CATEGORY: Lifestyle
i ordered a free trail for puracleanse and they keep taking money out of my credit card and sending me there product which is bullshit!!! and dosen't work!!
i cant get intouch with these people i have tried emails which don't seem to get through and i have called the number they have provided and funny enough i can't get a hold of anyone!!
they are also know as ultracleanse and think media i was thinking of sending it back to them but im not sure they will refund me
can anyone from australia help me!! read full review »
I went in for a partial highlight and came out 2 1/2 hours later with bronze and gold splotched hair. The girl that ruined my color did not introduce herself so I'll just describe her as a heavy set african american female in her twenties. The other women there shrugged her off when she asked for help time and time again. She continued to ask everyone elses advice because she had no idea what she was doing. Everyone in this so called salon should be ashamed of themselves. Calling yourselves stylist is giving yourselves way too much credit. I am filing a claim against the salon as we speak. Please beware of these unqualified and uneducated women. read full review »
Famous Footwear
Hello I need your help.
Last week my partner and I visited a Famous Footwear in Columbus, Ohio. When we were checking out we asked the clerk about a few different items that they didn't stock. He said they didn't stock them. We suggested that maybe he could mention it to the manager to order for next time. He said "I am the manager and I can't order anything for you, our corporate office does all the ordering." his tone was kind of rude so I chalked it up to a bad day and moved on. Mark went to swipe our signed... read full review »
On august 2009 I purchased two sets of ankle weights plus a set of wrist weights online.two ankle weights were delivered next week but not the wrist weights since the month of August till this very day I have been sending this company emails requesting the to send one remaining item but it seems they have no interest in doing so. read full review »
at the beach tanning co.
SCAM! Please beware. I have no idea how they get away with it. Anything you sign with them will automatically open a loan application for you which will ruin your credit history. This doesn't happen to just one person, happens to everyone. They will tell you it's a month to month payment contract..
They talked me into a $65 contract telling me I could cancel at any time, then when I decided to cancel they told me I would have to pay nearly $400! read full review »
Kay Jewelers - Midland, MI
I took my wedding ring set (solitaire and wrap) in to Kay Jewelers at the Midland Mall because the ring had started to trap soap/dirt/grime on my finger and made my finger break out. The ring was tight, and the store staff suggested having it sized up half a size. I agreed and had them send my ring out. I went in to pick up my ring and instantly went to put the ring on. I could not get it on my finger. The staff instantly had excuses and blame. They said that my finger was probably swollen from walking around the mall or drinking hot coffee... read full review »
paragon sports
i bought a jacket 2 days ago.i did tried on but didnt wear out, then i didnt feel like it. So i went to the store and tried to return it..and i put back in the orginal bag. When i asked them to return, someone said had a smell of smoke on my jacket.and told the manager and other coworkers about 6 people to smell the jacket. End up they said i cant return because of the smell. i tried to smell on the's nothin smell..someone work in there..she didnt even smell it..she said had smell too! how amazing it is! i promise myself and i would tell all my friends not to shop in this store anymore! read full review »
ezi kit
I have received my bank account and your company have been taking money out every month for something called JRV SUPPLEMENTS 5742074398 KNA USD 85.90 westpac foreign transction fee 3.00 total all up 103.40 I want this to stop I have talked to my bank and will be talking to the feud investigation people please respond to this email or call me on 0422646668 URGENT read full review »
david price
i sent away for free trial of acai and life cleans didnot get product but are still getting c/c deductions that i did not allow tryed to ring these people number not connected got another deduction today from another different company improvehealth dont know you stop taking money from my account stop all transactions as i have allready cancelled so called products david price australia read full review »
Pizza hut pizzas
I have ordered veggie pizza at 2:08 pm on 11/15/2009 and it was suppose to be delivered at 2:38 pm. I called the restaurant at 3:10 pm for the pizza and lady was rude and didn't respond properly. Pizza arrived at 3:35 pm at home and no much veggie topping( hard to find the toppings) and was cold. I was disappointed. Their delivery charges(2.50$) are also pretty high than the Tampa pizza hut restaurants( delivery charge: 1.50$) . Pizza was like eating bread with some sauce. I was great fan of pizza hut. It's no more the same pizza... read full review »
Thrive Learning Institute/Infusion Media
Greed! Greed has happened to many in this country. What was wrong with making a 10-15% profit and not cheating individuals for your own personal gain? Some people want more and will lie, cheat, and steal to get your money, so they can have more at your expense and you have less. You receive nothing in return but stress and have a harder time just trying to have the basic necessities of life—food, heat, medicine, but they don’t really care. <br />
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Welcome to Infusion Media, Thrive Learning Institute, and... read full review »
Dazzle Smile & Smile Brite
I can't believe I was so stupid and didn't google these companies and see all the complaints BEFORE I ordered my "free" trial offer! Don't do it - it's CHEAPER to go to your dentist, get custom-fitted whitening trays and whitening gel ... once I paid for the trays, I can now buy a 1-year supply of whitening gel for only $75. I have now been on hold for over an hour waiting to talk with someone on Dazzle Smile's "Customer Service Toll-Free Number "at (866) 989-2686 and have YET to get through. Try... read full review »
Nature Cleanse Detox and diet pills
I sat down at the pc and started filling out the info to receive the free 30 day trial and about 3/4 of the wya changed my mind and closed out the page . I recived shipping charges in my checking account, and a few days later another 79.62, twice on the same day, , i have never recieved ANYthing from this so called company and when i call thier refund number i got off line, frist i got some one i can't hardly tell what they are saying and then they tell me to send the product back for refund, how can i send them back anythign if i have... read full review »
I don't want to try acai berry, I don't want to receive the command passed this day.<br /><br />
my name is cavallaro, my adress : résidence la coupiane bat7, rue louis jouvet 83160 la valette FRANCE read full review »
movado watch mirror image
I recently purchased a Movado watch from Kay Jewelers from the Lincolnwood Mall in Skokie Illinois, The watch band seem to unscrew from time time so after a week or to I had a chance to return to Kay to have repaired an well I told them to just buff the band to remove a few scratch marks So after a few weeks in shop I was called to pick up.The repair was TERRIBLE there was scuff and scrapes on the ban, I told the maneger I can't accept this so she sent the Movado watch to the Movado factory it self im still waiting this hole process ha... read full review »
I recently placed an order for £93 with this linksoflondon-sale website and though I'm normally very dubious about too good to be true offers, this all looked professional enough to be true and the website looked as though it was well managed and a big operation. However, an hour after I placed my order I wanted to go back to the website and look at another item, but however I tried to get back to the website, it continually said the links were broken - it appears that after they have taken your payment, your computer links to that... read full review »
This merchant sent me a pair of shoes that were so badly made the heel fell off and there was glue and white fluffy bits all over the shoe. They said they were sending me a refund but they haven't, they don't respond to emails but they're quick to take your money. Do not buy anything from this website, they are dodgy and very bad. read full review »
Sparsh Bpo
My name is Jai Singh, I worked for Sparsh Bpo(previously Spanco Telesystems and Solutions, 409, Udyog Vihar, Phase-lll, Gurgaon) for 22 months from Sep 2004 till June 2006. I filled my PF form in Jan 2007. I had been asked to wait for 90 days and my P.F amount would be credited to my account. I contacted them many times after six months, I came to know that I had to fill the P.F form again due to some mistakes in P.F form. I filled my PF form again and assured by A/C department that I would get my P.F within 90 days.
After... read full review »
bigbazaar kalyaninagar, pune
shopped at food bazaar at bigbazaar, kalyani nagar, pune on 14th november, 2009, at 1626hrs at counter no 5, cashier name ravindra, bill no. T28/19086, bill amount rs 7287.00. goods worth 1962.00 not delivered. seven bags given, on bill seven bags written, called back as soon as i cross checked at home, promised to be informed about this descrepency by store manager sourav, no reply.pure case of cheating.
alim chagla
cell no 9225500320 read full review »
Emily Thomas
This place is a complete scam and I hope nobody ever falls for this one again. I can't believe I fell for this crap. They got me for $97 and I almost didn't get it back. Thanks to my persistence I got it back though. Please feel free to read my post at. Join hubpages and read all about..well everything. Get in tune with your writing ability. Just paste this into your browser read full review »
Rancho Palisades Luxury Apartment
My son encountered bad experiences staying in the Rancho Palisades Luxury apartment. In this apartment complex there are lot of break ins are happening. My son is robbed four times and beaten up. Management do not provide 24/7 hours security on the complex. My son call city police but city police do not inform whatever happened to renters, to apartment management, because these are two different entities. My son has some issues so, management forced him to vacate the the apt after eight months.Management is not taking care of the burglarize... read full review »
Nu U Medspa
This people are pure scammers with a fist to inject anyone willing to be in their hands some fake, diluted and ineffective, Botox, Restylane and more fillers, including hair laser that never works, when you make a complained they shoot you out the door as a persona non grata and that you you knew what you signed up for, and paid for!! as always they make sure you pay upfront without turning back!! Once you pay, you can never get your money back in case of unsatisfactory, I have written to the bb and they can't do much, so anywhere I can... read full review »
Thermo Trim Plus with Acai
I was silly enough to click on your product for a free trial in October. i have been taking tyhis product now for 2 weeks and nothing has happened.
But the worst part is i have discover that 2 payments have recently been taken from my Credit Card withour authorization. I do not think this is allowable without first checking with Client.
These amounts are not even the same 4th Nov $NZ85.21
9th Nov $NZ159.33
No products have arrived so I would like to see these payments refunded to my Account as soon as possible, and them my... read full review »
Dazzel Smile
I too found out to late what a scam this was. I did get it canceled but was not informed about the fitness club. Thought everything was canceled when I called them. Now I was just charged 24.82 for this. Called them and they did cancel but said I had to pay the $24.82. I am disputing it with my cc company. Monday will call the BBB and attorney Generals office.
Has anyone got the charges reversed? read full review »
Company is stealing money from my bank account, after I cancelled the service with They took $108.00 out of my accout with out me knowing. I called to complaine and was told I could not get my money back. I asked where they were located and was told they were in the phillipines. I thought I was doing business with Google in the United States. Something needs to done to shut down this scam. read full review »
Dazzlewhite (Dazzlesmile)
I ordered a sample of Dazzlewhite (Dazzlesmile), teeth whitening product for 1.95 for just shipping and handling. I tried to cancel within the trial period and the number I had was a non working number, so was uable to cancel. When you sign up, they have false info to cancel on. I then starting receiving numerous packages of their product and also by another company called Teeth White, each shipment was for approx 89.72 to 95.60 that was charged on my Credit Card. I have spent hours with my bank and they are the ones that provided me with the... read full review »
haus washing machine
i broughtmy washer 9 days ago and only used twice sparked a blue flashing light and turned all my electricity of and now wont work bad enough i rang the argos helpline and go passed to 3 different operaters before i got through to a really rude and patronising woman who told me i had to have my broken washer fixed but at a time that was conveinent of them! so i went in to my local store and the assistant who was lovely rang them and i was promised an engineer whinin 48 hours however no one botherd to call me. i have demande a new washer and... read full review »
Aca1 Berry Detox &Colon Cleaanser
These products are a scam, they do not work . I agreed to try them for 30 days back in Otcober for $29.00 and used a credit card to pay for
the initial supply. Now I get more of the same junk without my authorization to ship or charge my credit card. I checked and my credit card has been charged another $29.00 charge, two (2) $79.00
charges and a $3and something chrage. I informed my credit card
company I was not paying for these item s and they are sending mer papers to fill out to reject these and another other carges in the... read full review »
This bunch of different billing to my account all started with one simple trail order of teeth whitening product. They don't sent anything and keep charging my account. This dazzelwhite cost me over $358.00 and I had to cancel my card to stop it. They keep on until you cut the cord. CC cord. DO NOT DEAL WITH THESE RIP OFF PEOPLE. read full review »
AMM Direct (also 'Marchant Marketing')
Complete scam company. Claiming to be a 'leading marketing company dealing with blue chip clients' - in reality nothing more than a bunch of dodgy conmen operating out of shoddy offices in a bargain basement office block in Wolverhampton.
They advertise on legitimate job sites like and also on Gumtree, and claim to be offering salaried jobs. When you have wasted time and money getting there you will learn that it is commission only direct marketing (knocking on doors and standing in the rain), and that the... read full review »
iceland(product potatoesalad)
I have been a valid customer of many years, and have noticed a change in the food. i.e stale crisps, pot noodles, biscuits, and now potatoe salad. My husband has and still is getting over a major lung infection and is still not well, i bought the product of potatoe sald Thursday 12th November 2009, and it was only for the fact that i could see the cream inside was curdled and the smell that i realised it was off. The sell by date was correct, so it makes me wounder wether products are being stored correctly before being shelved,
I would... read full review »
Golds Gym International
Don't sign the agreement, they will overcharge you. The Customer Service is horrible ! You will talk to financial companies and they will call you day and night. Impossible to get out. I tried to cancel my membership. The reason was "I don't have time to exercise anymore" the reason and cancellation was NOT accepted. They will continue to charge you, even if you don't go. Don't sign. It's a fraud. The cancellation procedures are designed to waste time, so that they'll make more money collecting other... read full review »
Store Power Sports Nutrition
I want to warn everyone about a scam being perpetrated by a company trading as This is how their scam works:
1. On their web site they advertise products having very good well known brand names at sale prices far below what any other retailer is offering these same products for.
2. You think WOW, that’s a really good price and you place an order. You pay online and they send you a confirmation of your order via the Yahoo store order system. So far perfect.
3. One week later when you have... read full review »
The owner of Anthony Manpower and Employment Agency (Anthony) oversells before a customer signs on the line. Ultimately, the maids do not match what he promised (and said he personally interviewed) in terms of verbal ability and other work attitude areas. These are minor - after the third failed maid (first did not arrive, the next two were really horrible and were return almost immediately), we decided to change maid agency. This is when the horror began.
1. The previous maids (first maid that arrived) was still not issued with a maid... read full review »
Asda Delivery
I have placed an order for delivery the first time they didnt even change the delivery adress online correctly which was then sent to an old address, it was only luck that this was my parents house. They wernt in but passed this information on. i then had to pay for an 0845 number on my mobile as i live in shared house with no landline. They then had to deliver it the next day which i agreed to. They have then taken payment for the second time they have delivered it. So i have been charged twice for one delivery, they say it takes 10 days to... read full review »
Sport Good
I got scamed by is a true Scam. They changed web pages every month and post items (same items and prices) on craigs list to get you to goto their web page. appears to be the same thing. The web page looks very similiar and they want you to pay by using Money Pak. Which is a ligit company but there is no way of getting your money back and has no security in purchases. I would be VERY leary in purchasing from this company. visit and judge for yourself...and look up... read full review »
I read the scam info TO late about this Website Iam contacting the Justice Dept . immediately. Central Coast Nutraceuticals products has the same phone # 888-692-8352 as InnovativeFulfillment Center, it is a scam. Mad as hell Ron 11/09 read full review »
Zinni Optical
Ordered a pair of glasses with photochromic lenses. Worked great. Ordered another pair one month later for wife. Barely changes color at all. Zinni said put them in freezer and they will get better! I tried it, didn't do squat. I sent them back, and they contacted me and said they had put them in the freezer and now they were great. Not. One pair gets dark, the second pair barley changes at all. No good in the sun. They offered me half my money back or the glasses back. Bottom line. Doing business with these people is like gambling. They aren't going to fix anything if it comes out wrong. Last time for me. read full review »
Steve's Pizza
I visited Steve's Pizza yesterday at 7.30 pm (at howe ave, sacramento) to pick up the pizzas we had ordered - a veg pizza and a pepperoni mushroom pizza. One of the staff at this restaurant named Jonie did not put a topping that i had ordered on my veg pizza ie., cilantro. I reminded her about it, she got instantly mad at me, and said the cilantro is already added in the sauce. I said, well i ordered it as a topping so I would want it to be on the pizza, and anyways i couldnt see any cilantro in the sauce either, there was absolutely no... read full review »
I ordered a promotional item and paid for this but now they have charged me the full amount of 87.62 U.S. DOLLAR CYPRUS
Including commission charge of £ 1.46 GB pound £54.58.
Nothing in the promotion stated there was a time limit to the offer or what the total amount would be. There was no returns noted if I was not satisfied. I would like my money back! read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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