CATEGORY: Business & Finances
Budget Saver, Travel Member, Privacy Memeber
After finding out my back in negative $192. The next day it is negative $289.00 I go in to find there are several charges for 24.95, 24.95, 29.25, 19.95, 1.00.. Each charge was costing me $30.00 over draft fee's! I never signed up for any anything, bought anything, was sold any thing. How they got my debit card I might never know.! Telling me "o- You ever received your $25 gift card to Wal mart or 40$ gas rebate card." Aww Hello--- NO---- I Never heard of them!! Here its dead of winter barley make enough to get bye or pay the ga... read full review »
Chinese scammer site. read full review »
SBI ATM/Debit card
I lost my SBI ATM Card and i have blocked my card and applied 2 times for issue of ATM Card. But i don't get my card. details are as follows.
A/c No. 10442784544
Name: Sriram Chappidi
Branch: Vijayawada read full review »
Reliance Consumer Finanace
This E mail is mainly to warn all of you home and personal loan seekers againts falling in Reliance consumer finance trap. I have learnt the hard way and I am blaming myself for it!!
Modus operandi of Reliance: While most of the banks will be conservative and slow on loan disbursement, REliance will approach you with low rate and higher elegiblity. Once the loan is taken, in 3 months the rate of interest will be brought at higher than market prices. While signing the contract, they will tell you to agree on a nominal preclosure... read full review »
Readers Digest Sweepstakes
Got letter that I won 65, 000 3rd Place in Readers Digest. I was told to deposit check for 3, 048 to cover taxes and other fees. I was told to call Monday . The phone number says the mailbox is full.The check for 3048 was cashed & is in my account . I will not spend it incase its a rubber check. A in Pa read full review »
This russian woman who goes by many names is not to be trusted. Her real name is Nune and she claims to be a healer. She is anything but healing and I'd advise not to lend her money for she is in the business of blackmail and ripping people off. If you value your health and your assets I'd advise you to stay far away from this dangerous woman addicted to drugs and sex. read full review »
Celebrity Squares
In trying to access a free sheet music site (public domain music) I was charged $9.99 by simply completing the "create account" form that supposedly allows you to access the site. The immediately called and complained when I saw the text message that seemed to indicate I had been charged. They refused to give me their corporate office phone number which they said is in Henderson Nevada. An obvious scam. read full review »
General Revenue Corporation (GRC)
This company called my neighbor, although I am listed under a P.O. Box, and asking questions about me. I barely know my neighbor so it was ackward when he came to me saying a bill collector contacted him about me. I do not owe these scum bags money nor would I ever deal with a third party in any transaction, especially over the phone. These fraudulant companies have been ligitimized by our government but I could care less if we all owe them millions.
I would rather be in debt than pay rediculous amounts of money, even if I owe them... read full review »
Info.FreeCredi ca
taking money oout of my account but they don"t have on record to give me a report read full review »
joe pezzuto law group
...these people constantly call me and harrass me. I have told them time and time again that I am NOT the person they are looking for. same name but different SS#. there is more than one person with the same name but they phone me over and over agsain, then tell me they will not call again but the very next day, I receive a phone call again and we start the exact same process over again. This has been going on for over year now and these people use different phone numbers and differnt names. They need to be STOPPED!!! They are rude, ruthless, annoying, dispicaple creeps and something needs to be done to give them a MAJOR WAKEUP to the real world!! read full review »
prepaid virtual visa credit cards worldcardpro
For me Zenaida Perinho is the best wcp payment collector so far.
I've sent most of my payments to this name and NEVER had a single problem and I receive cards faster when payments are sent to her because she a fast to collect your payment and it seems that she have great relations with the company. read full review »
Towne Park Apartments
The trash bins are very small for this type of complex, it overflows and in the summer it stinks and attracts mice and rats. Instead of getting larger bins, they fine the tenant 100 dollars if your trash bag ends up on the ground.
They advertise a heated pool but w0n't turn it on. They do not clean the pool either, you can write your name in the bottom, its so dirty.
If you really want to know what kind of business practise they have, check out the Better Business Bureau, they have a F, which means they FAIL all BBB tests. read full review »
Pure Lift Age Defying Formula Cream
Through the internet I requested a free trial sample of this product only to be billed AU$13 then immediately AU52. My bank is supposed to be investigating, but nothing yet. What recourse do I have in Australia? I'm new here and don't know where to start. I don't think these people should get away with what they're doing. It seems as if they've been going for months.
Maxine read full review »
FSA Flexible Spending Account
I left a company in July and had filed for a FSA with them through CreativeBenefits now know as WageWorks. I received a balance reminder from them 6 months later stating that I had about $220 in their accounts and that I was able to use that until 12/31/09. So on 12/29/09 I went to the local pharmacy and stocked up on misc items mostly all covered by FSAs. I went online and filed the claim for the items that qualified for the amount that was totaled as FSA compliant on the receipt.
A few days later I received a notice that I had been... read full review »
Same problem as before except once again MHM*MM has made an attempt to withdraw $49.84. My credit company (Netspend) will address my complaint in 7 days or sooner when mmm*mm calls to get paid. Will keep you informed. read full review »
First Choice Power Company
Electricity Users Beware - First Choice should be your last choice for electricity. They charge way to much for electric and refuse to give any allowances to pay their outrageous (high) fees. There are two of us in a small two bedroom apt, we work all day, unplug everything, use applicances and lights sparingly, rarely use WD, heat or ac during the day or night and still have bills over $200 - $250 per month. we are locked into a bogus contract unless we move from the area. Something needs to be done about their prices, fees, and service... read full review »
Streaming Flix, LLC.
I have yet again had to call my Moms local phone company to dispute monthly billing charges made to her account on behalf of an online resource when she doesn't even have a computer! I am so sick of having to sit on hold waiting for one of these companies to answer their phone, then argue with them that there is no way my elderly mother would have signed up for any of these services, especially since she doesn't own a computer! Fortunately, however, I was able to find out "who" was accessing her phone bill account-my 44 yr... read full review »
certegycheck cashing/walmart
Headwind Media Inc-CMI Exclusive
I have yet again had to call my local phone company to dispute monthly billing charges made to my account on behalf of an online resource that I had never heard of/nor signed up for! I am so sick of having to sit on hold waiting for one of these companies to answer their phone, then argue with them that there is no way I would have signed up for any of these services! Fortunately, however, I was able to find out "who" was accessing my phone bill account-my 44 yr. old slug of a brother! The company says they would put a block on my... read full review »
premiumwhitepro dazzlewhite
80 y o mom wasduped by 'free sample' offer. Terms and conditions link did not work, so she never saw them. Reveived a 9.08oz tube in envelope with expensive brochures, but no return address, product manufacturer info, no FDA info, invoice or return instructions. She got product 2 days before 14 day trial expired (30 days offered on web site). She cancelled immediastely and they processed another transation on the same day she cancelled. She also changed her VISA number which did not stop them from charging her twice... read full review »
I ordered what were supposed to be Live Transfer Mortgage Leads from The Lead Tree, LLC but after only one day of getting live trasnfers they switched my order to just next day call back appointments. I paid $5, 000 because I knew live transfers were harder and if I would have known that they would have pulled this "bait and switch" then I would have demended a lower price for that type of service even though I still closed 12% out of them. The point is they did not keep to their word and have shown me they can't be trusted. read full review »
riddle wood and associates
I have called and called riddle wood and associates they have been taking 50.00 out of my bank account for many months now and my account should be paid off but when you call them you can't get to an actual representative. You will get automated system and then they hang up on you and tell you to send everything in writing. I need some type of resolution. When i did get a representative they threatened me and said they can sue me and then garnish wages then hang up. Took me six times calling them to finally set up an payment plan now by... read full review »
Experts Exchane
Expert exchange is big cheaters, they charge your credit card for no reason. I had called them and asked them to cancel my sibscription, they didn't do saying they couldn't find me in their system, a week later, my credit card was billed for 14$. I called them up and asked, said i haven't even logged into the site or used, they didn't listen, managers are rude and they do not respond to calls. BEWARE of experts exchange credit card billing, they are the BIGGEST INTERNET CHEATERS in the market today. read full review »
tri slim and acai
contd to get pills after calling the company to stop and they dont and contd to charge my bank account. i returned all products and want a full refund read full review »
Orange Limited
Company is another CYDCOR scam started by Elijah Medge. Complete pyramid scheme, originally named Imperial Marketing Vision and since switched names because people were catching on to the scam. Don't go for the interview, or at least read up on CYDCOR and Imperial Marketing Vision scam. It is a waste of time and money. Guy is a predator. read full review »
I have a charge to my checking account dated 1/4/10 from asknetshops .com and have no idea for what. read full review »
Platimun Online Group
My name is Shalisa Bailey and Platimun Online Group drafted $99.00 along with $19.95 from my checking account and I never authorized them to do so. My account is all messed up because of these drafts. I will like for this to be cancelled and the money sent back to my account as soon as possible or I will be forced to contact my lawyer and take necessary actions. I can be reached at 601 669-2670.
Shalisa Bailey read full review »
Wells Fargo Savimgs Account
I was charge a 55 dollar service fee for an account that I did not want aand never used Making a car payment to Westlake Financial though Wells Fargo was the reason for my visit. A bank representative insisted that I open numerous accounts that I really didn't need. She was not going to let me leave without doing so. 7 days later Westlake notified me that a payment was not revived and would like to send some out to retrieve the vehicle. That's when I decided not to use the accounts. The bank representative also failed to mention the... read full review »
A few months ago, I recieved notice that my account with Free Credit Reports would expire. At that time I thought the charges to my account would stop. They have continued and I do not want the service any more.
Stop the withdrawals and I would like reimbursement for any charges after the contract expired. read full review »
Vbl Web Money
I wanted to try to make money at home by checking websites. What I would be checking exactly was not specified, but would be when I got my package in the mail. The shipping was the only charge that I would be accountable for. The charge was $1.97.
After waiting several weeks, I tried contacting the company by email and phone. I had absolutely no luck whatsoever. I continued to try, partly because I wanted the package and also because I was being charged a monthly membership fee of $69.97. After several failed attempts, I contacted my credit... read full review » CA 2679
I have been charged by this company, place or whatever it is and it does NOT exist. What can I do? read full review »
Nieroda & Nieroda
The Office of Nieroda & Nieroda charged me over$4, 000.00 to get me a home modification morgage and it is almost a year and all they say to me is that they are talking with the bank. The bank has informed me that they have only contacted them twice and almost a year later my credit is ruined, I owed a lot of money in late and finance charges, I almost lost my house, my credit cards have closed my accounts and I cannot take the stress this Law Firm has put on me. They gave me bad advice, they said not to make payments on my house because... read full review »
Having requested help from Justanswer for a password problem on my NEW Toshiba laptop. I was then told to insert my Credit Card account nuber and end date, which I did for a charge for this service to be £13.00 (Thirteen Pounds). I then expected the answer to my question to be sent to me, IT NEVER HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY ME BUT I HAVE BEEN CHARGED ON MY CREDIT CARD FOR THIS SERVICE. IT ALSO ADVISED THAT AS AN OPTIONAL EXTRA IF THIS DID NOT WORK OR I DID NOT AGREE TO THIS I WOULD NOT BE CHARGED. Although I received an EMAIL to say view your... read full review »
I noticed that my regular bank account has been debited by a company name I did not recognize nor did I authorize. I reported it to the bank but it can only go back 60 days to refund this amount. Each month for the past four, I have been billed $19.95 from this scam. I did not notice because we hardly ever use this account and keep only a small amount in it. But, this is illegal, so I am also reporting it to the police. You can report it to the FBI, but chances are they will do nothing because we are not a large corporation. That's the... read full review »
disater kit
i received an email about a disaster kit. The cost was $3.99 +$1.00, i thought this was a good deal.
The problem is that the product that they send you, are all items that you can purchase at the 99 Cent stores.
I thought that they was only a one time cost, but on 1-5-10 this company took out another $95.00 because they told me it was a trail period. You have 14 days for trial period but it starts the day you order. Okay, my kit was not sent out until 12-23-09 i ordered the kit, on 12-16-09, 8 days passed of a trail period of not... read full review »
catherine krauss
You actually withdrew on my bank account twice dates are 11/27/09 and again on 12/27/09 $33.98. withdrwan each time. Redospital the total funds of $67.96. I did not recieve any loans nor services from you. Nor did I authorize this withdrawels. This is Theft by deception. I will notify the proper authorities if this is not addressed immediately.
Ripped Off Consumer,
catherine Krauss read full review »
Ref:PPO NO.462959903113
I am Central government pensioner retired from Department of Atomic energy (Madras Atomic power station, Kalpakkam, Tamilnadu)
I am drawing pension thru Kalpakkam State bank of India Branch.
I have retired in May 2008. Before superannuation I was an absorbee in NPCIL from january 1998, and was drawing pro rata pension (only the basic pension of Rs.4599/-). But after the release of sixth pay commission the prorata pension was enhanced to Rs.10395/ from January 2006.
State bank of india, kalpakkam has made the... read full review »
catherine T Krauss
You withdrew money on my bank account, when I did not receive a loan. Issue my bank account a return amount of $33.98 Immediately. As this is considered Theft By decption. I will notify all authorities if this is not handled amaicably.
Catherine T Krauss read full review »
Affordable Rentals Northwest
I Am complaining about a A Company called Affordable Rentals Northwest Inc. I responded to a Craigslist Ad about this company and i was told and under the impression that with my Bad credit and a felony Conviction they would find me a Suitable house for rent and get me into the house with very little hassle. So i went to the Company's Office Located at 2300 Eastlake Ave E, Suite 105, Seattle, Wa, 98102. I Spoke with a Gentleman Named Terrance who promptly Sat down and handed me some paperwork to fill out and told me that if i was looking... read full review »
Natural Source Store.Com
NATURALSOURCESTORE.COM HOLLYWOOD FL has fraudulantly charged an amount to my Visa without authorization. The scam of providing a sample of a product for trial and then assuming anyone will start to purchase a product is fraud.
This company has no authorization to charge to my acccount. I stated very clearly to the gentleman who called, I am not interested in any products, I simply wanted to try a sample. End of conversation, one week later, I check my visa and there is a charged of 84.98 US funds applied to account.
This type of... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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