CATEGORY: Business & Finances

Kevin Got his green
Jane Dora February 18, 2009
I have now filed a complain with the ICS Internet Crime Complaints Centre. It has taken me all night filling out this form and also wrote to [email protected] and to Alexa on this link: You can try yourselves to register your stamps too incase you will be needing it when you file with your credit card companies. It would help. Good luck all. Jane Dora. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
belleza coffee
evelyn February 18, 2009
charges to my debit card that were never authorized by me on 2/17/09 $25.00 and again another charge of $38.95 on 2/18/09 no one gave them permission for any of this charges sincerely evelyn rivera 973 979 9638 thank you read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
yahoo lottery win
donna wood February 18, 2009
i recieved an e-mail saying i'd won £500'000 on a yahoo lottery draw that took place in november 08 and that my e-mail address was chosen out of 2, 500 e-mail addresses. can you tell me if this is all true or wether it's jus another scam. thank you read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
tiffany February 18, 2009
I am very upet with the fraudulent charges on my credit card. I looked on last months statement and it was very odd I had 4 unauthorized charges on my credit card statemet from 4 different websites all from Conneticut in the amount of $1.00 up to $32.95 There names Saving, pharmacygold,, and I believe someone needs to investigate (ARE THEY AFFILIATES) MOST LIKELY. I am in the process of going over the last 2 years of bank statements. As of know Pmidentity has been taking out $32.95 for the last... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Mason Capital Group & Gretchen Fox & Associates & American Financial Group
mitzi February 18, 2009
If you have been ripped of by ANY of these companies, Mason Capital Group & Gretchen Fox & Associates (GFA) & American Financial Group (AFG), Please call these people IMMEDIATELY to file a complaint. If they have enough of us, they will DO SOMETHING TO HELP US! LA County Dept Consumer Affairs 213 974-9779 - Mary Safari (not sure on last name) LA County Investigator 213 580 3343 – Brian Deleon [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
PEGGY MARKS February 18, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Edward Jones Financial Services
IdaSalesGuy February 18, 2009
Pursued possible employment with Edward Jones. One of the pre employment hoops is for you to go out and do a "survey" which is a door-to-door exercise, I believe, to see if you have the will to make one-on-one cold calls or not. In the two neighborhoods I chose, I ran into to people who had just spoken to someone with the exact same survey questions in the last few days (Edward Jones gives you a script). It is my impression that this firm wants to flood the market with brokers and see who sinks or swims. In all fairness, if you do pa... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
kevin got his green/
Jane Dora February 18, 2009
The scammers have drawn £1.41p ($1.95c) from my credit card on the same day I completed their dreadful form online on emmillionaire. Sadly those of you who have cancelled your credit cards for a new one, I have to tell you, u will still be charged because what we all did not know is that this company will charge an extra $39.95p in seven days time, and will continue to do so till you find your way around, find them and cancel the subcription. Print or save this email because that is what your credit card reps would use to trace the... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Identity Security and International Fees
libbyjewels February 18, 2009
There was four (4) unauthorized charges on my bank account that i had no knowledge of. When I tried to call the 1-800-712-7222 number, I received a voice recording that stated my account will be updated with further information in 48 hrs. It is now nine (9) days later and it still has not been updated with any other further information. I had to call my bank and shut my account down because of this. I need help with this. How were they able to access my account. This is a breach of security and something needs to done. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
prepaid visa card greendot
Aly Richardson February 18, 2009
I was told that activating a second would cost $19.00 and if I contact the web site within 24 hours I would receive $10.00 rebate for adding the second card. I contacted the website as told but was not able to get the rebate page as promised, then I called customer service to complain and was sent from one recorded message to another with no human contact. Greendot is a very unscrupulous company and should be made to meet the standards of ethics that will be of greater help to customers instead of taking advantage of people who have credit problems and can't get treditional credit cards read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Google Sucess
Celeste Brumer February 18, 2009
The add said $ 1.00 for the Google Sucess program. I was charged $29.95 plus international fees and still have not received anything. I want my money back read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Adipose Rx/Caralluma Extreme diet pills
Sandra Goldstein February 18, 2009
On 2/17/09 I received a pkg sent from the address above with a bottle of diet pills enclosed. There was no receipt inside and I never ordered the pills to begin with. I checked my credit card statement online and found that a company called Adipose Rx had charged my Visa card $34.84 on Jan 31. I tried to no avail to contact the company with the 877 number on the bottle and again through the website 800 number which had the same mans voice message with no answer. The so-called website has a place to put down information if you wish to inquire... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
SallieMae student loan
whoami February 18, 2009
Right now I'm unemployed, looking for a new job, which is not the easiest thing right now. Companies are letting people go these days, not hiring new people. I admit, I've been very irresponsible for a while. My loan payment was 200 days late. But at the end of January, I made a payment (part of my past due amount) to make things right again. When I was making that payment, the rep told me, "as long as you keep up with the monthly payment from now on, everything will be fine. Your loan will not default. Just keep... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Pressler & Pressler
Joseph Mansilla February 18, 2009
Dear Sir/Madam: The intent of the document is to establish the sequence of events leading up to the current situation, and to inform the party reading this to understand the history and characters involved. Especially the disreputable and unethical fee and billing practices of the Plaintiff(Dr LEE PRESSLER, STATE LICENSE # 25MA06546300) and his brother Attorney(SHELDON PRESSLER). At approximately 2:30AM on April 4th, 2002 I was admitted into Emergency Care at Morristown Medical Center. It was upon my admittance that the resident... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Me alone
lauren mccollum February 18, 2009
The site to look up the charge Dri* is charging you is : They will give you the information of your deduction . They are extremely helpful and nice. They gave me my informaion by verifying my personal information that you entered for them to charge the account. They will e-mail you with a verification that the company who charged you that you do not want the charge and to eliminate if from your account. If you do not hear from them within 2 business days on your e-mail site giving you verification that you do not... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
[email protected]
stephen l blume February 18, 2009
please withdraw or terminate my membership to this website or any afflieates. I do NOT WISH TO be charged free something I will not use. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Palisades Acquisitions XVI aka Palisades Collections
sk707 February 18, 2009
I have settled an account w/West Asset Management (888) 433-2886 & 770 618 2200 for 50¢ on the $ on April 2005 and now I am being sued by Palisades Acquisitions XVI llc for the other 50%. I'm ready to go to court w/my attorney to force this company to pay my attorney's court fees after I win the case. West Asset refused to listen to me when I called to verify that this case was closed but it will have to do it for Palisades. For Palisades toll free #, please call this # and follow recording read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Delbert Tyler LLC
Alaric Lewis February 18, 2009
on 09/18/2008 I wrote Mr. Tyler a business check for $1500 the service to be performed by Mr. Tyler was a completed business Plan with break even analysis, five year financial projections, a statement of cash flows, etc. I even provide Mr. Tyler with a complete rough draft of a business plan I've been working on for 3 years, I really needed this plan to help me with my business and he took advantage of me. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Chase Freedom Card
korsakov February 18, 2009
I had the chance to get a home depot credit card for my kitchen purchase while getting free financing for 6 months. I remembered that a Chase Rep once called me and invited me to a special incentive program granting me 3% in the category I spend the most money with. I called to be assured that my kitchen purchase would qualify. To make sure that I get the right information, I even called twice. (They refuse to send any confirmations via email!) Both Reps told me that I am in the program and that my purchase would qualify. I went ahead with my... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
FWM Lab RV Max
Roni February 18, 2009
I filed fraud charges through my bank, if you used a debit card you can do the same thing, contact the number on the back of the card and report FWM it is the only way to stop them. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
RJR Contracting
Endy February 18, 2009
In the summer of 2008, we had several storms in the Gladstone/Kansas City area. My roof was damaged and had several roofers come by my house to offer their services. RJR said they would do all the work in one day, and take $600.00 off my deductible if I put a sign in my yard. I agreed and in early October, I received a second party check for 4800.00. I called RJR up and explained I would send that to my mortgage company (other party on check) and it should be ready in 2-3 days. Lance from RJR came over and said that they could handle it all. I... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Slim Easy
Johny February 18, 2009
I responded to e-mail for a free sample of the product and agreed to pay the S&h. After they confirmed order their response was not what I was asking for so I sent E-mail back asking them to cancel order. I then received a package with a 30 day supply of product and $88.97 had been deducted from my checking account. I tried to call but they said I had to use the e-mail address and there was no one to talk to. It would all have to be done through the internet. I am currently contesting this with my bank. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Appliance Masters
David February 18, 2009
Our ice machine stopped working in the heat of the summer her in Dallas. I looked up A/C Appliance Masters online and called up Gil. He then came out and pumped Freon in the system. It worked for about an hour. I then called him back and he came back out a few days later. Pumped more freon and left again. About an hour or two later it stopped producing ice again. He came back out about 4 days later and did something and still it did not work. The people in the our warehouse were getting upset there is no ice. I called Gil and he said he will... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Air Free Tires
Vaungh February 18, 2009
I ordered 2 bike tires in Oct 2008, It is now Feb and I am still waiting. Hugh responded to the first 2 emails blaming the manufacturer for the delay. Since mid December there has been no response to emails or phone calls. Credit Card was charged in Oct of 2008. At this point I want the money returned to my credit card. His website looks like a legit business, but it appears it is all just a scam. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Anthony February 18, 2009
My card was charged many times with fraudulent reasons. First time they told me it was buyer who decided to take his money back - $560 (3 months after buying), but buyer told me that it was their mistake and he contacted to load his money back to account, but it wasn't made and they are not confirmed that he contacted them. Second time they charged my card as other buyer's refund - $60, but with the same unknown mistake and no reaction to buyer's call and e-mail. And the third time was awful - they... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Capitol One Bank
Patricia Navas February 18, 2009
Capitol One Bank is raising my rate from 6% to 14%. Why? Their reasoning is because of "the economy". I have an excellent credit rating, and am not behind in any payments; so their real reason is greed -- or better said, Capitol One expects customers who pay their bills on time to "bail out" the bank's poor decisions. They recently unfolded a plan to "help" those in financial crisis by revising your debt. They make it sound like the "banks" are actually helping ... the fact is the "banks" are merely... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Real Estate Promoter
Brad February 18, 2009
I ordered RealtyTrac Trial and canceled it within 5 days. RealtyTrac gave my American Express card number to Real Estate Promoter without my authorization. They posted three charges within ten days: 44.95, 44.95 and 39.95. They told me that American Express made a mistake and should have been charging me for the past three months. That is why I am seeing three charges at once. They said that they would refund one month and I am responsible for the other two month charges. From other reports on the internet, they have been... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Financial Protection Centers
Ian February 18, 2009
I received a call from a number 888-332-8122 the woman identified herself several times as being from Visa Mastercard 'the' company. I asked her how I could be sure that he was genuine. She cited the Consumer Protection Act and told me he could lower the rates on my credit cards to 4.9%. When I asked to speak to a supervisor she told me she was 'the supervisor' of the whole floor. Her name was Morgan and called me sweetie over and over. When I asked how much it would cost me she told me 'nothing' She wanted a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Laura L. Hiles-Kresen February 18, 2009
To whom it may Concern, at this time, I'm asking you to cancell the fee's that you have taken out of my savings acct. I do not wish to have your services any longer!!! I believe you owe me some money as well. So if you would please cancell all transactions.!!! For I will be contacting my lawyer concerning this matter. I'm also asking for a complete copy of my acct. Proving to me the reason's, why I have this acct. Thank you for your time and efforts for dealing with this problem. Please feel free to contact me via. e-mail, as well as by phone. My number is 330-394-3177. Sincerely. Laura L Hiles- Kresen read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Vanderbilt Mortgage And Finance, Inc.
Rebecca Ellison February 18, 2009
I have had leeks in my walls when it rains. Now my walls are caving in. I had this problem soon after it was set up. They could not find the problem. I had to replace front door frame. My husband and I bought it new had it financed 15years .he lost his job 8 years ago so we got 3 months behind they told us to move out. So we borrowed money from friends then I started to make the 316.00 monthly payment on my 6.00hr job. I tried to get them to refinance to make payments cheaper they said than they don't do refinance. Now 3 years ago I got a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Risk Management Partners
Rita February 18, 2009
Risk Management Partners, LTD was the last in a series of apparent buyouts of a company called Jubilee Debt Management, which became Miracle Management and eventually Risk Management Partners. Initially, as Jubilee, my accounts were slowly being settled. As time wore on and the name changes started, the service got worse. Eventually, the new people no longer had last names. It was just Mike and Tekkain, etc. When I was getting desperate with lawsuits approaching for non-payment, I decided to cancel my account with them and use the... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Wells Fargo ATM
Elizabeth February 18, 2009
I will never go to Wells Fargo again. Talk about a bank who is desperate for cash. Keep in mind that I am not a Wells Fargo customer and I am thankful that I am not. My car broke down while I was at the dry cleaners. The tow truck driver was cash only so I had no choice but to go to an ATM. The closest one, mind you I was walking, was at the Wells Fargo about a block away. I swiped my card and it made me check my balance-there was no option on the screen not to, and they did not say anything on the screen about a charge for this service. Then... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Quick Bucks Direct
Collin February 18, 2009
They took $24.95 out of my checking account without my permission. Several calls later still no refund or satisfaction. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
USA Coin Shop
Mack February 18, 2009
So I ordered over a thousand dollars worth of coins from the web site. Tue Feb 3 08:57:35 PST 2009. The web site says ' Shipping and handing is only $3.95 no matter how many items you purchase. We ship via USPS and usually process orders within 3-5 business days.' Got a receipt that day from yahoo stores. CC was charged. Its now 15 days later. They won't respond to my email, phonecalls. All the voicemail boxes say they are full and not accepting any new messages. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Champion on the Green Townhomes
Patrice Johnson February 18, 2009
These are the worse apartments anyone can live in. They are full of roaches and the maintence is terrible. The management in the office are all GHETTO and refuse to listen to anyone. Kenya always come to work with holes in her clothes and shoes run over. The model is nothing compared to the actual apartment they rent out. Carla is the manager and she never gets on the telephone and speak with residents. I broke my lease and lost my deposit just to get away from their. PLEASE BE AWARE THEY SWITCHED MANAGEMENT COMPANIES EVERY YEAR BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS TO MANAGE THESE GHETTO APARTMENTS. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Ultra Green Products
david February 18, 2009
They have a very deceptive or fraudulent website. I paid shipping for a free trial and then got charged $59.95 for another bottle of their product. Totally a scam. Acai ultra burn read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Advanced Acai
Christian February 18, 2009
Bottomline...I was aware of their dirty tricks and canceled within the trial period and refused acceptance of the product via USPS. They billed my credit card and after many attempts agreed to credit me back and after waiting several weeks...still have not done so. Now, when I call the phone # on my credit card associated with the company...all I get is all circuits are busy. This company is a rip off ... and I feel advertises through false pretense. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Van February 18, 2009
In brief, my 83 year old mother is currently out $990 after being tag-teamed by these charlatans. We are attempting to recover her money, but only after their obviously-prepared 'reps' have evaded all her attempts to rescind, even going so far as to tell her she 'had no right to cancel' on the phone. After talking with attorney, I advised her to save everything, including the US Priority Mail envelope in which they mailed her documents. They took her money on 1/28/09 but never wrote up an invoice until 2/2/09, then... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Celluar Blowout
Kim February 18, 2009
I order a cell phone face plate in January. My credit card was charged the day after I placed the order. I noticed on my bank statement and tried to call, but they don't answer the phone they just leave a message to e-mail them. I e-mailed and got a reply 3 days later that my order was on backorder. I waited another week and still no faceplate, so wrote and ask why they sold products they didn't have in stock and went ahead and charged your credit card. Said I wanted a refund. The reply I received said I quote 'no refunds read the fine print ass hole. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
FSL Nutrition AKA FS supplements Acai berry
mcm February 18, 2009
I order acai berry trial for 5.95 on the internet. The site did not mention that I would be recieving shipments monthly unless I cancelled. Perhaps, I did not read the fine print. So I tried to cancel through phone calls and numerous emails. I sent back the product and paid for shipping, they do not allow return to sender. I thought I had cancelled. was even willing to pay their 30% for handling when I got another bottle with a bill of $85 from a company of a different name that I know I did not order from. I called to cancel and got the... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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