LOCATION: United Kingdom

90 Days Payday Loans
andypeterson2 February 18, 2011
90 Days Payday Loans providing same day loans, instant cash loans and cash loans today at very competitive interest rates. Apply online without any hassle. For more information visit at http://www.90dayspaydayloans.co.uk read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
FREE Credit Check
Albert Uwadiae February 18, 2011
I saw an advert on the internet for free credit check, I was asked to put in my debit card details to check my eligibility for free credit check but since then they have been collecting £15 from my account monthly and i don't know how to stop it as there was no direct debit set up read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Khaled Rahman = Credit card fraud scam thief rippoff son of bitch from UK
puretimewatch February 18, 2011
Khaled Rahman = Credit card fraud scam thief rippoff son of bitch from UK Name: Khaled Rahman Add: 29 Cromwell Road City: Winchester Country: United Kingdom Post Code: SO22 4AG Phone: 07901555777 E-mail: [email protected] regards read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
youngs fish
jim mulligan February 17, 2011
youngs dont land fish in britan advert very misleading taking all fish sorting over seas read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Sony nex 5 camera
Tina Bailey February 17, 2011
ordered a sony nex 5 digital camera paid on googleby debit card. next day informed during packaging silver coloured camera found to be damaged and none in stock. asked for similar camera in black told not in stock asked for a refund as could not deliver my request told this was ok but I would be ALLOCATED to a representative at accounts dept and would hear within one working day. One week later had not been contacted sent a further email asking for a refund return email said I would be contacted in one working day by a representative at... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
rewards first
hmorris May 12, 2011
I have been trying for sometime now to claim money removed from my account by rewards first. I admit that I did fill in one of their forms after clicking on a link for £10 back when purchasing train tickets in sept 2010, but after doing so, there was no onscreen confirmation that the application had been successful - it merely shut down. I had assumed that it didn't work, but was content to wait to see if I would receive the stated "welcome email" containing my password which it states I would need when writing to them to... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
not-a-fasthost-fan February 16, 2011
BEWARE - read the small print - Fasthosts lure you into their ‘web’ with nice web hosting prices - LOOK very carefully - they say next year it will cost you double - it will, and they automaticallty charge you whether or not you want renewing unless you inform them - it’s in their terms. Do a net search, you’ll find many people are unhappy with Fasthosts. Their vulture like techiques at getting you to renew autromatically will be their failing. Don’t just tick the terms box - READ IT, otherwise it will... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
Anti -Aging Store
Yvonne Fairfull February 16, 2011
Saw advert through facebook; top lines said trial offer of Pure Collagen Serum only £2.97. I am very cautious usually but thought would give it a try. Received item, not that impressed; bottle coloured white so you can not see what is in it. Invoice received with details showed no price so bells started ringing, however, was not until credit card statement came in that it should the £2.97 charge on the 17th of the month and them on the 31st of the month another £96.35. I phoned the suppliers to be told that was the terms and... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
dolan champa mukhopadhyay February 17, 2011
Dear Sir What the steps are taken by concerned authority. Same Fake mail are repeatedly coming. As Follows: FROM: THE DESK OF THE E-MAIL PROMOTIONS MANAGER INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONS/PRIZE AWARD DEPARTMENT, MSN CORPORATION WORLD LOTTERY UNITED KINGDOM PO BOX 1010 LIVERPOOL L70 1NL UNITED KINGDOM The Yahoo/Msn Lottery Incorporation PO Box 1010, Liverpool L70 1NL, United Kingdom. ==================================== Ref: XYL /26510460037/05 Batch: 24/00319/IPD Congratulations!! We are please to inform you... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Solid Oak Warehouse - bespoke furniture
Mrs P February 17, 2011
We must say first that the furniture is really nice. We ordered bespoke furniture of nest of tables and two cupboards, the same style but different sizes, back in Novenber 2009.We were advised that delivery would be after Christmas and given a date of January 2010, they arrived in February. We knew before they arrived that they had the wrong colour handles fitted, as an e-mail was sent stating the wrong colour.As these didn't look how we wanted them and there were scratches on the glass also, I asked them to be changed/repaired. Solid... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United Kingdom
The Best Connection
ruulis February 15, 2011
The Best Connection company Lost ID card. Posted in the end of august (7 mounths ago) to ''Home Office'' ID card and 90 poud cash, thay can't proof about posting, they can't display traking number. I stuck in UK, I can't leave this country, can't go back home, I have to make new one. The Best Connection don't want refund 90 pound, and money which I will spend to make a passport. They all the time lieing. Someone must seriously investigate. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Bosch Hammer Drill
m.wright February 16, 2011
I bought a Bosch Hammer drill from Argos on 19th November 2010 and used it once, the handle on the side of the drill came off. I put it back on as instructed by the bosch instructions that came with the drill and when i used the Hammer drill, the handle went forward and jammed onto the chuck at the top of the drill, this force the drill to twist round and badly twised my arm tearing ligaments and the muscle in my arm, i have been to see a doctor and he has confirmed this and said i was lucky if the drill had gone at a slightly different angle... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United Kingdom
Debit Card Payday Loans
steveroger81 February 16, 2011
The dire financial situations need quick and easy solutions like no debit card loans that make you access money without any documentation or credit check procedures. The loans are issued against your salary not requiring any assets. Only thing required is a net connection to avail the online application form and give the asked information. The amount is transferred into your account within 24 hrs of approval of form that can be utilized for a number of purposes such as car repair, medical bill payment etc. For more information visit at http://www.nodebitcardloans.org.uk read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
internet protection February 15, 2011
I'm not sure if you’re the correct people to contact as I've tried to sort this out one's before and got nowhere. I have two internet protection somehow I have been charged twice and both are running at the same time. Ok I have a few problems going on in my life e.g. I’m recovering from a bad accident going through a divorce and caring for a disable son so I made have made a mistake or the info received when I paid may have confused me out the time with the load I already have on my plate but please help me in working out how I need to get a refund for this double up. Regards Brett Slater [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
Richmond International Inc
Abdul MAHAMED February 15, 2011
I am complaining about this company as it does not reply to my mails nor do I find it's existence on-line. I t appears they mis-sold me shares in different categories for about five thousand pounds and now I cannot locate any of the shares in the market, please would someone be able to locate them and refund my monies for which I would be very grateful read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United Kingdom
UggStore.com. AU
kidzabout01 February 15, 2011
We bought a pair of Uggs from Uggstore.com.au, they arrived quickly, and were put away ready for Christmas Day. The Boots cost £170.00. Little over 6weeks after Christmas, the boots seam on the inside of the left boot (by the toe) completley cam away from the sole. We emailed Uggstore.com.au to look for a replacement, naturally. We were told: "Thank you for the photos. The boots do look damaged and very worn. Sheepskin is a natural product, which is much softer than synthetic material. This makes the boots much more... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
JEL February 15, 2011
According to a Mr. Dave Landan (Tel: 072 988 2455 ) & Mr. William Becks (Tel: 0044 702 409 2178) from PFI in UK I have won R1, 500, 000.00 ZAR. I must pay R7, 300.00ZAR to receive "CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES" in order for Barclays Bank PLC to transfer the winnings to my South African account. A Mr. Lawrence Stone from Barclays Bank PLC phoned (Tel: 044 703 74 7812 with e-mail address: [email protected]) and said that he will forward me the documentations, and I have to complete it and I must pay the "TRANSFER COSTS"... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
rstep04 February 15, 2011
I bought some so what i thought were cheap Ugg Boots thought they were obviously going to be good quality i have worn these boots three times as the uk has had pretty bad weather but for £100 you expect them to last anyway i have tried to contact this company to no avail this company also trades as WWW.UNFORGETTABLEYOU and this is what will be on your statement i have done some further investigation and the company also trades under around 5 more names all i want is a exchange it is, nt too much to ask but i am getting nowhere read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Skye International Bank
Respected Sir, In compliance to directives of complaintsboard I approached [email protected], They confirmed my winnings and advised to contact to [email protected], Upon contacting them they advised to open Bank A/c with 480 GBP for transfer of my winnings. The original email ID of the Bank [email protected] notified that the above email sent by skyebank to open A/c is a scam. Now who should I trust/rely upon to procced further? Please guide me urgently. Yours faithfully, ABDUL QADEER JAVAID KHAN [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
bid tv Elitech steam generator
Irene Drew February 14, 2011
Having purcahased an Elitech steam generatorfor myself I was so impressed with it Idecided to purchase 1 for my sister. I did this one line and according to Bid TVs customer service page I could change the delivery address, I did this by phone. Having recieved an email from the tv channel informing me that my order had been dispatched, I called the customer service line again to check the delivery addresss which was my sisters address, great I thought but the next day the goods arrived on my front door step. I contacted there customer service... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United Kingdom
Russel Hobbs Washer
Sue Copeland February 14, 2011
Ordered the above washer on 06th January 2011 for delivery on Thursday 20th Jan 2011. On Wednesday 19th January when I got home at 19.30 hr I had a message on my answerphone saying the item had arrived damaged and the order had been cancelled. Which was a shame as the old washer (Leaking but still working) was picked upon Tuesday 18th January - so effectively I had no washer. Phoned told by foriegn gentleman that MY washer was damaged - pointed out that it could not be the only washer in the country and asked them to send me another one - I... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
Yahoo messenger: geteurojob
Peter963 February 14, 2011
Great agency who care about putting you in the best job. Yahoo messenger: geteurojob- really honest, helpful and friendly consultants who are always contactable by messenger. Got a your dream job with them. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Heathley Park Leicester
Firthy February 13, 2011
We wait for sunday lunch. When given a table noticed that the table was not wiped down very well and the cutlery was not much better. One relative wiped the forks, knives with a tissue and the blokes went to order the drinks. On return to the table we asked for the table to be cleaned. Someone come straight away to wipe the table with a cloth when they left I wiped to table dry with a tissue and that tissue I still have and the dirt that is there is not exceptable for a restuartant table were people are eating. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
talk taxi birmingham
susan roper February 13, 2011
I took a taxi at 17.15 from the N.E.C in birmingham on sun 6th feb to city centre, the driver charged us 38pounds, we checked and discovered the fare should be 15-17 pounds. We have a talk talk receipt signed by the driver with his phone number, it is M Faza, 07974-008989. please help. I can send you photocopies. We also got a taxi next day from our hotel in shirley to N. E. C.We were charged 17 pounds for a fare which we believed to be 10. We were not dropped at front of centre and had to walk a long distance. this company was T.o.a taxis . many thanks . Susan Roper. smhttp://www.youtube.com/[email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
Hewlett-Packard & Microsoft
Sujith1986 February 13, 2011
I got a mail from hp Online Draw <[email protected]> reply-tohp Online Draw <[email protected]> that I won a prize of a big amount and I need to submit my details. After looking this site, I found that the same user has been sending the sam set of frauds to more and more people. I attached here with the proof documents. read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United Kingdom
Yahoo msn Microsoft windows company
RBI complaint for Ymsn Microsoft Windows February 13, 2011
I receiced a prize in Yahoo msn Microsoft Windows Company on 12th February 2010, which becomes a scan and FBI made an enquiry and in the enquiry it confirms about my winning the prize but till date I have not received the prize in my account. Recently I received mail from United Nations Inter-Agency Standing Committee and from their Zonal Office Mumbai that they made an enquiry and my funds are with the funds transfer department and will be transferred online to my nominated bank account. You are requested please confirm that is there any... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United Kingdom
Eye Care Opticians
Tanock February 10, 2011
Poor standard of Service. Not RECOMMENDED. Highly unprofessional opticians. The website is also gives inaccurate information. The current owners are using Lewis Jacobs name, he does not work at this practice and has no involvment. Avoid Eye care of Ilford opticians. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
desertsdad February 10, 2011
I was given advise by a financial adviser. He was not authorised to give advice, which in the UK is classed as fraud. The regulator is supposed to regulate this, but refuses to do so. I have lost about £40, 000 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
No Debit card Loans
steveroger81 February 10, 2011
No debit card loans offers Debit Card Payday Loans which gives you instant money solution for your superfluous charge. Credit check is not must while you are applying for Debit Card Payday Loans. Apply now. For more information visit at http://www.nodebitcardloans.org.uk read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Camerabox camera lens
MNR B February 10, 2011
I orderd a efs canon 70-200mm lens about 6 months ago . they didnt have stock, so i said no problem order the lens. After n month went buy phoned them to here wats going on . only to find out they never orderd the lens . so i asked them when the lens would be here . they told me only after the 12 of november. then i told the guy i need the lens before that . and then he told me it was not possible. so told him to cansel it and refund my money. he said no problem. and im still waiting for my money 6 months later. they dont even answear my... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
uk ugg australia.com
mazipan1 February 10, 2011
paid www.uk ugg australia.com money for boot's paid amount on 30/11/2010 for my wife for christmas still waiting visa masterpay have promised payment back after 48hrs but nothing now their excuse is chinese spring festival is on and i have to wait 48hrs for seller to get in touch no one has got in touch people beware of WWW.UGG AUSTRALIA.COM website as it's sent via china and i think it's a con so be extremely careful of buying from this site you've been WARNED. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
DJJerry February 11, 2011
They accept my creditcard with I paid money (euro's) for playing bingo. After a few days I want to withdraw 100 euro. but... that can NOT back to credit card (!?!?!?!) and con NOT by cheque because a cheque can NOT be in euro's (!?!?!?!?!?) I'm complaining about that since 2nd of December. Nothing happened. Now my account is stopped by them. I can not make any connection. I was reading the rules and don't understand why they can not pay me back at creditcard. Or by cheque in euro's and when it is NOT possible in... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
Dragonet Oil company
maable February 28, 2011
i'v got an appointment letter from the dragonet oil company. I just want to confirm just that this company actually exists or its a fake.. coz on net i did'nt find its any good evidence and i'm an indian citizen and for visa i'v to give 25000 rs. so looking for a reply .. please help me coz i dont want to be get into any mess read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
High Credit score and rewardfirst.co.uk
Naeem Amjad February 11, 2011
I have just realised thatHighcreditscore. co and Rewardsnow. co. uk have both been taking £19. 95 and £ 14.95 a month out of my bank acc since Februray 2011 while they did not send me any details or credit report even they cannot give me the member login details I am a unemployed and money is tight how can I GET THIS MONEY BACK. because they have taken my money without any information without any support I am really worried about this can you help me please... as a proof i can give my bank statement plz plz help me out to refund my payment or stop this automatic deduction from my account read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
mathew1984 February 11, 2011
IITT ACCREDITATION!!! DO NOT INVOLVE WITH THIS SCAM!! THEY FORCE COMPANIES TO GET ACCREDITED BY MISSELLING OVER PHONE. UK Based IT Training Companies need to get accredited by approved accreditation body in order to provide particular Training Courses. There are lots of Accreditation body and depending on the Training Courses, Training Company need accreditation. Basically Most of the IT Training Company go for CISCO, MICROSOFT, ORACLE, COMPTIA, OFQUAL, ASIC, BAC etc. Each of these accredation body have unique set of standards in order to... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
theroy test
mohammed yafai February 11, 2011
he went for his theroy test on the 11 of febuary at half 9 and when i booked it on line i told the theroy test center that he does not read any english and now he went to take his test the head phone were not working and they said that they cant do any thing about it he wants a full refund because he never took his test can you help me please read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United Kingdom
rency joji February 12, 2011
We got a message in the mobile no.:9447680079 saying that, this mobile no. has won in yahoo/msn context held in UK on 09/02/2011. The message also says that, to receive prize amount of Rs.250000, should contact Dr.Mark Jude. email :[email protected] message came in the above mobile no. :9447680079 from a :BZ--YMSN TEAM read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
phones4u hounslow
MR R ABDUL February 13, 2011
i had purchased nokia c7 from phones4u on 17/01/2011. the real cost of the contract is 25/ month but they charged 40.85/month to me .and also inform me that am having unlimited landline .so i have used international calling card but when the bill cames its totally charged for my calling card .when i talked with phones4u they are not accepting there mistakes also my friend took the same c7 nokia for 25/month with the same scheme .so am very unhappy with this contract and the staffs of phones4u (hounslow branch).please refer me what can i do for the next step .its a burden for me to pay for the huge bill . read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
game on
avie dow February 13, 2011
i was sent a link on my chat which i clicked on then told it was for a £4.50 subscription weekly & if i didnt fill in a survey i would be banned from facebook, now everytime i go on my computer it is asking me to fill out the survey or i will be banned for 80mins then need to do it again or i will be banned from the site altogether, i filled out the survey and had to give my mobile no to which they sent me loads of messages one after the other before i could reply stop, i sent them a message telling them i was going to get in touch with... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
ghupshup connection
sam2015 February 10, 2011
I took a connection on 28th December 2010 .The sales person to whom i spoke told me monthly line rental would be £10/month instead of £15/month and service would be excellent.After having a connection 5-6 later, the connection error comes they took 3-4 days to sort that out.After the service runs for maximum 5 days then again they have technical problems in their system.Every time we call to complaints department they kwwp saying as soon as possible.On 28th January they took £15 instead of £10/month but they are... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom


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