CATEGORY: Lifestyle

Dr. Tudorica
dianeburket January 9, 2009
Dr. Tudorica saw me, along with many other doctors, after being admitted to the hospital while in Nashville. Dr. Tudorica did not do anything for me, except take up my time. She was not familiar with my chart, could not answer any questions, did not have the results of my test---and should not be paid for her “services”. Her “hit and run” does not warrant payment. After her needless visit to my bedside, my husband and I decided to leave the hospital. It was obvious that staying in that hospital was nothing but a money... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Central Coast Nutriceuticals/AcauPure
Kathy Steele January 9, 2009
I want my money back NOW. I want my charge card corrected NOW. I NEVER asked for anything beyond this "free" (NOT!!!) product. NOW is a good time to get this taken care of. Did I say NOW??????? Kathy L. Steele 3614 Seelye Dr Augusta, GA 30906 read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
NATURAL ACai berry
DIANA ATWELL January 9, 2009
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Tampa bay Emergency Vets
dave January 9, 2009
Took my dog in for emergency surgery, was told of findings and action taken. Was also told my dog would need 3- 4 days to heal before he could be sent hme without danger. Was forced to take my dog home 3 days early, for non medical reasons:( dog bit his catheter in half, let himself out of cage) Within 24 hours my dog was taken back to TBER, and had the same surgery performed. I have disputed the charges twice, only to be turned down. The first time I was turned down, a third party note from a billing agent, was used as a decision making... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
chris January 9, 2009
Once you use your credit card for their free sample the charges keep coming. A real scam!!! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Sharon in Va. January 9, 2009
Was advertised as a free offer. When you go on the web site to order. The Order blank already has checkmarks on items that cost $10, and $30.00 dollars plus shipping, so when you hit send all the sudden you are responsible for other products. Then you can't return to the screen to delete order. I have ordered many things on line before and never was this the case. I'm concerned because now I too cannot get anyone on the phone to cancel or send back. And most important my CC company called me to tell me about these charges so it sounds like they are aware of problem. They did say they could stop future charges at my request. Good Luck. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
hotsunshine January 9, 2009
I am trying to reach this company through their website, but when I type in the website, I get a complaint page. I tried the phone number, but so far no luck talking to a person.. I will keep trying. I do not want to continue this product and it's auto shipping with a charge every month..I feel like I have been scammed. They say there are no refunds on the monthly shipments, but there seems to be no way to cancel them either, and I do not want to pay almost $90 a month for this product!!! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Timesha Dalcaure January 9, 2009
I ordered these products for free trail, I didnt recieved them together and after recieved the last bottle I was immediately charged twice for $87.13 from my account. Then I've been calling them since 12/30/09 in hopes of recieving a full refund which I sent the product back the same day I found out that they charge my account. I've still yet to recieve my refund and all I get is the runaround about when to expect the refund. I to thought that this was endoursed by Oprah Winphrey since they used her talk show and Dr. Oz as their sales pitch. What can be done about read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Allcare Dental & Dentures
Mark January 9, 2009
I have been a patient at Allcare Dental & Dentures for almost a year. It has been a steady downhill experience. I am quite sure that the people that are fitting you for dentures that you will have to wear for years are not qualified to do it. I have had as many as 20 impressions. My first experience after having my teeth removed was to get a set of temporaries that I was supposed to wear for 6 months until my gums healed. They were enormous and made me look like I had had Botox injections. I called them back and they told me that the... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Herbal essence
Louise Kincaid January 9, 2009
I am furious that the shapoo which i currently use (coconut and hawiian hubiscus for dry and damaged hair) is being changed to new hello hydration which is a different formula. I have used this shampoo for over a year and will now no longer continue to use herbal essence products when they remove my coconut and hawiian hubiscus from the shelfs. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Body Trim
vola January 9, 2009
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Kenneth Maddox January 9, 2009
I have an unwantrd charge on my credit card bill. I wanted to cancel this service, and thought it was but I was still charged. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Kenneth Maddox January 9, 2009
I have an unwanted charge on my bill . I tried to cancel this servicebut I was still charged for it. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
My Trial Berry Formula
Gina January 8, 2009
I tried the Acai Product that was being offered for a one month free but you had to pay $5.95 for shipping. I decided I didn't like the product and called the company to cancel any further shipments. Before I knew another shipment came on 12/7/08 which I did not authorize. I tried to obtain info via their website ( since it was virtuality impossile to get someone on the phone for over two weeks. I submitted a complaint and tried to inquire how to send back the shipment and to get reimbursed. Their website support... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
kalona January 8, 2009
It was my first time ordering a t-shirt for my son on their website, my son is into break dancing and that site sold t-shirts and other product that teenagers where that reflects break dancing. Anyway I sent out a personal check that they cashed out right away, I didn't receive the t-shirt until I started emailing the company and letting them know where is my order and when it finally came in after emailing them at least twice a week for 1 month they finally sent the shirt but...the problem again was that they sent the wrong size. I... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
lvargas January 8, 2009
I am in the same situation! Except, I do have a contact number and an e-mail. I was on vacation when the boots arrived and they were sitting at the post office for over a week. Trying to avoid the boots being shipped back to her, she contacted me several times via e-mail and by phone to pick up the boots at the post office. This is the contact info: Phone 415 992-5366 and e-mail: [email protected]. I have also filed a complaint with PayPal and I suggest you do the same. The agent there told me that if enough people filed a complaint, there... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Centra Coast Nutra ccnnutra
alwaysdvs January 8, 2009
I purchased the "free trial" after carefully reading the disclaimer. It does state that the trial starts on the day you receive your product. I carefully marked my calendar and made the choice to return it before the 14 days was up.. Okay so it was on the 14th day. But in the package it was shipped in it does specifically say that trials can be returned simply by mailing back the unused portion. If not you could keep it and you would be billed the regular monthly amount of $44.90. Well I was billed 3 days after mailing my product back... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
NorCal Golf Guide
mycal January 8, 2009
They offer a 1 year free subscription to Golf Magazine as a bonus for joining the site. Not a free site. Cost $19.95 a year. Member since 10/23/08 and still not received the Golf magazine. My many inquiries go unanswered. False advertising! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Acia Berry Diet & Cleanse free +shipping of 10.96
Anna Gerken January 8, 2009
I paid shipping of 10.96 for the acia berry and cleanse supplements and was sent fraudulent supplements of Power Green Tea and Bromalite instead of the acia berry and cleanse supplement and was charged 4.95 and then another $34.95 for a Dri*WuYi Pixie Tea what ever the heck that is. Unfortunately I didn't see all the complaints regarding Acia Berry prior to ordering. I have made numerous attempts to contact these people with no success. I tried phoning # on line and after holding for 1 hr. was then disconnected. No answer at the panalab... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
acai aslim and bromalite
Carole January 8, 2009
have tried several times to get this cancelled and have left message upon message and yet another order has arrived and my credit card being charged!...I will report these unauthorized charges to my credit card company to complain about these fraud charges!!! This company is a scam and should be avoiced at all Cost! Acai-aslim and Bromalite ARE A FRAUDULANT COMPANY!!! I want my money back and these to stop coming!!! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Dri Acai Slimming Diet
Missi January 8, 2009
The same as everyone else about this. The DRI Acai Slimming Diet free trial. Said all I had to pay was the shipping, $4.95, no further obligation. I ordered it on Dec. 20, 2008 and received the bottle about a week later, I had also ordered the Total Clense that was advertised with it, but never was charged the $5.oo for that and I never received it. Now tonight I check my back acct info and I was billing for $79.95 for the DRI Acai Slimming Diet, and as of yet I have not received anything else in the mail. I did not give them any... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
NordicTrac Treadmill
Teresa January 8, 2009
Purchased a Nordictrac treadmill on Dec. 24, 2008 as an xmas gift. Put it together on Dec 28, 2008. It didn't work. On Dec. 30, 2008 called Icon Health and Fitness (manufacturer of NordicTrac). Customer Support walked me thru several troubleshooting tips -- still didn't work. So they said part will be delivered. Checked email that said part on out of stock -- no delivery date. Called Icon Health and Fitness on Jan 3, Jan 4, Jan 5 and finally on Jan 6, 2009 got a person. Was told part is still on back-order with no idea of when... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Acai Pure - Fraud!
Leslie January 8, 2009
I tried the "trial" program for the Acai Pure. These people have been fraudulently charging my credit card for Acai Pure when I have told them over and over to stop sending it. I did not sign up for the auto ship Lifestyle program. I asked my bank to stop honoring the charges and they wouldn't do it because the merchant has the 3 digit security code from my card. The merchant said they didn't have me as a customer, and then charged my card again. I sent back the product, but had to pay the return postage, and a 15% restock fee. How can this be stopped? read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
ELIZABETH KYBIRD January 8, 2009
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Acaipure Trial
carjones January 8, 2009
I ordered a trial of acaipure for $4.95 and was charged $15.00. Received it fine but then was sent an additional product and charged $44.90. I gon on line to their to request the RMA# you need to return the unwanted product and was told it would take 48 hours to process. I tried calling them but had to wait 29 minutes to get anyone. When I finally did she tried to tell me that by ordering the trial I was agreeing to a memebership. She said it was all over their internet site. Which it wasn't. She also tried to tell me... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
DRI Bromalite , AcaiBerry &
Sue S January 8, 2009
Same issue as everyone else stated on this website. I stupidly believed the ad that showed Oprah and Rachel Ray and decided to order a free trial of Bromalite. Got the free trial and a few days later noticed a charge for $69.95 on my credit card. Called 866-897-0663 and after waiting 20 minutes on hold I spoke to a cust service rep who issued my credit, canceled the order and gave me a conf #. However, be aware that by ordering this free trial - apparently you automatically get signed up for A $29.95 charge showed up for thi... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Google - google kit
cassandra January 8, 2009
I ordered my goole kit 3weeks ago and I still have not recieved my google kit. I am now loosing my stability and bank account because of this. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Fit factory .com
Robyn January 8, 2009
So I order Acai Berry for free...just pay shipping of 3.95. About 1 week later, I am charged 89.31. Yes I am irate, and call the bank, they tell me when I receive the product to send it back with a tracking number. It's been 15 days. Today I checked my statement online, they hadn't sent my money back. In fact, another company fit factory, has charged me another 60.00. Yes both companies got an earful...but I have yet to get a penny back. I will take this up with my bank, who told me what to do...This really sucks. As if anyone has money to burn right now. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Wuyi Pixie Tea/ Panalabs
Jennifer Anderson January 8, 2009
I responded to an offer I found on FAcebook advertising a free trial packaged of WuYi diet tea. I gave the company my visa account number and address (big mistake) to pay for the $4.95 shipping cost. After a short time I was billed 69.87 on my Visa card. Fine enough I missed the small print that said i would be billed monthly if not cancelled. What my problem is What was I canceling beyond the small sample package I received nothing from this company and no explanation wht the $69.87 was for. It is a total scam. Because I had given them my... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Lifestyle Peogram/ACAIPURE
Linda Will January 8, 2009
oProduct still cpming despite cancellation of product, Acaipure. Charges still made to credit card despite cancellation of product, Acaipure. Awaiting your reply, Linda Will [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
FWM Laboratories/Lipaphen/Acai
sissy January 8, 2009
Same as the other complaints: I opted for a trial bottle of Acai only paying for shipping which was $3.99 and after was hit on bank account for $87.13. I wasn't able to contact them all day yesterday. 1-7-09. Today I saw a article in my local paper about the scam so I called the 1-8669490138 number and reached someone named Rei. I asked him what the name of the company actually was and he said FWM Laboratories. Yesterday, I got hang ups and even said that number was not in service. There was another number also that was listed on my bank... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Jimy Reid January 8, 2009
charge my card and I did not even receive the order which was 4.95 and they charge my care 69.95 read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
gilbert adams January 8, 2009
I responded to an order for a free sample of Acaipure but have been billed twice for $44.90 which appears to be a full order of the product. In attemping to return the order I found the communicatiion with them was blocked by huge phone waiting time ie 66 minutes hold this applied to getting the RMA neccessary to return the Product.order #1583880 and other unspecified order. I have filed a dispute with my credit card company Marion and Polk Schools Credit Union. Gilbert Adams 846 Cascade Dr Salem, OR also [email protected] the email address read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Fulfillment Center ATTN: CCNAcai pure
kathleen givens January 8, 2009
I sent for the sample product to try it out. Now they have been sending me a bottle every month and they won't stop. They never leave instructions on how to return something. I want my money back and they can have their Acai back also. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
mjs January 8, 2009
Bill for $14.95 appeared on my Jan. 2009 AT&T phone bill from this FindYour Diet.Com Mthly via United Tel, LLC. Neither my wife nor I had requested such a service or product. When called the operator said it was entered on line on 12-18-08, neither my wife or myself had any knowledge of such an entry. Operator stated it would be cancelled. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
ghd pink hair straightener
theresa kelleher January 8, 2009
I ordered a pink ghd from this website on november the 20 th, it arrived about 3 weeks later unfortunately i did nt plug it in to check it was working instead i just put it away as it was a christmas present for my sister. When i gave it to my sister on christmas she plugged it in and it did nt work the light did nt even come on. All together including posting and packaging the ghd cost me 80 euro. I cant believe i was so stupid to part with my hard earned cash to this fraudalant company. I have emailed them twice since christmas and got no... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Ireland
ACI Berry - SSL Nutrition
Michele January 8, 2009
I have a similar compaint to the one I found on this web site. I orderd my FREE trial bottle of ACI berry. The bottle arrived and I after taking the product for two weeks saw no results. My charge statement arrived and I was billed $5.95 for the shipping of the FREE trial and also charged $88.62 for the product. No where did any infomation provided to me indicate I have 15 days to return or cancel. I traveled to see family over the holiday. I saw on-line my charge card indicated yet ANOTHER charge for 94.57 for the ACI Berry... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Dunkin Donuts - Staff using arm for snots
Tom January 8, 2009
I purcased a Bagel with Cream cheese this morning with a large coffee and the woman who makes the coffee was using her arm and hands to wipe the snots that were dripping from her nose. Obviously she was sick. OMG I was so grossed out I threw out my coffee and food and I will nver go back again. The supervisor was standing right next to her as well. I also think that all the Dunkin Donuts stores on Route 99 in Wethersfield are diluting there coffee. It just doesnt taste the same anymore. This was the D&D across from Mcdonalds. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
hello Ugg
katie January 8, 2009
i recently purcahsed two pair of classic Ugg Boots from Hellougg online. One of the pairs split at the back seam almost immediatley so i contacted them to arrange a return and refund. I was asked to send photos to prove the fault and they admitted that the seam was faulty. After numerous E Mails i was told they would not give me any refund with no explanation. Two of my colleagues also ordered boots which never arrived but they were charged for. Customs and Excise had seized the boots during delivery as they were fake products and should not... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: China
Fullfillment AcaiBerry
Donna January 8, 2009
My son ordered the free trial for me and didn't realise about the clause which is unless you ring the number and cancel you will be charged for another months supply approx$90. I have tried ringing numerous times only to get an answering machine now he has been charged and the only way we can stop this is by ncalling in the fraud department of our bank. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States


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