CATEGORY: Business & Finances
Credit Health
You all charged my credit card without my approval and I want it debted back into my account or I will conatct my attorney asap.
He is the one that gave me a sight to check my credit and you all used my credit for absoutly nothing that pretains to me.
Barbara Wohlford read full review »
Good Sam Club VISA
Good Sam Visa Card, we have had the card for over 3 years and never have missed a payment, we loved the Rewards Program on this card as we are avid RV’ers, we charge and average 5 g’s a month and pay it off for the point. This past month we were close to the limit and due to being away on vacation I was really not watching as close I should have. When they posted the interest it caused the card to go Over Limit, as soon as I saw this I made very large payment bringing the balance to almost 00.00. OK, 3 Years Never Late..So due to... read full review »
Put in an order for a trial offer of acaiberry and decleansing product from the company. Fine print came up and I canceled the order. Products still came to my house. I returned both packages unopened. I was charged 54.95 for pureberry and 64.00 for new you today. Called the company several times but they seem to be unable to find the solution to my problem. I e-mailed the company and was told that I went over the grace period and that is why I was charged. I explained again that I did not give permission for them to withdraw the money from my... read full review »
[email protected]
To the complaint board supervisor. hello my name is ashley. on 01/19/2010 i had purchased on line with my credit card number the anti virus live basic. since then they have placed a virus on my computer, trojan etc. causeing me to get a hold of the identity guard total protection. they had worked with me on the phone trying to resolve what they have destroyed on my computer. i received a 30 day free trial. unfortunaetly im on dissablity and cannot afford to continue with identity guard services. i cannot contact the anti virus live basic. this is scary they are taken out my money through my credit card.
im distraught and very upset. read full review »
Wells Fargo Home Mortage
After being laid off in 2008 I requested a loan modification with ASC/Wells Fargo.
My first set of documentation (financial statements) to begin the loan modification process was officially filed with Wells Fargo in April 2009. It is now several months later and after sending four hardship letters, three financial worksheets and two EDD award statements they continue to request the same documentation.
Yesterday I received a message from a Wells Fargo agent (1-866-882-5880) requesting that I give them a call. After returning the call... read full review »
Spring Forest Apartments
I moved into this apartment complex 6 months ago. I found the complex on the internet while living in CT. They had me sign a lease via fax. I got to NC and the apartment the had ready for me had about 40 cock roaches in the frezer. I complained and they put me in another unit. 3 months later I began to see bedbugs all over the apartment! I complained and had to throw out thousands of dollars worth of furniture and clothing. And after 6 weeks of treatments I still have them. Now the apartment manager and their insurance company is refusing to... read full review »
When I went on-line to get a "free" credit report, I was signed up for credit monitoring service and billed $15.88 on my credit card. After research, I discovered you can call 1-877-481-6826 to cancel. read full review »
I signed up for a antivirus program, and later found that this company is a scam. By the time I got it off of my cumputer and request my debit and credit cards be canceled. I had this unauthorized charge to my bank account. read full review »
current & future prices of cotton and commodities
Daily check the business section for cotton and currency future prices and it has been eliminated.
Michael F Spann
MS Sales Company, inc. read full review »
Yorkstreet Homes
This company is truly a fraud and I did not want to believe what everyone had told me I had to find out the hard way- This is a very cold and heartless person and I had the opportunity to come face to face with him and try to give him the opportunityto fix the problem and now I find myself sitting here writing this because he looked me straight in the eye and LIED he could pass a polygraph hands down read full review »
Notrton Internet Secrurity
I think my chargees are the worst so far from this Scam company. I was billed 4 times $209.97. and a 5th attempt was made before the Visa people put a stop to it. I called and got 3 refunds made but they are intent on keeping the 4th as a new product purchase that I never ordered. I recommend not doing business with this company and since I live in SF Bay Area I would like to get together as many people as we can to picket the corporate headquarters. The State Attorney General, local papers and news stations all need to be called and involved... read full review »
CTS Holdings, LLC
Company came in to give a quote. Took information and sign up merchant. MErchant has been billed a monthly fee for a system he does not NOR ever used! CTS holdings has confirmed that the account was never used but will not stop withdrawing funds or refund funds that have been collected. read full review »
Bank of America Making Home Affordable
I am writing to complain in regard to Bank of America Making Home Affordable - Imminent Hardship Program. I called in in August to ask for assitance due to a pay cut. I was struggling otherwise I would not have called. Was given instructions on what documents to send in and called back to make sure they had received my paperwork. I was told 90 days. A few weeks later I received a call from the "Imminent Hardship Program" . The agent told me I qualified and to apply. I did at the end of Septmenber. They told me my financilas were still... read full review »
Hi All,
Invest Rs 10, 000 Get Rs 200 per day for 100 days (Rs 20, 000).
Priciple returned after 100 days. Total return 300% (Rs 30, 00).
Minimum withdrawal Rs 2500
dollargoldfund PIN available at discount rate
For Bulk order very less rate
LR dollar available at cheap rate
096007 83366
098402 30850 / 096005 45215 read full review »
mary waterman
i gave this company 1886.00 to sell my timeshare they have not contacted me for months and when i try to contact them i cant get thru i want my money back they have not done what they said they would read full review »
Proctor Goodwin & Associates
I would like to know if anyone knows whether this is a genuine company who have approuched me to buy some shares I hold in an american corp, offering a good price, but asking for a deposit and the cert signed over to them before they paid me, it will take 1 month for settlement. The clearing bank is in Italy, but it only the first it onto the Oceanic Bank which is in Nigeria, can you help. read full review »
I ordered this product in Janurary and was told I would receive it by Feb 6 and had 14 days to look over and cancel, before I would be charged. I never received the product and the next thing I knew I was charged $149.95. I called this company and they gave me your site and cancled the order, but would not refund the money and told me to put in a complaint. I would like my money back. I have never received any thing from this company. read full review »
Walmart Credit
I too had a Wal-mart card that had a $600 limit and after Thanksgiving I paid it down to $150 because I am working at getting my credit ratios down. Ok Fine.. 25% sounds good until I get a letter less than a week after payment posted that my credit had been reduced to $160 due to a "periodic review". My score is above 700 but they showed me as maxed out once again. So I paid off the bill and will never use the card again. Unbelievable! No wonder people have crappy credit.. the companies are all working together to keep your score down so they can justify charging 29% interest. Cash is king again in my house. read full review »
sir I am raj kumar dubey from India.Sir I want to know about the winner of msn/yahoo lottery.
My e- mail is [email protected].
please respond me frequently.its urgent read full review »
Cohen Optical Smith haven mall
1st Fraud
Right from the start I should of picked it up. The ONLINE Reservation system is NOT connected to any thing. You write in your name and pick a time and store for your appoinment but when you get to the store they had no idea you were coming.
When you buy glasses at COHEN in Smith haven mall NY the charge is aroung $500 or more for good glasses, . This is because of double charging. In the manufacturing process of lenses the SCRATCH FREE COATING is the same coating put on in the TRANSITION process. They simply charge you... read full review »
United Law Group, Inc.
United law group contacted me via landland stating that they can provide and guarantee me with a loan modification in 6/09. I paid this company $1500.00 and signed a contract to provide a loan modification, they informed me that it would take up to 24 weeks but it has been 8 months and they have failed to provide the services that they guaranteed. I have made several attempts to contact this company but most of the time I get a person that takes a message for the company to return my call. Now im in going thru foreclosure proceedings due to their negligents. read full review »
I've paid them fee after considering my refund to be 2100$. Once I paid the fee, the refund was changed to 1200$. I wanted not to go through them, and asked for a refund. Accepted that it was their mistake to miscalculate the refund amount. Now they are avoiding all my phone calls, messages, even the senior most management doesn't seem to be responding to these requests.<br />
<br />
I feel totally cheated. I've paid an amount of $194.5<br />
Have no clue on how to get back money. <br />
<br />
Sridhar. read full review »
untied arab bank dubai
i am qamar shafiq i work in dubai 24 year in d.e.w.a compny my acount was in untied arab bak sh zayed road branch my acount no is 89279-0081-014 i take a loan from bank in 2004 which period is 48 month i paid 2760 dherams to bank from my pay i pay 35 instalment to bank from 2004 to 2007 in 2007 i came back pakistan for madical treatment but doctors say you are not madicaly fit for work so i resined my jo my retired ment was in 2008 my compny transfer my 83000 grguty in my account but when i contact bank bank say your greguty was agested in your loan bank also take my 83000 dherams and 35 intalmets plz help me what can i do read full review »
They witdraw $24 from my credit card although it states on their site free credit report. It did not state anywhere obvious that it would cost me $24 read full review »
Took money from checking account unauthorized. Demand refund.
Reference#4754788 read full review »
777savers club
According to them when we applied for a payday loan we were register for this savings club, and that the fee that they took out of our account was for their service and that it was not refundable. I told them that we are busy people and do not get to read our emails daily like some people, they said that my husband was sent an email detailing the fee in small print and that he should have read it before appling for the loan. I told them that he is training to go overseas to protect their country and she said she was sorry but that she could... read full review »
Comfort suites/ Choice Hotel Group
Charged us $150, accusing us of smoking in the room. We did not smoke in the room. They also could not provide any proof for us to dispute, but hearsay of a custodial staff who my be getting kick-backs for reporting this issue. They did not take pictures or bring a manager down to back them up. Have filed with the BBB and the state attorney general. Complained to customer relations department with choice hotels and was told that they could not do anything and have to take the word of the hotel over customer. read full review »
Gmac Smart Lease
I have an agreement of paying so much for the overage on my old lease. My payment was 1 day late due to the mail system, they are asking me for an amount in which i cannot afford, and are automatically sending my account to collections. The girl i talked to on the phone said I had the option of calling in my payment, which i had no idea i could. She then said that I could talk to a supervisor the following week, what is that going to do now when i need to talk to someone, next week will not work for me.
it will be after the account goes into... read full review »
back in black
29.91$ was debited from my bank account due to a partner from a credit offoer from someone else read full review »
Free Cridit Report
Checking out a free credit report offer. Website lead you through giving your information and credit card number, then tells you after your trial membership the program costs $24.95/mo. I backed out all my information and did not clck on the submit button.
Priavacy Matters 123 has an automatic credit card number collection software. Even tho. I erased my information they collected my credit card number. I was charged for 4 months at $24.95 before I realized it was an unauthorized charge. My bank did a conference call with me to Privacy... read full review »
Fernteam LLC
You change my credit card i want my money back
Fern Ouellette last 4 credit 9808 my phone 318-608-1770
$107.04 read full review »
An unauthorised payment of $79.90 was taken out of my account on 14 Feb 2010 by In January the precise same unauthorised amount was taken under the name Internetbizkit. read full review »
These people are sending me sms's and everytime i receive one they deduct R10 from my airtime. The more i buy the more they send that rubbish to take my hard-earned money, and as a result i can't buy anymore anytime. I called the service provider (cellc), but they didn't respond. read full review »
Personal computer
I received a charge on my credit card which I did not authorize. If this is an automatic renewal, please cancel immediately and refund my $39.95. I no longer have the computer Trend Micro was installed on and my new computer has another program. I have contacted my credit card company and they should be contacting you if this is not resolved. Thank you. read full review »
micosoft Email lottery sponsors
Please inform if this is another of the Nigerian frauds, as below
From: MICROSOFT EMAIL LOTTERY ([email protected])
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk
Sent: Tue 2/16/10 8:31 PM
To: [email protected]
click here to view this email on a browser
Dear Winner
Microsoft corporation
Thames Valley Park
United Kingdom.
RE: From The desk of email promotion manager/prize award departmant, microsoft co-operation management worldwide wishes to... read full review »
icici bank ina
hi there my name is ravinandan sharma I am blong from punjab dist-moga i have banking with icici from few years one year ago i was try to take out mony from another bank ATM but They dont have mony in ATM how much i want so i didnt take out mony but few days laiter when i chek my acount balance there is less 20, 000 Rs in my acount wahen i went to bank i told them my problum they said yes some thing rong in system just write down a aplication we will give you your mony back then few days they give me my mony back, then few week laiter they... read full review »
timeshare goldline orlando fl
once again but this time NEw company name timeshare goldline...I have been contacted on numerous occasions promising that they have a buyer for my timeshare. They say the buyer has paid %20 down for the excessive amount they want to pay for my timeshare (twice what I paid 2.5 years ago). I am told that I have to decide within 24 hours and pay the cost of the title or deed transfer (over $2000) in order to make the guaranteed sale. Of course, they are not willing to put anything in writing until after I pay. I believe these people all work... read full review »
We feel that has not been responsive to the needs of REALTORS and that the current relationship between NAR and Move, Inc. (as currently constituted) is not in our interest as REALTORS for the following reasons:
1) Move, Inc. has a long standing pattern of raising fees on REALTORS and charging them exhorbitant fees in comparison with the costs of developing a national real estate listings site. Fees (which yet again are expected to be raised in 2009) are out of line with what other national listing aggregator websites cost... read full review »
Nuvell Auto financial
I have to agree with the gentleman about Nuvell. I too received an auto loan which I should not have been approved for. I have lost my job and cannot make the outstanding monthly payments. I have called and tried to work with them about modifying my loan. they refuse to work with me. I am at the point where I want them to come and take the car. It's ashame people didn't have crystal balls to see how we were taken advantage of. I was desperate and needed a car and they played on it. Some car dealers are responsible too as they know... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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