CATEGORY: Education
Cengage Learning
So Im a college student, and i tried to buy an e-textbook from this website. But the software that they give to use it flat out dose not work. It was poorly designed and programed, and it does not work with updated browsers.
Im pretty computer literate and I tried for 4 days calling them to get tech support, but nobody had any idea how to work the software. So finally I just called and canceled my order. After wasting several hours of my life on the phone with them, mostly on hold.
Im pissed because they had no problem selling me a... read full review »
Financial Aid
I have been attending Kaplan University for about 2 months now, they have been sending the same email telling me that I need to submit a KU Promissory note. Well I call and asked where I could get one and was told it would need to be emailed to be and that they would do so. Will as of 02/22/2011, I am still waiting on the promissory note they are threating to cancel my classes because they don't want to send what needs to be sent to me. I am searching for the name of the President of the online school to findout how they feel about it. Imagine not being able to go to school because the finicial aid department is not do their part. read full review »
AA in Digital Video Production
To begin with, I contacted a Collins sales rep via telephone after seeing an ad on TV and looking up their website. I was looking up schools out of state because Hawaii's University didn't provide advanced up to date training in media production back in 2004-2005. Their website looked legitimate so I made the call and was greeted and informed by a very friendly 20 something girl (who's name I can't recall but have written down somewhere, ) who gave me a very detailed and positive narrative of the school, it'... read full review »
Sanford-Brown College
Sanford-Brown College is robbing students of money and hopes of getting a job in the future. This college is located all over the United States. The only reason students go to college is knowing that hard work and student loans will ensure a bright future down the road. Sanford-Brown portrays as a good college with good credits. This is definately not true. The purpose of attending college is to prepare students for the future and jobs they are striving to reach and to survive in our complex economy. Every student that has attended... read full review »
dba Carrington Career College
WOW! This "school" is simply a scam. They will stop at nothing to rob students and tax payers of every dime they can. They don't care if they put your family in debt to do it - and don't think for a second you'll be an exception. It is completely designed for you to fail repeatedly and owe them ridiculous amounts that they will get and for which you will be indebted for life without the ability to default or file bankruptcy. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU ATTEND THIS SCHOOL NO MATTER WHAT YOU ARE TOLD OR BELIEVE. read full review »
Chancellor's Learning Systems
I wanted to be an RN and so ordered and paid in full the entire Chancellor's Learning Systems RN Porgram back around 2002-2003. That's when it got nasty. The employees there were the rudest people and biggest jerks that I had ever dealth with. I was so mad that I typed up the entire RN program on computer and had considered posting it online for free, but thought I might be sued, so did not. I still hate this company to this day. No it did not help me become and RN. read full review »
Kaplan Online University
When I entered kaplan I beleived with all my heart it was the best thing I ever did for myself. I am disabled and Kaplan was aware of that fact from the start I never kept it a secret. I began to have some health problems and told kaplan. When I began to do some research on specific requirements health etc.. I discovered my disablities etc.. would disqaulify me from any job in the field I trained for. After 3 years the dipolma is not worth the paper it is written on. They took my time, my money and my pride, How do I get that back? read full review » term papers
I actually found this out at
I must tell you that is fraudulent site, and it is being operated by two Pakistani brothers, Adeel Janjua and Qandeel Janjua. These guys use to hire fresh graduated as a trainee, puts work load on them and within a week or so, they use to fire them without any reason, which means they don't give money to their employees, and after two or three weeks they conduct new interviews and hires new staff with the same old strategy of hiring and... read full review »
For Profit Colleges
Hi ; my name is Iris and I have been on here many time voicing my compliants about Brown Mackie College. I have been very active in the request for change by goverment lawmakers and our local authorities as well. The stories and comaplaints of each and everyone of us(victims) are so very disheartening for we felt that there was nothing we could do about the diservice we recieved and the money that was spent. My exprience has motivated me to start a Sudent Advocacy Organization bythe name of LinkedUP. It will be the voice of the for profit... read full review »
Superior Fake Degrees Scam Site
Superiorfakedegrees Phony Site, Scam Web Site, Phony, Phony
Owner/Operator or who's reall taking your money Jared Nolan & Denise
Please note that the owner Jared C. Nolan (Read Below) the real owner behind Superiorfakedegrees has no contacts with any university. This is a ploy to get customers to believe he has some 60 contacts in which the scam is to just take your money. He uses Western Union & Moneygram a know scammers non-refundable choice using FAKE ID to collect. Once the money is sent you will never hear from him... read full review »
Superior Fake Degrees Rip Off Report
Superiorfakedegrees Phony Site, Scam Web Site, Phony, Phony
Owner/Operator or who's reall taking your money Jared Nolan & Denise
Please note that the owner Jared C. Nolan (Read Below) the real owner behind Superiorfakedegrees has no contacts with any university. This is a ploy to get customers to believe he has some 60 contacts in which the scam is to just take your money. He uses Western Union & Moneygram a know scammers non-refundable choice using FAKE ID to collect. Once the money is sent you will never hear from him... read full review »
Argosy Financial aid
Argosy is a financial rip off. they sent me a stipend back in Sept 2010 then in Dec 2010 told me THEY made a mistake in the financial department and wants me to pay them back. I am seeking legal advice and if need be, I will take Argosy to court over the matter. I should not have to pay for their mistake, and this is a collage? NOT!
Do your research about the collage you intend to go to before you apply. Peggy read full review »
Q-Dees Melaka Kampung Lapan Centre
I've accepted their apologise before chinese new year, after the teacher apologised to us.
However, today the principle bring a copy of the draft to my mum and told her that they didnt make mistake on it.
The PRINCIPLE of QDEE's Melaka Kampung Lapan Centre told my mum that Hong Kong Rabbit is without the dot !!! After we prove to her that the rabbit in chinese is "å…”" (tu) instead of "å…"(mian), She said that if... read full review »
Penn Foster Online School
This online school is a rip-off. They charge you $20 additional no matter how you pay, by bank or credit card. The withdrawl system cannot even be used with a savings account and my bank's cheif officer told me this himself. They will try to charge you the full price which is $60 more.
If you want to complain and don't pay, they continue to send you 3-4 letters every week charging you more & more! They are WORSE than any insurance or doctor office bills. A $339 class could EASILY end up costing OVER $500!!!
Not to mention... read full review »
Gay Rights
Houston has one of the largest and most visible gay communities in the country, a fact that often surprises outsiders who think of Texas as being quite conservative. If you need any evidence that Houston's gay scene packs plenty of punch, check out the Pride Festival and Parade, which takes place in late June (June 25 in 2011). This will be the 33rd anniversary of Houston's Gay Pride celebration, which typically draws more than 150, 000 participants and spectators.
Like many other cities that celebrate pride in June, Houston... read full review »
The Houston GLBT Political Caucus
The Houston GLBT Political Caucus, the oldest gay civil rights organization in the South, recently elected Noel Freeman as its new president. Freeman has been a member for four years and served one year on the caucus' board before taking the top leadership post this month.
Freeman, 34, a city of Houston public works department administrator, is a California native who served four years in the U.S. Air Force as a senior airman. He moved to Houston in 2003 after earning his bachelor's degree in political science from Texas A&M... read full review »
electing Annise Parker mayor
By electing Annise Parker mayor Saturday, Houston became the largest city in the United States to elect an openly gay candidate. More broadly, however, the city threw into sharp relief the conflicted – though not necessarily contradictory – stance that defines many Americans’ attitudes toward the gay and lesbian community.
Houston chose Ms. Parker, the city controller, over Gene Locke, a former city attorney, with 53 percent of the vote. Yet, in the past, Houston has voted against extending benefits to the partners of... read full review »
Dear Dad -
Dear Dad -
I want to share something about my life that is important because I love
you. I am gay. I have only known this about myself since I was 25. In
the years that have passed since then, keeping this a secret from you
has become more and more of a burden. It has also placed an invisible
wall between us in that I can not share with you much of what goes on in
my life, something that straight children take for granted. I could not
share the excitement of dating somebody new nor the pain when things
didn't work... read full review »
CSC Computer Education Center Valliyoor
District: Tirunelvelli
Time:05:15 PM
CSC is one of the worst computer education center in the world. The Admin & counselor's are not even qualified people.They don't know, how to talk to others. Yesterday we had a very bad experience in our life, with those people. we are 27yrs old and also we are doing professional job.we approached them to study .Net Course. I asked few topics about, they told only these topics are avaliable, if you want to study, you can... read full review »
Academy of Learning
The owner operators of this school are incredible! I worked hard for them for 3 years and then was 'picked-on' by a newly installed Director. This resulted in my being fired, suing them in small claims court for wrongful dismissal - winning and spending the next 7 years (so far) taking anti-anxiety meds - and don't even ask me to be in small quarters with a man - other than my husband...yes I won a court case against them and yes i received my max ei benifit claim..and yes I even heard the judge in a court of law put these... read full review »
Member of this site
I am responding to a comment posted from an English man called Ian. In this comment it was stated that the UK government backed a campaign raised by concerned citizens which has taken off in a big way and assists the various burdens imposed on ex-service personnel. He suggested we fellow Americans follow suit or we will not be taken seriously. He then awards us 30 percent for our efforts and 30 percent for our style, content and delivery: He further stated that some might say he was being over generous. He went on to say if we continue thi... read full review » Phony/Scam/Site
The Fake Diploma Review Forum - –
Superiorfakedegrees Phony Site, Scam Web Site, Phony, Phony
Owner/Operator or who's reall taking your money Jared Nolan & Denise Nolan
WWW.DIPLOMAXPRESS.COM & read full review »
Disrespectful people
My friend is dying of cancer, he has a limited time said his doctor, I will be there for anything he needs, and get the story straight about his character on this site is important to his friends and family. Certain people are being pushy, and rude trying to disrespect the desires of my friend to tell his story about his false charges and arrest by Norcross Police Department from being told. With advice from a psychologist and news reporters he has been posting reports on this site and former employees, strangers and police officers have told... read full review »
I Ralph V Basciano was attending Pennco Tech for Auto Body and Paint. I was performing very well during the 1st semester with 2 instructors. The 2nd semester however was a nightmare. I had some minor surgery on my mouth and communicated the need to make up time since I would be missing some classes. I was told ok. Since then an instructer got fired and the current instructor was not prepared or organized to teach the class. The instructor did not have enough hands on vehicles or teaching time for the entire class. Most of the class was either... read full review »
If you live in New Jersey and do not already have a bacholor's degree! Do not I mean Do not waste your money going to to Lincoln University Master of Human Service program, unless you are a recovering drug addict who is employed already by a recovering facility. It is a Joke ! they are not telling New Jersey people who are attending this college for a Master's degree which does not count in the State of New Jersey. They are very misleading...Pennsylvania is okay with the fact that you can pursue a Master's with out a BA degree! read full review »
National Karate
Steer Clear of contracts with National Karate. Staff tells you one thing, the contract says another! They talked us into signing a contract for the "guaranteed black belt" and you save 25.00 per month if you sign the contract! So, yeah we did that. And I specifically asked what would happen if my 5 year old starts school, loses interest and wants to try out other sports and we need to stop attending. The lady told us that we would have to pay the 25.00 difference for the months he was enrolled. That was a total lie! I received the... read full review »
Cyberbullying on this site
Cyberbullying is when one person or a group of people try to threaten or embarrass someone else on the internet. Cyberbullying is just as harmful as bullying in the real world. (Brenda, 123321, Zachary S., I Like Cookies 2, NormanBates, S.O.L) Some of the comments are the same people that created a new user name. One can tell by clicking on the user name and view all the comments that user has posted. This group respond mostly to postings that involve Louis Gibson. They do not respond to the topics posted but comment insults after insult... read full review »
Cyber-bullying by: (Brenda, 123321, Zachary S., I Like Cookies 2, NormanBates, S.O.L)
(Brenda, 123321, Zachary S., I Like Cookies 2, NormanBates, S.O.L) Some of the comments are the same people that created a new user name. This group are posting nasty comments on my board and I am just tired of the insults. They think they can intimidate others on this site and control what is posted. They need to STOP! I have tried to respond to them in a respectful manner but all the do is insult. I read a post about them doing the same thing to to a member on this site and I decided to tell my story. They are grown adults that have nothing... read full review »
Dear America,
Dear America,
Egypt's Mubarak regime today shut down Internet and cell phone communications before launching a violent crackdown against protesters.
Free Press has just discovered that one American company — Boeing-owned Narus of Sunnyvale, Calif. — has sold Egypt "Deep Packet Inspection" (DPI) equipment that can be used by the regime to track, target and crush political dissent over the Internet and mobile phones.1
Egyptian security forces have already arrested leading opposition figures for speaking out... read full review »
Students, working professionals and veteran in the United States of America are being targeted by foriegn crooks. It is our professional respoonsibility to bring this to the American public. Sooner or later it may happen to you or a love one so pay attention! The foreign crooks are tell many to send money through western union in order to claim false winnings by paying the taxes or fees associated. Here is a couple of numbers that might show up on your caller id.
2026210649 User Reports
12th Feb, 2011 by Theia
Reported Number... read full review »
To whom it may concern:
Dear English Ian and members,
WE THE PEOPLE started to ignore your question when you first asked it because of your disrespectful remarks over the past few weeks. You and our staff have been involved in a battle of insults that seem to have gone away from any topic or debate that has any substance in civilized society. With the many fake names made up on this site it all started to look like one big mess. Then you did the unexpected by asking a question worth answering regardless of the past behavior on both sides. We... read full review »
essayauthors Assignment Services
Hi, I am doing my final project and I never ever cheated for any assignment, but a few months ago I faced a personal problem which forced me to ask help in my project implementation. I asked Essayauthors for their help, but they got my money and send me fake code (after one month) . they even stop answering my emails regarding refund. I had to register for another semester and now I am doing my own project. Never trust any of these websites such as which is totally fake and a total fraud read full review »
Who's Who Registry of Academic Excellence
Ordered a book and plaque for my daughter on December 21, 2009 because she was invited to be a part of this "so-called" wonderful experience, and we NEVER received the items ordered, nor did we recieve a refund for the money paid. I've tried calling etc to no avail, and the website does not work the last I checked. HUGE scam! read full review »
Wellington College
I am a former student of Wellington College. Upon applying to the College, I had made it clear that I would like to use the an RMT diploma as a means to acquiring a degree. The 'selling point' to attend WCRMT was the fact that they claimed they were in the process of completing their accreditation so that I could get a degree after completing my training. 4 years ago they said they were ten months away from completing this process. They were actively advertising this to their students as a prospect upon completing the program. I... read full review »
Dear Americans,
Mike W Johe, Zachary S. and RedlineM203 are some of the names these internet attackers are using on this site and many others. Internet attack is one of the most severe problems that computer users may come across nowadays. I am not an attorney and nothing in this report should be construed as legal advice. I can sure quote the heck out of people who are attorneys and legal experts, though. Nolo Press, the US's oldest and most respected provider of legal information for consumers and small businesses, defines libel as, “An... read full review »
Diplomaxpress Scam Site
The Fake Diploma Review Forum - -
Superiorfakedegrees Phony Site, Scam Web Site, Phony, Phony
Owner/Operator or who's reall taking your money Jared Nolan & Denise Nolan
AKA’s or Others Sites
DIPLOMASERVICES.COM Legally... read full review »
Esprit De Corps Learning center (private school)
Beginning in September of 2010, two week after school already, my girls started at this school. I was not giving any new instructions concerning, rules changes nor any code of conduct stating that their been some changes concerning cell phone. Last year in 2009 the cell phone were giving to the front office and left until the end of the day. How ever, it was changed with out my knowledge. In 2010 they took my daughter Jameca's cell phone and did not return it until the end of this school year. What should have happen was, they should have... read full review »
Who'sWho Registry of Academic Excellence
Orderd plaques for my daughter because Who's Who had emailed me stating that my daughter was among many who excelled in her school. Ordered the plaques back in 12/2009, and have yet to recieve them. Web site says that due to the economy they have shut down and tried to call but line was disconnected. Very unhappy with this. What can I do to get this resolved. read full review »
Leadership Gold, LLC.
Stay away from this guy. He is a true "CON MAN". He moves very fast from one profession to the next after he takes all of your money. He will wind up in prison if he stays in one spot. Please do your homework and check his background if you have any doubt. BEWARE! read full review »
Samsung Gt-3653
I Lost my cell.IN My college.if you trace the cell.please contact to this number 9440281495.9966332206.pls sent this message to this number.when you find the details of my cell read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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