CATEGORY: Family & Pets

Fancy Feast
Helen July 28, 2009
One of my cats vomited after eating (not uncommon for cats) Fancy Feast Gourmet Gold dry cat food, and now my light carpet has a permanent pink stain. Yes, my cats like the taste, but color is definitely meaningless to them. The food dye (check the ingredients list) is added for us humans--not our cats. They care about taste, smell and texture, NOT color. WARNING: If you have light carpets and a cat prone to vomiting, do NOT feed this food to them. The red food dye stain is probably permanent. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Furry Friends Network
Mislead in Michigan July 28, 2009
BE SURE TO CHECK ADOPTION POLICIES OF ANIMAL RESCUES BEFORE APPLYING FOR A PET! My wife and I applied to adopt a dog from Furry Friends Network in July 2009. First, we were told in the beginning that FFN did not adopt out of state, however their website FAQ clearly states that they do. Then after we were told that we were favored over 20 other applicants, they told us that FFN does not adopt to homes with un-neutered/un-spayed pets, However their website FAQ only implies this and does not clearly state this as a policy. On... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Child Support Services
A new plan now! July 27, 2009
My kids had to go stay with there father, because I am broke an he wouldn't help.So now I haven't seen my kids for more then seven mouths.Then when I finally did go to court the jugde throw my case out that day.He didn't have to pay me a thing.He looked like the good parent and me the dead beat.Let me put in to, this man is a known child abuser with a record of child molesting a child, and the law or DCF will NOT help while we was married they have reports of him beating me and the kids.HE made me lose a baby, never went to... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
In The Company of Dogs
Berkeleymom74 July 27, 2009
I have just received a bogus "check" from "In the Company of Dogs" and am absolutely horrified by the gross invasion of privacy that this new scheme entails. If I "cash" the "check", -- which looks like a normal refund check in every way-- I will be automatically enrolled in a service which is not well described, from another company, AutoVantage Enhanced. This service would deduct $15.99 from the credit card on file at the store every month until they receive a written request to cancel! I have ordered from the... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Southern Roc Airedales
Righter's Airedales July 27, 2009
This kennel is deteriorated and filthy, just ask Diane Johnson of Big Bend Airedales- she was there to witness this first hand. Southern has been breeding for many years and has put out some good pups but has had many run-ins with breeders mainly because of promises that she don't carry out or lies that she tells. We where one of those, we got a pup from her not knowing about her demise. It seems to us that she has lost track of whats really important! How can one woman in the mental, physical, and financial condition that she's in... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Smith July 27, 2009
I saw a puppy on her website and inquired about it. I wanted to make sure the puppy's parents had been health tested and had paperwork to show that. She said they were tested and she would give me the paperwork when I picked up the puppy. Guess what? No paperwork, the parents had not been tested, it was not even her puppy. She purchased the puppy from someone else under false pretenses and re-sold the puppy for a $800. profit. She lied to me and cheated me!! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Happy Cavalier Owner July 27, 2009
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Gina & Rick Alford
Bella's mom July 26, 2009
I hate to say it-but I was scammed. After the devasting loss of our beloved pomeranian, I began the search on the internet to find a reputable breeder. I placed many phone calls and emails to various breeders but Gina Alford was one of the first to return my calls. Further, she was always available by phone or email throughout the course of the business transaction. We received photos of a gorgeous female cream sable pom and wired a very large sum to purhase and have her flown to our home town Easter Sunday 09. I was assured, in writing, that... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Craig Swain
fighterpilot July 26, 2009
I think this guy contacted me on and we made plans to go out but he called and cancelled at the last minute. He was a very charming person. We had that instant connection. I was upset when he called because it was sort of last minute. He made a claim that at the last minute a very good friend from college had flown into town. Then the next day he sent a small boquet of flowers that said, Forgive me please? Craig. I did of course and we made plans for the next weekend. We spoke everyday until the day before our date and then he... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
VCA Pacifc Avenue Animal Hospital
Richard July 25, 2009
I am so frustrated with PVCA Pacific Avenue Animal Hospital. They have been great with my two dogs. But today was the final straw! I have never rarely complain about the people or the Vets but the price and the place is something to worry about. How frustrating is that... they no longer accept Care credit? They never sent a letter out to warn the customers. They never called or left a message in regards to the change policy. How unorganized is that?!?! Just imagine how I didn't have the money to pay for my vet bills and was depended on... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
attorney barrister ngah
karen drakulich July 25, 2009
i was to receive 2 baby capuchin monkeys from a lady in Hawaii. She got a company called Hawaii Pet Shippers to ship them. They turned out to be a complete fraud. After i had paid the money for the shipping they did nothing but lie to me. They told me the monkeys were on contentinal airlines and were in Alaska awaiting take off for their destination to me in the US. I contacted the airlines and they do not ship primates. The monkeys were never in Alaska they had never left the airport in Hawaii. So the lady that was sending them tried to get... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Cameroon
Cargo Wide Delivery Agency
Mitchell Navarrrete July 25, 2009
We paid $200.00 to Cargo Wide Delivery Agency for them to deliver a puppy and after them telling us that everything was ok and ready for delivery we get an email saying that the puppy was being held in BOISE - IDAHO and that we needed to pay $420.00 more for ins. and to get the puppy here to us. Then when we asked them to give us back our $200.00 they said that the delivery had been made. How??? if we never got the puppy. We dont even know if the puppy is ok or if there ever was a puppy in the first place. Cargo Wide Delivery is a rip off a BIG SCAM!!! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
_MercaN_ July 25, 2009
bana bı msj geldı msjdan hıc bısey anlamadım yetkılılere duyrulur... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Turkey
Mrs. M July 25, 2009
Message I sent to the company. I immediately sent you a e-mail advising you, that I only purchased and wanted a Training Program! I DID NOT want nor am I interested in all your tag ON's AT ALL! If I was I'd have purchased them myself... I DO NOT appreciate your pushing all kinds of other programs at your customers, such as myself. After reading your information on your Training Program. I was under the impression that all information was included in training, in as little time as 17 DAYS to train. So, the advertisement i... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Sergeant's Gold Flea and Tick Drops
angella July 24, 2009
I've used the Sergeant's and Hartz products on my pets for years. I never thought to question their safey because they are approved by the EPA and available over the counter in grocery stores. Of course I realized this type of product was a pesticide with dire warnings on the back of the box about ingesting it or getting it on the skin, contacting posion control for help, etc.- warnings for HUMANS. For this reason I never applied the whole recommended dosage anyway, and my pets and my house remained flea and tick free. Then a... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
EverPet Small Knotted Beef Basted Bones
WIfarmchick July 24, 2009
My dog almost choked to death on a small rawhide bone just a few minutes ago!! I'm sharing this information with everyone so you know to take it very seriously when they say on the package that these should be given to your pet only under your supervision. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR DOG ALONE WITH A RAWHIDE!! If we had been anywhere else but right there with her, she'd be dead right now. I'm still shaking! : ( read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Nicole Blodgett
Hobbes2 July 24, 2009
Nicole Blodgett sold us a puppy with parvo. She is NOT a breeder. She purchases puppies from mills and sells them for profit. She has not refunded our money. The puppy only lived for 2 weeks from our purchase date. Unwilling to help us or refund our money. She sells on NextDay Pets and PuppyFind. BEWARE!!! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
weefi July 24, 2009
i was looking to register my dog online and came across this site, i registered my dog and when i went to contact them looking for transfer of ownership papers for my dog they has been no reply and i have not gotten any papers which i registered for and paid, i have been trying with many attempts to contact who ever runs the site but have gotten no contact so far, I have paid money through paypal to this site and have a receipt for this purchace read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Happy Tails Dog Grooming
V. Rus July 24, 2009
For at least 8 years or so, I have been taking my five doggies to Happy Tails Dog Grooming in East Islip N.Y. My oldest is 14 and a male Schnauzer whom the complain about regularly when I take him. A woman named Deborah seems to be the only one who can groom him and her attitude is extremely foul. I have another Schnauzer(female)who only recently had her grooming nicely done and I was pleased by that by a girl named Amanda. I have three Bichons, who seem to either be cut too short or they have pieces that are left long on their faces and... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
confinement centre
reddie_e July 24, 2009
all confinement centre suppose to have enough room incase any baby is sick and need to isolate preventing infection to other babies. Country Health Department should set a rule to ensure for those open a confinement centre to have extra room to isolate for those baby is sick. i'm back from a confinement, the room having 7 babies less than 1 month big and 4 babies more than 1 month and less than 3 months big. those baby will bring back by the parent every friday and send back to the confinement center on sunday. one of the... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Malaysia
Sue Blevins July 24, 2009
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
High Life Adventures
Ugly Truth July 23, 2009
Short Version- Tell everyone you know to avoid this place. Long Version- My Story- Not only is this Highlife Adventures a complete waste of money, even for extremely wealthy, busy people, it doesnt take much effort to meet people. I joined this horrible club while in my first manic episode. Anyone with severe bipolar disorder can understand that you are not in your proper mind, its almost like tripping on drugs and blacking out for any given amount of time, and most people wouldnt suspect a thing. Almost immediately after I joined... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Senza Capelli / Crimson Rose Cattery
thetrees July 22, 2009
This is an additional/duplicate posting so that the complaint shows for both catteries. We worked with Dianne Hoover and thought our purchase was from her but ultimately our kittens papers indicated the kitten belonged to her partner Susan Accetta. Our kitten came home with a rare parasite called tritrichomonas, breeder Susan Accetta and her partner Diane (her cattery is Crimson Rose Cattery) contend that this parasite is common and benign. It had to be identified by one of only two labs in the US at that time because it is NOT common... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Canada
PurpleKissa July 22, 2009
Ok I think I am corresponding with a scammer after the last 2 emails. Here is the history. Found the listing on ______________________________ From: Micheal Willis [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 11:49 AM Subject: Akc english bulldog female mostly white" Ad on Kijiji Hello, Thanks for the interest you have for my puppy and also thanks for the mail. So I quite appreciated your interest on your proposing in purchasing my puppy. She is still very much available for... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Miami Frenchies/Pavbul/Pavla Gibson
bettie046 July 22, 2009
This woman/site/kennel was originally operating as Miami Frenchies and I know from first hand experience that her puppies are imported from Ukrainian puppy mills. I personally experienced the heartbreak of buying a dog from her, and all of the problems associated with it, for both me and the poor puppy. There were so many complaints on the internet, she shut down the Miami Frenchies site and is now operating as Pavbul at DO NOT BUY A PUPPY FROM PAVLA GIBSON OR YOU'LL SURELY REGRET IT!! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Kasey Collins - Misrepresented horse
Penny Z July 22, 2009
This is a warning for anyone looking to purchase a horse from Kasey Collins of Silver Lake, Indiana. She is also d.b.a. (doing business as) Collins Creek Farms. Kasey Collins advertised a 14 year old kid safe horse on the website and also on (unsure of any other websites she may have used also). I contacted her and spoke with her about the mare. I let her know that this was going to be the first pony for a 5 year old child. She assured me that the pony was bomb proof (bombproof), completely safe... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
reptiles rule July 22, 2009
i have eight cats three dogs and 50 other animals but only one complains its my cat buffy all she does is go around and hiss and get in your room and pee on all the linin and plastic its rediculous. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
SenzaCapelli Sphynx Cattery
thetrees July 21, 2009
Our kitten came home with a rare parasite called tritrichomonas, breeder Susan Accetta and her partner Diane (her cattery is Crimson Rose Cattery) contend that this parasite is common and benign. It had to be identified by one of only two labs in the US at that time because it is NOT common nor benign. Treatment for it is off label, unstudied, untested and largely ineffective. Fast forward past that expensive horrific ordeal to 2 years later. Now our boy is diagnosed with HCM. A genetic degenerative heart disease. Ms. Accetta states that... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Canada
BluePrint Bulldogs
JTStanbary July 21, 2009
I urge anyone in the market looking for a Bulldog puppy to stay away from BluePrint Bulldogs. I bought a puppy from them, and I took it to the vet the very next day. The vet said that she was in very bad shape, and placed my puppy on numerous antibiotics. The infection was a lot more serious than they originally anticipated. Bentlee was placed on oxygen, and was given a very grim prognosis. Brian, the kennel owner, told me to don't worry about it, and take the dog to this vet that he liked. I took Bentlee from the vet I had her and... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
any breeder
reptile ruler July 21, 2009
I was thinking about dogs when it dawned on me if people dont want there dogs to bark they should have the breeder de-bark the dog then you would'nt worry about your neighbors complaining, or the landlord kicking you out of the house. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Elizabeth edwards July 21, 2009
My service provider tells me I am receiving nuisance texts from OKCupid and that each one of them costs me $1.20. Sometimes I get three a day. Who are these people? I never asked for this! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: South Africa
baby einstein
susan bean July 20, 2009
This is 07-20-09 and I have tried for 2 consecutive days and nights to order items of baby einstein that are on sale now along with some other things offered for einstein. I thought it was my computer, but after paying to have an assist line to check my system, found out that it is the webpage for ordering!!! I cannot place an order at all! Please check your website and make any upgrades needed so that orders can be placed. I have spent a couple of thousand dollars with BRU in the past 9 months and this is so irritating on this site! Let me... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
carloscancun July 20, 2009
I placed an order for 11 items on December 2nd, 2008, have not received yet, in their website the status of the items in the order is "instock processing". I have sent several emails from their website through their order questions form and have been ignored, first I asked about the delivery time and the last to cancel the order since it has been more than six months. Still no response. The information regarding the order is the following: ORDER # 203959 DATE PLACED: 12/02/2008 11:08 am ORDER STATUS: 11 item... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Nightingale Bullies
James July 20, 2009
Hi all want to tell my experience with Nightingale Bullies. I purchased a puppy on 10/28/2007 I signed a contract that stated that I will receive a Pedigree and AKC application in the mail within a year. Well now it is 2/9/2009 and to this day still do not have any papers. I have in good faith tried to talk to Ashley Anderson that is if I pass her voice mail screening and she does not hang up right after she finds out who you are. She is very rude on the phone and in person. I will take allot but when you purchase a English Bulldog Pup, stated... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Pets for Less
Chuck July 20, 2009
The owner is the same for both businesses in California. He has sold pups with parvo with at least two dying. Most of the puppies are bought from mexico and filthy puppy mills. He sells them cheap because he gets them cheap and sick. He states that he wants to put all pet places out of business and make his the only places. THis man needs to be put out of business for bad practices and harm to animals. Some of the pups were underage to be taken from the mother. Selling these puppies is wrecking the animal society. It makes me sick that people... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Ribouldingue July 20, 2009
Nice appartment, low price but, payment method : Bank Transfer and Money Transfer only. Our adventure - bank tranfert done and owner respons - no receive no apartment. Lawrence Street, Chelsea apartement is still available for august 15 to august 25 2009. Try it. London Apartment Base. 42 Wilton Road London SW1V 2DE United Kingdom . Tel: 07541822491, Fax: 0203 685 1902 Excuse me for my english, i'm a stupid french man Beware. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United Kingdom
Blocker Bulldogs
sonny_92 July 20, 2009
Had to have my best friend put down on Monday July 13, 2009 . Went to the web to find English Bulldog puppy and found ad from Carol Blocker about puppies she had for sale. We talk several time on the phone and she said she one male and two females for sell and that the two female had cherry eyes. Me and my wife wanted a male went to see the male on Sat. July 18, 2009. She was asking $2700 for the male and we paid her half down and she was to deliver the pup on Mon. July 20, 2009. We were to pay the rest upon delivery. My wife talk to Carol on... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Best Friends Pet Care
kungsgarten July 20, 2009
I boarded my 7 month old puppy at Best Friends Pet Care in Fairfax from Friday morning (July 17) through Sunday afternoon (July 19). I had never boarded him there before and we were new clients. I picked up my puppy, Simon, at approximately 4pm Sunday; an hour after they had opened. I was charged for 3 nights of boarding even though Simon did not stay Sunday night. I was told that they are only opened on Sunday as a courtesy and that everyone gets charged the full price if their pets are picked up on Sunday. I explained that I believed that... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
N M Panicker
N M Panicker July 20, 2009
My Mumm's telephone (Landline No 0491 2578714) is having only incoming facility and outgoing facility is not working for the last few days. Her address is C/O Mr. M Venugopal, Plot No. 61, Sai Sadan, Vidyut Nagar, College Road, Palakkad - 678 001. Please attend immediately. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: India
makeda July 19, 2009
I recently bought a cake from Cake Luv. The cake was absolutely wonderful. This is not the first cake that I bought from Cake Luv. Every cake has been beautifully decorated and moist and delicious. Cake Luv serves the best cake I have ever had. I will use Cake Luv in the future for all of my cake needs read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States


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