LOCATION: United Kingdom

BMW motor promotion annual lottery award
BMW MOTORS PROMO December 8, 2008
I am sharmila Theyagarajan residing at chennai I want to know that is all the award being held ? because I got a mail from your end that I am the winner of the B.M.W Motors Promo Annual Lottery Award included batch no & ticket no batch no AT-040sb06-03 and ticket no-.2752246896 on 07dec2008 But the "Elite Courier Company World Wide" asked me to pay the delivery charge which it not possible to deposit due to my financial problem.I requested them to keep the charge from my winning amount... It is the whole scenario which... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
National E-Lottery
Beki December 8, 2008
I received a email saying i had won £950, 000 in an online lottery where by they selected my email address at random from a website i had visited recently. I replied to the email saying i had got it and when they wrote back it looked genuine, im ashamed to say that i did reply an give some personal details such as name date of birth and address. i didnt send any bank details or anything like that. I looked up the name Barrister Henry Preston and it came up that it was a scam. I was stupid to get sucked into it but i am now worried that they may use my details and i dont know what to do. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Teeth Whitening
veronica gomez December 8, 2008
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
uttamkaria December 8, 2008
i have received one message that told that my mobile won 200, 000 gbp in shell it'l mobile draw is it true????? or fraud???? message told me to mail 0n [email protected] but nobody reply me. read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
GP support.net
Tony December 8, 2008
This company has been charging my credit card 34.95 USD for four months! I want this money re-funded immediately. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Video Equipment
Dave Webster December 8, 2008
On 13 Nov 2008 I had goods delivered and paided the COD of £80.30. On 1st Dec 2008 I had a letter delivered requesting payment of the same money due to non-payment, I call Bab Burrows who sent the letter and explained the situation she requested evidence which I sent including the receit and signiture of the driver taking the money. Today I have recieved an invoice for the same amount, I have called various numbers on the invoice and while typing this email have been on the phone for over 1/2 hrs without success - it seems UPS have NO... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
ilse December 8, 2008
i keep getting a charge on my bank statement every month for this weight loss thing that i didnt authorize or want. and ive called to cancel it but i keep getting charged anyway. when i call the phone number 18663630187 i am being put on hold for hours costing me even more !! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Navin Kathade December 8, 2008
AMMY RECRUITMENT AGENCY LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM Tel/Fax: +447031936080 It is of utmost importance to inform you that after the screening and scrutiny of your Curriculum Vitae with other verification procedures carried out, EMIRATE AIRLINE COMPANY (E.A.L) were able to resolve the status of your application. ON this note, we hereby congratulate you on the success of your application and as such we have attached to you the Offer Letter/Terms of Agreement that transcends any written document. You are therefore required... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
sote12 December 8, 2008
I ordered it on a whim. When I recieved it I couldn't believe the small amount of tabs that were in the bottle. How on earth could this be a serious trial. Anyway I decided to cancel any future orders and tried to ring the number that they supplied 877-350-8480. I'm afraid the only person who answered the phone was a very frustrated and angry lady on a private number. The poor woman has been bombarded by numerous calls from people such as my self. Coincidentally she doesn't live too far from me ! I have cancelled my card... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Lottery Scam
Maxine December 7, 2008
I opened this mail today and not sure what are who to contact about it.. How do these people get hold of what should be secure information? Regards Maxine x BRITISH NATIONAL LOTTERY HEADQUARTERS: 28 TAN FIELD ROAD, CROYDON, LONDON. CUSTOMER SERVICE Ref: UK/940X2/68 Dear Selected Winner, This is to inform you that you have been selected for a cash Prize of £753, 437.00 in cash from the British National Lottery New Year Bonanza Draw held on the 7TH DECEMBER, 2008 in United Kingdom. We have... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
YAHOO/MSN LOTTERY INCLIVE <[email protected]>
hemanshu vyas December 7, 2008
DEAR SIR FOLLOWING MAIL TRUE OR FALS PLZ, REPLY IN MY MAIL ADDRESS [email protected] HEMANSHU VYAS Dear Winner, This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of seven hundred and fifty thousand Great Britain Pound Sterlings(£750, 000.00) for the month of NOVEMBER 2008 Lottery promotion which is organized by YAHOO/MSN LOTTERY INCLIVE.We congratulate you for being one of the five person selected You are to contact the events manager for claims These are your identification numbers: Batch... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
national lottery uk
flordeliza555 December 6, 2008
purple courier services is asking me 600 pounds delivery fee of fake cheque alleged to be my 600, 000 pounds winnings bank draft. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Hyde Fiat Stoneacre
peter alvarez December 5, 2008
I had planned to buy myself a car on my birthday and in the morning I phoned a few dealers to see if they had the model that I was after. I phoned the Stoneacre Fiat branch in Hyde and told them that I was looking for a 3door black Fiat 07 Grande Punto. They told me that they had a few cars that fitted my exact criteria and that they would fall in the price band of £4995 quoted in the Manchester Evening News (local paper). I decided to withdraw £5000 from my account and get a lift from my Mum to Hyde so that I could buy the... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United Kingdom
Trade Weeks
tradeweeks December 5, 2008
FACT: Timeshare is a product that is SOLD. What is meant by this? Generally speaking Timeshare is not a product that you wake up one day and decide to buy or a product that you see advertised on TV and think “that’s great, I am going to go out today and buy one”. It is, and has been for some time, a product that is sold to you in a direct sale environment on a “One on One” basis. The Timeshare salesman needs to know about you personally, your holiday habits, your wants and aspirations; this is an... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Ubisoft FARCRY 2
p.k.tomenson December 5, 2008
I ordered and paid for FARCRY 2 When you first advertised it more than eighteen months ago .Asyou are aware the game release kept changing until at last I received it a few weeks ago.Now I have received a bill for 24.99 which I am sure I paid quite some time ago.My visa No.is 4508 2343 9041 5069.The reference is 7491677MROVZN1F20.With regards Pat. read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
wellness research
December 5, 2008
applied for free sample and was charged over £13 plus £1 overseas charge. I have no t received the Acai tablets which I ordfered over a month ago. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
December 5, 2008
Hi to all, I've received the following scam letter claiming that i've won alot of money ! Pls read thru and beware. If u receive These kind of letter, do not give your info to them ! remember, if it involve so much money, don't you think Nokia will advertise all over the media ? at least they'll get in more sales in order to give out so much money? and also, how can you earn money by giving out so much money without a purpose or return profit ? if Nokia give out so much money, they'll go bankrupt very soon. dont you... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United Kingdom
Golden Balls
December 5, 2008
i entered a competition with the ITV series golden balls and unfortunately the competition was void so i went onto teh website and claimed back my 2 SMS messages but i have never received the money back for them. i have to say that i will report this further if it is not rectified as i had faith that they wouldnt rip their customers or viewers off. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
yahoo/Msn Lottery incoorporation
December 5, 2008
I have recieve a mail from yahoo, that i have won a lottery of two hundred thousand pound Great Britain Sterlings.But he demanding for parcel charge of amount $400 pound, I m confused, if we will send a money, then are this is sure that we will find our prize, if it will fraud then what we do.SO i want to suggest me what is true. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
December 4, 2008
There was a 76.27 charge on my debit card for PC TOOLS and I had never heard of them. I called them and Element 5. The charge has not went thru yet and they said they couldn't stop it and since I canceled my card they couldn't give me a refund but I could have one of their products.We got a real weird email from eeb@msn and it directed us to a site in England or Ireland. I wonder if it was a worm that went into the computer and got our card number.It did mail itself out to everyone on our mailing list.I used Defender Pro to get rid of it. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
English Bulldogs
December 4, 2008
I've had at least 5 people in 2 days try and scam me. The last one was great though. They wanted a loving home for there puppy patrick. Its a scam! They even sent pictures of a nice looking couple with and english bulldog puppy! People are cruel. Mostly they are from Cameroon one was in Florida another in West Africa! Go to your own country and scam people! Jerks!!! There are people out there who just want to give animals loving homes and these people are frauds. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United Kingdom
lottery department microsoft
December 4, 2008
hi i want to know whether my receivede mail from lottery department is true or fake? this a copy of my mail below: From :microsoft lottery Subject: Congratulations: You have just won X550, 000.00m: Microsoft Lottery <[email protected]> Promoter: Microsoft 16th October 2008 Draw #1029# 20 Howard Barking London, 7UA11G To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary agent: Mr. Richard Hudson (Oversea Subscribers Agent) Email: [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Motor Race Tickets
December 4, 2008
I bought 2 tickets to the Italia, Monza Grand Prix and they never arrived. I found out later that the money I thought I had paid for the tickets was in fact drawn out of a bank in Europe somewhere o there was never any chance of getting the so called tickets. This company is a complete sham, don't trust them. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
December 4, 2008
Sir, Please let me know whether the offer received from the company is genuine or fake. Thanks Shekar Note : pl find copy of mail for your reference and needful. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DACO RECRUITMENT AGENCY LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM Tel/Fax: +447031936080 ATTN: S B SHEKAR, It is of utmost importance to inform you that after the screening and scrutiny of your Curriculum Vitae with other verification procedures carried out... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
December 4, 2008
i was charged 25.10 pounds for something i know nothing about please refund asap read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Coronotation Street
December 4, 2008
This programme continues to glamourise binge drinking. Steve & Becky played drinking games whilst working in the pub. Diedre Barlows mother drank all day and then many characters during the wedding reception, and the bride and Leanne before the wedding. I understand the use of alcohol to further the storyline during the wedding reception, but the use of alcohol by Steve and Becky demonstrated they could not have a good time unless they got drunk. This programme continually sends out the wrong message about binge drinking. Lining up glasse... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
balmoral hotel
December 3, 2008
hellow sir/mam my name is nisar and recently i had got an employment letter from the balmoral hotel scotland and am very happy about this but at the same time i have no faith on it because it might be fraud also soo i sending you the mail sent by them to me...kindly go through it and pleas show me a right path to built up my carrier . awaiting for ur reply Dear NISAR AHMED, The Balmoral Hotel Employment Offer (Soft Copies) Congratulations! As per the online processing and examinations of your past qualifications and... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
Bromalite product
December 3, 2008
I just realised I have been charged twice for buying nothing. I was charged initially for the product £7.18 and on the same day, £20.28 was taken out and again today £48.42 was taken out from my account without authorisation. People should be careful before ordering anything from this company as it seems they can set up direct debit to be taken out money from any account. read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United Kingdom
Espon Stylus SX 205 aio
December 3, 2008
I bought one of your products which was supposed to come with a free ink cartridge, which it did not . I then made a complaint to Currys where I bought it from, on the 15/11/08 in the Hammersmith branch to the Manager. I was then told that I would recieve a replacement in the next four days. I still have not recieved this product. I have purchased alot of Espon products, I am a disatisfied and I want you to respond to my complaint and resovle this problem or I will be taking this further. I look forward to hearing fro you. read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
drum tobacco
December 3, 2008
i have smoked your product for years and spent alot of money on your products at least ten 50 gram packs a month. and i am contemplaiting changing to another tobacco as your tobacco has for to many strands in it but the reason i am complaining is because i found a pubic hair in my newly opened pouch and i was disgusted. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
December 3, 2008
he has demonding monay but some monthe(11) after one courier company frod with me please help I am 55 thousend and agen demonding 5000 pounds first oll of he is demondin 33 thousend but he is demond agen to agen so help sundeep ----- Original Message ---- From: Elitexpress Courierservice <[email protected]> To: SUNDEEP Kaushik <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2008 10:50:45 PM Subject: Re: Immediate response ELITEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE ... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
December 2, 2008
WINNING NOTIFICATION: CONGRATULATION FROM THE MICROSOFT NETWORK EMAIL SELLECTION END OF THE YAER EMAIL AWARDTuesday, December 2, 2008 10:30 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "Mrs. Bryan McDonald" <[email protected]>Add sender to Contacts To: undisclosed-recipients Microsoft Award Team Microsoft London (Cardinal Place ) 100 Victoria Street London SW1E 5JL . Tel: +44703 1834654. MICROSOFT WINNING NOTIFICATION 2008. We wish to congratulate you once again on this note, for... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Samsung - LCD TV
December 2, 2008
Noticed a defect on the inside of the frame surrounding the lcd tv, after numerous phonecalls an engineer from VISUAL FX turns up, no use, after 2 more visits the engineer comes back, leave a shoddy loan set covered in duct tape...takes the TV set away in a thin cotton sack, leans it against a car in the road while he unlocks his van!! Try to get a straight answer from Samsung - no chance! no idea when TV's coming back, who's paying for it, NOTHING! The repair company contracted out by them are worse! Who know's when the TV will ever be coming back! read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United Kingdom
air wick
December 2, 2008
I find it astounding that an add with a cartoon caricature messing with Christmas tree lights while they are switched on for to sell air wick product can be shown on tv. There was very little thought involved when producing this cartoon, for at this time of year there is always a report of some poor sole struck down dead on the spot through messing with lights that are live. Only two years ago in my local area a young chap of twenty putting up the Chrismas tree and then the lights found they diden`t light up and he left it plugged in while... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
December 2, 2008
On checking my bank statement I saw a withdrawal by onspeed.com for £24.99 which I did not authorise.In 2007 Iused and payed for one of their products and payed by Debit card however it was nt what I expected and removed after a short time. I have had no contact with them since and do no have or use any of their products.it would look like they have just renewed the payment without checking with me.They have not answered any of my emails read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
Granit Ltd
December 2, 2008
We rented our property out to this company while we were in the USA. After the first payment, no further payments were made and the tenants stole from the house and trashed the place, breaking windows, doors, furniture and leaving cigarette burns throughout the house. Somebody checked the property regularly and on occasion found upto 15 people staying in the house but no damage had been done. We can only presume that the damage was done one night and then they disappeared, breaking the contract and leaving the property empty. We have tried... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
December 2, 2008
I ordered a D&G bag from the website and understood, from the FAQ section and also once i clicked into the actual bag i was going to order that the goods were 100% authentic. I have received the goods and they are 100% fake, a terrible rip off and nothing like the bag i ordered. Worse though is the fact money is taken from your account and there is no way to contact the company and your credit card company will do nothingto assist. Nightmare... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Microsoft Promotions Manage International Promotions/Prize Award Department
December 1, 2008
Email notification from the desk of the microsoft Promotions Manager International Promotions/Prize Award Department, 90 Long Acre, Covent Garden, London, WC2E 9RZ United Kingdom. The emails asked me to respond to Mr. Paul Winters, Promotion Manager +44-703-180 1683 or fax +44-870 495 7136 and [email protected]. A web site was also given http://dsl.web.de/?ac=OM.AD.Ad008k13805B7069a. Please let me know if any additional informaton is needed read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Sky Satelite Tv Company
December 1, 2008
sKY have been paid direct by my LLoyds Bank Debit card the full outstanding amount of 51pounds and 35p which was the oiutstanding balance due after I closed my account on 15th August 2008. This was taken from my account on 07November 2008. As I am now residing in the USA for the next 2 years this is very disturbing that Sky can still badger me even after I have cleared and closed my account in August. I think this is an absolute disgrace that the company cannot check their records BEFORE sending letters refering my good name to a debt collection agency. Yours sincerely Janet Duddy (Mrs) read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
Nokia E-mail Promotion Board UK
December 1, 2008
NOKIA END OF YEAR PROMOTION BOARD. UK OFFICE. Ref no:NPUK/74-Npl0109872008. WINNING NOTIFICATION We wish to inform you that the results of the Nokia E-mail ID lottery international program by Great Britain held on the of 21th November 2008.You have been picked as a winner of a lump sum pay out of £250, 000 Pound Sterlings (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pound Sterlings) . You are to contact our claims agent for validation: Mr Mark Cole Email: [email protected] Telephone: CALL NOW... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom


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