CATEGORY: Business & Finances

Five Star Associates
G Trippsmith October 1, 2009
After my father's recent death, I was contacted by Five Star and informed that I had "inherited" his membership to the RV Resort Company. This is a company that owns or handles RV camping resorts and allows members access to them (I assume) and preferential booking treatment of some sort. Whatever, I have no interest in it whatsoever, and have signed nothing. I was told that if I wanted to terminate the "membership", I would have to pay $1485 plus back-owed membership dues. According to them, this is a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Allsbeenhad October 1, 2009
QuickCreditScore invites you get a FREE credit rating, but carefully avoids a clear statement that there will be a charge on your card after ten days. After giving your credit card number the charge - 29.95 - is then deducted from your card, without notifying you, and unless you are aware of the charge they refuse to refund the money. This is a disgusting racket that uses Hotmail Email site to eject money from innocent and ignorant computer users, and in my opinion it should be outlawed, and prosecuted for completely misleading the public. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
ellebee October 1, 2009
i worked for this company Here´s the truth about everything: Their main offices are in Buenos Aires. Why? Because they are miserable people and they hire expats or argentineans to do the work because is less expensive to pay them. remember that argentinean pesos are less than dollars. so a month or hard work, you get payed only 400 dollars. their office is a complete disaster. its not cleaned, they dont use windows but they use linux to save money because they dont wanna spend any money on softwares or even office... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Argentina
Northcourse / Almuttahed/ Al Fassel
mohammed786 October 1, 2009
Saudi Prince and NYSE firm involved in Mecca Scandal. HRH Prince Faisal bin Mugrin bin Abdulaziz, son of Prince Mugrin head of internal security, Al Muttahed a leading Saudi development firm listed on the Saudi Stock Exchange and Northcourse owned by Wyndham a NYSE company have been involved with a property scandal in the holy city of Mecca(Makkah) Saudi Arabia. Le Meridien Hotel Towers Makkah offered a noble and spiritually rewarding product to Non Saudi's however this blessed gift is nothing but a shameful con. The... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Saudi Arabia
Just letting
Kumanchi October 1, 2009
We rented out our townhouse with Just Letting and our last tenants really messed up the place. We complained to the agent and she said they would keep the deposit to fix everything that was broken. It has been 5 month since this has happened and now they are refusing to fix the main problems even though they've kept our last tenants deposit money. I have written a letter of complaint and called head office more times than i should have to and still i havent been contact about this problem. Please dont use just letting services they are incompetent and have no clue about customer service! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: South Africa
grant money 4 you
Virginiabd October 1, 2009
Hi, my name is Virginia Derbridge, I don't have any business with you and You are charging me $7.95 every month. I need to know what is this about before call my creditcard and ask my money back. Some one stoll my card identity. Please stop to charge and let me know. Thank you Virginia Derbridge read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
USAirways Master Card
account closed October 1, 2009
I made a large payment on my account to reduce interest charges, and they cloed my account! They won't explain on the phone why this was done, and I can't use my card. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
acai burn 500
peeved.student4089 October 1, 2009
i got a free trial of the acai burn diet pills after hearing good things about them. i got them through quickly though wasn't aware of any extra charges. Luckily i am a student, so had no money in my account when they repeatedly tried to take £40 out each fortnight. I wasn't aware they were trying to take money until my bank froze my card and i had to phone their fraud hotline. they had tried to take the money out using several different names and the second i got my student loan through they tried to take the money... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Frontierdelivery services limited
Habibur Rahman October 1, 2009
Received sms on mobile no: 09733186406 that you have won 350, 000, 00 GBP for the month of september 2009 lottery promotion which was organized by uk lottery Department... whuch was said that it is mobile draw promo its identification numbers are: Batch no: YM 09102XN; Reff no: YM3544XN; Winning no: YM09788... I have send them all my details in this address Email id:[email protected] via Mr. paul and now Mr. paul is saying that you have to pay 420 or 35, 000 INR into the account which will be send to me by the diplomat for clearing of... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
nestle india samalkha plant
bhagvaan das October 1, 2009
sir i would like to let you know that your company nestle india samalkha plant, is selling expire date dry milk to anand swabhav company of samalkha . anand swabhav company are selling expire date dry milk to sweet shops and sweet makers in india for diwali season. which is very dangerous to health. sir i request you too keep in check and stop giving them dry milk in scrap read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Kaotic October 1, 2009
Do not purchace this product!! Con!!! They take unauthorised payments off your credit card without your permission. Ive had a credit card bill come over £200. Robbing wankers!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Tammy Pence
Tammy Pence October 1, 2009
FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Wednesday, September 30, 2009 10:42:43 PMFrom: Robert S. Mueller III <[email protected]> Add to Contacts To: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ROOM 4-230, KALANIANAOLE FOB 300 ALA MOANA BOULEVARD HONOLULU, HAWAII 96850-0053. [email protected] Attn: Honorable Beneficiary. We the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI Honolulu) United States of America have... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
td bank (td banknorth)
finn2002 October 1, 2009
rediculous i waited on the phone for 30 mins yestarday and no one picked up yet, so i called at 7:00am the next morning i'am typing this now and guess what i'm still on hold for 26 mins now un f***king beliveble!!! i'am switching banks i'm hanging up now it's been 30mins now read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Stretcher Bars
Alan Hausenflock October 1, 2009
I ordered 6 sets of stretcher bars from Wholesale Arts and Frames. I thought something was strange when they sent me a spreadsheet as their order form and I had to call to complete the order. They took 2 weeks to arrive because UPS didn't receive them for shipment until a week later. This tells me that this company outsourses it's products so there's no quality control. When I looked at them I found that the wood was brittle and dry and the interlocking keys on the ends weren't cut uniformly. The workmanship was lousy -... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Dellovo Capital
Scammed Investor October 1, 2009
Dellovo Capital is not a lending source. Dellovo Capital is not an equity fund. Dellovo Capital is a "consulting firm" that guarantees nothing but an LOI that does NOT have to match their lenders LOI. Dellovo Capital is a "loan" broker who takes a $15, 000 deposit and shops your loan packet to numerous lenders. The LOI you get from their "shopping" does not have to match their terms. According to Dellovo Capital if they get any LOI, no matter the terms, it fulfills their obligations. Dellovo Capital fine print... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
KA JAYARAMAN October 1, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
VBL Fun Web Profits
Margaret Go October 1, 2009
In reviewing my credit card statements I found 2 charges by VBL Fun Web one for $1.97 and two for $29.95. I also found charges for VBL Alt Funds $1.47 and 29.95, VBL Web $69.97. There were also charges for System Location $24.95 and Process System $24.95. None of these charges were authorized! and I cannot find their website to request refunds. I have contacted my credit card company and let them know these were not authorized. m go read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
checking accountd
dave84 October 1, 2009
RUDE CUSTOMER service people, who wil argue with a customer when a custoner is asking questions about legder balance and quetionable overdraft fees.In one week i have been charged over 600 dollars for small things as a cup of mcdonald coffee, when online baking showed me available balance was well over $1000 Online banking not in real time cannot give accurate checking account balance.They put money on hold and this infromation is not made available in real time in "available balance" yet theybtell customer to use it..Avoid thi... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Penelope Grace October 1, 2009
I have had my Mastercard account charged a fee for which I have no known cause. I have no dealings with this company, no product or service and would appreciate having my funds reimbursed to my credit card account. the only company that I thought I was ordering from was the FREE trial of DazzleSmile / Dazzle White. I did not receive that very expensive FREE trial product and now find my account has been charged from companies I have no knowledge of. I find this perplexing and dishonest and would like to cancel any subscriptions you... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Australia
Reverse Leveraging
Cam23 October 1, 2009
Draven Group reverse leveraging software is just another scam. I purchased the software about a month ago. From when they had my money, they were not returning any of my phonecalls. The software which works out profit margins from making sports strades, never matched up to the actual odds on the bookmakers website. I am in the process of seeking legal advice. They put on a slick performance just like any scam artists, but dont be fooled like i was. These coward scum need to be shut down! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Australia
markna October 1, 2009
I unchecked both boxes for other products (have had that issue before) and was charged and extra 39.95 anyway. No way to contact them until after they make the charge. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Vertrue Incorporated
CSP72 October 1, 2009
For people searching for the parent company of Adaptive Marketing LLC. The following are discount memberships offered by Adaptive Marketing LLC, which is owned by Vertrue Incorporated, according to their websites. - Free Score - Privacy Matter 1-2-3 - Privacy Matters Identity - 24Protect Plus - Credit Diagnosis - Credit Adapter - Credit Score Express - At Home Rewards - BusinessMax - Cross Country Savings - DealMax - Home Savings Mall - Food and Flix - Getaway and Save - Leisure Exclusives -... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Over draft fees
m johnson7 October 1, 2009
I deposisted a payroll check written to my daughter in an ATM. Wells Fargo reversed the deposit 3 days later after withdrawals on the funds were made, withdrawals of $10, $20, etc. They charged $35 a pop for a grand total of $325, causing me to be even more withdrawn and no funds from the check. They have my telephone number, no one picked up the phone to notify me, and racked up the overcharge fees. I was a customer for 12 years with NO overdraft charges ever. I went all the way to the supervisor level and was told they would not reverse the... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
GGL Bonus
mshattori September 30, 2009
I don't even know who these people are yet I've been getting $12.95 charged to my account since 07/2009. The only thing I can think of is the so called, earn money at home "sponsored" by Google website. I would like these charges to stop and be refunded to my account. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
GE Money BankWalmart Credit Crd
Stephen51 September 30, 2009
I applied for a credit card thru Walmart a year ago. These cards are issued thru GE Money Bank. At the time of issue I was told I had a $650 credit limit. Over this past year I have paid ontime, every month and paid 5-6X the amount of the payment due. All of a sudden I get a statement saying I owe $357 and have a $360 credit limit. When I called customer service to ask why I was only told that I did not meet their "criteria" for the $650 limit. My situation has not changed in the past year. I have EXCELLENT credit with them. How can... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Federated Financial Corp.
FederatedFinancialSucks September 30, 2009
Representing Federated Financial Corp., a man who called himself "Justin" called my business on 09/30/09 and asked for a person whose name I am not familiar with. When I told "Justin" he had the wrong number, he told me I was a liar. He also used foul and vulgar language, and when I hung up the phone after asking him to never call me or this telephone number again, he called me right back and continued to use abusive language. He called me back 4 more times to harass me, and he upset my business operations in doing so. I asked... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
cfblakeman September 30, 2009
We were customers of EMS for one year, gave them 45 days notice we were leaving for someone else, and were told we owed $300 for wrongful cancellation. The fine print buried in the contract gives one specific day of the year - "90 day" before the renewal that we can notify them we are leaving. If you don't do it on that day, you can't even do a 90 day cancellation notice at any other time during the year, let alone a more reasonable 30-day notice. So if you miss that single day of the year that you can cancel, the... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Bank of America/Countrywide loans
Sue D'Agostion September 30, 2009
We obtained a loan from Countrywide which is now Bank of America. It was originally a predatory loan and we modified in March 2009 with Countrywide. Once we switched to BofA ownership, we hoped for better service and a responsive team to our inquiries. But that has not happened. As it turns out, we were told that the company is one and the same. New ownership does not mean better management or equitable treatment. We are battling to keep our house and want to work with the bank. All we get are people in India. Yesterday we spoke with... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Mortgage Services
nheimbecker September 30, 2009
My current Mortgage Lender "Mortgage Services also known as PHH has basically screwed me over from the beggining. January of 2008 I became ill and was out of work for 3 months with no income. I fell behind 1 month on my mortgage and in March of 09 I filled the paper work out for a Mortgage refy. Now as of Sept. I have fallen 2 months behind which they are now saying I must make a double payment otherwise they cannot except anything from me. Had they helped with the refy, this may not have ever happened! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
wellbhealth or Acaiburn
19tol69 September 30, 2009
I too was sucked in by this website and have been charged 2 x for the amount of AUS$93.74 without asking for further products. I managed to cancel the acai burn order (I only wanted a sample!), but just want to let others know you also have to cancel the following, which you mysteriously sign up for! otherwise you will still be paying different amounts to these sites. World Club Fitness 1800 686 513 Weight Loss Reduction 1800 156 711 They are absolute scammers! thats why the information pages are so long so that you actually skip what they sign you up for, to get to the bottome of the page. Totally unacceptable to do this to people! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Australia
notavailabe126 September 30, 2009
Yall really shouldnt blame most of the workers that worked for the Bethany group. My mother had to suffer because they diddnt pay her in time, and that effected my family. Why would thier slogan be "Raising The Level of Living" when all they really did that i know of is raise hell. I am flabergasted by the comments that were said to the employes. We should blame the owners. One i know of drives a very exspensive Maybach, i think if he were to sell it it could get my mommy her sallery.-affected Child read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
CYT September 30, 2009
I was charged $3.95 for the shipment of a trial order and even though I never received any product, I was then billed $79.95 additionally which was not authorized. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
First Place Management
merlion69 September 30, 2009
I rented a 2 bedroom home in Jacksonville FL from a Real Estate management company. I gave my 2 months notice I was vacating at the end of my lease in June. Due to circumstances beyond my control, my father passed away early June and I asked for a month extension until 31 July to allow me to take care of personal business back in my home state. I received an email 19 June from First Place Management stating a month extension would be acceptable and I would vacate the premises by 31 July. I vacated the premises on 28 July to relocate to my home... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Brad Wonzy
Booper914 September 30, 2009
Brad Wonzy claims he remembers what it is like to be poor - - I think not! I purchased an online course and immediately afterwards became ill and could not use the computer - - after months of requesting a refund I was told NO, under no cirmstances will they give out refunds. I never signed on to the website to get the information, offered to send them proof of illness, etc... He would not budge - - so... does he really remember being poor, if he has forgot I can now tell him since the money debited out of my checking account was enough to... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
TRIP RUINED September 30, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Carlo1977 September 30, 2009
hi, heres a email i sent to the company, i want to know if its a legitimate business or a scam, because i'd really like to buy a laptop from them.. heres the insert : hello, i want to ask you some questions if you dont mind. I dont want to pay you my hard earned money, just to find out that this is maybe a scam of sorts. I see theres several web address made by liu tongzhi namely,, and, to name but a few. They all seem to be of the same company, same owner, same products. Why so many... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: China
paul mylam September 30, 2009
WELLBHEALTH. DO NOT ORDER ANY CLEANSE OR STOMACH PRODUCTS. ONCE THEY HAVE YOUR CREDIT CARD DETAILS THEY TAKE £79.00 DOLLARS AROUND £50.00. This transaction is un-authorised. paul e mylam England read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
D-tech Evoulution
G P September 30, 2009
I was enticed by the same set of rules, harassing phone calls, need to pay within 1 hr, need to fax paper, notirzed and such. I do have outstanding bal out, but I never thought they would haress and leave threating message to this point. They also promise to send you the confirmation letter were everything is settled. Second as I found out, all the numbers that contacted me, were cell phones. Third, Mr. Charles Brown, Keith Roberts, Julian Marshall, Jason Alexander, Anna Smith, are names that they have used to contacted me. Unfor. I was scam 3... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
achieve card
cbasser September 30, 2009
When they sent me the card, there was no disclosure in the envelope, so I had no idea when I loaded the card that I would be charged $9.95 per month for the privilege of their crap prepaid card. It wasn't until logging on the the website that you find their terms and conditions. And you can't talk to anybody on the phone without paying $2.00. Don't be surprised if you get cut off several times, at $2.00 a call. I want to know how they can get away with this. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
CCS Services
Jennifer Grant September 30, 2009
Calling me at work three times after I have asked them to stop calling me at work. Lied to me about their business/state from which they operate (said they were in Ohio, but are calling from Maryland). Are threatening to sue me for Fraud due to a bank service error that was no fault of my own. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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