CATEGORY: Lifestyle
Ivory Brights Whitening
I did not authorize additional charges that followed after I received the Trial Offer. I consider this a credit card scam and will dispute the charges, read full review »
Tammy McMurray
MGE turned my gas on in January of 2009 at 5537 olive street Kansas city Mo 64130 with out informing me that I was currantly a secondary on my fathers account at 809 NE 67th Terr gladstone Mo, 64118. In April of 2009 apparently my dads gas was disconnected and MGE transferred my fathers bill over to me tacking an additional $400.00 to my bill which raised my bill to 800.33 dollors. They are telling me that I have to pay this bill by June 7th or else im going to get disconnected. The gas company has been messing with me since 12/08 ever since I... read full review »
Job Creation Cafe
I sent this company $249 to update my resume, send me e-mails with companies that were hiring FOR WAREHOUSE WORK, WITHIN 20 MILES OF MY HOME. NONE OF THIS HAS HAPPENED. Oh, they have e-mailed me companies--none to do with warehouse work--all sales and banking--WHICH I SPECIFICALLY DON'T WANT AND TOLD THEM SO. (Plus, none of the businesses they e-mailed me THAT ARE NOT WAREHOUSE WORK ARE ANYWHERE NEAR OHIO!!!) I have requested my money back and they are refusing to do. I have contacted the Largo Chamber of Commerce (which turned it over to... read full review »
Ivory bite
I agree, Ivory Bite is a RIPOFF!!! I hope I can get ALL my money back. When they charged my account, it threw me into overdraft read full review »
Ivor Whites Brightening
I am writing to request a full refund of $78.93 plus the amount of the free trial offer at $4.99. Your advertisement was misrepresented. By the way, you're taking money from my account and I haven't even received the product and then Axi Wellness Sportal assesses a charge of $9.99, unbelievable. I am truly unhappy with the way you handle your customers. It appears to be a bogus scam and I should have known better.Youhave all the necessary information to fulfill this request.
CYNTHIA/TOLEDO, OHIO read full review »
unauthorized debit from my account for merchandise not ordered. lying customer service reps, no contact information on web site. another scam that will eventually run legitament businesses out of business. read full review »
I was approached by a person, whom I shall not name because I have RESPECT, who informed me that the GoonSwarm was recruiting active pilots. Being an active pilot looking to get out of empire and jump into some 0.0 PVP, I was interested. I was told that there would be a deposit of 500 million isk that I would get back when I proved I wasnt a spy. I am not spy and I have honour so I wasn't afraid to sell a few ships and put the money down. I was then invited to fly out to Delve and apply to GoonSwarm and I was told that I would be allowed... read full review »
The "10" and their gang of bullies....
To all of you that harass me:
I have had enough. You people are sick to keep harassing people the way you do. You steal my name, post pretending to be me, make up disgusting things about me and I have had it. You call me a stool pidgeon and accuse me of things I have not done, and that I have multiple usernames that I dont have. I Have not said anything to anyone about anything. I have never tried to get anyone kicked off from here. I will not join My3Cents just to be harassed by you there. I have no reason to want to go there at all. All... read full review »
Honest Replicas
After spending many days looking at the various watches, i ordered one for my wife, It was a week of waiting to get it, but that was not to bad, the problem is, Watch comes wrapped in a ball of styrofoam and taped, open it up, no manual, no instructions, while the pictures on there web site show a beautiful watch, What i received was not even close.Light weight Cheap junk, looks and feels like on of WalMarts $9.00 watches.Never again, and i spent over $100.00 for this junk.
Guess the saying about a fool and his money applies to me this time.
Honest Replica's ---Not this time--- read full review »
KFC - spicy wing
Whilst eating a wicked zinger meal i choked on a feather, contained in a spicy wing, if it wasnt for my colleague grabbing water it may have been a lot worse, but i am here to tell the story.
As a valued customer of KFC i am appalled at this and will no longer be eating there, it is to my surprise that such a huge franchise could allow this sort of thing to slip through the net.
i will be taking my complaint further to insure that this never happens again. read full review »
I was looking at sites were u can purchase clothing and accessories, i added [email protected] and we started talking, I paid for my good it was a total of 106 usd, i paid it through the bank. From that day on he has been on msn or he hasnt contacted me, i tried ringing the number on the phone there was nothing,
Now i am 106 usd short and i have no goods, i am also willing to take legal action becasue it is unethical and a very low act
im am extremely disappointed and hope you people can help me
thank you read full review »
walmart in barstow ca 92311
walmart in barstow ca has a over night shift from 100pm to 630 am and the use of illegal drugs being used and sold by the employees and in fact a issue i have contacyed the walmart ethnics department but nothing has been done not even a single test i submitted a few names to the ethnics department yet those employees are still workin that doesnt sound like they even care about the company policy the drug use in walmart by the overnite shift came home to me because my spouse is on meth or speed and she has freely told me that she has both... read full review »
oN aPRIL 7 OF 2009 MY CREDIT CARD WAS CHARGED FOR 83.18 AND 3.95 FOR A PRODUCT THAT i DID NOTrder and also, never received. I called my credit card company and no help. Yesterday, I received another staement from my bank of america card and again have been charge for 83.18 ahd 3.95 for a prodeuct i never ordered and or received. There was an 800 number listed this time. I tried the number numerous times and was told it wass a non working numbet I will try to get my credit card company to listen to me. Thank you for trying to help. read full review »
jp trades
this was supposed to be our company! we are currently building a website and when i went to the site i saw that someone else owns it - after the fact that we paid for it read full review »
I orderd Bromalite online but cancelled before the trial period was over. I found a charge to my credit card from
I went on an online chat with a customer service rep and was told that I had an active account because when I ordered bromalite from the internet, " I agreed that I would access to lifestyle and for a given period of time, and they send me an email notification that I was enrolled in the program. and thatjust because I cancelled bromalite, it did not automatically cancell lifestyle and... read full review »
Ivory brites teeth whitening system
Would like to have full refund for Ivory Brites. I was only to recieve a trial offer not a full charge from my checking account. read full review »
acaiberry blast
I ordered a 14 day free trail for acai berry blast, on May 13, 2009. I still have not received any thing at all. There should be an e-mail regarding the status of the order, but as of today nothing. May 22, 2009. Another thing, after I ordered is when I received the terms and conditions. Not realizing the free trail started on the day of the order. ????? There was no info. on how to cancel this order. ???? The contract said to contact costumer service with any concerns. HOW? Thank you Mary Ramirez
[email protected]
303-881-5668 read full review »
The Dished were dirty, the Salad Bar was Awful, and the owner Jake Senor was very rude. read full review »
I bought a hypnotherapy session from HypnoBusters called "Attract Love". Initially I was pleased with the results as I quickly had girls starting to approach me. However I found the love of my life, yet girls still keep hassling me for a date. It's hell! read full review »
My husband was operated on for a hernia at St. Peters Hospital on 8/5/08. On 8/6/08, he was in tremendeous pain. After several conversation with Dr. Willox, his surgeon, Dr. Willox told Robert G. Hewitt to go to the emercency room at Saratoga Hospital. After being examined at Saratoga Hospital, the doctor called Dr. Willox and told him that Bob was bleeding internally. Dr. Willox told him to send Bob by ambulance to St. Peters Hospital. We got a bill for the emergency room and for the ambulance trip. We paid this bill after getting the scanned... read full review »
Chicken Taco Salad
Just in the Taco Bell in Graham, order a chicken Taco Salad and Tea Combo
When receiving I saw that serving was little. I had more Taco then salad. The employee saw the expression on my face of disappointment. I asked him was this all of the salad he said yes. The others Taco Bell servings or ok.
This need to be addressed read full review »
Cannot use product due to High-Blood pressure, Would like a refund & $87.13
that was put on my Visa card
Bob May
3313 Autumn Way
Louisville Ky 40218
This is the number they gave on the phone read full review »
safeway stores chicken legs quarter
On may 14-09 i stop in the safeway store before going to work to see what they had on sale, they always have nice sales, an i do all my shopping there.there wasthree packs of cicken legs quarters that had a price on them for .38 .28 .59 cents. i show them to my son, then i started looking for the manager of the meat dept he wasnot there.amanager fom the deli stop to help me. i show her the price and she went over to the meat dept with me and she saw the same prices she help me find the manager or the person thatwas working there.he looked at... read full review »
XM Labs - Acai System
I had signed up for a "free" trail and all i was suppose to pay is for shipping and handling. I have not even received the order and 2 weeks after my original purchase they have now charges almost $140.00 to my credit card. I never gave them the OK for any other charges and never received anything from them in the mail! This is the biggest consumer scam ever and they are taking advantage of their customers. I now have to wait for the transaction to be posted with my credit card company so i can begin disputing the charges! When i tried... read full review »
googletreasure chest
I to fell for the scam. I wish I had have read this site before I ordered. Some one posted the #to call 8772086490 to cancel. They directed me to cancel I needed to call 8669511406. They gave me a cancelation # and told me I would not be charged additional money. I hope this helps. Good luck! read full review »
fantastic sams salon
i went to fantastic sams hair salon in inverness fla on monday may11, for just a hair tri. and to have my hair thinned out, got home and realized the lady that cut my hair had left my hair uneven and in some spots not even layered like she was instructed to do. many occasions she would stop cuttung my hair to talk to the girl working next to her about them going to tallahassee for the weekend. then would return to cut my hair. then she would have to look and see where she left off, then she woud try and go so fast to hurry to finish with me so... read full review »
McDonalds/ Malibongwe Drive
We recieved absolutely pathetic and unacceptable service from McDonalds!!! They are suppose to be a fast food outlet but instead its more like a resturant where they take long to make your food. we waited over 15 minutes for our food and that too our english muffins were burnt! the reason i stopped at Mcdonalds was becuase i was rushing to work and needed to get some breakfast at a FAST FOOD outlet. To put the cherry on the top, the scrambled eggs were tasteless and McDonald's did not have salt in stock!!! read full review »
I too ordered the "free samples" and on the 15th day I see charges of $9.99/$87.99 and $73.99 all for the samples that were sent. They will cancel future shipments but they will not credit these charges and in this day and time who keeps several hundred dollars in their account that is not allocated to bills!!! Needless to say I have extra charges to find money to cover and can't pay my bills. So much for wanting white teeth. read full review »
ez acai berry detox
I agree with the complaints, I will never buy a product with free trial period, I ordered the product, and they count part of the 14 days from the day you order, not the day you receive it!!! It took about 5-7 days to receive, and you need to cancel by the 14 day!!!from ordering.. also the website stated 100% satisfied, but like I told the "manager" on duty, I was not a 100% satisfied, and would gladly return the unused pills, but he stated, we do not accept opened products!!! OK now you tell me how am I to try the product without... read full review »
MRH - res V Pure
I ordered a sample of "res V Pure, " to help with growth of my hair. This company sent me the sample and five days later sent another pkg that I did not open. I immediately gave it back to the postmaster in my town and returned it to sender. This company charged my bank account for $3.68 for the sample and another $ 85.26 without authorization from me. I called them and they said, "too bad." They were not going to refund my money! SOMEONE NEEDS TO ADDRESS THIS PROBLEM BECAUSE THIS IS FRAUD!!! PLEASE HELP ME AND OTHERS WITH THIS... read full review »
Deluxe Cleaners
Over two years, my husband and I have used Deluxe Cleaners, 5638 Saratoga Blvd 120 Corpus Christi, Texas. Recently, I reported that my suit was damaged during the dry cleaning or ironing process, making the suit not wearable. It is obvious the damage occurred there and consistent with their equipment. The 1 1/2 year old suit was cuts noted underarms (similar to razor cuts). I took the suit back to the cleaners and Sonia, the attendant was defensive. Not only did they refuse to accept responsibility, the owner, Nisar Ahmed never called. The... read full review »
Bed sheets
I have been a long time customer of Tj-Max and I have never been so insulted before. This afternoon I decided to purchase a set of sheets (Hotel Collection black label)
The price I paid for the sheets were about $65.00 with tax. Anyway, I get home open it up and throw it in the wash like anyone else would. When I went to put the sheets on my bed I saw that the lable said some other cheap brand. I was very upset and took the set back the same night with the recipt and all the packaging.
The Manager (BEN) was extremly rude. He wa... read full review »
Executive Options / Howard Nestler / Howard Jay
Should you receive a call from anyone from Executive Options / Howard Nestler / Howard Jay or anyone with a slick sales pitch to help you get employed - Watch out! This guy has a slick outfit that is basically a SPAM Machine. He professes to work with 12 clients monthly and he'll assist you with "personal attention", "his fee is a small price to pay given how much time it'll take you find a job", "your future employer will reimburse you", etc. You don't get special attention, the resume service i... read full review »
Net Support Services Inc. / Oxycontin 20MG
i paid for medication and never received anything from them. They sent me a medical questionaire and i filled it out and returned it. Nothing since. No response after numerous attempts to contact them. read full review »
I have been looking for this product everywhere. Finally, I gave in and ordered directly from the manufacturer. First, the ordering process is very confusing and automatically adds on the Hollywood Bumpit even when you say "no." Second, the S&H is almost as much as the product! It is shipped via USPS in a 3.5" x 6" x 1" box, and takes 6 weeks to get from CT to CA -- which would cost MAYBE $2.00 to ship. This company should be ashamed of itself for such BLATANT FRAUD. I'm disgusted by them. OH BY THE read full review »
Debt Settlement America
as an ex employee of this company i have a lot to say about the way employees are treated by the so called directors and so called operations manager the ceo and not to forget mr. big stuff coo greg oconnell who fooled chris kesterson into believing that he has the company's best interest in mind when in reality he is ruining this company. chris doesen' t know nor was he included in the secret meetings that has gone on at gregs house with gary larue, and michelle davis his operations manager who has let it be known that she... read full review »
DJM*LIFSTYLEFIT. 800-9576983
Unauthorized charges - $29.95 - Customer service tried to tell me I had authorized the charges - I informed them I was online at this site right now and I had no intentions of arguing back & forth as stated in previous complaints - They could not even tell me what product trial this was for - Upon which I insisted upon immediate cancellation & refund. They did say charges were for an online program to help someone lose weight & become fit...I did not sign up for this program nor had any clue as to where or what it came from. They provided me with a cancellation number and as a "courtesy" would give me a one time refund of my $29.95! read full review »
Fake ephedra without ephedrine alkaloids
Passing fake ephedra as the real ones from years ago. Those fakes are listed as ephedra extract on their products and lack the active ingredient ephedrine alkaloids that used to be in the classic thermogenic diets that contained ephedra, ma huang or sida cordifolia. read full review »
ivory brite whites
tried free trial and a month later my banking account was overdrawn 200 dollars they charged me for 4 different items i didn't ask for and some membership things read full review »
ScentCrafters now Scent Matchers
I ordered perform on April 4, 2009. They charged my credit card on April 5, 2009. Never received the item until May 12, 2009. The perfume was horrible nothing like the original. Send it back on May 19, 2009. Was told by company they would refuse the package and no refund because it was not within 30 days of purchase. Of course I did not get the item until after the 30 days in which they stated they matched this perfume in the past so why so long. Now they stated that it will be refused because I did not call and get an authorization number. I... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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