its sucks to think the company still has not done anything, she needs to be fired for giving people wrong information. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Market America,Inc
Tevez February 25, 2010
Failure to honor refund, money that was taking out of the account without notice!!!In the end, after a week of waiting for the refund, they still keep 10% of the money!!!Horrible! Never get involved with this company! Everything is a lie! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Mighty Net Inc. credit reporting
Suzanne DuCharme February 25, 2010
I signed up on 2/16/10 for a yearly free credit report thru After printing it out I called them on 2/17/10 to make sure I wouldn't be charged for anything and cancelled and got a confirmation # 3798. On 2/23/10 I find a charge debited to my checking account of $14.95, with only MNI credit report listed, due to my debit card number being requested thru Trans Union. I called them and they said they didn't charge me anything. After looking carefully at my credit report found the MNI listed in... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
First North American National Bank
Kenneth Bylo February 25, 2010
I just found out that First North American National Bank is still on my credit report as an active account, I closed this account 8 years ago. How can I get it off there? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
HubHealthy, FitFac, MyTrainer, FitnessHub, DJMLifestyleFit,SelfHelpFFCom,
LJdeWR February 25, 2010
I have been the victim of numerous credit card fraudulent claims from the above listed companies - HubHealthy, FitFac, MyTrainer, FitnessHub, DJMLifestyleFit and SelfHelpFFC. Unfortunately, I hadn't noticed the monthly $29.95, partly because 1 or 2 charges are made on each name and then the name changes. My bank, Bank of America, flagged up some major credit card fraudulent charges and, because of this, the above ones came to light. Does anyone have contact numbers for any of the above - I put in claims with BOA for... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
ATT Universal Card
Farmboy756 February 25, 2010
I got AT&T Universal card when it first came out and I worked for AT&T. They did a great job for years and then in 2008 they started sneeking my interest up. So when I check recently and saw 21% interest I called them. First I was connected to so lady who spoke broken English. I ask her what country she was in and she said Philipines. I ask to be connect to someone in the United States. (More jobs we do not have) The lady answered the phone and I ask her for my current APR. She said 21% and I said that was too high and she the... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
judyabrams February 25, 2010
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
dolphinnicole February 25, 2010
KIA MOTORS CORPORATION - Seoul, South Korea. KIA MOTORS PROMOTION™ DEPARTMENT, Regional Office, KIA MOTORS CORPORATION. 591 Wellington Road, Stockport, Cheshire, England, United Kingdom. (+44) 7024034727 (+44) 7024011990 Congratulations Nicole, Complement of the season to you, The KIA Motors Corporation, Members of Staff and Year 2009 Sales Promotion Board, write to congratulate you for been chosen as one among Ten (10) Star Prize Winner in this Year 2009 KIA MOTORS CORPORATION END OF YEAR LOTTERY PROMOTION... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Dri Trend Micro Orderfind.comn
paul A mcroy February 25, 2010
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
SB *SAVINGS2GO 800-448-1 02/18SB *SAVIN
slapshot173 February 25, 2010
I have been charged unauthorized withdrawl from my checking account for 3 three years in a row. How can this be allowed? I need a stop payment read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Graph Card
shalicia February 25, 2010
02/02/2010 2:44pm I sent money to jacob edwards from western union here, after ordering a virtual credit card from this company. They confirmed receipt of the funds after about 3 days. I checked several times and there was never any virtual cards available, only a notice to check back in 24-72hrs. They also claimed to be able to send funds via money order or check so I requested a $50 payment instead which came with a fee of $8.33 leaving just $1.67 on my account. I request money order be sent on 02/09/2010 to Elaine... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
mycfab/det consolidation
Clement February 25, 2010
Mycfab called me and offered me det consolidation for $795. I asked to them that they can work to my mortgage they said they will work for all my account. so I paid $795 to join. But the time they start to work for me they said they cannot work to my mortgage. So I asked for refund because of my financial hardship I agreed for $695 refund. This happened on December -2008. They said I will get refund within 2 weeks. But till today I didnot get my refund from them. From one year I am keep calling me and they are keep saying next month . This is 2010 February. Still I am waiting for my Refund $695 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Poeta February 25, 2010
I never even gave my card number to this company. I don't know how they got hold of it. My credit card statement shows this line for this unautorized charge: FEB/16 WWW.RBSTSYS.COM T-18 ZAGREB $82.25 Please, advice on further instances I can go to for help. The ONLY company I had given my card number to is so either they are being hacked or they are accomplices. I would be grateful for any help. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: El Salvador


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