CATEGORY: Society & Culture
Was told 3 days guaranteed results. Weeks went by, no results. After I paid, she never answers phones, always says message box is full. DO NOT CALL HER AT ALL!! Her phone is turned off! WASTE OF MONEY! Liar and crook. Does not do as she says or her many ads state. Just another low life so called psychic. Her ads are nothing but a lie, false advertising! read full review »
Debates on the public forum of mostly relate to group of people who are extremists or pro-taliban and moderates. Usually, the comments of modrates are deleted or they are blocked to take part in the discussions after some time, without assigning any reason. Those who are extremists or pro-taliban are encouraged to write even if it is abusive or against the COC of the forum. I am member of the with username 'bebus' and blocked without any assigned reason. The moderators of the discussion forum are biased people.
Most probably, pkpolitics is registered in UK read full review »
VM hospital has made it mandatory for all employees to take the flu shot vaccine which now includes the seasonal and H1N1 shots. Mercury is used as a preservative in these vaccines and in the mad rush to get the vaccine out no one seems to know which vials or drug companies are using the most mercury BUT its mandatory for me as a nurse to take what they give me. Mercury is a poison that never leaves the body. NOT t so proud to be an american. read full review »
tara medium
Bohora religious leader
The self proclaimed religeous leader of the Dawoodi Bohora community mercilessly kills innocent animals for his personal pleasure. One would expect religeous leaders to be model citizens and promote peace and harmony in the world. This leader takes pleasure in not only killing animals but in fact hunts endangered animals and to date has hunted Lions, Elephants and other wonderful gods creatures.
He extorts money from his community to pay for these extravagant excesses. Shame on you!! read full review »
This is a copy of an email Tara set to me. The is the third one and once again the date has changed. Read below:
Julia, I hope this urgent and personal e-mail has reached you in time. Read it quickly. YOUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT!
Julia, a few days ago I sent you some e-mails that contained CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR FUTURE.
I sent you another important message very recently, and I still haven’t gotten an answer from you. My guess is that you simply didn’t receive them.
Among other things, I said that YOUR... read full review »
Tara<[email protected]>complaints
PLEASE ADVISE EVERYONE THAT TARA-MEDIUM WHO OFFERS FREE READING IS A FAKE, A FRAUD, THE LOWEST FORM OF SCUM!! People who are desperate for help in times of need will not get it from this disgusting person, her site should be shut down. Please do not give her any of your hard earned money, she will try and scare you into believing there is an evil presence at work, the ONLY EVIL PRESENCE IS TARA-MEDIUM. Trust in yourself and believe we all make our own fate even in hard times. Good luck and best wishes to everyone who... read full review »
electronic cigarette
Well there are now these new things out, electronic cigarette. Good thing, money saving except the first inatal price of $70 but any ways. People can't smoke regualr ciggs inside anymore. Why won't they allow you to smoke the electronic cigarette inside. They don't give off an odor and the smoke is so thin that unless your like inches away from the persons mouth there more than likely not going to inhale it and there is no risk for fire becuase no lighter, no flame = no fire so where in lies the problem? read full review »
men of god server cod 5
i dont think religous organisations or groups should not be allowed to run a server in a war game and then start preaching and trying to convert or indoctrinate people into their belief system (structure) its no different to what alqida or the taliban do, in short i think of it as recruiting and therefore shouldnt be allowed, to preach tolerance and faith in a game of war which is vritual wholesale slaughter simulated is hypocritical, furthermore when challenged about this the server host just bans you it must be stopped i dont want to be saved by christ in the middle of a virtual battlle or at any other time for that matter read full review »
tara -medium
ihad agreed to pay tara £200 by instalments of £33 for 6 mths for personal readings, when i received the first reading i decided not to continue as they didnt appear to be genuine or personal to me and i could not afford to carry on paying this money, i have emailed several times to ask her to stop and to discontinue taking money from my account as she has to do it from her end .i cant get a reply and ihave even put an add on to her latest email and sent it back immediately.but so far no reply.i tried to unsubscribe using her email... read full review »
Sara Garney
She calls herself a massage therapist. Goes to Los Angeles and takes business away from al lot of healers. Hey "Bitch" stay in your
Rich Town of Santa Barbara and your fat ass smelly body sucks.
You think you are a healer look at yourself you are a fake, and a try to product yourself. Guess what honey no one likes you
go back to swiming with the dolphins.
we know where you live
she is a fake and will take your money and give you a rash read full review »
In our society taenants are treated like dogs. society commitee creating problems for tenants like anything. they take money from us by any damn reason. read full review »
Destiny Research/ Maria Duval
I took a survey on the internet and the next thing I know I am getting this letter for some rings. I purchased 6 rings and they were garbage went to place on finger and they broke. Been following her letters and getting little Talismans (something like that) paper and real thin metal or plastic that I am to cut into and send her part of it back with $45.00. This is in every letter something she is sending me for $45.00 and promise's a big win. First it was Sept 7th to the 19th (never happened). Now Oct 2 - 4th 2009 and Nov 7th for a... read full review »
account name >king>>>>> for without any reason closed my account please recheck my account Email [email protected] read full review »
Maria Duval and Destiny Research Center
A friend of mine has been receiving daily mailings from her and she's NEVER signed up for anything with this or any similar company. In fact, she's a very devout Christian who would never buy anything relating to astrology, psychics, New Age, metaphysical, etc. We do not know how "Maria Duval" found her name or address, but for some reason she has been sending daily snail mail letters about Hotels del Mar and mystical talismans. If she was such a good psychic, then how come she didn't know that the person she was mailing... read full review »
Esoworld/Plam Leaf Analysis
This People are real slick .Thy operate by the US mail, They start out by sending you to letter to help you with your problems.It could be anything from telling you they can help you with your destiny by palm reading to getting messages from i dont know where and then this service they, that they grantee, they send a bill<br />
they dont ask for any money at first .It c omes after they do what ever it is they do.After the bill comes and you dont pay it they start threatening to turn you over to a collections and adding more and more... read full review »
Don Boland.Com
this man took peoples money and said he was a healer. He opened up pay pal accounts and charged over 350.00 a week to help people with there issues. He is no more a healer than a Dog is! read full review »
Saahasee ( An NGO)
My name is Anil Sanyal, since more than 5 years I am working as an Activist with and I am working in Saahasee organization since from 21 November 2007 so that I can give my life for humanity, making needy people happy and to care for this earth, My designation is Administration Supervisor, But Saahasee kept me as an Artist.
On 6 April 2009 my organization gave me termination letter, and they gave reason of termination is global crises, but according to me there is not any kind of financial crises in my organization because... read full review » - / Astrological readings
I keep paying for your readings and no response??????????????????
Transaction date August 24 2009 13:25:29 (UTC/GMT)
Merchant URL
Merchant identifier 048296704900016
Order Reference 150306
Order Total Can$ 44.20
Card Number 4540 #### #### ##16 12/10
Authorisation 043927
Transaction certificate b4320b27b05c
Transaction date August 17 2009 14:56:31 (UTC/GMT)
Merchant URL
Merchant identifier 048296704900016
Order Reference 163146
Order Total Can$ 39.00
Card Number... read full review »
mystic9 valerie amber swan
This individual has a long history of internet attacks against individuals and businesses. These attacks continue and new victims have been recently added. The attacks are distinctly not nice. The attacks are aggressive and mean spirited we feel. Save you hard earned dollars and protect yourself from similar risk of what we see as aggressive assult. Avoidance is our recommendation. Marilyn Kwong read full review »
tara medium free readings
tara emailed me for months with promises of good fortune and luck, emails came through thick and fast of how she could change everything for a fee. this fee amount changed considerbly over the months. i ended up paying £20.00 as she told me time and time i was going to win alot of money and infact after she had my money i never heard from her again and have no emails since ive even emailed her and she hasnt even replied. shes a con, using people who are especially vunrable for there money do not use her read full review »
This company person, goes by numerous names and websites. When you call they tell you to call back later, over and over. When you do, they hang up on you over and over. They talk about scams on their craigslist ads?
Take their phone number 281-914-2967 and do a search on Craigslist. You will find she goes by other names, Jean, Alexa, Sahara, Gwendolyn, Alexandria and each name has its own website too! read full review »
the hindu
i wanted to vent my anger from the past many days i have blogged did many things.i observed and observed but i came to the conclusion that in india all religions ironically that includes from the hindus to look upon hinduism as a pagan sect and as a demon cult who takes pleasure in opressing the minorities.I want everyone to know BUDDIES WE R THE OPRESSED LOT...historically we got killed by the muslims persecuted by the british and even now we face the ire of all d so called secularists...i dnt support violence in the name of any... read full review »
we talking About human abuse here in texas
PLEASE FIGHT MEN WHY NOT? read full review »
Alexander Wheaten
This is a total Scam artist
they promise you double your money back if their spells don't work and nothing works
he makes you do sick rituals and then ignore you calls when they dont work.
Do NOT use this service, he is doing a highly illegal business read full review »
some men angery not put on my head cover since they Hurt me
the God and want s save me they angery not puting the cover up
and talk about me every where ig so look like they goina takover
the law in texas. read full review »
dr amanda stone (tiffany williams)
dr amanda stone a.k.a. Tiffany Amanda Williams. she is fake! i use to mak payments and as soon as she got close to the balance that i owed her. she took down her site and changed her number..
shes a fake reader and tries to trick people. she lies alot much and barely even answers her phone.
(510) 691-5099 (changed her number) read full review »
Psychic Service
Needs to be a nicer person... read full review »
Large Screen Projector
China Manufacturer of DLP display, video wall, DLP video wall, digital video wall, DLP large screen, video wall displays, DLP digital display cube and video wall display cube.Large Screen Displays Projector screens for business, education, government or home theater use.Leading Manufacturer of DLP Display and DLP Large Screens in China. read full review »
family integrity program
These are the most INCOMPETENT PEOPLE in the state!!! They can't spell; they falsify documents and records; lie in court and assist their CONTRACTED SERVICE PROVIDERS fraud thousands of dollars from federal programs for WORTHLESS SERVICES!! They slander people, kidnap children, hold them for ranson (CASE PLANS WORTH MILLIONS IN FEDERAL FUNDING!!!) Induce (coerce desperate parents to surrender their constitutional rights using a DOCUMENT MARKED BY ASTERISKS that you are about to GIVE UP YOUR RIGHTS/LIBERTY if you sigtn the document. They... read full review »
[email protected]
i asked tara for a free reading she sent one but i couldnt open it, sent her 2 emails to let her know and i still havent heard from her
kind regards
christina carey read full review »
Chinese young people's views about tv shows---sex and the City at cheap dvds Sellers
HBO Show Is Popular Among Young Chinese. In particular, they find a website named which selling the most popular, and the hottest dvds with the lowest price, and all is for free shipping.
The TV show "Sex and the City" has never appeared on the air in China. Yet it's pretty well-known among China's college students and young professionals, thanks to the website
They believe "Sex and the... read full review »
Paul Riley
Dear Sir/Madam, in defence of DrDePrince, The Voodoo Master, this gentleman is not a rip off as these very few people claim.There are some who are clearly jelous of this nice gentleman.DrDePrince is a very nice good man, his knowledge is amazing.I regularly go to this gentleman and everything he does and says does work.He helps thousnds of real people all the time solve their real problems.This gentleman works miracles for everyone, since i have approached this Great Man, my life has become so much better in so many ways from doing the... read full review »
"Tara" <[email protected]>
please be warned, ithink this psychic medium tara who gives out free readings, before asking for money, could well be trouble and upset the potential customer, please do not take up this pffer, it will cost you!!!
That’s why I did a FREE precise analysis of your situation.
Despite the late hour, I am writing you THIS URGENT E-MAIL which really demands your close attention.
A few minutes ago I... read full review »
Heavenly Bliss Wedding Chapel
I booked wedding online, I waited for limo over45 minutes driver arrived in bad mood his name i believe was John when i finally arrived at chapel I had to wait another hour . The photographer was very funny but stupid and phoney blond hair i found offensive . The Pastor Levita Phillips preformed ceremony and made us feel uncomfortable she then insisted that we tip photographer, when we bookedwedding we were toldeverything was included over 250 for wedding then we had to give photographer 40 and limo driver another 50 he made us feel very... read full review »
pyshcic readings
I paid with my credit card to have a psyhcic one called me...I am livid do I get my money back ?, you peope have upset me beyond belief..I am going through a very hard time in my life and stupidly turned to you for advice and what I got was to feel like more of an idiot than what I was already going through...thanks alot...when I get through this crisis I will direct all of my energy at shutting you down for your bogus service read full review »
amazing psychic hope
she is a liar and scam she keep promise and asking for more money with no result first i contact her for the reading. she said am have a lot of negativity surround me that bring me bad luck in every thing and she can help me cleanse that for one time fees of $100.00.. and i will see result and change after 4 hours when she start the work but i wait for 1 day pass by nothing change i contact her back she said my case is very hard need more time and she need me to send her $350.00 to put down for the crystal and will refund back to me... read full review »
she almost got me, I found the website of complaints after I gave my credit card info. Thankfully I was able to stop the transaction. jenna I am not angry with you so much as I am disappointed, some people I suppose were born into the world to cheat, lie, and steal. I am on maternity leave right now, how low can you go, and of course on a limited income. may god forgive you as I have and my thoughts are with those that you have already scammed. shame on you Jenna!!! read full review »
Cathedral City Police Department
“Document B”
It appears that my still pending August 19, 2008, complaints (Incident#1 & Incident#2) against the Cathedral City Police Department (CCPD) have failed to accomplish the intended objective which should have put an immediate STOP to the unprovoked and deliberate attacks of harassment against me. Now harassment Incident#3 has occurred even though CCPD’s Investigator Lieutenant Laura Hanlon is in the midst of an official inquiry into my previous harassment... read full review »
Speed Dating Event
I'd like to report the discriminatory and unprofessional treatment of patrons from Melbourne Speed Date (also known by the name of Australia Speed Date), a group that arranges speed dating events for singles across Australia.
I'm absolutely sure that 3 of my dates would end up as matches as I could see from their facial expressions and body language that they were so interested. However, the day after I received a very unprofessional and discriminatory e-mail from this company saying "Shock me! You had no... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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